MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 42 There are beautiful women (1)

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He made an excuse and headed for the 99th Palace Road. At halfway, it was snowing again.

Dressed in a skirt, Ming Changyan was very heavy, but he also had a huge cloak on his body. The shoes were soaked in snow, and the whole person was almost drowned in heavy snow.

The ninety-nine palace is not as cold as usual, and people at the door are coming and going, and the guards are layer by layer. Before the long feast of the Ming Dynasty arrives, they are stopped.

If he failed, he was not in the mood to go for the second time. In the past, Huai Yu usually came to him, and he didn't find it difficult. Now it ’s his turn to look for Huaiyu, only to find that it is even harder to see Xiao Guoxiang than it is to ascend the sky.

The feast of the Ming dynasty came with great joy, and he returned home unsuccessfully. Even the nine lanterns in the Great Hall of the Ming were too lazy to get it, and returned to Tinghe Xiaolou. No matter how Po Ling and Shaoyao called him, he was so annoyed that he didn't care.

Woke up in the middle of the night, Ming Yan feast opened his eyes, expertly touched the knife hidden on the bedside, and opened his fingers. After the routine bloodletting, he hissed, randomly wrapped in gauze, and lay back on the bed.

The remaining poison in the body of the Ming banquet was not clear. After the blood was discharged, he was dizzy and dizzy, and lay in bed for a few days. Since the Ming Long Banquet was given the title of "Sad Country Demon Girl", listening to He Xiaolou has completely become a cold palace. The House of Internal Affairs deducted the charcoal fire every month. On snowy days, the house was colder than the outside. Fuling saw that his hands and feet were freezing red, wrapped in a quilt all day long, couldn't just get out of bed, and looked really boring, so he asked him to read some words, and read at the long feast on the day: Wang Qinglang Ye Ye Ye Lian Lian, The slave broke her soul in the boudoir.

When sighing endlessly, a sudden inspiration came out. Ming Shaoxia is now poor and poor. In order to make a living, he has to re-use his pen name ‘Yumen Xiaolangjun’ and get a pen and ink. At the desk at the desk every day, he worries and sighs.

He remembered Grandma's proposal some time ago and was determined to create some works related to the small country. After all, such books are really popular. Ming Shaoxia said: I have a game with his friends, and now I am in the harem, without money, and I am deprived of this young man ’s food in the palace. Small money, presumably he will not care about me.

Liu Cang heard about it, his face turned red and white, and he couldn't say a word, only half a moment before he said, "You just feel happy."

Therefore, Ming Shaoxia made reference to the better textbooks that were basically sold before. It's out. He writes books very fast, and does not pay attention to the writing style, just writes love for men and women. This book asked him to make up a name casually and give it to Liu Cang. As a result, three days later, he received a reply from Liu Cang, saying that his words were sold very hot. Be sure to write a few more.

Ming Shaoxia received the first payment, and quickly added two small stoves to Tinghe Xiaolou. He roasted his hands and sighed with sigh.

Fuling got warm and excited: "Young servant, we all want to thank you!"

Ming Chang Yan said modestly: "Don't thank me, you should thank Huai Yu, who is a small country minister."

Poria and Shaoyao looked at him, Ming Shaoxia came to a conclusion: "Parents of clothing and food."

With the money, Ming Shaoxia became more energetic with his writing, and hollowed out his mind and put in his words the sour feelings he learned from listening to orphans. Days and nights were written upside down for a few days, and the door to He Xiaolou was finally pushed open.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty, when Poria came in to change tea for him, when he wrote the book, he loved to drink milk tea, so the milk in the house was rich.

"Putting it on the table, I'll finish writing a bit!"

"Finished writing."

It was Huaiyu who spoke.

Ming Chang Yan's hand of Fenbijishu shook his hands conditionedly and immediately folded all the white papers on the table and covered them non-stop.

Huaiyu said coldly: "Let go."

Ming Changyan held the table tightly: "Good to say, why do you have time to come here?"

Huai Yu was too lazy to tear through his poor acting skills and dragged it across the table. The Ming banquet was weaker than him, a puppet, and the paper on the table fell to the ground. Huai Yu picked it up, and the first line was: Guo Xiang rolled his shoulders, and his drunken face gradually came together ...

The further down, the more unsightly. It's always embracing, lover soft words, but also shameful. Seeing that the long feast of the Ming dynasty was not good, he yelled and said, "Oh, I was seeing Poria a few days ago to read this text. This doesn't make me take it up, what I wrote, I haven't read it yet!"

The ink on the white paper was still dry, and Huai Yu stared at him coldly.

Ming banquet: "Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha!"

He said, "It's hard to see what you're doing. I wrote it!"

Huai Yu snorted, and Ming Chang Yan laughed and cleaned the table.

"Aren't you busy, what are you doing here?"

Huai Yu said, "Do you have any medicine?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty pointed out that there was little left in his own medicine, and Huaiyu came to this trip to deliver medicine.

He poured a bowl of tea: "It's almost gone."

Ming Changyan handed him milk tea. Huaiyu took a sip, pursed his lips, and refused to drink a second sip. Ming Chang Yan asked: "Are you too tired? I still have plums here, do you want to eat?"

Huaiyu took out a delicate white porcelain bottle, "two tablets a day."

The Ming banquet was accepted, and he hurriedly said, "Thank you, the little country minister!"

"And this bag is for medicated bath."

He gave the medicine, didn't sit for a moment, and pushed out the door again.

Seeing Huaiyu leaving, Fuling quickly entered the door and asked, "You scared me!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty is inexplicable: "How do I scare you?"

Fuling said: "You also said, hey, forget it, you don't understand. However, the small country is really good to you, and you have to take the time to see you in your busy schedule."

After listening to the Ming feast, it was even more amazing. My heart said: Isn't this normal? I am his patient and his friend, how can I take care of me.

Poria's eyes lit up, and he pointed to the table and said, "Nine lamps! Young waiter, look."

Ming Chang turned around, took a moment's glance, picked up the lamp on the table, and laughed abruptly: "This boy!"

A few days later, the people in the palace went in the direction of Dahan Temple.

The Dahan Temple is far away from the imperial palace. The day before the blessing, Fuling packed up a few pieces of underclothing and urged: "You and Shaoyao went over there, you must be careful, don't get involved with other concubines. I know you also They will not suffer, but the young waiter is sensitive and should not be contacted more often. "

Ming Chang feasted: "Okay, I know everything."

Fuling said goodbye to the long feast of Ming Dynasty and Shaoyao, and at Shaoyangmen, there were already many concubines.

The Ming Palace feast was very incompetent, so there were fewer people around. For example, those concubines who have a high status in the harem are the stars and moons, moving forward in clusters.

He got on the sedan chair and asked, "Where are Grandma and Xiao Lan?"

Shaoyao whispered: "Young servant, in such a crowded place, you can't directly call the princess and Zhao Gongzi's name taboo, lest people will listen to it and make an article." She added, "The princess and Zhao Gongzi then The queen walked together, where can I be confused with us. "

After listening to the long banquet in Ming Dynasty, it dawned on me.

Grandma is the queen's daughter and naturally follows her mother. Zhao Xiaolan has been regarded by the queen as her own, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is her own son, and she has no objection to leaving with the queen. I usually had a long banquet to play with them, and I didn't notice the difference in status. Now I think about it, he was a concubine who entered the cold palace, and even the angel called the princess to run a leg with Zhao Xiaolan, it was a big crime of beheading.

After half a day of turbulence, the Ming Chang feast turned over in the stomach.

He immediately got out of the sedan chair, his face pale, and he looked like he was going to vomit.

Shaoyao had to help him quickly, and he had to be embarrassed to hold him. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was suddenly startled, his ears turned red, and he waved his hands again and again: "No need! No need! I come down!"

He patted his chest and looked up, this is the main entrance of Dahan Temple.

The temple is dense and the building is complex. The entrance of Dahan Temple is directly opposite a Kangzhuang Avenue, which folds in halfway and leads directly to the main hall of Dahan Temple. Behind the temple, there are towering mountains, endless, surrounded by fairy mist, like Linxianjie.

Shaoyao said: "Don't look at it, let's go in quickly."

The altar to pray for blessings is in Houshan. When the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was unwilling to return to the residence to rest, he took the peony to the altar.

When he reached the stage, Shaoyao exclaimed, "It is magnificent."

The altar used for blessings is a huge circle, which is divided into three layers and expanded in steps, divided into an inner altar, a middle altar, and an outer altar. On each floor there is a wide stone ladder for people to walk. Fences woven with bamboo or wooden poles stand on the perimeter. In the top round table, there are two paper people, the ancestors of the emperor of this dynasty.

Shaoyao gathered the cloak for him, and said, "It's cold outside, if the young waiter wants to see it, simply look at it when praying for blessings tomorrow. What's so nice about the empty place now."

Ming Chang Yan asked: "Where is the small country now?"

Shaoyao said: "Don't you want to see Xiaoguo Xiang today, he is very busy, don't say you go to see, even the emperor can't see him today."

Ming Chang Yan nodded and said, "I know that there were such sacrifices in my hometown before."

Shaoyao said: "Where is the hometown of young servants?"

Ming Changyan: "A very far away place."

Paeonia: "Worship also heaven and earth?"

Ming long feast shook his head: "It is worshipping the moon."

The Great Moon Kingdom worships the moon. Every August 15th, the full moon night, there is a great monthly ceremony. Yiyue is the goddess of the big moon, and she must pray for the moon every year, to dance to the moon to convey the wishes of the people, and to pray for good weather and national peace in the coming year.

With this in mind, the Ming banquet suddenly snapped up and asked cheerfully, "Do you want to dance in the prayers of Central China?"

Shaoyao said: "Dance? I don't know, but I guess it's not necessary. I have never heard a small country dance."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a pity. With a moment of emotion, the wind outside became more and more serious, and the peony did not dare to delay and brought people back to their residence.

On the second day, the sky was bright, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was dragged from the bed by the peony. When he was confused, he was taken with his clothes, put on his clothes, and took the lamp for him with peony, and said, "Young waiter, hurry up! It's too late to be late!"

The Ming banquet yawned and asked, "What's too late, it's only halfway through the time, what are you anxious for?"

Shaoyao said: "You don't know, oops, come with me!"

She pushed the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, and the two of them went all the way. As soon as they reached the gate of the Dahan Temple, they saw people crowded by cars and horses. The Ming banquet was startled, and said, "Well, it's not dawn yet, how come everyone is here!"

Shaoyao said: "Naturally come to make a wish, you don't know, the Xiangu Pond in this Dahan Temple will burn the first incense to be the most effective!"

Ming feast: "Superstition, too superstition!"

Shaoyao said: "Okay, okay, you have to prepare the nine lamps quickly, we must not grab the top incense, but after praying for blessings, the lamps can be left and right!"

Ming Chang feast said: "Do you want to rush to put the lights on too?"

Shaoyao smiled, "It's always best to be first."

The Ming banquet bought a lantern and stood at the main entrance of Dahan Temple. He didn't want to go in, but he was too crowded to squeeze in.

Shaoyao was bored, so he identified the people he was dealing with, who was who, and who was a famous genius. When talking about it, Shaoyao suddenly exclaimed.

Ming Changyan said, "My ears are deafening, sister, what are you doing!"

Shaoyao covered her mouth: "Look at that, that's Lili, does she come for incense?"

Looking at each other, they saw a stunning woman come down from the carriage, and Nana drew 10,000 people to look back.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed haha: "The world's first beauty is well-deserved."

Shaoyao said: "I didn't know her. The woman in the Qinglou used to be lower in heart than the sky, but Xiao Lan always missed her. In the past few years, I and Fuling had seen it far away from the palace. It ’s amazing. Honestly, I ’ve grown up so much, and I ’ve never seen such a gifted woman, who deserves this title. ”

Ming Changyan was surprised: "Xiao Lan is pleased with her? Haha, how they both look like sister and brother, this boy is also a wonderful woman!"

Shaoyao agrees, citing the long feast as a confidant: "I also think he and his brother are like sisters."

Shaoyao said: "Little Lan Lan has great ambitions and wants to be the world's first chivalrous man, naturally he wants to marry the world's first beauty."

At this moment, the crowd moved forward slightly, and the long feast of Ming Ming walked side by side: "This little fool is a dead brain, and it is also because he grew so big without any disease or disaster."

Shaoyao pouted and smiled: "Come in quickly, it will only get more crowded."

Sure enough, through the main hall of Dahan Temple, the altar was overcrowded. Guarded by the Imperial Palace, ordinary people and wealthy businessmen can only stop in front of Xiangu Pond. The Ming banquet ran out alone, and because of his weak presence in the harem, he did not notice that he was missing when he counted the number.

Shaoyao couldn't squeeze in with him, he simply stood on both sides of the avenue, and found a good place to watch. Half an hour later, the emperor came with hundreds of officials, and looked at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty. Sure enough, she saw Zhao Xiaolan changed her dress and served the empress with the grandma.

At this time, the sky was not very bright.

He suddenly reminded him: "It's started."

The feast of the Ming Dynasty returned slightly, and I saw two orders coming down from the two sides of the avenue under the altar, dressed in white robes, holding bright lights in the world, bowing their heads and silently. After the people have stood still, there is no noise among the 10,000 people. The bell rings three times, Xianle plays, Peony holds its breath and stares at the front.

The Ming Dynasty feast has not seen the Central Plains sacrifice, and looked at it with interest. I saw two more children holding the amulets, walking slowly, burning incense and scattering flowers.

Every time he sprinkled, he sang, "The heavens are scattered, and the spirit wind rises."

This is an important part of the sacrifice ceremony, but also a part of the driving ceremony of the fairy. The Ming Changyan reached out to catch one of the flying flowers. A scent of cold fragrance was coming. The fragrance was very familiar. As soon as he looked up, he saw the boulevard above the avenue, and Huaiyu stepped in.

The long feast of the Ming lingered slightly.

Huai Yu this time wearing a Feiyun mysterious crown, with a blue-breasted Brahma in her eyebrows, she has no casual appearance, and she looks dignified and imposing. The robe of praying for blessing is a complicated and complicated robe, the famous golden silk Yunxia Tianxian robe, a wide-sleeve cannon, gold silk trim, golden base, and a misty cloud drape on the outside, with the sun and moon aura Every movement of the body, like a fairy mist lingering on the side, is really clever and exquisite. In addition, this person's face is like Wo Dan, his looks are stunning, and for a moment, he really looks like a fairy.

While he was walking, Jin Guangxiangyun, the smog cycle, the head of the flowers, flying clouds Danxiao, came by air.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: relying on his seniority, he always treats him as a child, but forgets that he is an extraordinary man, only a few years younger than himself. No wonder many women in Beijing are fond of him, but now it seems they have to serve.

From the top of the avenue, the two fairy boys stopped in front of the altar, and Huaiyu stepped up and stood in the middle of the altar. The emperor supported the queen, stood under the altar, and after hearing the bell ring again, the bell ringer said solemnly: "Kneel!"

Suddenly, ten thousand people kneeled together.

Peony dragged the Ming feast and said, "Young servant, you have to listen to the scriptures, and you will not offend the gods!"

The bell ringer said: "Kneeling again."

After three knees, Huaiyu picked up Jinlong Yujian, his voice was lingering, his voice was cold and low, and he said: "Da Qian Qian Yuan, all things begin, but the sky is in heaven ... Emperor's yin and yang, Zhang Zhang, God's life and seven politics, Essence light, round and square ... "

The blessing ceremony did not end until three poles above the sun.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty stood for a morning, dizzy and dry, just looking for a place to drink saliva.

Shaoyao still remembers to grab the first lamp of Xianguchi, but the long feast of the Ming Dynasty has already been run away by people.

The crowd was so vast that he couldn't stop him from rushing west and west, but after two or three attempts, Dahan Temple had been left behind by him. However, today's Lantern Festival, people are everywhere, he wandered for a long time, so he found a clean little bamboo forest.

For a while alone, suddenly someone called his name.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little hesitant, for nothing else, just because the name he shouted was the real name he hadn't heard in a long time, and had only used it in Dayue Kingdom.

The author has something to say: Note: All references to Taoist ritual knowledge, as well as the contents of Jinlong Yujian mentioned at the end are reference materials

Regarding the setting of Xiaoming's bloodletting, this is the effect of the moth: Although it can be renewed, it is not so comfortable. Depending on the physical fitness and the degree of poisoning, some people may bleed once every two weeks. Some people may be one month and some people may be two months, but they will not die without bleeding. The side effects will be uncomfortable and affect daily life. Therefore, as long as the interval is not too short and the body is too poor, it will be common in time. Cut fingers to release poisonous blood.


Has Zhaozhao finally realized that he is an adult male? It's a man! Not a child ~! I'll eat you again! 2k novel reading network