MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 104 Grand Banquet (31)

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In the early morning of the second day, Jianghu Daily was issued on time.

After a quiet night in Kyoto, followers and scramblers scrambled around, gradually boiling.

At the moment of the hour, there were many people in Yuanhefang.

Mr. Storyteller Pharaoh will appear on the stage, and the gavel is a shot, which is the mysterious knight who came out yesterday to feast the Zen Temple Peach Blossom Forest, using only half a column of incense!

"Half-pillar incense!" The storytelling spit flying: "What is the concept of half-pillar incense, Bai Guoshe Ji Yu Shenjian, when the world is sixth today! The peach blossom forest that this man enters one day, she is enough in the morning It took half an hour for me to come out. For half an hour, the four scented incense! The four scented incense, the sixth in the world, came out. Do you have any opinion on this peach forest? "

For a time, the passion was heated.

"He came from the group with the most gentlemen! Did anyone guess!"

"Guess what? Guess the gentleman isn't dead?"

"In recent years, hasn't it always been said that he hasn't died? Otherwise, in addition to him in the world, who else can do this, who can be so scary!"

"Impossible, if he is really a gentleman, is he a fool? He knew he was surrounded by the six martial arts, and dare to sway like this to attend the feast of the feast. Did he forget how he died? Qiu's death, this account is not clear yet! "

"Stupid, do you still live three years ago? A major event happened in Kyoto before the son of the Zhao family was killed by Zhuang Xiao. Jianghu Daily and Linglong Pavilion have already stated that in recent years, the sects on the rivers and lakes are Zhuang Xiao. For this, he also used needles. Now who dares to swear an oath of assurance, is it that the gentleman is so sinful! "


"What, what? Even if he didn't do it, did he escape?" I think you are fainted one by one, and then you will think this person is a gentleman. His body was made public three years ago! "

"My aunt! There is nothing credible about the soaked thing! What's wrong with his life, in case he really lives ..."

With that said, the sound came to an abrupt halt.

Leng Buding, one person said: "Don't make these fearless guesses, the Ming feast is really alive, how can it wait for three years to show up? Tianqing was bullied for three years, why didn't he give Tianqing something? If he really Are wronged, why not find someone to avenge it? "

"Besides, he has deep grievances with Xiaohan Temple. He is so generous and doesn't bother Xiaohan Temple at all? If he was last night, that means that his martial arts have not regressed at all. With such skill, you can still watch others vying for a life order? Furthermore, if Xiaohan Temple knows that he is alive, he can let him go? Let him come to the feast and seal Zen? "

Listening to this person's analysis, everyone was slightly convinced.

"That's what I said. However, we also have a little hope. If that night was really a long dinner, then these foreign barbarians would not dare to be so arrogant ..."

For a while sighing.

One person said: "In fact, if it is a martial arts rookie, it is not bad. His martial arts is so high, maybe it can also affect the pattern of the Central Plains martial arts!"

"But it's always better to have a long banquet. What a deterrent to a newcomer. In case Cangsheng refuses to recognize him, it's too early to say anything."

"Are you too naive? When you think of the gentleman's group, all of them are covered with black gauze. Who knows that underneath the black gauze is a ghost, a Central Plains or a Gentile. Maybe they are mixed with Gentiles. Come in, it's not clear to everyone what the Central Plains have become in recent years. "

"What cold water are you pouring here! How could such a powerful person be a Gentile? Even a master of the world is a master of the Central Plains!"

Yuan He Fang is very lively.

The book guest yelled: "Newspapers! Who wants them! Both Jianghu Daily and Linglong Pavilion have them !!"

As soon as he stepped in the door, the newspapers of the booksellers were swept away.

When everyone was watching it with interest, one shouted, "Dead man!"

On the street, a hawker of gray clothes ran from the direction of Langya Creek.

Rolled up and down, and finally rolled a few times, and was gently pressed on the shoulder by a person.

The hawker was gray-faced, terrified and pale, and was shocked when he was holding his shoulders.

"Killed ... killed !!! Dead!"

He looked up sharply, and his voice came to a sudden stop.

It turned out that he actually hit a woman's feet, a woman with a good appearance. What makes him even more shy is that the woman's sharp-knotted hands are pressing on his gray clothes.

The hawker stuttered: "Girl, aunt, girl is all right!"

After learning about it, he quickly got up.

"Dare you ask what the girl is called?"

"My surname is Hua."

Standing on the edge of the street is Hua Yunshang.

She smiled very calmly, and the hawker watched so fascinated that she quickly returned to her mind: "I bumped into the girl and hoped the girl forgive me!"

Hua Yunshang said, "Listen to someone who died in front of you, what did you see?"

The hawker looked worse and vomited.

This morning, he set off from his home and passed a ruined temple.

There was an unpleasant stench in the alley in front of the temple.

When I walked in, I saw a pile of rotten meat on the ground, a dry, dead head, rolled aside.

"Kill, kill!" He swallowed, finally calmed down, and told Hua Yunshang what he had seen and heard.

Hua Yunshang laughed, "Is it so. I'm scared."

Seeing this, the hawker quickly said, "Girl! Don't go there! It's really not alone. I can't stand being a big man. You still have to go home and relax!"

He finished and sighed, "Hey, what a pity this ear is."

Hua Yunshang asked with a smile: "Listen to you, do you know him?"

The hawker said: "Yeah! I borrowed a hundred copper plates from him a few days ago, who knows he died today! It's so horrible ... who can I pay for that money!"

He asked for a bowl of tea from Dr. Tea. After drinking it, he was shocked: "Yeah. Don't say, I'm rushing to the newspaper officer! I will only talk to others first, although there have been assassinations in the past, but No death has been so strange! Weird, weird! "

"Girl, today's Kyoto feast is sealed, this place can be messy, you must be careful! Don't say it, I'm leaving!"

Hua Yunchang smiled mildly and reached out and patted the hawker's shoulder: "Thank you for your reminder. Be careful on the road."

The hawker hurried to Yuanhefang.

During the feast, the storytelling table below Yuan Hefang was the busiest place in Kyoto. However, the rivers, lakes, and forests are foreign visitors, and they like to sit here and listen to stories and learn about the latest events on the rivers and lakes. Or order a piece of music for your own fun. In short, this is the fastest place for information dissemination.

Before the hawker newspaper officer, he had to spread the news to Yuanhefang. Since his childhood, he has a hero who cares about the rivers and lakes, but he is unequivocal. He cannot do martial arts anyway, so he has to do some small business.

At the entrance of Yuanhefang, the hawker said, "Everyone listen to me!"

His voice was loud, and as soon as he entered the door, he caught everyone's attention.

Unfortunately, he told everyone to listen to him, but had no time to say anything, a thin red line appeared on his neck.

At first, everyone thought it was the red line, but unexpectedly, the red line expanded rapidly, and then three feet of blood soared. Then, the hawker's head and neck were cut in half.

Landing head!


The outermost group of people was stained with blood.

I don't know who screamed, and immediately someone shouted, "What's your name! Don't say it!"

Fortunately, there are more martial arts knights in Yuanhefang who listen to books today, and they have seen some storms. Although the hawker died strangely in front of everyone, it did not cause much confusion.

Hundreds of people had a lively discussion.

In the end, the monk who drank the Dahan Temple in which he ate tea voluntarily stepped forward as the most prestigious martial art in Wulin at the same time. At the same time, the current abbot of the Dahan Temple is also the person most likely to get a Cangsheng order. With these two conditions, everyone gave a three-point concession to the Dahan Temple.

Three monks examined the body of the hawker.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the hawker's body seemed to be melted by something. First, it was a terrible struggle like a fish. The horrified people took four or five steps back, followed by white smoke from their bodies. , There is only a pool of blood in place.

Someone said: "The bones are not skinned, and the killer has a vicious heart!"

Cold, a drop of rain suddenly fell from the air.

Xie Lili gradually formed a line.

"It's raining?"

Within a short period of time, heavy rain was coming.

The Ming feast was awakened by the sound of rain.

He fell asleep, trying to turn over, but unexpectedly, he could not move all over his body.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Huaiyu's face broke into his sight without warning.

Ming Chang feasted for a moment, and he moved a little back.

Huai Yu's face, I do not know how he was born, so close look, can not find a trace of flaws. The whole person is like a fairy in the painting, and can't pick up half faults.

Ming Changyan thought while feeling: No wonder the young girl in Kyoto has folded her waist. If I am a woman, I am afraid that I have no resistance to this face.

However, even if he was a man, staring at this face for a long time, he couldn't help but stare. The more I look, the more I feel my heart beating.

At the same time, an extremely secretive and excited thought came out of my heart: this person is mine.

Ming Shao Xia couldn't help but be complacent: It seems that the charm of this Shao Xia really cannot be underestimated. Such a small beauty is not yet captured!

When trying to get into trouble, Huai Yu woke up.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was startled, and a bounce back, was hugged by Huai Yu, this did not fall out of bed.

"What are you moving?" Huaiyu didn't seem to be fully awake, her tone was a little different from usual, and she seemed to be swollen and frowned.

"It was you who woke up too suddenly, Huaiyu." Ming Changyan's wicked sue first, but the other side ignored him, and just wrapped his arms around Ming Changyan's waist with his arms, and his head deeply Buried in his neck socket and ignored whatever he said.

Ming Shaoxia secretly commented in his heart: Huaiyu in the morning was like a child.

Of course, these words must never be spoken. I can only think about it secretly in my heart. For a long time, the Ming feast has mastered certain skills. Everything is similar to saying that Huai Yu is like a child, has not grown up, is ignorant, etc. Mature evaluation, this little ancestor should be angry with him.

After a short while, Huaiyu finally released him and got up and got out of bed.

Ming Chang paused, looked out the window, and accompanied by the bad weather, he also brought some discomfort on his body. He was surprised: "It's raining? I said, only then had a dream I dreamed that Tianqing had a flood, and there were sounds of water in my ears. It turned out that it was raining outside. "

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty hit a whole body, quickly gathered the quilt into a ball, and wrapped himself in it, covering a little faint temperature.

Huai Yu was already dressed when he spoke. Now, he is holding a new set of clothes, digging out the Ming banquet from the quilt and putting it on him.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty yelled, "I'm so cold! Don't let it leave me!"

It refers to the quilt wrapped around the Ming feast.

The clothes were cold and draped over him, against his skin, so that he hung straight to Huaiyu.

Huai Yu couldn't be moved by him, and frowned, "You let go!"

Ming Chang feasted: "Huaiyu, is there no ignition in your palace, why is it so cold!"

Huai Yu said, "You come down from me."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "It won't work to hug you! You really have no feelings and you are cold!"

After a while, my body gradually warmed up.

Ming Changyan finally reluctantly jumped out of him and sat back on the bed. .

Shoes and socks are new and never seem to be passed through. It's a pity that Ming Shaoxia never paid attention to this, and Huaiyu wore whatever he brought him, so much that he changed a whole new set of clothes today and he didn't know it.

After putting on shoes and socks, Ming Changyan asked, "When is it now?"

It was raining outside, it was overcast, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was not good at judging the hour. He simply asked Huaiyu.

"Zheng Zheng."

Ming Changyan's eyes widened: "It's the hour!"

He suddenly returned to God and said, "Why didn't you go to Taiwei Temple!"

Huai Yu froze slightly.

Ming Changyan waited for a while, but didn't wait for the answer, urged narrowly: "Oh-I know, don't you lie in bed?"

"I often went there today," Huaiyu corrected calmly. "You held it too tightly, I can't get up."

Ming Changyan's cheeks became hot, and he got two winds and said, "Don't scorn good people."

When I said this, I felt a little guilty.

Ming Changyan shifted the topic and quickly asked: "Huaiyu, do you have an umbrella?"

Huaiyu nodded: "Yes."

Ming Chang feast said: "I'm going to Langya Creek today. If you have an umbrella, borrow me."

Huai Yu asked, "When are you coming back?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Come back in the evening. The old monk seems to be telling me a lot, you don't need to worry about me. When I return, if the Taiwei Temple is still trying, I will come to you."

Huaiyu got up and gave him an umbrella, and the Ming feast followed, and found that the installation was very luxurious beside the bedroom.

These ninety-nine palaces are really big, and it will take a long time to go to the first floor. Ming Changyan always came straight to the bedroom to sleep, and the study on the side never visited.

As soon as I entered the study, the first thing I heard was a crisp, small ringing bell.

The sound was not from a bell, but it was very much like a bell.

Ming Changyan looked up. It turned out that there was a string of wind chimes hanging in front of the window of the study. When the wind blew outside, the glass **** shook gently, and the sound came from it.

He hesitated for a moment, remembering that the wind chimes were exactly what he gave to Huaiyu.

The little fish inside was gone.

Want to come to this kind of cowardice, must be a half-dead little fish in it, after buying it, it died very quickly.

Ming Changyan stared at the glass ball for a while and asked, "Huaiyu, where is the little fish in it?"

Huaiyu stiffened her umbrella, pursed her lips, and said, "Dead."

The long feast of the Ming sighed, causing the bell to ring even more.

He didn't speak, and turned his back to Huaiyu, which made him hesitant.

Huaiyu squeezed his palms and said, "I saved it."

Ming Chang Yan said: "What?"

Huaiyu pursed her lips again. "But it died quickly."

Ming Changyan didn't seem to react. After thinking for a while, he suddenly laughed: "You save it? Huaiyu! How did you save it?"

Huai Yu looked away: "feed medicine, acupuncture."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty has rolled on the ground with a smile.

Huaiyu picked him up, and the long feast was still laughing, laughing. He said, "Huaiyu, you are so cute!"

This fish is the size of a fingernail. It is hard to believe. When it returned to the sky, how carefully Huaiyu took him out, put it on the table, and gave it acupuncture.

Ming Chang Yan laughed enough and said, "If you die, you're buying a salamander. If you like it, you can't buy anything, it's not expensive!"

Huaiyu shook his head and said calmly, "I don't want to."

Ming Chang Yan said: Well, my temper is quite big.

Who knows, the next sentence, but heard his heart beat suddenly.

"It's not yours, I don't want anyone."

The author has something to say: Can you see that Xiaoyu is upset? I wrote it in a chapter a few months ago. 2k novel reading network