MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-Chapter 21 Be treated harshly

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Her begging for mercy simply couldn't heal the anger in Yu Aotian's heart, just as she provokes him 2 years ago.

Yu Aotian grabbed her long hair with one hand, and slowly pulled open his pants chain with the other, releasing the dragon that was still asleep.

He, what is he doing? Yao Yao closed her eyes in horror. This was the first time she saw a man ...

"Oh, do you think it would be useful to close your eyes?" Yu Aotian narrowed her eyes coldly and pinched her small mouth roughly.


The next second, the unclean thing that symbolized the male fell into her mouth, slowly moving in and out ...

"Nausea ..." A sense of nausea overwhelmed the river, she clearly felt that the man's things kept expanding in her mouth, and sometimes even hit her throat.

How can this man ... how can he be overbearing? Unconfident tears slowly left along her cheeks.

In sharp contrast is the gradually satisfying expression on Yu Aotian's face.

Although the technology of this little thing is not good, but he has been satisfied for a long time. With her sobbing tears, Yu Aotian really likes to make such innocent little things cry.

"Oh ..." Gradually, his handsome cheeks were covered with red glow, and the speed of entering and leaving her mouth was gradually accelerating.

Just then, Yu Guang accidentally noticed the monitor flashing red light in the corner ...

Damn it! His expression returned to the gloom just now. She shoved Yaoyao's head, pulled up her pants chain, and rushed out of the elevator ...


monitoring room……

"I * fuck, it's over." Long Qi, who was sitting in front of the controller, saw that Yu Aotian was about to kill, and hurried out of his office.

"Mr. Long, what's happening?" The staff inside the section saw his flustered look intrigued.

"Leave it alone. If President Yu comes over a while, I will say I've been driving ..."

'Boom! ’Before he finished the explanation, the door of the department was opened from outside.

Everyone's eyes turned towards the gate ... "Yu ... Yu." Frightened, he sat up from his chair and bowed in unison.

Yu Aotian who killed him had no time to pay attention to other people. One step forward strangled Long Qi's neck and pushed him straight into the office ...

"Brother Aotian, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But you also saved me some face, so many people outside." Once at the office, Long Qi kept begging for mercy.

Yu Aotian narrowed his eyes coldly, and glanced at the monitor that was still blinking: "Oh, Long Qi, you really have a disgusting taste!"

"Yes, yes, yes, I will change it next time, I will change it. But I can't blame me."

Seeing Long Qi's innocent expression, Yu Aotian's face immediately darkened: "Don't you blame me for what you mean?"

"Uh, I didn't mean that, Brother Aotian, please, let go first, I can't breathe anymore."

Hearing that, Yu Aotian slowly let go of his hands around his neck and turned to sit on the sofa in the office.

Long Qi breathed a long breath and continued, "I'm actually just curious about why you dare to be so interested in that flat chest, so you will ... After all these years, there are so many beautiful women around you that they will be delivered to you automatically. I ca n’t count them all, why are you struggling so much to provoke that little girl? I do n’t think it ’s possible for her to think of you as a cowboy just 2 years ago? ”

Long Qi is the one who has played with the world, and he knows his temper well. You know, Yu Aotian has never forcibly asked which woman, Luo Yaoyao can be regarded as the first time, so he is full of expectations and curiosity for this girl.

"Want to know?"

"Uh! Uh!"

"Come here." Yu Aotian smiled and twitched his fingers, and Long Qi rushed to his side and put his ears together.

Who knows ...


Yu Aotian squeezed his ear sharply and yelled, "It's okay to take care of my internal affairs. If you feel too busy, get me to work as a plotter in the service department."

"Cut ... Autian, you're really stingy." Long Qi rubbed her ears disappointed, and glanced at the surveillance screen inadvertently: "Uh, where is that flat chest?"

Upon hearing this, Ao Tian rushed to the monitor. I saw Yaoya running away from the elevator wiping his tears ...


"Woo ... 呸! 呸! 呸 ... woo ......" After the man left, Yaoyao spit as he cried, and she was less than 20 years old when she faced such a problem.

In the morning in the office of the public relations department, he suddenly left halfway; this time he left again suddenly. Although Yaoyao didn't know what the reason was, she certainly did not have so much luck.

"No, I can't continue in this way, that bad guy deserves the punishment he deserves!" Said time and time, Yaoyao rushed out of the elevator as soon as his idea fell.

"Well, here it is." On the 42nd floor, she stood in front of a glass door with the words of the security department and slowly opened it: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, may I ask, your security department manager is here?" ?"

As Yaoyao entered, the male staff in the office flashed in front of each other: "Hey, hey, look at it! Look at it, it's so cute."

"Wow, she looks so cute, is she wearing Miss Elevator clothes? Why haven't I noticed that our company has such a lovely Miss Elevator?"

"You haven't heard her say to find our manager? Bacheng is our manager's girlfriend, and you are advised to die." Yao Yao's pure and lovely appearance really boiled this tedious office full of men.

"Miss, do you have anything to do with our manager?" At this moment, a male staff member sitting next to the door asked curiously.

She pursed her lips and smiled dryly: "It's urgent, if he is here, please take me to meet him, okay? I'm Luo Yaoyao in the service department."

"Okay, wait a minute." The staff did not see such a high level of enthusiasm on weekdays, but when Yaoyao came, the male staff rushed into the back office manager's office with a **** blood: 2. Manager Long interrupted. There is a female colleague named Luo Yaoyao outside of Manager Long looking for you. "

"Luo Yaoyao?" Long Qi frowned, rushed to the male staff member with a newspaper and said, "Would you like to report to anyone who finds me? I don't know what Yao Yao is?" You are so beautiful, you came here with my diligence? Asshole, have n’t you seen a woman? ”He said, beating the head of a male staff member with a newspaper.

Long Qi is a well-known violent manager of the company. Regardless of his young age, his temper is very fierce.

"Yes, yes, Manager Long, I know what to do."

"Wait." As soon as the male staff member was about to leave, Yu Aotian sitting on the office chair slowly opened his mouth: "Long Qi, since they are calling for you by name, it must be very important, you should! Go! Under the reception. "<