Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty-Chapter 251 - Overwhelming Emotions

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When Zhu Chen and He Susu were leaving earlier, suddenly He Susu decided to tell Xu Mey that the extra blanket was in the cupboard as a precaution for if Ye Jie felt cold at night. But when they were about to enter the room, Xu Mey's voice was heard from inside, "Ah-Jie, have you seen how much they care about you? Imagine this will get to ten-folds if they got to know that you're their son." Both husband and wife were stunned at the spot with that statement.

Both had complicated feelings in their hearts as they further stayed to eavesdrop. He Susu clutched her chest when Ye Jie said that he had their blood in his veins. She didn't know what she was feeling. She just knew that she wanted to run to her son and embrace him in her arms. Her heart didn't doubt for a second that he was not her son!

Ye Jie got off the bed and kept staring at Zhu Chen and He Susu and his mind went blank. He couldn't think of anything. He couldn't even bring himself to say anything. What was he supposed to say? He wasn't even sure about how much they heard.

"Dr. Chen..." Ye Jie tried to say but his voice wavered at the sight of tears swimming in Zhu Chen's brown eyes.

Xu Mey saw the staring competition between them and decided to voice out her question, "How much did you guys hear?"

"All of it..." Zhu Chen replied to her question and Xu Mey thought to stealthily leave them alone to talk. She had no use of staying since they had heard everything. There was no way around it. It was better to leave them alone to talk.

When she left, Zhu Chen and He Susu slowly and carefully came closer to Ye Jie who was as still as a log. He could have gotten the award for being the best log if that kind of award ever existed. But one couldn't possibly blame him.

The feelings and emotions that he could see in their eyes were making him feel apprehensive. He Susu lifted her trembling hand to touch Ye Jie's face. "Are... Are you really my son?" Her voice choked as the tears kept trickling down her face.

Ye Jie felt uneasy seeing those tears in her eyes. Since he was tongue-tied, he chose to nod his head. Seeing him agreeing with her statement, He Susu burst out crying as she pulled him in her arms.

"Look, Chen! I told you that he looks like you. I told you he gives me a feeling of being mine." He Susu kept mumbling and her words made Ye Jie cry along with her.

"Why did you hide it from us?" Zhu Chen asked as his face was also stained with tears. He had known it from the night he heard Azalea calling him as 'bro'. But hearing from Ye Jie's own mouth that he was their son, made a whole lot of difference. He suddenly felt being reborn.

"I... I was scared." Ye Jie answered his question as he bit the bottom lip.

"Why?" He Susu asked anxiously.

"I thought you guys might not want me... I was afraid of rejection. Also, I thought you won't believe me." Zhu Chen knocked him on his head before pulling him for a tight hug.

"Have you lost your mind? I thought you're a smart man." Zhu Chen spoke in a hoarse voice. "How could we reject our own son? As for believing you, how can you even assume that without trying? Do we look that dense to you?" Zhu Chen was reprimanding him but Ye Jie felt like smiling. It was the first time someone's tone had such care and love for him. "From the day we saw you, we had been wishing for you to be our son. Even if we didn't have a blood relation. Su and I would still choose to have a son like you."

Ye Jie couldn't help but cry even more at his words. Saying that they would have accepted him even without any blood connection meant a huge deal.

"Can you..." He Susu hesitated before asking, "Can you say it once? I want to hear you say it."

Ye Jie was about to ask, 'What?' when Zhu Chen answered his question, "Su wants you to make the speech that you did with Xiao Mey earlier."

Ye Jie wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said, "Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Zhu! My name's Jie and it seems that I'm your son. Now, how did that happen is out of my knowledge."

"You're our son!" He Susu stated softly.

"I'm your son." Ye Jie followed, making He Susu smile widely with tears still running down her face.

Ye Jie wiped her tears and didn't know what else to say. He Susu held his hand in her own and kept rubbing it as if feeling the touch. She lifted their joined hands and rubbed the back of his hand against her own cheek feeling overwhelmed all over again. She planted a soft kiss on the back of his hands.

She was in a dilemma whether she was supposed to be happy that she found her son after 30 years or sad that she never got the chance to hold him in her arms. She considered herself to be the most unfortunate mother, who couldn't even touch her son's small hands or teach him how to walk or talk. She did nothing!

And she couldn't even attend her own son's wedding. She didn't spend any time with him. She was a stranger to him. Just like he was to her. She didn't even know what her son liked eating. With tears of these regrets and a smile of happiness, she kept holding his hand as her other hand kept caressing his cheek.

Zhu Chen kept staring at his son who grew up without him teaching his own son how to drink or play chess. He held He Susu's shaking shoulders to give his warmth to make her stop crying. But he was in a conflict, he couldn't stop crying himself how could he ask a mother to stop crying? Especially that mother who didn't speak for 2 years when she was told that her son was born dead.