MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 106 Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 The Upcoming Birthday Banquet

Since Huo Lanting knew that Gu Ji was his mother, he was so anxious that he could stick to Gu Ji. Why did Gu Ji ask him to go to Nie Yuwan and he went?

He certainly has his own ideas. (Baidu search for "GgdOWN" to see the latest chapters every day.)

On the BARARINA Charity Night, Gu Ye comforted Nie Yu's scene, but he remembered it.

I did n’t know it was my mother at the time. I looked at it from the side and looked at me with uncomfortable eyes. Now that I know it, I feel so happy, and I feel like I'm back in town.

Anyway, this is also her mother. She did not bid for the crown star, and her mother loved him.

Huo Lanting took a small hand and took a small eight-character step. He walked to Nie Yu's side and shouted loudly, "Three brothers!"

Nie Yu finally relied on Ji Qisen's house. He was calling his Zhuge housekeeper and asked him to pack his things and send them over. Whoever knew would hear this loud voice.

I have to say, the little boy screamed his brother quite nicely-although he must be disdainful!

Nie Yu leaned against the threshold, raised her eyebrows, and blew a whistle, her pale brown eyes staring lazily: "Why?"

Huo Lanting smiled and showed her little white teeth: "Brother, I'm here to play with you!"

Nie Yu disdain: "Are we having any fun?"

Huo Lanting: "We have many common languages, don't you find them?"

Nie Yu almost spit out: "Common language? Me and you?"

A little boy, what are you talking about?

Huo Lanting nodded earnestly, and then started counting with little fingers: "We like mother together, we love big brother, we love second brother together, you see, we have too many hobbies."

When Nie Yu heard that Huo Lanting said that she was one, she felt nervous, and finally her eyebrows were pulled down: "It's a lot."

Huo Lanting smiled with satisfaction: "Mom is so nice, fragrant and soft. Mom is holding me to sleep. My whole body is full of spirits! Big Brother is also very good. It turned out that Big Brother took me out of the incubator, which is equivalent to Big Brother helping me Midwife! And second brother, thanks to my second brother helping me check my DNA, I can recognize my mother faster! "

——As for the hatred of Ji Qisen's Pediatric Massage, of course, it is neglect to ignore the effort!

When Nie Yu heard him say this, his heart was even more unhappy, but of course he could not lose because he lost, so he said stubbornly, "Oh, how old are you? How long have you known your second brother? How much do you know? "

Huo Lanting crooked his head: "Have you known your elder brother for a long time? Do you know a lot about elder brother?"

Nie Yu laughed and said, "My brother and I have known each other since we were young. We are a life and death!"

Huo Lanting wondered: "But how did I hear that you and the second brother have been in conflict, see?"

Speaking of this, Huo Lanting took out her mobile phone and showed Nie Yu the news on the Internet, which wrote in detail how Master Nie and Master Ji did not speak without meeting each other.

Nie Yu gave a small cough and sneered: "It was all nonsense, and the relationship between my brother and me was certainly not understandable to them! We grew up wearing a pair of open crotch pants, we fought together, and suffered injuries together. , To participate in international competitions together, to join Ivy League schools, do you understand? "

Huo Lanting thought about it, he really didn't understand and shook his head.

Nie Yuxiao pulled back to the city and continued: "Also, you only know that the elder brother will help you deliver, but do you know the cooperation between me and the elder brother? The elder brother is the film emperor, I am the entertainment prince, and we are about to start a strategy Level cooperation, I will invest in a new entertainment company, this entertainment company will be tailor-made for the eldest brother and mother film and television dramas, I want to make them popular, let them red out of the universe red out of the solar system, these you can do ?"

Huo Lanting bowed his head, he did not seem to understand this.

Nie Yu is even more proud. Jiang is still old and spicy. Compared with me, you are still in a state of anger. At the moment, he said with a smile: "And, Lanting, I want to ask you something."

Huo Lanting was deeply aware that he seemed to be temporarily at a disadvantage, and he yelled at Nie Yu, "What are you asking?"

Nie Yumai opened his long legs and walked towards Huo Lanting.

Huo Lanting suddenly felt his high sense of oppression. He suffered, he was too disadvantaged.

He raised his face, stepped back, and warned: "Hey, what the **** are you doing? Do you want to bully a child? You want to bully me and let my mother hit you!"

Nie Yu grinned and twitched his fingers: "I just want to ask you, on the BARARINA Charity Night, is the 29th who is competing for the crown star, isn't it your kid?"


Huo Lanting's eyes widened and he looked at Nie Yu wonderingly. How did he know? At the time of the auction registration, he certainly couldn't use his own name, but borrowed the name of a bodyguard. How could he find himself? ?

Nie Yu looked at Huo Lanting's stunned look and laughed: "Children are children, should you know how to go to kindergarten at home? Why should you run out and learn to bid for adults?"

Huo Lanting remembered the shame of losing his bid because he didn't have pocket money. His milky face turned red and red, and he bit his teeth and said, "Huh! Isn't it a crown star, what's so great! I must find a better one Find a better gift for mom! "

Nie Yu watched him look like that, and stretched out his hands and rubbed his little head, Yu You said idly, "Lan Ting, it ’s not the third brother who bullied you, but you can't help it. Go to the kindergarten obediently. Brother must buy you sugar. "


Huo Lanting's eyes were about to explode. He tilted his head and hurriedly escaped him.

He clenched his fist and turned to leave, so don't ignore him!


Duanmu's steward led the mighty men and horses, and already packed Huo Lanting's room. Huo Lanting lay on his beloved quilt and held his mobile phone to video for his dad.

"Dad, give me some money!" Huo Lan opened his mouth grievously.

"Huh? What?" Huo Chenchen seemed to be working, and responded in a hurry.

"I want to start a film and television company." Huo Lanting remembered those words of Nie Yufang. If he loses, he will start a film and television company!

Huo Chenchen stopped his movements and looked up at his son.

As a father, if his son is already 20 years old, even if he is a teenager, ask him for money to say that he wants to start a film and television company, he should be very pleased.

But his son is not twenty years old, nor is he a teenager, only four years old.

A four-year-old kid asked him for money and said he was going to start a film company.

"Give you another week." Huo Chenchen said lightly.

"Will you give me money to start a film and television company in a week?" Huo Lanting put his eyes lightly. "How much money do you give me?"

"After one week, you go back to class." Huo Chenchen said.

The reason for the grace week is that Lan Ting has just found his mother and he needs to get along with his mother.

However, he is too long outside and needs to go back. The old people at home miss him very much. Grandma has asked him several times.

"Ah?" Huo Lanting didn't want the money. Instead, she got such a deadline. Suddenly her face was full of sorrow: "Daddy, it's only been a week? The time is too short!"

"How long do you want?" Huo Chenchen looked at his son: "A month, a year?"

"This ..." Huo Lanting thought for a while: "Then it will be two weeks, because I have a lot of things to do. I now recognize not only my mother, but also a few brothers. Dad, you ca n’t be so cruel, except that I have to deal with Mom is with me and I have to play with my brothers. "

Huo Chenchen did not speak.

"Dad, please, please give me two weeks!" Huo Lan was wronged and his nose was drawn. "I haven't had a mother before, so it's hard to have a mother. Shouldn't I be more with my mother? You look at Kimmy's mother and stay with him, why don't I have a mother with me! "

Huo Chenchen has always been a principled person who does things. Even if he treats his son, he should be gentle when he is gentle, but he will never be soft when he is severe. He treats his only son with strict standards. .

But Huo Chenchen also has weaknesses, especially now that his son sacrifices this magic weapon.

He used to be without his mother, which he owed to his son.

Huo Chenchen spoke again, his voice less severe than before: "Okay, two weeks."

Huo Lanting carefully looked at his dad, feeling his dad's concession, his eyes turned, and he understood how much.

He decided to make persistent efforts: "Yes, dad, you see my third brother gave my mother a crown star. It looks very good, and it makes me lose face."

Huo Chenchen said dumbly: "How do you want to have face?"

Huo Lanting proposed: "Would you like to give my mother a present? It should be something special. Anyway, let me have a good face too!"

Huo Chenchen thought of Gu Yan, and slightly pursed his lips without talking.

Huo Lanting saw that his father did not refuse immediately, and knew that there was a play in his heart, so he added a fire; "Dad, I see that my brother has gifts for my mother, and my brother's father also has gifts for my mother. We do n’t have it, so others will think Our family is poor ... "

So poor, so poor, even the crown star can't afford it.

Huo Chenchen glanced at his son, and looked at his son's pitiful appearance with his small shoulders, which was funny and helpless for a moment.

He groaned a little, then remembered the information about Gu Yan that he had read, and her information stated that her birthday was next week.

Now slowly, "I will help you prepare a gift for your mother. But two weeks later-"

Huo Lanting busy said: "After two weeks, I will obediently go home !!!"

Huo Chenchen nodded: "Okay."


These days, Gu Yan's life can be said to be at ease, with several sons around, various filial piety and flattery, the younger son Huo Lanting is naturally cute and sweet, the third son Nie Yuna is more filial than usual Two people seemed to be around her as compared to each other. As for the eldest son and the second son, although they were not as active as the two little ones, they were considered considerate.

Because she was about to celebrate her birthday, several sons were planning how to celebrate her 20th (or 45th) birthday for her.

In fact, Gu Yan has no idea about birthdays or anything, but it is good to have a few sons to celebrate together on the birthday. It is good for everyone to promote brotherhood.

After all, with the exception of Huo Lanting as a child, the others have grown up and have their own affairs. There are very few opportunities to get together like now.

And while enjoying her son holding the cluster leisurely, she looked at the news when she was free, and the big news on the Internet was nothing more than the divorce lawsuit of the actor Ying Zhizhi.

Lu Zhiqian's hidden marriage has been a big news for many years. The people who have eaten melon haven't responded yet. Suddenly broke the news of divorce. Everyone has expressed their admiration, the media is sensational, hot search one after another, and Lu Zhiqian said the day before that. On the second day, Lu Zhiqian divorced. On the third day, the husband and wife started to turn against each other, and on the fourth day, another unexpected thing broke out. Lu Zhiqian transferred his married property with the intention of leaving the couple to leave the family for years.

Although Lu Zhiqian is out of breath, even his old owner, Xingying Entertainment, has kicked him out of the door, but in the end he is the former San Jinying Emperor and a favorite emoji package, and it is so wonderful to share with everyone. The dog's blood ethics melon, for a while, there are continuous network hotspots, various media carnivals, Lu Zhiqian brand expression packs are constantly emerging, and new packs are added.

Of course, Gu Yan also ate melon. He also used a trumpet to add a fire to the landing on the Internet.

At the extreme of Lu Zhiqian's blackness, an unknown person broke the news. Lu Zhiqian even had a three-year-old illegitimate child who betrayed his marriage and had illegitimate children. According to the laws of China, illegitimate children do not enjoy the legitimate rights of illegitimate children. Lu Zhiqian has illegitimate children. The news broke that this would undoubtedly be a devastating blow to Lu Zhiqian's acting career, and also gave Feng Yiyue an advantage in the divorce property lawsuit.

This incident was clearly unexpected, and even Feng Yiyue did not expect it, it was an unexpected surprise.

Lu Zhiqian can now be said to have pushed everyone down the wall, and even his own iron powder has expressed that he cannot accept it, and has issued a declaration of powder removal.

# 陆 之 谦 私生子 #

"Heart is dead, I will never keep your message in front of the screen, I will not quarrel with you for you, and I will not expect anything from you, only if my past ten years is a joke."

"Fuck, I'm so mad, I just want to poke my eyes and even powder this stuff for so many years !!"

"You speak, as long as you deny, I believe you, you said that it is not your **** ah ah ah ah please beg you to speak !!"

"Your family is editing, trying hard to edit, what to do if you can't make it !!"

"I'm so distressed upstairs, I'm distressed to my former sister, I really fed the dog, and I'm so **** ruined!"

Lu Zhiqian's career collapsed and shattered, and the divorce lawsuit obviously did not take much advantage. According to a reporter, Lu Zhiqian was ten years old and embarrassed overnight, looking like an old man.

Feng Yiyue called Gu Ye specifically for this matter and thanked Gu Ye: "Thank you for helping me. If it weren't for you, I might have been cleaned out without anything."

Now, although she is still deceived by the scumbag for more than 20 years, she has at least made money.

In fact, she is not over in her forties, and she can regain her own life. Everything has just begun.

Gu Ye listened to Feng Yiyue's words, and was also emotional. She also remembered the pain when she saw Feng Yiyue and Lu Zhiqian embracing each other. Unexpectedly, after many years, Feng Yiyue came to thank her specially.

No one can imagine the change in life.

Of course, she used to be even more unexpected. One day she would sit in a large and bright restaurant, surrounded by four sons, and enjoy a pleasant moment in this quiet evening.

At this moment she is Huo Lanting on the left and Nie Yu on the right.

Nie Yu embraced her mother's shoulders intimately: "Mom, I'm thinking about how your birthday banquet should be held. Should we invite a star and have another live broadcast?"

Gu Yan heard it and shook his head busyly: "Don't, don't do it! I was going to be an actor. Last BARARANA Charity Night, it was my luck not to expose my front photo. I ca n’t do anything special for my birthday. In the event of being photographed, I am not all exposed. "

Huo Lanting on the left nodded again and again, holding Gu's arm and arching, trying to run Nie Yugong on the right: "Brother, don't you always think about the live broadcast of the whole city, filial mothers should be careful, but also depends on what mothers like Well!"

Nie Yu worked hard not to be run, and asked, "... Do you know what my mother likes?"

Huo Lanting held her chin: "I ... I prepared a birthday gift for my mother anyway, and I think my mother must like it."

Nie Yu looked at his confident little face and couldn't help haha: "What have you prepared?"

Huo Lanting hummed, "I won't tell you!"

Nie Yu: "Oh, wouldn't it be your father to help you prepare?"

Huo Lanting's eyes suddenly widened. How did he know?

The old **** Nie Yu is here: "Little pot friend, compared to me, you still owe it."

Huo Lanting did not recognize this, and raised his chin proudly: "That was my birthday gift for my mother and my dad! I am young, and of course I want to give a present with my dad!"

Nie Yuxi laughed out loud: "Yes, you--"

Seeing that these two were going to fight again, Gu Yan quickly stopped: "Do n’t make a fuss, I ’ll take your heart, and the gifts will be gone, and you, Lan Ting, do n’t let your father help me prepare any birthday gifts, Please do not."

She now has a headache when she thinks of Nie Nanqing's golden statue and Ji Zhentian's university fund.

As for Huo Chenchen's indifferent guy who can only say "you" and "thank you", give him a gift? She is afraid of losing her life!

Thinking about that, I saw Duanmu butler coming to report and said that it was Mr. Luo.

Mr. Low?

Gu Yan took a moment's attention, then suddenly understood.

Here comes Los!

In recent years, she has been remembering the matter of Jun Tian, ​​and Rose has been here, and finally she can talk about it.