MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 124 call! Heavenly King Hexi!

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"Okay, let me handle this matter.

What are you going to do next?

Return to Asgard to recuperate, or stay here? "

You Ming couldn't bear to see the tragic state of Sol and Loki.

After all, it was a bit miserable that these two were abused.

However, they did not intend to trouble You Ming, but asked Heimdall to open the Rainbow Bridge, and they were ready to return to Asgard.

And Odin also sent news through Heimdall, that is, to let Thor and Loki go to get the same weapon.

As for the weapon, Thor didn't know either, but You Ming could probably guess that Thor should have obtained the Storm Axe.

But what weapon Loki needs to acquire is beyond the scope of Yu Ming's knowledge.

But this is also a good thing, at least it can help the two improve their strength. The latest chapter of full-time king master

More importantly, Loki currently only has one Icebox in his hands.

This thing is very useful for the legion, but in the boss battle, it is a bit stretched.

More importantly, he is a Frost Giant himself, so the Box of Frost will also have no effect on the Frost Giant Lau Fei.

It will even be robbed by the other party and used as his own artifact.

So finding him a handy artifact is the most important thing.

that's it.

The two returned to Asgard.

Stark and the others did what they had to do.

You Ming went back to the room, ready to take a rest, and then went to **** to find Mephisto's theory.

Those who dare to beat themselves, and even dare to contact foreign enemies to respond internally, according to the custom of the devil, they should be nailed to the cross! destiny

But before that, You Ming still planned to summon an angel figure to see if he could summon an angel that he was more familiar with.

Then an hour passed.

On average, it was summoned once a second, and then a total of 3,600 summons were completed.

During this period, it was all those angels who were only a thousand years old.

There are even quite a few, You Ming can raise them as daughters.

He even summoned Hua Ye, who had been killed by himself, as well as Sumari and Ruoning, but they were soon sent away by You Ming.

These three guys were killed by You Ming himself, so he didn't want to see the three of them.

In the end, You Ming finally summoned, the only ur, the angel he was most familiar with! Rebirth: The Return of the Strong Dragon

King of Heaven! Hexi!

"Long time no see, Hexi..."

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, You Ming suddenly smiled.

Hexi slowly opened his eyes, and his wings opened instantly behind him.

At this moment, she has completely received the knowledge and limitations from the system, and at the same time, she can see everything around her clearly.

"Is this the new world?"

"My guess with Keisha is indeed correct, You Ming, you are really not an aboriginal in our world."

"Haha, actually, I should be able to count half of it. After all, I am a simulated rebirth, not a direct crossing."

You Ming scratched his head, in front of Hexi, he looked a little shy.

No way, Hexi is the one who raised You Ming for a thousand years. The latest chapter of the dashing little Taoist

If you want to say who You Ming has the best relationship with, it is naturally Hexi.

What he has for Kaisha is respect, but what he has for Hexi is true affection.

And this realistic simulation is also the only time to take care of You Ming's relatives in a world without death.

Although it was said that his biological mother was dead and his biological father disappeared, fortunately, neither Hexi nor Kaisha had any accidents.

This is due to You Ming's arrival at the time, which prevented Keisha from disappearing.

"Then you called me here, what's the matter?

Or, are you going to show me your women's clothes? "

He Xi squinted his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face that made You Ming's heart skip a beat.

More importantly, as soon as Hexi turned her hand, a sailor suit appeared in her hand. Cultivation of two or three things without pop-up window

It seemed that Hexi was already prepared.

To be precise, she has always kept these things in one of her storage spaces. The purpose is to let You Ming wear them in private to satisfy her perverted bad taste.

"Forget it, it really doesn't work here!"

You Ming hurriedly refused, but He Xi put on an aggrieved expression.

The old way.

Every time You Ming refused, she would use such an expression, and then You Ming relented.

This time is no exception.

You Ming still hadn't resisted Hexi's coquettish offensive.


after an hour.

You Ming and Hexi were panting, lying on the same bed.

The clothes on the ground were even more messy, as if they had experienced a war. my love is wonderful

Even Hexi and You Ming were in ragged clothes, and they didn't know what they had gone through.

However, there was a satisfied smile on Hexi's face.

Only You Ming looked unlovable, as if he had lost hope in life.

It looked like he was the victim.

"It's really good, more than 700 photos of cos, enough for me to look at for a long time.

Human technology is easy to use.

Especially this high-definition camera, what a genius invention! "

Hexi smiled and admired You Ming's various poses.

You Ming rested for a while, then calmly changed his After tidying up the house, he dared to sit next to Hexi.

"That what, Hexi, can you do me a favor?"

"What's the matter? Just say it! Considering that you have contributed so much face at one time, I can help you not only once, but even ten times!"

Hexi said excitedly.

You Ming could even see the little pink heart deep in her eyes through her eyes.

This made You Ming really feel helpless.

But he really had nothing to do.

After all, she is Hexi, so what can I do?

Love it!

Then You Ming explained the situation of the earth, and asked Hexi to help protect the earth and resist foreign enemies.

Hexi did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

She even planned to rush directly to the universe to kill the leader of the other party.

But You Ming discouraged Hexi from being so high-profile, after all, the opponent's strength is very strong.

Although Hexi is also very strong, she is a person from another universe after all, coming to this universe, because of the rules, she will become weaker.

It is unrealistic to rush directly into the enemy line.

Otherwise, You Ming would have rushed forward.

After all, if you kill Thanos and die directly, all problems will be solved.

But when he did so, he became active in provoking a cosmic war.

When the gods start a war, it is called purifying the world.

And human beings provoking war, that is called absurdity.

In addition, human beings on the side of the gods group are all ants-like existences, which cannot be compared with death.

Therefore, if You Ming took the lead in provoking the war and entered the enemy line, I am afraid that he would usher in a siege from the Heavenly God Group.

But when things turn around, the gods group will pretend they didn't see it.

This differential treatment is the reason why You Ming can't take the initiative to attack.
