MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 54 Photographing flowers (11)

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Ming Shaoxia fainted for two days.

In fact, he woke up in the evening the next day. But after waking up, I faced two problems. One is that I haven't figured out how to face Huaiyu. This little ghost has stayed here just like nothing! Second, he was fainted by a child! There is no face!

Ming Shaoxia lived together for more than 20 years and never encountered such a thing. His mind was chaotic, chopped constantly, and chaotic. Every time I comforted myself by being kissed by a child, I was ready to get up, and I started to unconsciously replay the scene at the time, from the touch on my lips to the closeness of Huaiyu he saw His face, as if in his head, could not be thrown away, making him want to hit his head with a hammer to force his memory.

It was so dry until noon, and Huaiyu finally asked, "When are you going to sleep?"

When Ming Changyan heard him say this, he knew that his camouflage had been spotted.

He simply didn't pretend, opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. Huaiyu was sitting by the window at this moment, looking out.

Ming Shaoxia stared firmly on the bed tent in front of him, afraid to look at Huaiyu's face.

Inside the room, silence spread.

Ming Shaoxia was suffering, and he could not wait to say a few words to quickly alleviate this awkward atmosphere, but what he said at this time only made the atmosphere more awkward.

He said: This can't blame me, not my first kiss.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise at the door.

"Sister Yan! Sister Yan!"

A long feast for the Ming dynasty: "Xiao Lan?"

He rolled out of bed and walked towards the door. Huai Yu glanced up at him, knocking his index finger slightly on the table.

Ming long banquet opened the door: "Xiao Lan!"

Zhao Xiaolan turned her head from the end of the corridor, and when the fan opened, she was pleasantly surprised: "Sister Yan! You really are here!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed: "How do you know I'm here?"

Zhao Xiaolan rushed over: "Brother Huaiyu didn't return to the 99th Palace. I originally went there to find you, but he didn't go back. You are definitely not there. Want to come to Brother Huaiyu not live in the 99th Palace. Jia Inn, there are so many in one Jia Inn here, just inquire about it, I will know it. Just now I saw Brother Huaiyu at the window below, and I wondered if you were here, so I went up to see , And as a result, I saw you just two times! "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty laughed. It seems that Huai Yu also saw Zhao Xiaolan downstairs, and it was time to call him up.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Is Brother Huaiyu here?"

The Ming banquet opened the door for him: "It was just right, he was there."

Zhao Xiaolan stepped in and brought a lively and innocent aura, which dispelled the original atmosphere in the house.

"Brother Huaiyu!"

It's incredible, even this time Huaiyu gave him a look and nodded.

Ming Changyan asked, "What are you looking for me everywhere?"

Zhao Xiaolan ate a bowl of tea and said, "After a while, I will go to Huating to watch the fireworks display. Does Sister Smoke know the fireworks display?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What is that?"

Zhao Xiaolan: "It's very good-looking! It's better than the Lantern Festival, mainly because the fireworks of Huating are really good-looking, just once a year, in May, if you miss it, you have to wait for the coming year!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Wait for the coming year!"

Zhao Xiaolan's eyes flickered: "So, then I want to see this year."

Ming Chang Yan frowned: "Honestly explain."

Zhao Xiaolan glanced at Huaiyu, suddenly grabbing the dress corner of Ming Changyan, and secretly pulled him to the side.

"The girl from Lili is going to the fireworks display. I want to go and see her."

Ming Shaoxia then suddenly realized. The first beauty Lili girl in this world is a card in the martial arts. At the age of fifteen, she was famous for dancing a "Peacock Flying to the Southeast", which door party or a folk festival always invited her to come, even if she did n’t dance, good looking.

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "You're not dead."

"I didn't apologize for that last time! I have to meet her and say sorry to her."

Ming Changyan touched his nose and glanced at Huaiyu with a guilty conscience. He didn't expect that he had won something that he hadn't won for a few days. He actually brought it to his door and said, "Well, I'll go with you. You can I owe it to me again. "

Speaking of this, Zhao Xiaolan was nervous again: "Yes! Sister Yan, you went to the blue building that night, and later ... what did Brother Huaiyu say?"

That night he was drunk and taken away by Zhu Rong. When he woke up, he had a splitting headache. He didn't remember anything. Naturally, he didn't know where the Ming feast last ran. Seeing that the two were living together at this moment, Zhao Xiaolan quickly guessed that the Ming Long Banquet must have met Huai Yu that night.

He took the Ming long banquet to the green building, and he was already guilty. He was even more guilty of being arrested by Huaiyu.

However, seeing that he was not treated inhumanly, Zhao Xiaolan's guilt eased a lot.

Ming Changyan said: "Nothing to say. What about you, a kid asking so much about adults?"

At this point, Huaiyu lowered the glass and said, "If you want to go to Huating, I must follow you."

Ming Chang feasted for a moment: "Aren't you not going?"

Huai Yu: "Huh."

Ming Changyan was choked for a moment, and laughed, "Well, then this time it can be said, this is your own go, you are not allowed to find me afterwards."

Huai Yu didn't speak. He passed on lunch. After eating, the Ming Changyan changed into new clothes and packed some clothes. He was in a good mood.

The original long banquet thought that only Huai Yu, him and Zhao Xiaolan were the three. Who knows when approaching departure, Zhao Xiaolan also brought Zhu Xun over.

Ming Shaoxia bowed his hands in a perfunctory manner, and said hello. Four people and four fast horses rushed all the way and rushed to Huating seven days later.

Zhao Xiaolan is not very good at riding a horse, and he is very spoiled and very capable. I can't ride anymore, so I'm going to run away for a while and wish to be lazy. On the way, it was either a leg pain or a **** pain. There was no rest all the way. After arriving at Huating, I immediately looked for a first-class hotel and asked for three rooms.

Ming Chang feasted: "Slow, three rooms? Xiao Lan, do you sleep with your friends?"

Zhao Xiaolan wondered: "No. It's one of me, one of my brothers, and one of your brother Huaiyu."

Ming Chang feasted: "Why am I with him?"

Zhao Xiaolan was very surprised. He looked at Ming Changyan and Huai Yu for a long time, and Ming Shaoxia was very uncomfortable with Zhao Xiaolan's eyes. Finally, Xiao Lan turned around and said to the boss, "I want four rooms."

Ming Changyan waited for four rooms, and he was not very happy. Especially when I opened the door, entered the room, and didn't communicate with Huaiyu, the discomfort in my heart was extremely extreme.

After being separated from them, Zhao Xiaolan concluded with his Majesty Zhu: "Sister Yan and Brother Huaiyu seem to have quarreled, as stated in Ming Shaoxia's book. Generally, it is best to let the other person solve the problem by themselves , We outsiders can't help. "After a pause, they realized that they might be fighting because they took their sister Yan to the blue building.

In the afternoon, when the Ming banquet came downstairs, Zhao Xiaolan suddenly sat behind the elegant room on the second floor, waving at him across a layer of bead curtains.

Ming feast went to see him sitting inside, Huai Yu sitting on the other side.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan, we came down just right, we are preparing to listen to the storytelling."

Ming Changyan pretended to enter the door naturally, and found a place not far from Huaiyu and sat down: "What storytelling do you listen to?"

Zhao Xiaolan: "The lecturer is Lao Qin. Xiaohan Temple invited me!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Lao Qin?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Oh! Sister Yan, you don't know, this is a famous storyteller on the rivers and lakes. But I don't like him very much, and I will give him a cheer when he talks."

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Xiao Lan, you are really childish."

Zhao Xiaolan sat upright, as if ready to applaud.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty also knew why Zhao Xiaolan hated Lao Qin. For nothing else, this old Qin is famous, and he hates him for thinking about the gentleman's long feast. At that time, Yan Bojiang, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, died, and the first seven had not passed yet. The old Qin was in Wanghu Tower. Twelve hours a day, he couldn't wait to get thirteen out to arrange him. The various affaires of Lady Ni and Girl C are also interspersed with gangsters, sexual misconduct, and indecent assaults.

Ming Shaoxia has listened for a long time, and also knows that Lao Qin has only one set after turning over and over, and those who are separated by three to five will come up and say the previous one, which is annoying.

He looked intently at the fact that this inn was built with ingenuity. Based on the courtyard house in Beijing, it was built to be boxy, and a grandstand was vacated in the middle. A lotus pond was dug around the grandstand. Surrounded by water on three sides, and leaning against the wall on one side, the stands were inlaid in the middle of the lotus pond, and the opera storytelling came out from the back wall. The wall was hollowed out, directly connected to a small backyard, and the singing folks were there.

The stage was full of guests, and the stage was full of masters, among them selling fried cake fritters and melon seeds snacks, carrying Xiaobian to shuttle among them. The storytelling hasn't started yet, and everyone is noisy, and they have to speak close to each other before they can hear.

When the long feast of the Ming Dynasty came, Zhao Xiaolan had already eaten a lot of seeds.

Some melon seed shells were piled on the table. After a while, a girl in a red gown came up, combed two scratches, flushed, and cleaned the table for Zhao Xiaolan.

Ming Changyan absentmindedly took a melon seed, Yu Guang glanced at Huaiyu, not knowing what he was doing or thinking, his face was completely cold, which was frightening. Ming Shaoxia is probably not afraid of him, not only is not afraid, but also wanted to find an opportunity to speak to him at this moment.

A few days ago, although the two were on the same road, Huaiyu said differently, as if he had offended him. Ming Shaoxia talked twice and twice, and even he could find the difference, and they were opened by the other side. No matter how good his temper is, after eating these closed doors, he was not very comfortable.

Ming Changyan screamed and mournfully in the heart, secretly saying: It is obviously he who kissed me, but Ben Shao didn't think how it was. He was better. He would play the lady's temper first, as if I was light and light of him!

After thinking about it, he acknowledged the mistake very positively: It was always bad for me to take drugs, but it was not good for me to be angry with me for such a long time, I was kissed by him, what else did he want!

Thoughts come and go, the more you think the more unconvinced.

Ming Shaoxia peeled the peanuts fiercely, and he did not eat one, but the peanuts on the table were piled as high as Mount Tai.

After a quarter of an hour, an old man bent over appeared on the stage, stretched his throat and made a report, listening to his words, today he sang a book show, and then commented.

The old man reported that the scene was titled: "Wonderful Deeds, Test Your Hero"

Just listening to a name, we know that it is a fun thing about Fengyue, and it is the favorite of Ming Shaoxia.

At this point, Zhu Yi lifted the bead curtain and bent over to come in.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Fortunately, you have caught up. If you are late, you will lose sight of the show!"

Zhu Yi smiled and sat down beside him.

On the stage, when the slap was a while, the play began.

The Ming banquet first watched the play with interest, but the more they watched, the more wrong it became. The protagonist in the play, black veil masked, wearing a sword, martial arts, dressed up, and very familiar. At this time, he was walking with a woman.

The play sang: a handsome young man, a pretty woman. One in black and one in red. Under the dim light of the cold moon, each other softly whispered, feelings of love!

The female drama sings: pleasure is too short, loneliness and hate longer!

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was faintly aware of a slight error.

The narrator sang again: I embroidered and looked from the beginning, secretly treating the ghosts with people!

Ming Shaoxia's back hair was vertical.

The female drama fell in the bosom of the young man, with a variety of styles, and weakly called: "Minglang ..."

Zhao Xiaolan stood up suddenly: "Okay!"

He raised his hands and shouted.

Out loud, echoed.

Applause is like tide.

Ming Changyan's face was indeed guilty. He glanced at Huaiyu secretly, and the other side showed no expression.

In this play, singing is a matter of entanglement between gentlemen and many women. He became famous as a teenager, and naturally there are not many beauties in the rivers and lakes, but they are really all gentlemen, and they have met once, and rarely have the opportunity to see the second one. But heroes and beauties are always the favorite stories of the common people. When they think that a gentleman is number one in the world, they take full advantage of him. They deserve the brainless worship of many people in the city. Therefore, the various arrangements and the imagination of his emotional life are as many as hair.

Xiu Linglong will never let go of this good thing that can make money. Since he became famous, these tricks have never been broken. Looking at the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, he really saw the flag of Linglong Pavilion hanging on the door of the inn: this hotel is a delicate industry.

In the past, if he saw this drama, he still felt complacent and had a good reputation. After all, who doesn't like the feeling of being surrounded by many beauties. But at this time, Ming Shaoxia didn't know what to do, just felt like sitting on a pin cushion and feeling unwell.

Zhao Xiaolan didn't realize the abnormality of the long banquet. He looked very happy. After sitting down, his enthusiasm remained. He grasped the long banquet and said, "Sister Yan, look good! I just know how to sing this today, so I take you Come on! "

"It's worthy of Ming Shaoxia! Not only this little girl, but where did he go, what did he do, who doesn't like him! Our daughter in Zhixian County, Lin'an, was fascinated by Ming Shaoxia! She I glanced at it from a distance, and he would never marry in this life! "

After speaking, I was very envious: "After all, he is the best in the world, and it is normal to reach this level. I really admire! I will also become such a powerful hero in Ming Shaoxia!"

Zhu Yan's face smirked in the face of the Ming Changyan, saying: "I heard that he never showed his face. It seems that the black gauze must be so exquisite in its workmanship that he can fascinate people."

Ming Chang feast said: "This is never the case!"

This time, he sat closer to Huaiyu. The peanuts he just peeled were pushed to Huaiyu by him: "Xiu Linglong arranged in a random manner, don't believe it."

Huai Yu said coldly, "What does it have to do with me?"

Ming Changyan finally got in touch with him and said quickly: "Okay, it has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with me. However, I really haven't done these things, I swear!"

I think he once exaggerated Xiu Linglong's tricks about him. But now, he just wants to dig a pit and jump in, burying himself in the soil.

Huai Yu ate a grain of peanut rice and did not speak, but her face was very bad.

Fortunately, this drama was not long sung, and it didn't take long for the old man who had previously reported to come up again.

After he stepped down, Lao Qin was late.

Seeing him at the Ming Changyan, he couldn't help but snored.

Lao Qin wore a gray dress with some goatee, gave a slap on the gavel, and said loudly, "Liegong, today, what I want to say is the former Princess Hanzhu and her relatives!"

The Ming banquet paused for a while, then returned to normal.

Princess Zhuzhu and his relatives are a major event in the former dynasty.

At that time, the former emperor was incompetent, and the Kyushu nations regarded the tigers as prejudices and rebelled in anticipation. He then sealed the only daughter of the Prime Minister of Qin Dynasty as a princess with pearls and sent it to Dayue Kingdom and his relatives. Later, another woman was sent to other countries, but among many women, only Princess Hanzhu was the most widely spread.

One of them is that she has a lot of rumors.

Lao Qin touched a beard and said, "Qin Xiang's daughter is named Qin Hui. She is cold, arrogant and clear, and never speaks a few words to others. Like frost and snow seeds, it makes people feel cold and cold."

Zhao Xiaolan listened and said, "Is princess Hanzhu really so cold?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What do you think?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I have heard people talk about her. It is rumored that she is well-versed in painting, calligraphy, painting, literary and martial arts, and everything. It is a natural talent, but a pity ..."

Lao Qin tapped the gavel and said, "It's just a pity, it's a daughter! No matter how Qin Yun won her title, she still couldn't escape the temple's conspiracy and became an item traded between countries."

Ming long feast hummed.

Under the stands, one said: "I know!"

People around asked: "What do you know?"

The man: "She pulled out the life order!"

The author has something to say: Wu Xiaoming was not seen in the martial arts, but among the common people, he is actually a very legendary hero. Just don't know why. Everyone does not like to watch his heroic stories. Watch him fall in love.

The words of the opera in the text refer to the biography of children and heroes.

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