MTL - A Naive Short-tempered Girl-v4 Chapter 468 cheat? !!

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Chapter 468 Cheating? !!

### Chapter 634: Cheating? !!

It is estimated that anyone who has heard this will have to react to him.

Cheating in the exam was not caught, but the result was that he had been caught stealing vegetables. The problem is not Yaoyao cheating ...

Really, it was the most absurd cheating he had ever heard.

"You're too much ..." Yao Yao wiped the tears in her eyes and stared at Yu Aotian resentfully. She knew she was stupid, but who can understand her grievances? Still laughing!

"Well, baby, don't get angry ... you suffer ... um ... you're wronged." Yu Aotian tried to pretend to be as sympathetic as possible, but he couldn't help it, he laughed Tears were almost flowing.

Yao Yao simply ignored him and turned around.

"Ah!" Yu Aotian saw this, quickly put away her smile, and grabbed her arm for a moment.

Yao Yao naturally turned around ...

Pure little face, with two lovely teardrops.

The oppressive impulse leaped abruptly, and Yu Aotian wanted to kiss her. At this moment, he wanted to kiss this little thing that could make him forget his troubles and make him helpless and crazy.

Gradually, her charming eyes turned to her lips, and her beautiful face couldn't help but rush to her ...

Tears stopped abruptly. In its place was a burst of accelerated heartbeat. Yaoyao already felt what was going to happen next.


She seemed to have been clicked on the acupuncture point, and she could not move for a moment, as if ... welcoming the kiss ...

"Luo Yaoyao!" Suddenly, a voice interrupted this beautiful picture.

Yaoyao nervously dodged Yu Aotian's kiss and looked at the voice: "You ..."

It was a beautiful little boy. The little boy came to Yaoyao in guilt: "Are you okay?"

Yu Aotian stood upright, squinting his eyes coldly, if he could, he really wanted to get this little boy in the way!

"I'm fine."

"Will the principal punish you?" The boy asked worriedly.

Yaoyao shook his head at a loss: "I don't know ..."

"Sorry. Luo Yaoyao, it was ... I killed you. I shouldn't steal vegetables."

Suddenly, Yu Aotian's eyes were full of cold eyes flashed, quickly do not go too far, and restrained his smile.

It turned out that this boy was the little fool who stole vegetables. He really didn't know what to say.

"I know, you didn't do it on purpose. Forget it, it doesn't matter."

"I'm sorry ..." The boy whispered in guilt, glancing at Yu Aotian from time to time: "He? Familiar."

"Ah? He ... he ... is my uncle!" Fainted, Yaoyao didn't know what he thought, but he came up with the word uncle.

Let's take a look at Yu Aotian's face. It suddenly darkened. This little thing is not the first time he said he was her uncle? Is he so old in her heart? !!

"Uncle?" The boy always felt that Yu Aotian was familiar: "Uncle, hello."

"Um." He nodded coldly.

"Uncle, it's not Yao Yao's fault this time. Don't scold him when you go home, okay?"

"No, uncle ... why would you scold her !?" In the corner of his eyes, a sharp touch of Yu Guang scanned his eyes.

She took a sharp breath, knowing that this time ... it was going to be unlucky!

"Uncle, there is one more thing, I ... I ... really like Yao Yao, can I associate with her?" The boy said very earnestly.

However, Yaoyao has petrified the whole person. Oh my god, what's the matter with this? How could he say such things in front of Yu Aotian? !!

Yu Aotian's hand on Yao Yao's wrist tightened obviously, but with a very kind smile on his face: "I don't agree with our family's early love."

"But, uncle, Yaoyao is already married?"

"That time! It was because of my uncle's carelessness. So ... this kind of thing will not happen ... second time!" The smile on his face disappeared instantly, he turned his head to look at Yao Yao, and smiled hideously The flesh said without a smile: "Baby, let's go home!"

It's over.

This boy not only stole vegetables and hurt her to be punished, he even confessed to her in front of Yu Aotian, wasn't this to completely kill her?

God, where is she sorry for this guy? It hurt her so much! ?

All the way out of the campus, Yu Aotian was silent, and Yao Yao was like a child who did something wrong behind him.

"President Yu." The government bus parked at the gate of the campus saw the Aotian appear, and the secretary in the front seat opened the door respectfully.

It can be seen that Yu Aotian should have been invited to handle government affairs, otherwise he would not have come directly to the school by driving the government bus.

"You wait for me outside the car first!"

"Yes, the director." The secretary looked at the driver and stepped out of the car respectfully.

"Get in the car!" The cold two words fell, and Yu Aotian took the lead in the back seat of the car.

Yao Yao bit his lip in distress and sat beside him nervously.

"I'm old ?!" Sure enough, as soon as the door was closed, Yuaotian began to erupt!

"No ..." She shook her head in a panic, and quickly explained: "I, I just said so casually!"

"Then I'm younger than the kid just now ?!"


What's the situation, Yao Yao already foresees that Yu Aotian may get angry after getting on the bus, but he doesn't want him to care so much about age? !! Compared to a 20-year-old boy? It stands to reason, Yu Aotian is not a person with such a thing as an accountant?

"Ah, what? We two are young!"


"Huh ?!" His face sank instantly.

Yaoyao quickly shook his head: "You ..."

"Hmm ..." Then, the proud genius smiled with satisfaction.

But the question, can anyone hear that this is a lie?

The boy was less than 20 years old, and Yu Aotian was less than 29 years old. Even if Yu Aotian looks casual in his early twenties, how can he easily cover up his inherent maturity and steady temperament?

"Small thing, if you dare tell others that I am your uncle, I will choke you!"

"You ... mind?"

After waiting for the tentative words of Yaoyao, Yu Aotian quickly turned his face to the position of the window. For a long while, coldly: "I really mind!"


It turns out that there will be things that Ao Tian will care about in this world, and what's more about his age?

Would it be like he was very concerned about his image when he was by his side?

When everyone said that she was like a child, like his lover, she also felt that way, and even humbled herself.

However, Yu Aotian didn't know that his maturity and stability were exactly the place that fascinated women.

There are so many 28- and 9-year-old men who behave like children, immature and unable to give women a sense of dependence. But he did the opposite.

There are so many young girls who like uncles in their thirties or even forties, all they look for is the feeling of dependence, and the feeling of being protected.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't have, maybe not in this life, is a sense of security that can reassure a woman.

### Chapter 635: Danger is Coming

Having been with Yuaotian for so long, Yaoyao's impression of him has been changing. The only thing that cannot be changed is ...

The moment you have Yu Aotian is to lose all of him; the moment you fall in love with him is doomed to be the beginning of being abandoned ...

He ... doesn't belong to any woman! He ... is a man who cannot be restrained in any way!

Of course, maybe in the future, when he is in his thirties or forties, he may settle down. Unfortunately, it must not be now ...

"Return to the company?"

"I took a day off today."

"Well, I'll take you home." Yu Aotian said, beckoning to the secretary standing outside the car to get in with the driver.

"No need, no need. I'll go back by myself. There should be a lot of things waiting for you from the State Department?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I also drop by." Yu Aotian ordered the driver to start the car.

Yaoyao simply didn't shirk away and looked quietly out the window ...

"Chairman." After the car drove out for about 5 minutes, the driver in the front seat suddenly opened his mouth: "There are several cars in the back that seem to be following us all the time."

Yaoyao's heart trembled, and he turned to the rear windshield subconsciously.

The cars on both sides of the road saw government cars passing by and evaded them, except that the three black SUVs still closely followed the car.

"Stop the car for a while." Yu Aotian opened his mouth calmly.

The driver parked the car steadily on the side of the road according to his instructions. Yaoyao paid special attention to the three SUVs. One of them drove away, and the other two stopped not far away.

"Chairman?" The driver waited for his next order.

"You and Secretary Wu leave first."

"Chairman? How can this be, in case those people intend to be wrong with you, what to do?" Secretary Wu finished nervously.

Yu Aotian waved his hands with a smile: "You are more concerned, I don't think they follow me. You go back to the State Council and wait for me. I have something personal to talk to Luo."

"Oh ..." Seeing this, Secretary Wu and the driver had to intercept a taxi and left.

"Follow me to sit in front." The two changed from the back seat to the front row.

Yaoyao frowned, did Yu Aotian really have something to talk to himself? "you……"

Before waiting to ask the question, Yu Aotian stooped and took out a bulletproof vest from her seat: "Put on!"

It seems that Yu Aotian also knew that the cars were intended to assassinate them before they tracked them. But why did he take Secretary Wu and the driver away? Isn't it a good idea to have them there?

Distressed glanced at the body armor: "What do you do?"

"Leave me alone. Put it on!"

Yaoyao had to take the body armor and put it on his body.

At this time, Yuao Tian started the car and pulled out his mobile phone: "Leaving off, let's go. I will lead them to their destination first."

Lead them to their destination?

It seems that Yuaotian has already deployed all this?

After seeing him hang up, Yaoyao hurriedly asked, "You don't want this matter to be resolved by the government?"

"Solving through the government is a political issue. Do you want to fight?"


Feng Chenrui mobilized the people of Asland. Once caught, it is a political issue between the two countries.

No wonder Yu Aotian will take away Secretary Wu, their feelings. He is afraid to shock the government.

"I didn't expect that Feng Chenrui even wanted you to kill!" It has always been believed that Feng Chenrui was afraid to be pretentious, and did not expect ...

"It's normal. There seems to be another person who supports him."

"Another one?" After savouring Yu Aotian's words, she reacted sharply ... "You mean Zeng Kairui?"

Yu Aotian laughed and said nothing.

Question ... "Zeng Kairui uses Feng Chenrui to kill you, it seems normal. But ... does he not know that this will cause political problems in the two countries?"

"Oh, baby, you think of Lenovo and Lenovo 13 years ago, you can understand it now."

Thirteen years ago, Zeng Kairui planned to seize the position of Prime Minister Qilian, didn't he? He has now pulled Prime Minister Qi Lian from the top of the political circle. What else is planned? Could it be ... "If your father didn't pay for the assassination, then it would be a political issue between China and the Assyrian state. That is to say ... Zeng Kairui wants to start a war !?"

"Yes!" Yu Aotian's eyes gradually shifted to Yao Yao, and those eyes that could understand everything seemed so unfathomable at this moment.

Yu Aotian is such a man. He always likes to turn everything into a chess game. He is the manipulator. Let those pawns line up according to all the marches he controls. When it is time for him to move, he starts to control each **** and walk every step.

I'm really afraid to get along with this man, because I don't know when, I will become a **** in his hands without knowing it, maybe it is already a **** in his hands, but I do n’t know yet .

But no matter what ...

"You will definitely be a good political leader in the future." Yao Yao said with a smile.

Yu Aotian glanced at her coldly: "Why do you say that?"

"Because you don't like fighting."

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian smiled helplessly, and those bottomless eyes slowly looked forward: "You ... wrong."


"I really want Aslan. However, in my current capacity, even if I want to come to Aslan, it belongs to Zeng Kairui, so ..."

So, he can't be cheaper, is Zeng Kairui? !!

Looking at the thick ambition surging under the eyes of Yu Ao Tian, ​​Yao Yao almost forgot, in fact, Yu Ao Tian is a true ambitionist!

Otherwise, how could he possibly have the status of today from a man who has nothing?

It just said that the time for Yu Aotian's "be safe and secure" is not yet right?

He is such a sly man. He can't control Assyria now and can't let Zeng Kairui own it?

overbearing! treacherous!

I can't imagine how unexpected things would happen if Aotian got the Prime Minister's position! ?

The car gradually drove towards the suburbs.

There were a few more cars behind them.

Yu Aotian looked at the reflector from time to time, judging from his many years of experience, these people were afraid to start immediately, but Han Liyu did not give a reply.

"Hold it." He grabbed out of his pocket and handed it to Yao Yao.

Her first reaction was ... "No! Don't, don't leave me!"

"Huh?" Looking at Yao Yao's panic, Yu Aotian was curious.

"Last year, Brother Long Yao threw the gun at me and left. Can you not do this?" I can never forget the scene when he left the villa of Hei Yanlong and was besieged by Shang Yunyin's gang.

Long Yan lost her to her one-to-many.

She stayed in the car like that and did not dare to look at the situation outside, not because she was afraid, but because she didn't want to see how Long Yong's brother was injured.

But this time ...

Yaoyao knew that it should be more dangerous than the last siege. The last time those enemies had sticks in their hands, this time, they should be cold guns and ammunition, right?

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