MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 106 Galaxy Audition!

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In the living room of the villa.

Everyone sat around the table honestly, not daring to speak casually.

A certain little raccoon, in particular, grabbed his mouth tightly, for fear that he would not be able to control himself to say something else and be turned into a raccoon on fire.

Star-Lord and Loki spoke one by one, explaining their intentions.

Loki means that this group of people who call themselves the Guardians of the Galaxy are actually a group of cosmic wanted criminals.

They were accidentally teleported to Asgard by some force, and then caught as intruders.

It wasn't until Loki got their information from the universe that he understood what they were doing.

Said to be the Guardians of the Galaxy who maintain the peace of the universe.

But in fact, they are just a group of mercenaries, but compared to other mercenaries, they still keep the bottom line.

And this group of people has just formed a team, and in less than a month, they sacrificed a member.

A woman named Gamora was found by Thanos.

She is the adopted daughter of Thanos.

However, unlike the original book, Gamora here chose to escape from Thanos in order to survive.

Then the rest is pretty much the same as the original.

After several of them met, Gamora and Star-Lord had a good impression of each other.

However, just when they were still one step away from confirming their relationship, Thanos stepped in, stopped between the two, and captured Gamora.

Originally Thanos wanted to kill them, but in a crushing battle, Thanos saw that Star-Lord was desperate and wanted to save Gamora, and immediately became interested in him, and then Let them go.

It is because of this that they survived.

But just when they regrouped and were about to find Thanos for revenge, an accident occurred.

Unknown wormholes opened, and a large amount of dark energy poured into reality.

Then their spacecraft was scrapped, and at the last second of the spacecraft's scrapping, they and others passed through the wormhole and came to Asgard.

Fortunately, Loki discovered it in time and used the Ice Box to freeze the surge of dark power.

Otherwise Asgard may suffer as well.

The group of them were also lucky to be saved, none of them were injured and infected with dark energy.

This is also a fortune in misfortune.

In the end, it was Loki and Thor, who observed them for a few days. After understanding the situation, they were brought to Earth under Odin's instruction.

And Odin meant that Loki and Thor should help Yuming protect the earth together.

Asgard is guarded by Odin alone!

This is what he meant.

And with Odin here, Asgard will never be captured!

Even if he is old and has few years to live, the people of Asgard have a traditional skill, that is, the older they are, the stronger they are.

Especially in the year when you are about to die of old age, although the physical function and spirit are not as good as before.

But this year was the most powerful year for the Asgardians!

Odin is no exception.

As long as he wants, he can keep himself in the best shape at any time, but in this way, his lifespan will quickly pass in three months, and eventually he will die.

Therefore, Odin, who is in his normal state, maintains a state of semi-sleeping, and even has to perform Odin's sleep frequently, otherwise this powerful force will probably kill him.

Then, on the side of Star-Lord, there was also an important piece of information.

Thanos is already heading to Earth!

And they have recruited a large number of people who want to capture the Nine Realms.

Many of them had enemies with Odin.

There are even a few guys who are interested in the earth themselves.

So there is not much time left for You Ming.

They have to come up with a solution as soon as possible.

Star-Lord said that they would be in charge of liaison, other **** organizations in the universe, and let them help to contain Thanos' legion.

But they won't necessarily come to Earth to support them, because those people look down on their superiors and look down on a backward planet like Earth at all.

It is already very good to be able to contain part of Thanos' army.

And these escorts are also organized spontaneously and are not controlled at all.

In addition, Star-Lord can still contact the mercenaries and space pirates, that is, his adoptive father Yongdu.

But Star-Lord is not sure that his adoptive father will come to help him, after all, he is a helpless bastard.

You Ming didn't care about this, but let Xingjue feel at ease to contact the other party.

No matter what, as long as he is willing to help, You Ming is still very happy to take out some things in exchange for him.

Although it won't make the other party work for him, it can be considered to share the pressure for them by delaying the legion of Thanos.

After all, the people who faced Thanos and the others were mainly You Ming, Stark, and Gu Yi.

And You Ming is also meticulous about everything, and he has told all the plans and powers known to Thanos.

It also said something about the Soul Stone and the Power Stone.

And the soul gem, you need to sacrifice your favorite to get it.

And Thanos' favorite, in addition to death, is his adopted daughter Gamora.

So Gamora has probably been sacrificed, allowing Thanos to get the Mind Stone.

This is also the reason why the other party has to kidnap Gamora.

When You Ming said this, Star Lord obviously didn't believe it.

But he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

And whether Gamora was alive or dead, he didn't have any information, plus You Ming's remarks made him fall into complete self-doubt.

In the end, Star-Lord simply didn't want to do this. No matter Gamora's life or death, he would not let Thanos go!

Then he began to contact the team he knew well, and was going to tell them about the situation of the earth and the actions of Thanos.

Soon, it was evening.

The three little ones also came here, and following You Ming's deployment, they started special training.

Ghost dance Tsuji no miserable is for everyone's dinner, has been preparing.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, they could finally eat barbecue and drink beer.

But in this way, the Guardians of the Galaxy became the Galaxy Audition in an instant.

To be precise, it should be called the Galaxy Ga Dance Troupe.

Because they are all jumping blindly, there is no routine to speak of, and their movements are not related to elegance.

However, although they danced very, with this atmosphere group, the atmosphere gradually became more active.

Until midnight at twelve o'clock in the morning.

A phone call from S.H.I.E.L.D. disturbed everyone's interest. Even a half-drunk person was sober at the moment.

"Sir, it's a video call from S.H.I.E.L.D., is it connected?"

Stark thought for a while, and finally gave this face.

"Jarvis, accept the call."

"Yes, sir! The video call is on!"

The voice fell.

I saw a huge black bald head appear in the night sky, which immediately startled Star-Lord and others.
