MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 60 Photographing Flowers (16)

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The fireworks display was lively. After the Ming banquet came to Central Plains, although staying in the south of the Yangtze River, he passed Huating from the future. In previous years, he had heard of Huating's fireworks display. Due to the busyness of Tianqing in weekdays, let Zhong Yulou and others how to soften and harden the bubble, he kept dragging it, only to see it in the coming year. I never expected that this coming year would be a farewell.

Ming Changyan closed his eyes and sighed. A flick of his heart made him frown.

Huai Yu noticed his abnormality when he sighed, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

As soon as he approached, Huai Yu's scent was almost overwhelming and surrounded him tightly.

Ming Chang banquet waved his hand and laughed, "What can I do, stand for a long time, my head is a little dizzy, don't worry."

Huai Yu could not believe what he said, and suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed his right hand, and explored his pulse. The pulse is smooth and does not matter.

However, in this way, the distance between the two becomes closer.

Originally Ming Shaoxia was a thief with a guilty conscience, and he didn't know what to worry about, and stood far away from Huaiyu. Later, at the beginning of the fireworks display, he felt that the distance was too far, and he didn't handle it well, so he found all kinds of reasons, such as: "It's too far to talk," "What if this little ancestor thinks more", " I still stand closer, otherwise I just stood closer now, and now I stand farther, it looks very weird. " In short, self-tangled somehow, Ming Shaoxia calmly moved closer.

After Huai Yu took the pulse, the distance that was originally close is now more ambiguous.

Ming Changyan's body was stiff, and he unnaturally set his eyes on the fireworks.

Unfortunately, Ming Shaoxia doesn't know what kind of fireworks are displayed in the sky, and what color the fireworks are.

Huai Yu asked him, "Would you like to sit for a while?"

Ming Chang feast returned to God and said, "No need, I'm fine when standing! Standing ... the air above is fresh!"

Huai Yu said calmly, "Don't you say, standing dizzy?"

Listening to the long feast of the Ming, it was dumb.

Huaiyu beckoned and instructed the guards to take a chair. It would be better to obey the Ming feast than to follow the order. If you can sit and watch, you simply don't stand.

As soon as he sat down, he couldn't help thinking: Although Xiao Huaiyu usually has a bad temper like a bully, he is actually very good to himself.

Except for his mother, there was no such good person to him. The feast of the Ming dynasty is a man of clear grudges and revenge. But the kindness that Huaiyu gave him, like snowball, grew bigger and bigger, and in the end, he could hardly afford the kindness.

At this moment, the light fell on Huaiyu's face, suddenly dim. Ming Changyan looked at him, and left God, thinking unrealistically.

Huai Yu looked straight ahead and suddenly asked, "What's up?"

After listening to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, he smiled slightly: "Nothing, I look at you very kindly today."

He was about to say a few more words, but there was a glimmer of light in the corner of his eyes. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty has always been very curious, but whenever you see something strange, you have to look at it clearly. As a result, looking closely, it was found that it was the head of a monk at Xiaohan Temple.

He laughed sharply, and Huai Yu said, "What are you laughing at?"

Ming Chang Yan hooked his hands, Huai Yu doubted him, and bent down, ready to hear something from Ming Shao Xia.

Suddenly getting so close, the feast of Ming Changyan looked inevitable, remembering the half-true and half-false kiss that night.

Huai Yu waited for a long time, but didn't wait for the Ming Changyan to speak, so he turned around and saw him look dumb, and could not help saying, "Ming Chang Yan?"

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty suddenly returned to God. Haha smiled and pointed away: "Look, isn't it a monk from Xiaohan Temple?"

Huaiyu looked, nodded, and replied, "What's so funny?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty asked indifferently, "Don't you think that the bald head of Xiaohan Temple is really funny. If I said, they do n’t have to buy candles in the temple, but at night, they stand under the moon and are illuminated by light. The temples are all lit up! "

Huaiyu thought for a moment, about thinking about that scene, and smiled.

He rarely smiles, and even if he laughs, he only slightly raises his lips. It's rare to laugh like this now.

Ming Changyan suddenly spoke, surprised: "Xiao Huaiyu, do you have tiger teeth?"

Huaiyu suddenly realized something, the smile disappeared on his face, and his face was solemn again, a serious look.

The Ming banquet was unwilling to forgive him, as if he had discovered a big secret, and he was playing, he didn't even sit on the stool, and touched Huaiyu's face with both hands, trying to pry open his mouth to take a look.

"Show me! Good boy, no wonder you don't always laugh very much! If it weren't for this young man's gaze, I wouldn't have found it!"

Huai Yu snorted and pushed him away: "Get up."

Ming Chang Yan said: "Can't afford it! You show me!"

Huaiyu used both hands to pull open enlightenment feasts. At this moment, the long feast was sticking more like a candy cake, and it couldn't be thrown away.

He pulled Huaiyu's cheek while laughing: "Hey, Xiao Huaiyu, show me. After it's over, I know, don't you laugh because of tiger teeth!"

When Huai Yu froze, she became angry and said, "Don't touch me!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was unwilling to hesitate, and he did not die immortally: "I want to move! What are you doing!"

Huai Yu was taller than him, taking two steps back, thinking about it, neither fighting nor scolding. He said as Ming Changyan said, really, he was helpless.

He switched the topic: "If you are too busy to do anything, go to the trouble of Xiaohan Temple and don't come to me."

Ming Changyan gave an opening and said, "What's the matter? There is nothing fun about bald donkeys! I'm annoying when I look at it!" Then he said, "Are they all here at Xiaohan Temple, why don't I see many people?" ? "

As soon as the voice was over, Baili Lantern was on the side, and said smoothly: "It's about halfway. Huating's fireworks display is a well-known show. Nearly everyone came to the Taibai Yanyu Tower, and the monks at Xiaohan Temple. Cooperate with the officers and men to control the people along the coast. The martial arts have estimated to keep a few goalkeepers or do homework. "

The long feast of the Ming dynasty secretly said: Such a grand banquet, in accordance with the virtue of Xiaohan Temple, can't wait to be sent out to show the dignity of the martial arts. Only half of the people are here, but I underestimate them.

Baili Dengdao: "However, Huating's fireworks display is really wonderful. The fireworks are large, the variety and variety are rare, it ’s a rare occasion. It ’s the messy environment for those of us who are guards, and we ca n’t hear the sound. Things, let alone arrests, can't know right away is a problem. "

The three princes listened and laughed aside: "So big, what can happen, the fireworks have come to an end. The king sees you as a man worrying and thinking."

Ming Chang Yan smiled a little, and after laughing, a little bit of bad meaning suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Where is the new site of Xiaohan Temple?"

Huai Yu said: "The old banker's site."

Ming Changyan groaned for a moment, "I know. I asked, where is the old house?"

Seeing him look wrong, Baili Deng reported an address.

Ming Changyan thought again, "I have a bad hunch. Look at it first, I'll go to the old dealer's site."

Huai Yu grabbed him suddenly: "I'll go with you."

Ming Chang Yan nodded, and secretly said that he would follow me. Now my martial arts are high and low, and my performance is extremely unstable. If Huaiyu is around, he is also relieved.

As soon as I left the building, I was about to pass the small stone bridge that I had to pass.

A long feast for the Ming dynasty, and Huai Yu also for a moment. Seeing the two in a hurry, Zhu Rong asked, "Are you leaving?"

The Ming Chang feast responded vaguely and said, "It's urgent, I won't stay with you."

Having said that, they left with Huaiyu.

Just a few steps away, the Ming feast turned back again. He looked back and saw that Zhu Yuan was far away before he patted Huaiyu's shoulder: "Guess, what did he do?"

Huai Yu glanced at him lightly, and the long feast again said: "Little Huaiyu, you can't go with me, I wish you a problem."

The bell rang slightly, Zhao Xiaolan's ears moved, and he turned back and rejoiced, "Wish brother!"

Zhu Yi nodded.

Grandma was startled, "Zhao Xiaolan, have eyes behind you?"

Zhao Xiaolan honestly said, "I heard the bell."

Grandma listened, more surprised: "Are you puppy ears?"

Duan Ye heard Clan's words and turned his head curiously, probably wanting to see whose ears really looked like puppies.

Zhao Xiaolan smiled, because Imam always found various reasons to harm him, and over time, he got used to it.

In this trouble, Zhao Xiaolan immediately noticed that the Ming long banquet disappeared, and he uttered a "beep" and said, "What did sister Yan go?"

Baili replied: "He just asked me where the new site of Xiaohan Temple is?"

Zhu Yi glanced at him.

Zhao Xiaolan said: "What does she ask about this? Forget it, there will be no major problems with my brother Huaiyu."

He turned around and Lili suddenly said, "Gongzi, come here today."

Zhao Xiaolan wondered: "Are you leaving?"

Lili laughed and said, "I'm a little lacking."

Zhao Xiaolan nodded and said to Zhu Yan: "Brother, I'll send you off, you ..." He was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Can you stay with me."

"Although my martial arts is already very high, you know that it is easy to go wrong at night. I am more at ease to protect one more person!"

Carrying light, Zhu Zhu's expression was not visible, and only one sound was heard: "Okay."

Zhao Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said to Lili, "Where do you live now? I will call you a carriage."

Lili nodded and did not speak.

Zhao Xiaolan called the carriage. Along the way, Zhao Xiaolan was like a living treasure, talking endlessly about his various experiences. Accompanied by Zhu Xun, he did not stutter, and faced Lili with a little more confidence.

When I got out of the car, Lili's sleeves somehow hung on the door rail of the carriage. As soon as the door opened, he yanked a piece of gauze and exposed most of his arms. The skin of his arm was white as snow, but when he looked closely, there were several scars, which seemed to have been cut by countless sharp tools.

Zhao Xiaolan focused on Lili wholeheartedly, so the first discovery, he said, "Lili girl! What's wrong with your hand !?"

Having said that, he quickly stepped forward and took a closer look: the scars were staggered, and they were scabby and knotted, but they were old wounds.

Suddenly, this was not the abrasion when he got off the carriage, Zhao Xiaolan was immediately confused.

Lili calmly moved his arms into his sleeves and said to Zhao Xiaolan: "I was accidentally smashed by a porcelain flower lantern deep in Baihua years ago. A few pieces, and accidentally cut the flesh, which left a scar, which made Xiao Xiaozhao laugh. The son shouldn't see strange people. "

She glanced at Zhu Yuan and continued, "It's late at night, and I hope you will be more careful on the way back."

Before Xiaoyu entered the gate, he gave a glare to Zhao Xiaolan: "The impertinent!"

The door slammed shut and smashed.

Zhao Xiaolan was a little depressed, and asked Zhu Xi: "Brother, have I really been rude just now, did Lili get angry with me?" Then he added: "I just didn't mean anything else! It's true I thought she was hurt ... hey, she was so spoiled, so badly hurt, how could I not feel bad! "

Zhu Yi smiled and said: "It is taken for granted that a woman has scars on her body. Not to mention, if she cares about you, she certainly does not want to be seen by you. In my opinion, you might as well think about it. Is there a panacea that will help her get rid of these, maybe she will be happy. "

When Zhao Xiaolan listened, I didn't know what Zhu Yi said was true or false. He still fluttered for a while, thinking for a moment, and said, "It's true, but I don't know who can get this medicine."

Zhu Yi smiled and reminded: "Aren't you familiar with the small country, tell him about it, and ask him if there is any way, how?"

Zhao Xiaolan suddenly realized that he wanted to express his wisdom and wit to his brother, but unexpectedly, there was a commotion in the street facing the street, and the crowds attracted Zhao Xiaolan's attention.

Zhao Xiaolan loved to make fun of his life, and he also loved seeing uneven roads. He pulled out a knife to help him, especially when Zhu Xuan was beside him, and he was covered by himself, the more lawless he was.

He had just taken two steps, Zhu Zhu grabbed his arm and said, "Zhao Suhe, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I'll go and see what's going on in front. Why is it brighter than us?"

He said, "Rest assured! Brother, I'll go and see. If you don't, just stand there and wait for me, I'll be right back."

He didn't wait for an answer, ran forward two steps, turned around, and at the blink of an eye, Zhu Xi had disappeared.

Zhao Xiaolan's face stunned slightly: "... Which brother?"

Only the wind blew past his ears with cries and shouts not far away.

In the crowd, hysterical shouts came out: "It's on fire! Save people! Save people!"

It turned out that Xiaohan Temple turned out.

Zhao Xiaolan turned back suddenly and hurried forward.

The feast of the Ming dynasty was light, and the fire was seen from afar.

The time was urgent, and he didn't explain much and let Huaiyu return to stare in the dark, and he didn't know what was going on. The **** body of this person was too heavy when he met Zhu Xi. If his guess is correct, the group of monks who are now staying at Xiaohan Temple may be fierce.

When arriving at Xiaohan Temple, the smoke was billowing, and the main hall of Xiaohan Temple was completely covered by the fire. The Ming feast could not be approached until it reached the other courtyard. He looked around and had to boo: It seemed that he had ran away in vain for this trip, not to mention catching a living, I'm afraid he couldn't find a good body.

Xiaohan Temple has been expanding its forces for decades, and the accumulated strength cannot be underestimated, but the fire has made them suffer. I did not expect that when the sky was clear and the sky was high, nothing happened to Xiaohan Temple, but now, after he died, he got into a big devil. This martial art has lost its vitality, and it is difficult to restore its prosperity in the past.

The Ming feast at the Ming dynasty was full of emotions, but there was no meaning of falling down the rocks. He was worried about Huaiyu, and was about to leave, but he did not notice that someone had already arrived. As soon as he turned around, he met someone.

The author has something to say: Huya is an incredible good thing, everyone will understand

I have n’t saved the draft, I changed my code to baldness in the middle of the night, and it ’s too painful to go through the chapters of the plot. If I only want to write a copy of “The Only Pet”, I am willing to write a million words. (Fat house crying.jpg

What kind of identity is that obvious?

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