MTL - A Bar In An Alternate World: Pick Up A Young Witch-Chapter 67 Uncle, I have saved the world

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Looking at the preoccupied man in front of him, Ringer made up his mind and asked Elise to fetch five bottles of wine from the wine cabinet.

Elise muttered why there were so many, fetched five bottles of wine, and placed them in front of Ringer.

Bourbon, kirsch liqueur, ruby ​​port, vermouth and champagne.

Ringer snapped his fingers, and the cork on the bottle popped up at the same time, and landed on the bar, forming a small circle.

The lost man shrank his pupils and stared at Ringer's hand in disbelief. When he saw the clear wine line flying out of the bottle and converging into a ball in the air, his expression was even more shocked, and his mouth opened involuntarily.

But he didn't make a sound, didn't disturb Ringer, just stared blankly.

When the ice cubes floating in the air melted into the wine, his body trembled, his eyes bulged, staring at those pure ice cubes.

The mixed wine fell into the glass in front of him. The dark red garnet-toned wine exuded an incredible aroma, the perfect fusion of ruby ​​​​and bourbon, rich and crazy.

An indescribably complicated expression appeared on the man's face, and he was staring at the wine glass in front of him.

"What's its name?"

"Freedom or death."

As for the origin of the name, it may be because it has similar ingredients to "Memory of Maine", or the bartender who invented it was inspired by history. The level of complexity is ideal.

Memories of Maine, by the way, is another drink with a similar composition, a velvety evening drink. The name comes from a rebellious warship, the USS Maine.

This is a U.S. Navy ship that sank in the harbor of Havana during the Cuban uprising against Spain in 1898. American public opinion and the media generally believed that this was a shameless surprise attack by Spain. This incident triggered the Spanish-American War. "Remember the Maine, go to **** with Spain" became the battle cry, which eventually led to Cuba's independence.

Of course, someone later found out that the coal pile on the Maine actually ignited spontaneously when it sunk on the ship. This was just an excuse for the United States to rob the colonies.

The man subconsciously picked up the wine glass, and the wine entered his mouth. It was a little spicy, mixed with caramel flavor, and the complex taste was full of darkness and indulgence.

He drank the whole glass in silence, his lips trembled suddenly, bent downward into a painful arc, tears came out.

Linge didn't say anything, and quietly wiped the jeweled gold cup in his hand.

The man's fist hit the bar heavily, venting his emotions.

"Do you believe it? I once saved the world."

Ringer looked at the man unexpectedly, neither affirming nor denying.

"I know it's unbelievable, but when I was young, I did travel to another world, and saved that world from the hands of the demon **** who was trying to destroy it." A look of reminiscence appeared on the man's face.

Ringer cleared his throat, as if he believed the man's words.

"And after that?"

"After that?" The man smiled self-deprecatingly, "I gave up all my strength and chose to return to this world, intending to live a peaceful life."

"You regret it now?"

"I don't know, I'm married, I have a daughter and my wife loves me, but I always think about that journey.

Although it is full of crises and challenges, it is free and unrestrained, and the sense of accomplishment after defeating a strong enemy makes my blood surge, which is really unforgettable.

Dwarves, monsters, dragons, liches, beautiful elves and perfect goddesses... They always appear in my dreams, and every time I wake up at night, I will have a sense of alienation that does not belong to this world.

It was an irresolvable feeling, and it accumulated more and more in my heart, like fermented wine, which became stronger with time, and I didn't know how to deal with this emotion. "

The man murmured, his tone melancholy and confused.

Elodeina, who was nearby, already showed a cheerful expression. The man's negative emotions were very strong, and she ate very happily.

At the bar, Elise pointed out sharply: "You just regret it."

The man was startled: "Maybe, but even if I regret it, I won't be able to go back."

"Could you be thinking about the beautiful elf or goddess over there?" Elise looked at the man suspiciously, with vague contempt in her eyes.

"Uh, no, nothing. By the way, did you use magic when you mixed the drink just now?" The man suddenly looked at Ringer.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't tell the secrets in his heart. A normal bartender would only think that he was delusional after hearing the stories he told, but this bar seemed different, and he couldn't help but tell the truth.


Ringer didn't mean to hide it, nor was it necessary.

The other party even said things like "I once saved the world" that would make strangers laugh out loud, so he has nothing to hide. Only by being honest and honest can he communicate with the guests.

If it was before, he would think that the man was talking nonsense, but now he tends to believe what the man says, which also explains why he can enter the Emerald Bar.

"Does magic exist in this world?" The man suddenly became excited, as if he had found a new motivation for life.

Linge didn't know how to answer, and he wasn't sure if there was any supernatural power on the other side of the earth. His magic power could only be used in bars and the continent of Aios, and would be severely suppressed and almost unusable on the other side of the earth.

"There is one more thing that I am very concerned about," the man turned his head, "Is the skeleton in front of the TV over there a decoration, or..."

Hearing the man mentioning himself, the motionless bones finally turned his skull, and the two dark eye sockets faced the man.

"Hello, I'm Bone."

The man takes a deep breath.

It turned out to be a real undead creature!

"What the **** are you here?"

Ringer smiled and said, "As you can see, it's a bar, and it's a bar leading to another world."

The man's pupils shrank suddenly, and his lips trembled:

"To...a different world?"

"That's right, there is a continent named Is it a world that the guest has been to?"

The man shook his head blankly: "It's not that name..." Then his eyes were full of eager requests: "Can you take me there to have a look? I'm willing to pay any amount!"

The man's longing eyes were as hot as a volcano. Linge thought about it and decided to satisfy the man's wish.

The mental state of this middle-aged man is really worrying. If he can't resolve his emotions, he will become crazy sooner or later. Just think about his wife and children.

Besides, this is not a difficult thing to do, just open a door.

"Lanya, open the door for the guests."

The law and order in Castallon City is very good, if you just wander around the city, there should be no problem.

Lan Ya walked to the door, opened the door, and a dazzling light came in from the outside immediately.

In the man's eyes, those rays of light seemed to be guiding holy light, and he couldn't help but move his legs and walk into the light.

Outside the door, you will find the bustling commercial street on the north side of Castallon, Uradah Street, exotic buildings, fantasy races walking on the street, shining armor, sharp long sword, Gorgeous robes and wands...

In a daze, the man seemed to have returned to his youth. At that time, he had just traveled to another world and entered the main city for the first time. His mood at this time was very similar to that at that time.

But his mood at this time was more complicated. In addition to excitement and excitement, he also had an urge to cry, as if he had retrieved a precious memory from a long time ago.

Tears blurred his greasy face again.

Ringer followed through the door.

"This is Castallon, a free city at the junction of the Three Kingdoms, has the guest heard of it?"

The man shook his head blankly.

"Let me show the guests around."