MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 107 Grand Banquet (34)

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Cobb was in a hurry and rolled on the spot.

The second arrow of Huaiyu deliberately let go of water, but only penetrated through Coba ’s right shoulder fiercely. The arrow was not left in the body, and an arc of blood spilled under it.

Cooper looked up and saw Huaiyu staring coldly at him. He was so angry that he didn't dare to presumptuously. Who knows, he didn't dare to act rashly, and there was another person behind him who seemed unable to breathe.

The man looked young and unsteady, and Cobb held him tightly: "What are you doing!"

The human said: "This kid is not very old, but so arrogant, let me step forward and give him a lesson!"

Cobb secretly warned: "You don't act lightly!"

After all, he dragged him hard and didn't let him take a half step forward. At the same time, he also gave a careful look at Huaiyu and hurried into the crowd.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty eyes narrowed.

Zhou Yi said: "Count this kid to go fast! Otherwise, if I caught it, it would be a lesson!"

Lian Su frowned, "You do what he does. Get his temper."

Zhou Yi said: "What's so good about it! Close it up and wait for the foreigners to bully us!"

Lian Su said: "It doesn't make you weak. You have a bad temper, forget it, I won't say it! Don't see anyone who is so irritable. In the future, when you meet powerful people, I don't think you can even save your life."

Zhou Yan said: "Hum, there are a few in the world, come here, I just practice!"

Such arrogance is not without capital. Zhou Yan is the fifth largest in the world, and if there is anyone who has beaten him, he is really very few.

The two walked forward, saluting together: "Small country."

Ming Chang Yan looked at the two with interest, but couldn't help feeling. Although it is known that Huai Yuquan is above these two people, it is very strange to see them respectfully respecting someone who is more than a year younger than them.

Huaiyu nodded and opened the curtain.

Before the Ming feast, he sat in the carriage with a big swing.

"Back to the palace."

Ming Chang feasted, "You happened to be here, I'm hungry."

Huai Yu said: "Dining before returning to the palace."

Arrived at the palace for a whole afternoon, Huaiyu looked coldly on the carriage again, and was already shocked and tired, and fell asleep.

Duan Hui held her back to the palace, and Chu Xiaoyun went to Daming Hall to sue the queen.

The Ming banquet went to the 99th Palace, ate a few dishes, and filled his belly, and told the blind monk what Huaiyu told him today.

After listening, Huaiyu thought for a moment, and said, "The rain is likely to be her."

Ming Changyan sighed: "I think so too. You have been in the palace for many years, do you know about rain showers?"

Huai Yu said: "The rain array was first for the people of the town, but now it is the land of Shun Chu, and he has nothing to do with me."

Ming Changyan stood up and walked to the bedside: "Zong Lu said, this person is the person of the three kings. Chu Zhizheng has nothing to do now, and he doesn't know what he is doing. Have you checked it?"

Huai Yu said, "Everything is still the same at Chu Zhizheng, but he has fallen ill and has been out of bed."

Ming Changyan laughed: "The three princes are really intriguing. In short, when the feast is sealed, you need to keep an eye on them. Also, Huaiyu, check if anyone in Beijing is missing."

Huaiyu nodded.

Ming Chang feast said: "I won't stay here for a long time today, I still have something to do."

Huaiyu grabbed his arm, "Where are you going?" After a pause, he said, "I'll go with you."

Ming Changyan thought for a moment, and said, "Okay. But you can't wear it so clearly. Is there a night walk?"

It will be dark. In the 99th Palace, Huaiyu has changed her night clothes. Ming Changyan rarely saw him dressed so dark, but only felt that the clothes made Huaiyu's skin paler.

Ming Chang feast said: "Let's go. Late, you can't see any good shows!"

Huai Yu and he flew out from the 99th Palace, but in a short time, they came to Langya Creek.

The Langya River at night is not like the gentle turning people in the daytime. After late at night, it is overcast because of its proximity to the water's edge. The long feast of the Ming dynasty was too cold and shook a bit. Huaiyu took his hand and passed him the internal force. Ming Changyan's body warmed up a bit, he couldn't help grinning, and leaned closer to him.

Huai Yu said: "Walk well."

Ming Changyan said: "This section doesn't matter. It won't be discovered."

As he said, he was tired of Huaiyu.

"Hey, my bones are really not as good as one day. If I go on like this, it will be a few years!"

Huaiyu pinched his shoulder with a warning.

Ming Chang feasted with pain and quickly said, "Okay, I won't say any more."

After walking for a while, the Ming feast came under a wall. Over the wall, one life, two times ripe.

He lowered his voice and said, "Huaiyu, you should pay close attention to me. Don't let me get lost."

Huai Yu said: "If you go well, you will never lose it."

The long feast of Ming Dynasty fluttered to the ground and clapped his hands. Huai Yu followed closely behind.

On the edge of the Langya River, there is a continuous row of post houses. The size of the post house, among which the flowers and birds, landscapes, corridors, and pavilions are all built according to the customs of various countries. After walking through one yard, one hundred meters passed to the next yard. Diverse and very nice.

Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, in the eyes of Ming Shaoxia at this moment, it is just **** to the blind and in vain.

His eyesight was getting lower, and there was light, but if he got to a place without light, it was tantamount to blindness. Ming Changyan carefully moved a few steps carefully, and Huaiyu suddenly grabbed his hand and said, "You follow me."

Ming Chang Yan said: "You don't know where I am going?"

Huai Yu said: "Dayueyi Palace."

Ming Changyan touched his nose, and said: It seems that he could not hide him.

Huaiyu led the way and walked very easily. How long, however, Dayueyi Palace appeared before the two.

The banquet of the Ming Dynasty looked at the moment with a faint candlelight, and was filled with emotion. This Dayueyi Palace is still a bit different from the real Dayue Palace. However, the only four points are similar, which makes Ming Changyan's figure linger for a moment.

Huai Yu embraced his waist and took him to the eaves. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty returned to God, and the two were already on the second floor.

Ming Changyan held his body slightly, Huaiyu's hand was taken off his waist, and he grabbed his palm instead. The Ming long banquet was not rejected, and he was accustomed to let him pull. With Huaiyu, he relaxed and studied the terrain of Dayueyi Palace.

This big moon post palace is completely different from other post palaces. The two come all the way. The other post palaces are all singing and dancing. Only Dayueyi Palace, deserted and deserted, was lonely.

Dayue Palace is really like a moon palace and it is cold, and it is no different from the ninety-nine palace. The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was very familiar with this depressing atmosphere.

As he walked, he said, "You can rest assured, there is no guard. He has always been arrogant and does not like to set up guards in the palace, but there will be one or two guards near the palace. In short, we cannot see this way . "

At the end of the corridor, a covert room door revealed a warm candlelight.

The Ming banquet stopped and made a lip: "Here it is."

He stomped open the door of another room, and then pulled out the window with Huaiyu.

There was a light rain outside, and as soon as the window opened, there was a layer of rain and fog on the face of Ming Changyan. Huai Yu covered him with rain and fog, and a long feast of the Ming Dynasty "hushed" and stepped gently on the eaves outside.

Huai Yu was afraid that he would not be able to see the road at night. When the long banquet jumped out, he extended a hand.

Ming Changyan lowered his voice and spoke against his ears: "You are in the room, don't come out."

He was very tough, and it was raining outside, so don't go out for a long feast. In desperation, the long feast of the Ming dynasty can only be turned in again temporarily, against the wall, watching the movement of another room.

Fortunately, no matter whether he turned it in or turned it in, it did not prevent him from overhearing the conversation of the Lord of the Great Moon. The lord of the Great Moon is extremely conceited and never knows what it means to have ears in the wall. It is up to him to speak and do things. Ming Changyan couldn't help muttering, thinking: He can live to this day, it is a marvelous miracle.

A thunderous rage came from the room next door.


Ming Changyan booed: What else would he say?

You don't need to deliberately reach out to see what the long-distance feast can get along with in the opposite room. Several people communicated in the language of Dayue.

Ming Changyan himself listened for a while, and found out that his cheap dad was insulting him at the beginning, and, listening to it, he heard it from a young age. He rolled his eyes and felt very bad, so he turned to look at Huaiyu, who knew that Huaiyu was listening carefully.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was slightly surprised, for no reason, seeing the appearance of Huai Yu clearly understood the language of Dayue Kingdom. However, a few years ago, he also went to see the small bell with Huaiyu. At that time, Huaiyu also needed Liu Kuang as an interpreter.

He wondered, "When did you learn?"

Huai Yu said: "Can't I learn?"

The two only spoke, and didn't speak. The Ming feast in the Ming dynasty was very admired. If Huaiyu was to learn the language of the big moon, he would have learned it in just one year. This year, he also followed the Ming Changyan to the southeast and northwest, and the Ming Changyan never saw when he would be empty. I never imagined that it was just such a squeeze of time that he really learned it!

He admired: extremely talented!

In the other room, the owner of Dayue finally finished and scolded one enough.

The whip is powerful and the whip is bloody.

With a squeak, the door was opened.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little hesitant, and secretly said: What does he do?

Can't wait for the door at that end to open, Ming Changyan's body has moved first, from lying on the wall to lying on the door. The two bedrooms are very close. Ming Changyan didn't dare to open the door, only tightly Stick it on the door and listen to the movement outside.

Those who have achieved martial arts, such as the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, can discern the movement around them by simply listening to the sound. In addition, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was used to being blind at night, and was very keen on the perception of movement and darkness in the dark. In a moment, the scene outside the door could be outlined in my mind.

Cold, the voice of the landlord resounded and asked, "What about Coba?"

Ming Changyan quickly covered his ears, and at the same time, there was a slight movement behind him. Wanting to come to Huaiyu was also fully focused on identifying the movement outside the door. The sudden sudden voice of the Lord of the Moon so surprised that he was taken aback.

Ming Changyan covered her ears with her hands, and instead covered her mouth, shaking her body slightly, trying to restrain herself from laughing in this tense scene.

Huai Yu poked him.

The Ming feast immediately resemble a quail, motionless.

Outside the door, a person replied: "Return to the founder of the kingdom, Cooper commander suffered minor injuries today and is still being treated by the doctor."

The lord of the country took a moment, and impatiently said, "Wounded? How could it be hurt? Where is it?"

Hearing the words, the Ming feast followed for a moment. Soon, his heart twitched endlessly. He had never seen this reaction from the landlord. At that time, his biological children were on the verge of death, and this man was indifferent and ignored. Now, care about the injury of a subordinate? It's ridiculous.

For a time, mixed feelings.

The rushing footsteps sounded from the stairs, and the feast of the Ming dynasty held his breath and took away his breath.

Listen to the guard shouting, "Master Gorele."

Ming Yan feasted a brow: Gorele? Where have the characters come from, I have never heard.

Here came two people, one with a firm footstep, who seemed to be a strong man. One man's footsteps were futile, slightly slower, and seemed to be slightly injured. The afternoon scene in Ming Changyan's mind immediately emerged. It seems that these two people, one is the person who was hurt by Huaiyu, that is, Coba, and the other strong man is standing with Coba in the afternoon People.

It appears that his name is Gorele.

Lord Dayue's eyes fell on Coba ’s shoulders, and his brows frowned: “Who was hurt? Coba, I do n’t raise you to raise a waste. You know you still have work to do. Now you are in the Central Plains, How did you show me that? "He paused and said," He hurt you. Did you kill him? "

Cobb's face changed, hesitating for a moment, and just about to speak, he was interrupted by Gorele.

"He didn't fight back at all! Like a mouse crossing the street when he saw the cat, he was so scared that he ran away with his tail!" Gorele's anger was on the surface, and he seemed to have waited for the title of the prosecutor: "Koba Not only ran by myself, but also ran me. Otherwise, I would have rushed up and killed the man! "

Cobb said, "Gibberish, is that the person you want to kill and kill?" After speaking, turning to look at the owner, kneeling on one knee, back with his right hand behind him, this action is the etiquette of the royal family of Dayue. Absolute loyalty, and a vow to ignore it. "The lord, the one who hurt me, is the state of the Central Plains, Yun Qing."

National Road: "Yunqing?"

Cobar said: "I want to come to the country and heard his name."

Ming Changyan jumped in his heart and listened more carefully.

The countryman said: "This man is a man of good creation. In the early years, the king heard his name. Hearing that he was talented, he was very young at the young age, and it was different from my **** son."

Cobb hesitated, "But the little prince?"

The nationalist said: "Who isn't he? All day long, he will only engage in some wild ways that are crooked and evil, and do nothing for the job, lose his life, and useless to live, it is better to die!" After finishing, he changed his mouth: "But it is not completely Use, at least, to give the king a reason to attack Central Plains. "

Ming Changyan heard this, but it was not as uncomfortable as he thought.

After the lord said this, it was not enough, and he regretted: "If Yun Qing is my son, I'm afraid Dayue has already won the Central Plains."

After listening to the long banquet in the room, his heart was very speechless, and his abdomen said: "I dare you to think this is immortal. Huaiyu is your son?"

He paused, and suddenly he was blessed to his heart, and he said, "It's almost your son!"

The author has something to say: It's raining and freezing to our death today! 2k novel reading network