Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty-Chapter 265 - Distressing Son

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Meanwhile back at the hospital, Wu Wang tried to get up to find his cellphone but his body wasn't helping much. "Who told you to move?" Yang Ziyi spoke sternly as she walked up to him and placed her index on the space between his brows to push him back. "What do you want?" She asked.

"My cellphone." Wu Wang answered and she looked for his phone. She picked his phone and gave it to him. "Thanks." Wu Wang said to her and dialed his mother's number. "Hi, mom!"

"Where the hell have you been? Do you love scaring your mother?" Fan Bingbing was fuming at the other side and Wu Wang could feel her anxiousness even when she was scolding him. "Why am I so unlucky when it comes to children? Especially you! When I say to marry someone, you run away. When I say, live in the family house, you run away. What's up with you and running away? Tell me, what did you get yourself into this time?"

He smiled gently as he kept listening to her voice while Yang Ziyi's eyes got stuck on the charming smile on his pale face. She even forgot about why she came to the room in the first place.

"Are you done, mamá?" The tone of his voice changed and Yang Ziyi felt touched by the way he spoke. "I didn't want to worry you. And if you'll keep scolding me, how will I tell you about where I am and how I am?"

"Huh! Do you take your mother to be an idiot?" Fan Bingbing scoffed. "I already figured that something must have happened to you otherwise, He Jian wouldn't lie to me so easily."

Wu Wang chuckled lightly and said, "Aiyoh! As Li Qiao says, you really are a lie detector. But if you knew that I'm not okay, why did you let their lie pass so easily?"

"I have faith in them. They can take better care of you. Now, tell mamá are you? And how are you?" Fan Bingbing always tried to disregard Wu Wang's careless behavior but it didn't mean she never cared about him. He was her only son, how could she possibly be not worried about him? Especially when he always found new ways to give her stress.

"Mamá, I'm still in the hospital but I'm fine now. Don't try to run here to me otherwise I'll run away from here and you won't see me." Wu Wang warned her knowing very well that his mother would already be on her way and he was right, Fan Bingbing had just opened the door of the car when his words stopped her.

She slammed the door shut and grumbled, "Fine!"

"That's like my best mamá. Now, go back to the room and rest for the night. Come to see me in the morning and bring some food." Fan Bingbing chuckled softly and agreed to his request. Wu Wang hung up the phone but the smile was still lingering on his lips.

"Awww! You're such a mamá's boy." Yang Ziyi's comment earned her a deadly glare from Wu Wang making her instantly shut her mouth and focus on changing his IV drip. Although it was the job of the nurse, she took it upon herself.

Wu Wang's mind again wandered off to his discussion with Ming Qu and he felt a strange feeling crawling up in his heart. It was painful than the headache he had. He didn't want to think about Zhou Qi or anything related to her at the moment. He used to feel hollow after she left but now that he knew the reason why she left, he felt despair and moreover, inferior for some reason.

His gaze wandered off to Yang Ziyi who was seriously doing her job. He sighed and decided to distract his mind by using the crazy girl before him.

"What are you doing here?" Wu Wang asked looking at her curiously.

Yang Ziyi frowned and answered uncertainly, "Changing the IV drip."

"You're still the dumbest person I've ever met in my life." Wu Wang's statement made her scowl but he didn't care as he went on, "I meant what are you doing in the country? In this city? And more specifically, what are you doing in this hospital?"

"Oh..." Realization dawned on her. "I was going to come back to the country eventually but as for being here in Star City Hospital, I came here for Dr. Lin Shen." Wu Wang wasn't very surprised to hear the last part. "It was my dream to work with him. I mean he is one of the youngest chief surgeons in our country."

"Lose the fangirl expression, Sun Ju will murder you," Wu Wang adviced her nicely.

"Sun Ju?"

"She's your Dr. Lin Shen's fiance and soon to be wife." Yang Ziyi's face fell but he didn't stop there. "There wedding is in precisely 28 days now. I'll invite you for sure."

"You just broke my heart. Why are you so brutal?" She dramatically placed her hand over her heart. "What rotten luck I have?" She gave a heart-rending expression making Wu Wang roll his eyes at her.

"Who gave you the doctor's degree? You should try in the entertainment industry. Trust me, you can even leave Song Yuling behind." Wu Wang was being sarcastic with a stern look.

"What a pity that nobody took notice of my talent before." She even added the effect of wiping an invisible tear. "I would have been the top actress of the nation by now." She lamented.

Wu Wang shook his head at her feeling light-hearted because of her weird actions. "If you want you can still become the nation's goddess. Just get some plastic surgery to fix your ugly face and I'll ask Li Qiao to sign you under his company."

Yang Ziyi gave him a dirty look saying, "I already have the features of a goddess."

"Yeah, right!" He scoffed.

She ignored his reaction and smiled brightly looking at him. "I should think about becoming an actor seriously. Anyways, on a serious note, take some rest. It's not good to strain your vocals so soon. I'll see you in the morning, Mr. Patient!"

"Sure, Ms. Doctor!" Wu Wang reciprocated her way of speaking and watched her figure leaving his room. "I can't believe she still hasn't changed. Dumb girl!" He spoke to himself and shook his head lightly before closing his eyes.

She really helped in taking his mind off of unimportant stuff and he was thankful for that.