MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 121

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   Chapter 121

  I don't know if it was because the wind caught cold yesterday while planting grape seedlings, Ye Jinzhi's head was dizzy.

   Yesterday, everyone was inexperienced. It took a lot of time to plant grape seedlings, and it was finally dark before they could be planted.

   Yesterday, halfway through planting, the wind picked up. Ye Jinzhi felt a little cold at the time, but he didn't care too much.

   When I woke up this morning, I found my head was swollen and the pain was unbearable.

  Ye Jinzhi touched his forehead, feeling a little feverish, the light from outside penetrated into the room, and he didn't know what time it was.

   Instead of the children's laughter coming from outside the window, a few familiar voices could still be heard faintly.

   "Ayan." Ye Jinzhi suddenly remembered that Ayan was still in the room, it was so late, he didn't know if he was awake.

  Forcing the discomfort, Ye Jinzhi tried to get up from the bed and wanted to see Ayan sleeping in the crib.

   "Zhizhi." Ye Jinzhi was still putting on his shoes when he heard the door being opened.

   "Lie down quickly, you're sick, do you know that?" Yuan Shaochen's anxious voice came from his ear. It turned out that he had heard it right just now, it was really his voice.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't make a sound, and let his body be at his mercy, staring at the Yuan Shaochen without blinking.

"What's wrong? Don't you remember me?" Yuan Shaochen didn't hear the sound, looked up and saw Ye Jinzhi staring at him, jokingly, but his subordinates did not stop, and gave Ye Jinzhi a gentle gesture. Jin covered the quilt.

   Ye Jinzhi twitched the corners of her mouth and shook her head. She was mentally fragile when she was ill, and her eyes were fixed on the Yuan Shaochen.

   Seeing that he was about to get up and leave, he subconsciously stretched his hand out of the bed, grabbed him firmly, and prevented him from leaving.

   "I'm going to get you something to eat, don't go." As if guessing what she was thinking, Young Master Yuan kissed her on the forehead and put the hand she just stretched out into the bed.

   After listening, Ye Jinzhi slowly put down his hand, but his eyes still followed the figure of Yuan Shaochen.

   "Mom, are you feeling bad?"

  As soon as the young minister Yuan went out, the three children ran in and lay down in front of Ye Jinzhi's bed. Ah Zhao also stretched out his little hand to imitate Ye Jinzhi's usual way of touching them.

   Ye Jinzhi shook his head weakly, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, comforting them, "Mom is fine." His voice was hoarse.

   "Mom needs to get better soon, wear a lot of clothes." Axu patted Ye Jinzhi's arm like a little adult.

   Hearing the voices of the three children, Ye Jinzhi felt a warm feeling in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but get wet. I don't know if it was because of his illness, Ye Jinzhi was a little emotional.

   Not wanting the three children to see the difference, Ye Jinzhi tried hard to hold back her tears, but it happened that Young Minister Yuan came in with something.

   "Don't disturb mother's rest." Yuan Shaochen saw Ye Jinzhi's strangeness at a glance, and drove the three children out.

   Carefully helped Ye Jinzhi up, reached out and touched his forehead.

   "What's the matter?" Ye Jinzhi's tears fell unconsciously, making Yuan Shaochen a little nervous.

   Ye Jinzhi smiled and shook his head, "I think I'm so happy."

   She actually never thought that one day she would get married and have a child. This was something she didn't expect, especially since the child was so caring.

   "Silly girl." Yuan Shaochen breathed a sigh of relief and wiped away her tears, "You deserve the best."

   Ye Jinzhi smiled, "Nasty."

   "Come, have a mouthful of porridge." Yuan Shaochen scooped a spoonful of the steaming porridge that he had just brought, blew the hot air, and fed it to Ye Jinzhi's mouth.

   "I haven't brushed my teeth yet." Ye Jinzhi closed her mouth tightly and refused to drink porridge. She was not used to eating breakfast without brushing her teeth.

   Yuan Shaochen seemed to have expected it long ago, so he didn't say anything, and went outside to bring her toothpaste and toothbrush, and a basin in his hand.

   "Spit here." Ye Jinzhi was brushing his teeth on the bed for the first time, and his movements were a little stiff, for fear of getting on the quilt.

   "Here." Seeing that she was done brushing, Yuan Shaochen handed over mouthwash and a hot towel at the right time. The service was very thoughtful.

   wiped Ye Jinzhi's face and laughed, "I suddenly feel that being sick is not bad."

   "Nonsense, it's okay not to get sick, as long as you want." Yuan Shaochen did not allow her to curse herself for being sick.

   Ye Jinzhi stuck out his tongue and pretended that nothing happened.

   Fortunately, Young Minister Yuan didn't bother with her, and continued to feed her porridge.

   "You made this?" With just one bite, Ye Jinzhi tasted a different taste, a familiar one.

   "Is it delicious?" Yuan Shaochen didn't deny it, he was a little nervous, obviously he had already drank it, and the three children also said it was delicious, even the youngest Ayan enjoyed it and kept nodding.

   Seeing him like this, Ye Jinzhi deliberately wanted to tease him, frowning, as if he was tasting it carefully.

   Yuan Shaochen, who was still very confident, suddenly lost his confidence, and his eyes were fixed on Ye Jinzhi's expression, for fear that she would say that it would not be good to drink.

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't bear to see him like this, "It's delicious, it's delicious, this is the best porridge I've ever had." He made an expression of enjoyment.

   "Little villain." Yuan Shaochen realized that he had been fooled, and he was not angry, and scratched her nose dotingly.

  The sick Ye Jinzhi was like a child, very clingy, Yuan Shaochen would call him when he was away for a long time, and even hold his hand when sitting together.

   Yuan Shaochen also enjoyed it. The three children were kicked out by him, and he asked Lin Dong and the others to take them out to play. There were only two husband and wife left at home and A Yan who didn't understand anything.

   "When did you come back?" Ye Jinzhi suddenly realized that he didn't know when he came back and leaned on his shoulder.

   Yuan Shaochen turned his head and touched her face, pinning the hair that fell down inadvertently behind his ears, "In the morning, why are you still sleeping."

   "Why didn't you call me?" Ye Jinzhi snarled.

   "You're sick." Yuan Shaochen climbed over the wall and came in when he first came back, because everyone was still sleeping, and Yuan Shaochen didn't want to wake everyone up.

   Who knew that he was almost caught as a thief. He thought that everyone was in the room at this time. Who would have thought that two people would not sleep early in the morning and would not know what to do outside.

  The original junior told Ye Jinzhi what he saw in the morning, but Ye Jinzhi was not surprised at all.

   That's right, they stayed with her all day long, and Ye Jinzhi was a careful person, so how could he not find out.

   "If it wasn't for your husband and I reacted quickly, they would have succeeded." Yuan Shaochen shamelessly said.

   Ye Jinzhi giggled, "Who asked you to interrupt someone's date."

   Yuan Shaochen shouted that he was wronged, buried his face in Ye Jinzhi's neck, and rubbed constantly.

   "Who doesn't sleep in the morning and go out on a secret date." Yuan Shaochen couldn't help being surprised when he saw them. If it wasn't for his face all the year round, he would have almost failed.

   Ye Jinzhi showed no sympathy at all, but instead laughed more and more happily, the whole person could not help falling into Yuan Shaochen's arms, his face pale because of illness, but also ruddy because he laughed too hard.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't know how attractive she was now. Because of her illness, Young Master Yuan didn't let her get out of bed. She was still wearing suspender pajamas. It was silky and smooth to the touch, just like her skin.

   She didn't realize that a corner of herself had slipped off her shoulders, and she fell into the arms of the young minister Yuan, with a charming corner of her eyes.

   Yuan Shaochen's eyes did not deepen, his dark pupils stared at Ye Jinzhi tightly, and his body gradually became hot.

   Ye Jinzhi had no idea that danger was coming to him.

   "Is your body still uncomfortable?" Thinking he cared about himself, he subconsciously replied, "Much better."

   As if he got some kind of answer, the young minister Yuan leaned over and covered Ye Jinzhi with his whole body.

  Ye Jinzhi noticed that his eyes were dark, and found that the young minister Yuan was staring at him, he couldn't help but keep silent.

   Some frightened, he shrank under the covers, "What, what's wrong?"

   Yuan Shaochen didn't speak, and gradually approached, his warm breath sprayed on Ye Jinzhi's face.

   "What did you say I want to do?" The tone was ambiguous, and the closer he got closer.

   Ye Jinzhi blushed a little, and a little blush appeared, which made it even more unbearable to watch.

   To be honest, Ye Jinzhi was also looking forward to it. The two hadn't been so close for nearly a month, and they were both excited and a little scared.

   Yuan Shaochen looked so terrifying, like a wolf who had been hungry for a long time, his eyes were turning green.

   "I, I'm still sick." Weak resistance, no strength at all.

   "Haha," Yuan Shaochen smiled lightly, "It's fine, it's faster to sweat a little."

   After he finished speaking, he dropped a little hickey on Ye Jinzhi's delicate shoulders, his movements were gentle, as if he was dealing with a fragile item, and he was careful to protect it, not willing to hurt him.

   "Hmm~" Ye Jinzhi's broken voice came out of the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, his head tilted back, and his hands unconsciously hugged Yuan Shaochen's back tightly.

   "Do you like it?" Yuan Shaochen asked in a space.

   "Shu, comfortable." Ye Jinzhi said unbearably, his face flushed.

  Yuan Shaochen seemed to have some kind of motivation, and the movements of his subordinates couldn't help increasing, and red marks kept falling on his shoulders, as if blossoming.

   "Wow—" A cry broke the splendor in the room.

   Ye Jinzhi regained his senses and looked at the man in front of him as if he hadn't heard him, and his movements continued.

   "Wow, wow." Ayan cried louder and louder, Ye Jinzhi couldn't hold it any longer, and patted the young minister Yuan on the shoulder.

   "Child." Yuan Shaochen frowned, burying his head on Ye Jinzhi's shoulder and gasping for breath.

   "Quick, the child is crying." Ye Jinzhi couldn't help urging him seeing that he still refused to get up.

   Yuan Shaochen sucked on her neck angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, you should throw him out too."

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't help laughing, patted his shoulder, and said coquettishly, "Let's go soon."

  Ayan's cries got louder and louder, and Ye Jinzhi guessed that he might have pulled it.

   Yuan Shaochen got up from Ye Jinzhi's body with a dark face, and before going to hug Ayan, he did not forget to cover her with the quilt, and his back revealed a look of desire and dissatisfaction.

   Ye Jinzhi saw his fierceness, but his movements were gentle, carefully picked Ayan up from the crib, and took him out to change diapers.

   "Hmm~" Ayan hummed comfortably, staring at the young minister Yuan with big round eyes, as if he had found something new.

   "What are you looking at, I don't know me anymore." There was still the resentment of being interrupted just now.

   "Giggle." Instead of being frightened, Ayan grinned happily, and stretched out his hand to grab Yuan Shaochen's face.

   "Little thing, like your mother, can act like a spoiled child." Yuan Shaochen couldn't get angry when he saw him like this, and pinched his fleshy little face.

   "Giggle." Ayan laughed even happier.

   Yuan Shaochen thought that Ayan would not remember himself when he came back, but he did not expect that this kid still remembers himself.

   The resentment of being interrupted just now dissipated, and the corners of his mouth rose when he looked at the stinky boy in his arms.

   "Hey~ I owe you mother and son." Yuan Shaochen sighed helplessly. Who would have thought that he would wash diapers as soon as he came back.

   "How is it, have you washed him?"

   Ye Jinzhi looked at Ayan in the arms of the former young minister and asked worriedly.

   Yuan Shaochen glanced at her angrily, "You still dislike your own child." I don't know who is used to the stinky fault, and he also scolded him.

   Ye Jinzhi was not afraid of him, so he stretched out his hand to take Ayan in his hand.

   "Ayan can walk, you haven't seen it yet."

   Yuan Shaochen was a little surprised. Did he really see it? He didn't expect that Ayan would walk after he was gone for more than a month.


   "As soon as he came back from watching you that day, he stood up by himself, startling us all."

   But after speaking, Ye Jinzhi frowned again, looking at Ayan who was playing on the bed with hatred.

   "It's just too lazy. Unless he's in a good mood, he'll just sit here and play on his own. If no one forces him to stand, he won't stand, and he doesn't know who he looks like." The tone was a little sad.

   Yuan Shaochen said indifferently, "Now the bones are soft, standing too much is not good for the feet."

   said so, but what was in his mind was another matter.

   "Come on, Ayan stand up and show Dad." Yuan Shaochen said, carrying him from the bed to the carpet next to the bed, trying to get him to stand up.

   Ye Jinzhi gave him a grin, not knowing who said that standing too much was bad for his feet just now, so he was lying on the side ready to watch a good show.

   Who knew that Ayan was abnormal today, and he actually understood the words of the Yuan Shaochen, and stood up with a lot of face. Although he only stood for a few seconds, he was also very pleasantly surprised.

   "What's the matter, I usually don't want to say anything, why did he stand up as soon as you said it." Ye Jinzhi was a little jealous, he obviously brought him the most.

   Yuan Shaochen raised his eyebrows proudly, and was so happy that he looked like a big stupid man with no image at all.

   Ye Jinzhi couldn't get used to his appearance, and threw the pillow in his hand at him, "Who are you proud to show?"

   Yuan Shaochen was not angry, grabbed the pillow and moved to Ye Jinzhi's side.

   "It's all taught by my wife, otherwise how could Ayan be so smart." Yuan Shaochen gave Ye Jinzhi a kiss on his face.

   Ye Jinzhi was not angry at first, she was also afraid that some children would not be close to Yuan Shaochen, who would make him always put on a bad face.

   "Hungry or not, I'll cook what you want to eat."

  The original young minister didn't say, Ye Jinzhi didn't feel hungry yet.

   "What time is it?" She drank a few mouthfuls of porridge in the morning, but she couldn't drink it. At this moment, she was really hungry.

   Yuan Shaochen looked at the time, "It's almost twelve o'clock."

   (end of this chapter)