MTL - 2013-Chapter 60 Light brain (with Mid-Autumn Festival outside)

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Chapter 60 Light Brain (with Mid-Autumn Festival inside)


Bai Xiaodong's voice: "One husband is at the gate ... Wan Fu Mo is not open ... the ancient sages are lonely ..."

Zhuo Yuhang: "What are you going to do! Feed Brother Bai! Don't be impulsive!"

Bai Xiaodong: "The one who stopped me ... dead !!! Hey!"

Number of people:"……"

Zhuo Yuhang: "He ... Just ... Twenty gunmen were leveled empty-handed! What happened? Xiaodong is so powerful ?!"

Liu Ye's head was full of black lines: "I know, you can just let him strike."

At the end of the pit rift, there was a door firmly inlaid on the wall. Lai Jie: "It should be here." After he went to press the door, his upper body was attached to the steel door, and he suddenly noticed something.

"There is a voice, it's hot inside," said Lai Jie.

Liu Ye stepped forward and installed a mechanical sensor on the door to detect the current and mechanical circuit inside the door.

"It's a factory inside," Liu Yan said.

With a bomb mounted, Mengyun murmured, and the door was blasted with a twisted breach, barely able to squeeze them in.

Inside the door is an extremely vast underground factory. The machinery sounds loud and loud, and a conveyor belt of nearly 100 meters transports the ore obliquely down from the height to the platform.

As soon as the sledgehammer was up and down, the ore hammer on the anvil was powdered and poured into a large stainless steel slope.

The ore on the **** turned into small particles, rolled down the 20-meter-high ramp at an accelerated rate, and was divided into several batches after being screened by the grid. It was entered into three large five-meter electric furnaces and was dipped in sulfuric acid.

The last small conveyor belt came out of the electric furnace, and the crucible contained shining gold particles.

"You have to find the console first!" It's too noisy here, Liu Xun stepped down the iron ladder: "The laboratory should be at the very end of the factory!"

Lai Jie said: "Meng Yun ..."

As soon as Liu Yan stopped, he suddenly turned his head, and Lai Jie's body drew an arc in the air and flew straight out.

"Bang" a gunshot, Lai Jie was in the air, his shoulder was penetrated by a bloodline!

Was attacked! Immediately after returning to Shen Chao, Liu Xie lay down on the side, and pulled the rope on the iron ladder to Lai Jie.

Meng Yan shouted, "Be careful ..."

A word was not finished. The Mongolian machine gun had not yet pulled the trigger, and there were three muffled sounds, followed by another shot, and it was silent.

Suddenly Liu Yan felt his anger tore his own chest, and his **** nature was excited instantly, and he yelled angrily and rushed up.

The man's face had a brown-black curly hair, his skin was pale and grey, and his cheeks were thin.

Andre? Liu Ye was startled.

Andre! !!

At the moment of the electric light flint, Liu Ye saw Andre, but Andre raised his hand, and it was a shot on the face!

Liu Xun was wearing bullet-proof vests, but was hit by bullets in this short distance, which still caused him tremendous impulse and pain.

Liu Ye was kicked to the ground with a kick, struggling to fall, and Andre aimed at his head with a pistol.

In the same second, Lai Jie swung the rope with one hand, slamming his arms against Andrei, and flew his pistol out of the air. At that moment, he missed his shot, and the bullet deviated from Liu Yan's head. Hit his left hand!

Liu Ye yelled in pain, and fell to the ground again, Lai Jie shouted, "Liu Ye! Run!"

Liu Yan dragged his injured arm and ran backwards. Meng Yan also wore bulletproof vests, struggling to hold back the cough, and quietly observed Andre's every move.

"Andrew--!" Andre's voice was hoarse and crazy.

There was a roar of Lai Jie behind him, Liu Ye's mind was blank for a moment, then he began to think at high speed. Who is Andrew? He instantly understood that they were twin brothers!

Liu Xun turned around and crawled to pick up the gun. Lai Jie was kicked off the platform again, slammed on the conveyor belt, and twitched in pain.

Andrei walked slowly towards Liu Ye, and Liu Ye looked up and saw that he was up.

He turned slightly behind Andrei, bowing and reaching for the machine gun that had been thrown in the distance.

Liu Ye fired.

The first shot of the bang penetrated a bullet hole in Andre's forehead. Andre's footsteps just stopped, and then continued.

The machinery roared around, the orange-yellow light of the smelt slammed with a burning breath, Liu Ye was sweating all over, his blood was dripping from his arm, and the noise of the sledgehammer shook the entire factory.

Liu Ye fired again, and Andre opened a deep hole in the bridge of his nose, faintly seeing the brain flowing out, hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"It's you," Andre said, "You killed Andrew ..."

Liu Ye coldly said, "Do you know?"

Andrei: "Before my brother ... I must be you ..."

It was said that sooner or later, Meng Yue fished an arm-gun machine gun, Liu Ye turned and flew, and the bullet whistled. Andre was carried to the ground by the impulse of the bullet, and his chest was shot thinly.

Meng Xun rushed towards him with a shot, Andre flew and rolled, and his hand soared and increased, grasping Liu Xie's head and blocking himself.

The machine gun sound stopped immediately.

There was a weird smile on Andre's face. His left hand was three times larger, his arms were as thick as buckets, his skin was cracked, his red muscles were bleeding, his fingers were sharp like aliens, and Liu Yan's head was firmly locked. .

"What monster are you?" Meng Yan said coldly.

Andre's flesh squirmed like mud, and dozens of tentacles were found in the chest that was smashed by bullets, strangling Liu Ying's throat, Liu Ying shivering slightly, his eyes motioned towards the lower right of the corridor.

Montana threw a cannon and Shen said, "Let him go."

Andre stared at Meng Yun's eyes. At that moment, his expression seemed to be a little shaken. Hatred was revealed in his eyes, as if with a little rejoicing. In the next second, Meng Yun drew a knife and drank! With a slash, he nearly cut Andre into two halves, but at the same time Andre stretched out a tentacle in his abdomen, and drew a fierce blow on the arm of Meng.

Meng Xuan's arm burst with bleeding flowers, Liu Xuan fell again, and Meng Xuan shouted, "Run!"

Liu Xun got out of sleep, rushing back without turning his head, rolled down the stairs, and shouted, "Lai Jie! Lai Jie!"

Lai Jie rolled over on the conveyor belt with difficulty. He fell from the ten-meter-high corridor and was almost unconscious. He reluctantly fell and fell back. Liu Ye's roar faintly passed through nearly two hundred miles. Lai Jie suddenly saw the ore hammer that was falling face to face, his mind was clear and he turned and rolled away.

Liu Ye shouted anxiously, running as he shouted, but He Laijie was too far away from himself, Liu Ye looked up, turned and stumbled, and rushed to another iron staircase.

Lai Jie dodged in the smashing hammer, and on the other side, Meng Yun had caught monster Andre and fell down severely.

At that moment, Lai Jie turned over abruptly, avoiding the last ore-milling hammer that weighed more than a thousand pounds, but slipped under his feet, stepped on the crushed ore and fell into the steel channel, all the way down.

Lai Jie fell and turned round and round, reaching out to hold the sieve grid several times. The dense mesh was too small, and more ore powder and grains rolled down on the way and fell into the electric furnace all the way.

At the end is a spiral, dazzling red light resistance wire, boiling sulfuric acid slowly bubbling underneath.

Lai Jie couldn't help struggling, kicking and kicking with both feet, and then stuck his hand in the conveyor belt.

Liu Ye crawled towards the control room, but Andre swooped from behind, grabbing Liu Ye's head with one hand!

Andre chased Liu Ye, but Meng Ye caught up with Andre first. Liu Ye almost felt that Andre's fingers caught his scalp, but Meng Ye yelled and greeted Ande at the moment of sternness. After the collar, throw him aside! Then he drew his sword and nailed Andre to the conveyor belt!

Meng Xuan pulled away and leapt. He pointed his barrel towards Andrei in the air and pulled the trigger. Andrei suddenly drew a tentacle in his chest, and his arrows shot toward Mengyin like a gun!

Meng Xun was in the air, and immediately realized the danger. He drew away his tentacles and pulled his bulletproof vest and his vest sideways. The machine gun flew out, and Meng Xuan slammed on the ground with his back. A whip mark was seen on the bone, and a spit of blood suddenly appeared!

Andre slowly got up with a weird smile, pressing the military dagger under his neck and pressing it slightly.

Unable to cough up the blood, the tip of the tentacles broke apart and caught his ankle instead, lifting him upside down.

Liu Ye climbed up to the console and pulled down the crossbar.

With a buzz, the factory shook violently and all lights went out.

When the light was turned off, the gun rang, and Lai Jie fired two hundred meters away.

The tentacle mucus burst into the sky, was broken by a shot, and Meng fell to the ground, turning around and rumbling in the darkness. Lai Jie crawled out of the steel pipe with scars.

With another buzz, the factory power was turned on, and the surroundings were restored to light. The conveyor belt brought Andre's broken body into the rolling room. Liu Ye opened four mining hammers in tandem, making a loud noise, flare inside, and sprayed the four walls of the processing box. , The blood oozed out of the cracks and dripped to the ground.

Liu Ye turned on another button, and the conveyor moved again, bringing a pile of rotten meat and crushed Andre bones into the electric furnace.

At the end of all the facilities, Liu Yan fell exhausted beside the console and took a long breath.

Meng Yun coughed a few times, covered her wound, and crawled into the console.

Liu Ye turned and showed him for examination. Lai Jie was bleeding from his shoulders, dragged his backpack down, and pulled out a bandage.

The fighting was fierce, and I almost forgot that the shot was wounded. Now when I stopped, I felt heartbreaking.

"Let me see." Liu Yan took alcohol and examined Mongolian wounds on his back and hands: "Is it infected?"

Meng Yun: "Don't be afraid ... there are two more lives."

Liu Yan: "I don't know if the vaccine will work for this virus."

Lai Jie: "Looking at the color of the wound, if you don't turn purple-black, you can resist the infection ... I see, you're fine."

"How about you?" Liu Yan said: "How many lives do you have?"

Lai Jie waved, "I didn't touch it. Come, help me dig out the bullet."

Meng Yan took Lai Jie's bullets, wrapped the bandages, and finally bandaged Liu Ye.

There was no bullet on Liu Ye's arm, and his upper arm was penetrated by a shot. Meng Ye fastened him with a bandage and hugged him to kiss him left and right. Kiss his eyebrows, cheeks, bridge of nose.

"Okay," Lai Jie said, "it's not out of danger yet."

Both Liu Ye and Meng Yue laughed, and rubbed each other's noses gently. After a while, Meng Yue stood up with Liu Ye back, walked through the gold factory, and reached the deepest door.

There is a circular groove on the door. Liu Ye fixed the mechanical device and turned on the temperature sensing mode.

"There are no people in it, and there are no living things." Liu Yan said.

Lai Jie frowned: "Biologists are not there?"

Liu Ye shook his head blankly: "This lab is not big."

Meng Yun said: "It will not be electronically controlled, I don't want to be shot by the robot as soon as I enter."

"It shows no mechanical defense facilities," Liu said.

Lai Jie said, "Call Brother Zhuo, call Brother Zhuo."

Zhuo Yuhang's voice: "Received."

Lai Jie: "We have arrived at the biochemical laboratory, but there is no one in it. You ask He Qihui to ask if there are Americans among the survivors."

Liu Min took out the launcher he had previously obtained in the safe in Andrew's bedroom and groaned for a moment before he said, "Now?"

Lai Jie calmed for a while and then said, "Try it, don't care."

Liu Ye embedded the round iron box device in the center of the door, and turned the button to locate the word "On".

The gate rumbling loudly, slowly opening, and it was dark inside.

The door opened halfway, and Liu Ye took off the round device as a key, and Lai Jie headed in to illuminate the cold light tube.

Meng Yun glanced once with an infrared lens. There was no sign of life. He fixed three blue light-emitting devices in the corner. The laboratory lightened up. In the center of the circular laboratory, there was a core computer-type device. There are five or six chairs.

Other than that, there is nothing quite different from the biochemical chamber of the petri dish compared to what they had imagined before.

It's like a small conference room. There are no biochemical materials at all, not even a cabinet and a table.

Lai Jie searched around wearing infrared lenses: "Nothing? Strange, human?"

Meng Yan: "Most of them were moved away, and they had to look elsewhere."

"Look here." Liu Ye found a small console in a remote corner with a large hollow glass tube on the table.

On the side was a suitcase with a silver Greek letter: β.

Meng Yan pressed the lens to switch the scanning mode. There were two injections in the box, which was locked with a combination code.

"Bring this box back." Lai Jie said: "There may be information in it, run for nothing ... the most important thing is gone."

"No." Liu Yan walked to the core computer desk in the center of the laboratory and found a groove exactly the same as the outside door: "The most important thing ... it should be here."

"This thing can't be removed." Meng Yan said: "It's connected to the ground ... Do you think there is important information in it? How much information can a small computer hold?"

Lai Jie said: "Pry the ground up and try, maybe there is a large computer group buried underground."

Liu Yan shook his head and said, "There is no computer group. This is not a computer. I guarantee you have never seen it ... I have only ever heard of it in a book before."

He submerged his head to inspect the groove, fixed the round box in his hand, and pressed the switch on the console.

A circle of lights lit around the round box.

Liu Yidao: "If I guessed correctly, this is most likely a light brain."

The indigo light beam emitted from the center of the round box is intertwined with each other, forming a virtual image of a child.

"Operating language, Chinese." Liu Yan said.

"Hello." The little boy's voice sounded in the laboratory: "The intelligent light brain U-103 is at your service. My name is‘ Prophet ’.”

Meng Yun and Lai Jie both have incredible expressions.

"What is light brain?" Lai Jie said, "Is there such a thing?"

Prophet: "The light brain is an advanced computer that is more advanced than a computer. It is an information processing mode analyzer that uses light technology to perform point-to-point transmission. The speed of photons is 60 to 100 times that of electrons in a cable. Light is the speed of the universe The fastest material, the light is staggered with each other, unaffected, the processor body is actively small, the operation speed is increased, and the data can be processed more and faster. "

"Dr. Hau solved the problem of controllable and coherent data processing in 1996. The era of Moore's Law ended. Computer engineers created the world's first optical brain. Computers will be gradually eliminated. The emergence of optical brain will lead humans to a new era. Information Age, answer is complete. "

(Pan Wai · Yin Qingren is missing)

There is sadness and joy in each month, and there is a lack of yin and qing, and this is an ancient and difficult matter. I hope that people will last for a long time.

Sophomore summer vacation, August.

Beach, beach volleyball.

The whistle sounded, and the ball flew over. Liu Ye and Meng Yun were in a team. Meng Yun drifted on his left foot, and raised a flying sand to save the ball!

The audience applauded madly, kicking the ball high with a kick, Liu Ye ran a few quick steps, leaping like a trapeze man, dunked in front of the net, and the opponent rushed forward to block the ball with his forehead.

Liu Xun Leng was hit by the tall man, and immediately fell over. The tall man lost the ball and got a fire, and gave him another kick in the air.

Liu Xun was hit on the beach, and when Meng Xing got up, he saw the kick of that tall man, and his face turned blue, and he rushed up without saying a word, no matter whether Liu Xun fell to the ground and stepped forward to grab the high One is a punch!

"Wow--" The onlookers all fry the pan.

"What are you doing!" The squad leader immediately shouted, "Don't fight!"

The students came up to drag people. The tall people were not the students in their school. They were just a group of young people playing on the beach. They just met Liu Ye ’s people in their class to camp. The two sides agreed to play one game. Many people did not see the kick, and Liu Ye blocked his sight, and Meng Xie stepped forward and acted like malicious provocation.

The taller teammate stepped forward and was thrown on the beach by Meng Yun's backhand. Someone came to hold Meng Yun immediately. The tall man was punched head-on, tears soared, and Meng Yun kicked back again. Stuck on his lower abdomen, the man suddenly fell to the ground and could not climb for a long time.

Several people in the other party scolded swear words, Liu Yan covered his nose, his nose was full of nosebleeds, took Meng's shoulders, covered his nose with one hand, and the other was a tall man who climbed up with one finger.

Meng Yan shouted: "Fuck, playing can't make you overcast, come on! Come on!"

The tall man got up and realized that the students were crowded. He wanted to come over and say a few words, but Liu Ye gave him a punch immediately.

Then the whole beach was fried, the patrol officer came and took away four people and the squad leader.

"He hit me first." Liu Yi said: "My mother is a doctor, and then let my mother write me a certificate of injury."

That's pretty powerful-everyone thought.

The tall man said, "I was not careful, do you need to be so careful ?!"

Montana angered: "Are you not careful ?! Hitting his nosebleeds is not a stump, it's not careful!"

The policeman shouted, "Be quiet!"

The policeman twisted his hand and pressed him back to his chair.

Liu Ye started using his cell phone: "Mom, I was beaten, I was kicked on my waist, I can't sit straight now, I want to come back for an injury, are you on duty?"

The taller man turned blue instantly, and the police did not find it easy to mess with the students. In addition, the taller man also admitted to kicking him with his feet. Although Liu Xie and Meng Xie started, they became the victim.

"Forget it, the young guys bumped into each other." The police only said, "I think you're fine, right?"

Liu Ye said: "You promise that you won't bother to trouble, I will not care about you."

The policeman said, "You apologize to him, that's all it takes."

The tall man was afraid that the follow-up troubles would be endless and there was no energy left. He immediately said, "Sorry, brother, I didn't mean it."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Liu Xunben was just afraid that Meng Xun would move first. Then the taller man would come to Meng Xun and trouble himself. The other party agreed, and he would no longer be entangled.

The students dispersed, and beach volleyball didn't have to be played.

Liu Xun and Meng Xuan came out of the police station. Meng Xun was still barefoot, with a look of indignation.

"Let me see." Meng Yan opened Liu Ye's hand.

Paper was stuck in Liu Ye's nose, and the nosebleed came out after tearing it off. Meng Ye took him to the faucet, took off his vest and soaked in cold water, signaled Liu Ye to lift his chin.

Sitting on a bench by the beach in the setting sun, Liu Yan stood and bowed, wiping the blood under his nose.

Liu Ye said: "You just shouldn't do it."

Mengmeng said, "Don't hold back. Forget it. Fortunately, you are clever, or you will have trouble if you come out."

Liu Ye touched under his nose, the blood stopped for a while, and Meng Ye's naked half was covered with sweat. He intently wiped Liu Yan's face, and stared at his lips, then looked at his eyes after a while.

The two looked at each other.

Liu Ye didn't say anything. They were close together, and before they returned to God, their lips were stuck up.

Liu Xun's heart beat suddenly, and his mind was blank. He raised his hand with trembling, and did not unconsciously push away Monk's neck, but could not help but hold Monk's neck.

Liu Xun's hand touched Meng Xuan's neck. Meng Xun turned back to his mind instantly, put the soaked vest in Liu Xuan's hand, and turned to escape.

Liu Ye was stunned for a moment. Sitting on a bench, his head was in a mess. Meng Yue tripped behind the flower bed, and Liu Ye laughed out loud.

Confused, he picked up beach slippers, put them on, and ran away.

Liu Yan licked his lips, and felt the difficulty beyond his breath, and a sense of uncontrollable dizziness. At dusk, it all seemed like an unreal dream.

Liu Ye's eyes were empty and his eyes fluttered. He sat on the bench for a long time, and Meng Ye didn't know where he went. What should I do?

The tide is rising, Liu Ye walks aimlessly on the beach, and there is still a trace of hotness in his lips. He has never loved anyone, and he has been with Mongolia since he was a child. Feelings are familiar to each other like family.

What is Meng thinking? Liu Ye's thoughts are extremely chaotic. Can they fall in love? Liu Xun had an inexplicable taste in his heart, as if there were all light in front of him, and life was no longer worthy of nostalgia. It turned out that Meng Yun liked him, and he also liked Meng Yun.

He should have known for a long time, but fortunately finally.

"Where's Mongolian?" Liu Yan said, holding a student in Mongolian's class.

"I don't know." The student replied, "Aren't you always together?"

Liu Ye walked across the beach and asked when he saw someone. Finally, a girl said, "He just smoked behind the boat over there."

Liu Ye handed out: "Will you return this to me, thank you."

The girls took it, and the beach was full of magnificent colors of purple and blue. Night fell and the barbecue began.

BBQ camping party.

Meng Yue and Liu Ye are not in the same furnace. A group of students yelled loudly, touched beer bottles, drunkenly drove up their faces, and shoved around.

"Liu Ying! Meng Yun drunk!" Someone in the distance shouted, "I'm calling you!"

With a helpless expression on his face, Liu Ye dropped the roasted crab in his hand and jumped over the horizontal chair to look at it.

"How much did you drink?" Liu Yan said.

Under the bonfire, Meng Yun's handsome face was reflected, his eyes were a little straight, he pushed Liu Kun up, and stumbled towards the beach.

Liu Xun followed behind Meng Xun, and the two walked far away.

"Is the tent up?" Liu Yan asked.

"No," Meng answered.

Liu Xuan was speechless, Meng Xing spit for a moment while holding a rock, untied the beach pants and started to urinate, and there was a trace of Liu Xuan's nosebleed on the waist of the vest.

Liu Ye thought for a while and said, "You will be fined."

Unsure, he took a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket after he finished urinating, and started looking for a lighter.

Liu Xun flipped his bag, and Meng Xun's wallet, lighter, jacket, and mobile phone were all in his own bag. Meng Xun lit a cigarette. Liu Xing buried his head on the beach and looked down at the shell under his feet.

Montana sat down on the reef.

Liu Ye walked back and forth a few times, picked up a glass bottle and said, "This can be used as a drift bottle."

Meng Yun still remained silent, and the dark sea reflected in his deep eyes.

Liu Ye suddenly said, "Meng Ye, I like you too."

Meng Yun took a breath, and then said, "Liu ... Liu Ye, your mother will kill me."

Liu Yan said: "My mother would only kill one if he started, but your dad would kill us."

Meng Yan sighed.

"He doesn't care about me," Monson said, "why should I say this ... forget it."

Liu Yan: "Don't let her know."

With a frizz on his head, Liu Ye looked at him quietly, knowing that he was confessing, and had been tacitly understanding for more than ten years since they were children. He was no longer a friend's simple emotion.

It is a habit for Meng Yue to care for Liu Ye rudely every time, and Liu Ye has already felt that this day is righteous. He also secretly liked Meng Yue, doubted his sexual orientation numerous times, but tried to convince himself, but it was only special Just care about each other. Liu Ye didn't want to get married and held an indifferent attitude towards everything. Perhaps he wanted to be a scientist and live with Meng Ye in the future. Each person lived in a house until he died.

Liu Ye did not want to get married, but Meng said that when he was young, he would drag him wherever he went. Marriage is the same. Although Liu Ye is not willing, he doesn't say much.

However, today, with a confession, they will face more trouble.

"Hey," Liu Yan said, "do you regret it."

Meng said, "No."

Liu Ye said: "What are you thinking?"

Meng Yun said: "I was thinking you are in the top class, I am ... poor student, what shall we do in the future. Anyway, the university is not together, I do n’t know if there is a university, then we will be separated for several years, 分开. "

Liu Yan: "..."

Liu Xuan climbed up the reef, and Meng Xun turned his head to look at him. The next second, Liu Xunran slipped under his feet and threw himself into the water. Meng Xun immediately said, "Be careful!"

At night, the tide was rising, and the sea water was getting deeper. Liu Xie drank his saliva coldly, and Meng Xuan couldn't help screaming. He jumped into the sea hurriedly. Although Liu Xie could swim, he couldn't stop struggling with the water. Focusing on him, his arms were steady and strong, and Liu Yan immediately held his neck with his backhand.

Meng Yue swims a few meters ashore, the water is not very deep. She hugged Liu Ye to the beach and put him down. Liu Ye lay heavily on the beach, coughed a few times, hugged Meng Ye's neck, and returned to God.

Meng Yan lay on Liu Xie's body, the two stared at each other, and Meng Yan lowered his head and kissed Liu Xie's lips.

This time it was gentler and more fierce than in the evening. Meng Xun's movements were rude and awkward. Her lips couldn't hold on to Liu Xie's lips. Liu Xie's face was sturdy, and Meng Xie kissed and sucked. Liu Xie recalled kissing on TV , Trying to stick his tongue into his lips.

Monk: "?"

Liu Yan: "..."

Meng Yan: "Hey ..."

Meng Yan was very embarrassed, and tried to kiss with tongue, but Liu Ye laughed out a few times.

"Ha ha ha ha —" Liu Yan turned and lay on his side and laughed.

Montana was slightly annoyed: "What are you laughing at?"

Liu Yan: "No ... nothing, laugh at you stupid."

Meng Yun said: "Get up, be careful this time, you will."

Liu Ye stood up flushed, and Meng Ye motioned for him to lie in his arms. Liu Ye just felt uncomfortable, lying straight, and it was strange that Meng Ye held herself in the position of the princess.

Meng Yun learns to kiss again and again, this time they are more open, and they begin to linger on the ground. Liu Yi can't help breathing, and his eyes are full of passion.

The tide was rustling, and he clearly felt that Meng Xuan and his fiery love reacted to each other. Meng Xuan was still a little embarrassed, and slightly gave way, avoiding the protrusions on the beach pants on his lower body.

Liu Ye flexed his knees unnaturally, blocking his erection, and exhaled.

The cell phone in the shoulder bag rang, and Liu Ye glanced down. The classmate was on the phone to find the phone. He took off the battery and took off the cell phone.

Meng said: "Go, go back."

Liu Ye got up, his shoulder bag was in front of him, and the shorts that he held up went down a bit. The two walked side by side on the beach. Liu Ye glanced at Meng Ye and found that he was also hard.

He also feels about me ... Liu Ye's heartbeat was very violent, and Meng Ye also responded. Now they are really gay.

Meng Yan walked in a tent, and after a while, their hands touched unconsciously, and then they tacitly crossed their fingers and held them together.

Liu Ye only felt dry and spit, and swallowed drooling, while Meng Ye turned his head to look at the sea, and fixed his crotch with his other hand, making it less obvious.

When returning to the barbecue camp, Meng Yun was still a little dizzy. Liu Ye returned to his class and ate something again. Meng Yun did not drink any more. He talked and laughed with his classmates, and gave the plate to the person in the middle. Passed over to Liu Ye, and handed it to him.

It was grilled shrimp, beef tongue, and crab, as well as meatballs, ham sausage.

The roast was a little bit burnt, and Liu Kun's mouth was slightly tilted, and he ate a lot.

At the end of the night barbecue, everyone went to camp, some people rented tents, while others went back to the small hotel on the beach to stay.

"Is it here?" Monson asked.

"It's too close. There are a lot of people there." Liu Yan: "Come over."

Meng Xun laid a plastic cloth camp on the beach, Liu Xuan looked around, and suddenly he felt like a thief?

"What are you thinking?" Monson asked.

Liu Yan: "I ... nothing, I think it's weird ..."

While chewing gum, Meng Yan said, "Either you sleep inside? I'll sit outside and watch the sea."

Liu Ye busy said: "No, no."

Before Liu Ye came here, I thought it was natural to sleep in a tent with Meng Ye, anyway, it wasn't the first time I slept together, but now I feel weird. What would I do at night?

After they just dropped out of the sea, their clothes were still a little wet. Liu Ye took all the contents out of the bag and spread them on the beach to dry. Meng Ye **** his tent and said, "Sleep."

Liu Zheng packed his things and lay in. The tide was rustling outside, and waterproof canvas was under him. The soft sand was very comfortable.

Liu Ye started to be nervous again. What would he do?

Meng Lai lay down for a while, drank a lot of wine in the evening, and started snoring within a short while.

Liu Yan: "..."

Liu Ye was also tired and sleepy, and fell asleep in the sound of the tide shortly after.

In the middle of the night, Weng Awoke, and found that he had unknowingly, Liu Ye was resting on his arm, and the two were hugging sideways together.

Meng Yun's breath was held, Liu Ye's breath was choked, Meng Yue lowered her head and kissed Liu Ye's face gently, then began to kiss his lips carefully.

Liu Ye awoke.

"What time is it ..." Liu Yan stumbled.

"I don't know." Meng's voice was low, and his vest was stretched aside, wearing only beach pants.

"Liu Ye?" Meng Yan whispered.

"What ..." Liu Yan slept a little hot: "Is it dawn?"

Meng Yue kissed him, Liu Ye was very comfortable, he began to respond by hugging his neck. Meng Yue lay on Liu Ye, his knees separated from his legs, and the two clasped his lips and tongues.

"Damn ..." Meng Yun could not help but said, "I ..."

Liu Xie's hand touched his tangled back muscles, kissed him at the corner of his mouth, and probed to his Majesty. Meng Huan held Liu Hua up. The two sat down, Meng Huan flexed his foot, and his big hand was in Liu He touched his body, unbuttoned his beach shirt, touched his chest, and kissed his collarbone.

Neither of them had any experience, and they kissed and tortured each other blindly, only to feel very uncomfortable. Liu Xing kept thinking what to do next? What to do next?

Thinking of having sex, Liu Ye was a bit unacceptable.

"I want to shoot," Meng said.

Liu Ye whispered, "Let's do it."

They kissed each other, Liu Ye reached in from the pants legs of Mengyong's beach pants, pulled one side of his underwear, touched his strong thigh, pulled out his hard meat stick, and rubbed his palm against his glans.

Meng Yun groaned in a low voice, stretched out his hand from the waist of Liu Yan's trousers, and held his flesh with his big hand to fool gently.

More than once, Liu Ye had seen Meng Yan's words. At the third day of the week, Meng Yan occasionally ate at his house overnight. When he got up in the morning, Chen Bo held his crotch and only wore a pair of boxer underwear to brush his teeth and wash his face. However, when Liu Ye reached out and rubbed his hands, there was a fiery feeling in his heart.

They kissed deeper, and no one could do without them. Meng Yun kissed Liu Ye frantically, and the swollen flesh shot him full.

Liu Ye also shot. When the two men's lips split, Meng Yan flushed his face with a paper towel, wiped his hands, and buried under the sand.

"Is it comfortable?" Meng said. "You have too much strength and it hurts a bit."

"Well," Liu said, "you have just the right hands ... do you often play by yourself?"

Meng Yun: "Rarely, I'm afraid to hurt you."

Liu Yan: "I still wonder if I can do anything else."

Meng Yun said, "Go back later and watch some videos."

Liu Ye rolled over and hugged Meng Yan, who said, "Hey."

Liu Ye was a little sleepy after shooting, and said casually: "What ..."

Meng Yun: "You will be below and you will be your wife."

Liu Ye: "Anyway ..."

Meng Yun: "It's final."

Liu Yan: "As long as you are with me, everything is fine. Haven't you been held by you since you were a kid? Sleepy, don't snoring, noisy ..."

The tide rises, Liu Ye sleeps for a while, and Meng Yue said, "Wife, get up and watch the sunrise."

The tent was opened, and a ray of sky projected into it. Liu Xie stumbled up and walked outside with a heavy head. Meng Xuan put on a vest, buttoned Liu Xie, and took a coat for him.

The tide had faded, and there was a dawn on the horizon. Liu Xun sat on his knees on the beach, and Meng Xuan sat beside him. Neither of them spoke.

After a while, Meng Yue stretched out his arm and embraced Liu Ye's shoulders, letting him lean on his shoulder. Liu Yue leaned on Meng Yue's reliable arm, and half asleep and awake saw the sunrise Jinhui Manji, sprinkled across the sea.

The whole person was in a state of trance. Liu Ye was inexplicable that day, and he forgot to keep a diary when he returned home. He remembered the day when he and Meng Xun began to fall in love. They only remembered the tent by the sea and dreamy sunrise.

I still remember that after the camp was disbanded, Meng Yue and herself stood behind the station and waited for the bus. After getting on the bus, Meng Yue's head crooked on the back of the seat and snored, while Liu Yue crooked on Meng's shoulder and continued to sleep.

In the middle of the journey, Meng Zheng gave the old man a second seat. Liu Yuan awoke, and he got up to stand with him, returned to the city and took the subway home, almost all the way back asleep along the way.

When he got home, Meng Ye took Liu Ye to have breakfast at the soy milk shop downstairs. Meng Ye took his wallet and Liu Ye sat and waited for food.

After eating, Meng Yun considered for a long time and said:

"Let's fall in love, Liu Ye, I always like you."

Liu Yan said, "Okay, I like you for a long time, so let's talk about it later."

Meng Yan bought another Xiaolongbao and soy milk and packed it home for his grandmother. He had an appointment with Liu Ye to start a review of the college entrance examination every afternoon during the summer vacation. The two separated downstairs.

Later, Meng Yan put a lot of GV on the Internet, and secretly learned a lot after watching it.

Later, Liu Xie racked his brains and lived in the trouble of "what the **** is it to do to study at the same university with Mongolia" every day.

Later, Meng Yun studied very seriously, but he was not born to study, and he really did not understand.

Later, the two quarreled several times. Meng Yue regretted it more than once during the quarrel. She should not confess that day, because Liu Yan cares too much about his achievements and gets tired too much. He always lives in a daze of the future. How is it good.

Later, before Liu Gao and Meng Gao entered the college entrance examination, the two had an argument.

Later, Liu Ye curled up for nearly ten minutes before the math test, and the last three big questions were left blank. On the English test paper, there were 30 questions in the multiple-choice questions that selected C.

Later, the college entrance examination was released. Mongolia's third batch of scores had just passed. Liu Ye was hindered by English, but he still entered the line. In that year, the last major question in the mathematics examination paper was unprecedentedly difficult. Twenty of the thirty questions in English listening are C.

Liu Xun didn't even want to fill out his volunteer form. He was dazed at home every day, and Meng Xuan finally gave himself up. He almost drank with a group of pig friends and dog friends in the summer vacation.

In the end, Liu Ye's mother filled out his volunteer form, and Meng Ye's volunteer form was still being thrown at home.

Meng Xun went to the army, Liu Xun went to college, and split and split, split and split, circled a big circle, and finally returned to the same place.

On the last day in Dengfeng, Meng Yan set up six burst-type machine guns, cleared thousands of zombies, and rushed to the top floor.

Liu Ye dragged his parachute and flew to the rooftop, and Meng Yan held Liu Ye tightly at the moment.

Each other seemed to hear the distant waves rising and falling, the tides rising and falling.

Meng Yan finally reddened his eyes.

There is a lack of yin and qing on the moon, and people are sad and happy, and this is an ancient problem.