MTL - 70s: Raising a Baby-Chapter 90

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   Chapter 90

   When Ye Jinzhi woke up, Yuan Shaochen had already returned with the children.

   The three children had breakfast early and were already pulling weeds in the garden.

  There is no one at home for half a month, the grass in the garden is very lush, and the three children can't use up their strength after exercising.

   "I'm the fastest"

   "I pull the most."

   "I am the cleanest."

   None of the three children will let anyone else, and even Ayan doesn't know when he was taken down by the Yuan Shaochen.

   Yuan Shaochen also spread a layer of mat outside and put Ayan on it.

   He didn't cry or make trouble. He looked at the three brothers with glowing eyes, and even wanted to be together without arguing.

   Ye Jinzhi just wanted to say that Ayan is so sensible today, but the picture he saw the next second made Ye Jinzhi speechless.

  Insects are indispensable in the garden, and Ayan did not know when a caterpillar crawled around.

   He was not afraid either, staring curiously at the squirming caterpillar with wide eyes.

   Maybe seeing the caterpillar crawling too slowly, Ayan stretched out his fleshy little hand to pinch it.

   "Yeah, yeah." The caterpillar was soft, Ayan felt amused when he touched it, and the little deciduous teeth in his mouth laughed.

   "Heaven!" Ye Jinzhi cried out in fright.

  Ayan may be happy for a while, his subordinates are neither light nor heavy, he pinches the caterpillar flat, and the green blood slowly flows out.

   "Ah, ah." Ayan was stunned, not knowing what happened to the caterpillar, he shouted with his mouth open, and stretched out his small hand to show Yuan Shaochen.

   Yuan Shaochen heard Ayan's voice, and when he turned his head, he saw the corpse of the caterpillar in his hand.

   "Ayan, you pinched the caterpillar to death." The three children were also attracted by Ayan's voice.

  A Zhao and A Hao were bold, and they even leaned over to A Yan to take a close look, lying on the mat, wanting to take a close look.

   And the timid A Xu hid away early, not daring to look.

   "Ah." Seeing his brother getting so close, Ayan was about to put his hand in front of them, almost smearing them on their faces.

   If it wasn't for Yuan Shaochen's quick eyes and quick hands, he lifted the two children to the side, or the next second their faces would be the corpses of caterpillars.

   "Ah, ah." Seeing Yuan Shaochen coming over, Ayan tried to stretch out his little hand and wanted to show Yuan Shaochen.

   "Tsk." Yuan Shaochen disliked him, held his collar and stretched his hands far away, afraid that Ayan would stick his hands on him.

   "Yeah, ah." Ayan found himself flying into the air, forgetting the caterpillar in his hand, squinting his eyes happily, the little baby tooth was exposed.

   carried Ayan all the way to the faucet, turned on the faucet, and let him stretch out his hand.

  Although Ayan can't understand words, but children's nature loves to play with water, so he stretches out his hand and goes to the water.

   It wasn't until the caterpillar in Ayan's hand was washed away that Yuan Shaochen picked him up.

   "Hi--" Ayan put the small hand that had just swept through the water to Yuan Shaochen's neck as if playing a prank.

   Although the weather is a bit hot now, it is still very cool in the morning, especially the hands that have been washed with cold water are still very irritating to the body.

   "Goose goose goose." Ayan felt amused when he saw Yuan Shaochen like this.

   to start. He kept putting his hands on him, and when he saw Yuan Shaochen frowning, he felt it was fun, and he played more vigorously.

   Yuan Shaochen didn't get used to it at first, but Ayan got too much, and the little hand was warm again, and he didn't feel cold at all.

   But seeing how vigorous he was playing, he also cooperated with him, and he frowned as soon as he stretched out his hand.

   "Azhao carry the schoolbag, let's go." Ye Jinzhi had breakfast and packed up, and called away the excited Ah Zhao who was still playing in the backyard.

  Today is Monday, they all have to go to school, especially Ah Zhao, who has not gone to school for half a month.

   "Goodbye mom, goodbye brother." Familiar. screen, but with a different identity.

   Ye Jinzhi watched Ah Zhao leave, but now they watched her and Ah Zhao leave.

  Because Yuan Shaochen is at home, the three children don't have to follow her to school, and they don't have to carry large and small bags every day.

   "Mom, I brought candy."

  Since the former junior minister was hospitalized, people kept coming to visit him every day, and there was a lot of food at home, like candy.

  Azhao hasn't been to school for so long, Ye Jinzhi asked him to bring some food to share with his classmates, to get in touch with his feelings.

   "Go to class and remember to drink plenty of water."

  What Ye Jinzhi hadn't discovered before, it was only after she came to school that she discovered that Ah Zhao hardly drinks water.

   Ye Jinzhi filled him with a glass of water every day and ordered him to finish it in one morning.

   "Got it." Ah Zhao nodded reluctantly. He didn't like drinking water, unless he was very thirsty.

   Ye Jinzhi watched him return to the class before turning around and heading to the office.

   "Mr. Ye." The other teachers in the office had already arrived, and they were very happy to see Ye Jinzhi coming.

   "Long time no see." Ye Jinzhi greeted everyone with a smile.

   "Is the former captain in good health?" Everyone knows that she asked for leave because the former captain was injured.

   "The doctor said that the recovery is very good, and there will be no problem in taking care of it." Knowing that everyone was concerned, Ye Jinzhi also told them patiently.

   "Jingle bell!" The class bell rang.

  Everyone in the office packed their textbooks and went to class.

   "Mr. Ye, you're back." Ye Jinyi walked into the classroom, and those students were surprised, they thought that Teacher Ye would not come back.

   Ye Jinzhi nodded, the class was messy as soon as he came in, and some people were even playing outside.

   "Class." Ye Jinzhi stood on the podium, looking at some people's faces with guilty expressions, she knew something.

   "Everyone, turn the textbook to page 80."

   There was another sound of turning over the book.

   "Today we will study "My Hometown"."

   "Many students in our class come from all over the world, and their hometowns come from different places."

Many soldiers in the    army come from all over the country, and their hometowns are different.

  In the army, you can feel the customs of various places.

   In the past, the former junior minister had many comrades in arms all over the country, so sometimes when the former junior minister was on vacation, Ye Jinzhi would go on a business trip in the country.

   Yuan Shaochen will also go with him. He has his comrades in almost no place, and he will gather with his former comrades.

   "Everyone can tell their hometown and tell other students."

  The present is completely different from later generations. In later generations, because of the development of the Internet, we can learn about the customs and customs of all parts of the country and even all over the world at home.

   But in this age of underdeveloped information, not to mention foreign countries, many people don’t even know about places other than their hometowns, and what’s more, they don’t even hear the names of places.

   "My home is in Yushan."

   "My home is in Jiangshan."



   The class was very lively for a while, and everyone rushed to talk about their hometown.

   Ye Jinzhi didn't stop them. The students said they were so excited that they forgot that the teacher was still there.

   One by one, they started arguing about who's hometown is better. They were red-faced, and some people even wanted to get down.

   "Okay, stop." Ye Jinzhi signaled that they could stop.

   Hearing Ye Jinzhi's voice, everyone remembered that it was class now, and they sat up slowly one by one, but their little faces were still flushed.

  Although it was quiet, I could clearly feel the noise in the classroom just now.

   "After hearing so much, you must have heard a lot of place names that you have never heard of, right?"

   "Yes, are there really so many places for teachers?" Some people can't believe that there are so many places in their country, and they have never heard of it.

   Ye Jinzhi nodded, "Our country is very big, and everyone lives in the compound. You can ask the big brothers and where they all come from."

  Today's class went by very fast, and many students still have some things to say, they haven't heard enough.

   "The homework for this class is, everyone write an essay, talk about what your hometown looks like, and what are its characteristics." Ye Jinzhi also assigned such a homework at the end.

   I thought I would hear a lot of wailing, knowing that homework is the most troublesome place.

   But today is obviously different, everyone is very active and agreed, and it is bound to introduce their hometown to everyone.

   "Mr. Ye, this class in your class is very lively." On the way back to the office, the teacher in the next class just happened to come out and joked when she saw her.

   Ye Jinzhi was a little embarrassed, "Did you bother you?"

   She forgot that the sound insulation in the classroom is not good now. Their noisy class should have affected many classes.

   That teacher shook his head, even if there was, it was impossible to say it.

   Sure enough, along the way, many teachers in classrooms close to their class were joking.

   "It seems that Teacher Ye hasn't come back for so long. Everyone misses you, so enthusiastic." Ye Jinzhi smiled a little embarrassedly.

   And the students in the class that Ye Jinzhi taught in the morning, who went back from school today, went home today and were very active in doing their homework.

   "The sun has come out to the west. I didn't expect that one day this kid would take the initiative to do his homework."

   This scene not only happened in one home, but also happened in many households at the same time.

  The parents of those people were surprised when their children were different from usual, thinking that something was wrong at school.

  Because now there is a system where people who don’t do their homework will be punished for morning exercise, but it’s only for the first few days, and now it’s back to the past.

  Although it is strange, I am very relieved to see my children work so hard.

   Ye Jinzhi, who had already gone home from get off work, was looking for a map. She wanted to take it to school tomorrow to show them.

   "Mom. Then what are you looking for?" When one of the three children saw Ye Jin's return, they ran to the study and rummaged through the boxes.

   "I was looking for a map, and I remember there was a map at home." Ye Jinzhi remembered that he had seen it before, but couldn't find it for a while.

   "Is it this?" A Xu didn't know where to take it out.

   One of Ye Jin's looks, it really is.

"Yes, it is,"

  Ye Jinzhi took it. There was a lot of dust on the map, but it was still brand new.

   This should have been placed in the corner when I was teaching three children to recognize the map.

   The three children were very obsessed with this at that time, they kept taking this around and looking at it, and even when they were interested, they even held Ayan and let him watch it.

   When Ye Jinzhi went to class the next day, he brought this map with him.

   "Have you seen the map?" Ye Jinzhi asked first.


"I have seen."

   Some people shook their heads and some nodded, but some people didn't even know what a map was.

   "The teacher will bring a map today."

  Ye Jinzhi fixed the map on the blackboard with something.

   "This is where we live now." Ye Jinzhi pointed to an area near the sea.

   "Teacher, what is that blue one?" Someone raised his hand and asked if he didn't know him.

   "This is the sea."

   "Everyone can come up and find out where their hometown is." Ye Jinzhi motioned for everyone to come up and take a look.

   Although a group of people were eager, they also knew that this was a class, so they kept a lot of restraint and lined up one by one.

   He looked at the map on the blackboard with his head held high, and carefully looked for the area above.

   "You can see that there are many places on this map, and their locations are different, and some places are even far away, right?"


   "Our country is divided into South and North."

   "Here." Ye Jinzhi pointed at the map to teach them to recognize.

   "Furthermore, some of our classmates may be ethnic minorities. Everyone knows that there are Han people, but in our country there are Manchu, Zhuang, and Miao, and there are fifty-six nationalities."

   "The customs of each place are different, just like Inner Mongolia, they are nomadic groups, they."

   Listening to the knowledge that has never been heard before. In this class, all the students listened carefully. This is the knowledge that they have never been exposed to.

Principal Wu used to go through Ye Jinzhi's class when the teacher inspected the class situation. He was surprised to find that today's students listened very carefully. This was a phenomenon that rarely or never happened before. After all, there are always students in each class. A few students who don't like to study.

   stopped and wanted to listen carefully to what Ye Jinzhi had to say. He quietly walked to the back door, and when he looked up, he saw the map hanging on the blackboard, and Ye Jinzhi's endless knowledge was in his ears.

   Principal Wu couldn't help nodding after hearing this, and a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

   He didn't expect Ye Jinzhi to have such an idea. Before, no teacher had brought students to learn about maps and countries.

   Ye Jinzhi was so fascinated that he didn't even notice Principal Wu's departure.

   "Principal Wu." After class, Ye Jinyi walked out of the classroom and saw Principal Wu waiting at the door.

   "Mr. Ye." Principal Wu motioned for them to speak while walking.

   "How did Mr. Ye think of taking the students to know the map?" Principal Wu was a little curious about Ye Jinzhi's thoughts.

   Ye Jinzhi thought it was something, it turned out to be this.

   "I think our students know too little about the outside world, and as a new generation of the country, it is the most basic for them to know their own country."

   She found out that the current junior high school does not have this course, and later generations almost began to teach this course in elementary school.

   Principal Wu nodded after listening, "Mr. Ye's idea is very good. I think the school should also offer this kind of course in the future."

   Let students understand how big the outside world is. Don’t be fascinated by the little prosperity in front of them, but enlarge their horizons.

   (end of this chapter)