MTL - A Simulation Game of the Heavens Starting From Marvel-Chapter 89 Confrontation with Im

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Latest URL: "See Lord Im!"

The five old stars knelt on their knees one after another, throwing their five bodies to the ground.

At the end of the passage, the Void Throne is the one in the 'rumour', the one who holds the power behind the world government, Lord Yimu!

You Ming took two steps forward, but one of the five old stars suddenly grabbed You Ming's ankle.

You Ming could even feel it through the opponent's palm, his indiscernible trembling.

This is the Five Old Stars, stemming from the fear in the depths of the soul!

But this made You Ming even more curious about Yimu.

"Let go of him, this person is different from you, he doesn't need to salute."

"Yes, Lord Im..."

Hearing what the other party said, before You Ming understood what was going on, Wu Lao Xing had already released his palm.

You Ming walked over, came under the Void Throne, and looked up at each other.

The delicate long legs are tightly covered by the dress.

The little feet without shoes are so crystal clear, like crystals, which makes people imagine.

The delicate sides, as well as the long, supple, sky blue hair show her beauty to the fullest.

The only pity is that she is mediocre.

Seeing this, You Ming subconsciously shook his head.

And Yimu also sensed You Ming's gaze, and suddenly chuckled.

"What a funny kid."

"You are so dissatisfied with my figure?"


The Five Old Stars at the back were almost in a prone position, kneeling on the spot.

They were shivering and sweating.

Sweat the size of soybeans was constantly flowing down his cheeks.

Wu Laoxing never thought that You Ming would be so bold, and he even thought about and admired Yimu's figure.

This is going to be replaced by the five of them, and now there are no bones left!

"It's okay, after all, it's too big, and it's not my food."

You Ming replied casually.

But he didn't know that his answer made the heart of the five old stars behind him almost stop beating.

They even felt extremely difficult to breathe, as if they had been sunk into the deep sea, and the pressure in their lungs had skyrocketed.

"Interesting kid, since you're so funny, I'll forgive you for being unreasonable."

Im didn't care about this. After all, there were not many people who could interest her.

Then she looked You Ming up and down.

In the pupils, the circles like annual rings were also slowly flowing, and then she smiled.

The smile is very bright, like a blooming white rose.

"You're not a Heavenly Dragon!"


Wu Laoxing was startled, raised his head suddenly, and looked at You Ming with a surprised expression.

At this moment, You Ming also knew that his identity was probably impossible to hide.

He speculated that Im should have the ability to see through the origin or blood, otherwise it would be impossible to say such words so accurately.

And it is.

"My eyes can see through the essence of things, and although your bloodline is very special, it is not a Heavenly Dragon.

So, five old stars, how did your background check work?

A person who is not a Tianlong is treated as a Tianlong by you, and even becomes a naval marshal.

Want me to say, the five of you, can you die? "

Im's tone was a little frivolous.

But the Five Old Stars did not dare to take this sentence as a joke.

Although they didn't know what was going on with You Ming, they still obeyed Im's words and immediately picked up the broken weapons around them, slashing at their hearts!

for a moment.

Five lives passed by in front of You Ming's eyes.

Yimu waved his hand gently, only to see five pieces of emerald green energy slowly being squeezed in her hand, and then swallowing it in her mouth.

"The five pure life energies are a big tonic for me, and at the same time, this is also the secret of my youth and immortality.

How, are you surprised that I will tell you about this kind of thing? "

"It's not surprising, there are all kinds of strange abilities in this world, and it is not surprising to absorb life energy.

And if you choose to tell me, there must be something to tell me.

But the only thing I don't understand is, why let them kill themselves?

Obviously if you didn't say that sentence just now, they don't have to die at all. "

Although You Ming didn't care about the death of the Five Old Stars, he still wondered what Yimu wanted to do.

"Because, I want you to be mine, are you willing to accept it?"

Suddenly, Yimu stepped down from the Void Throne, came to You Ming lightly, and stroked his cheek.

It's not that You Ming hasn't been seduced by beauty, and even if he has lived so long, he rarely goes to Happy Street to have fun.

But Im different.

She has a unique taste on her body, which can easily make people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

But You Ming still relied on his strong willpower to directly release the sword!

in an instant.

The tyrannical slash, in the form of a ring, scattered in all directions!

Right at this moment.

The entire power center was instantly cut into two sections.

The powerful slash even affected the entire Mary Joa a lot.

You Ming has to make a choice.

Otherwise, he feels that his simulation of this life is likely to end here.

However, You Ming quickly became nervous.

Because there are two hands on his shoulders.

These are Im's hands.

She looks like a ghost!

The sharp slash did not cause any harm to her.

Even after You Ming fled to face the other party, he didn't find the slightest scar on the other party's body!

"Is it strange?"

Yimu saw through You Ming's eyes, and immediately smiled, revealing the appearance of a pure girl.

She put her hands behind her back and walked slowly towards You Ming, like a real girl.

But You Ming knew very well that this **** was an old witch pretending to be tender!

The monster who has lived for 800 years is a pure and innocent girl!

However, just when You Ming was vigilant, Yimu explained his abilities on his own.

"The body has a form, but it doesn't actually have any substance.

This is the power of the natural devil fruit.

But I am different, they are mastered by nature and have the elemental power of a single aspect.

But I master nature and have the power of the whole world.

Therefore, even the sea, sea towers and attacks with domineering will not work for me.

Even the overlord color entanglement is useless! "

Im said lightly.

But You Ming seems to have remembered The light punch in his hand exudes a strong sense of death!

"Immortal Slash—!"

The voice fell.

The world is changing!

The whole world seems to be divided into two halves, one side is chaotic, and the other side is dark red!

A knife!


You Ming instilled all his strength and released the strongest blow, which not only shocked the scene in front of him.

Even the entire Mary Joa was divided into two by him!

'The fourth main mission is in progress: the destruction of Mary Joa is successful, and the host is asked to survive for a year before the mission can be completed! ’
