MTL - A Sorcerer in the Detective World-Chapter 2286 Calvados is a man with an **** fissure...

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On the way to Tokyo Bay.

In the Chevrolet parked on the side of the road, Shu Yunwen and Yi Dahang chatted for a few more words, then hung up the phone, and then couldn't help nagging: "Pig teammate, really pig teammate..."

After Shu Yunwen finished speaking, Cheng Shi gestured in front of Shu Yunwen: "Okay, Mr. Yunwen, don't worry, anyway, we don't know who made the vodka, and we won't be in danger."

"That's right..."

It's just that the "good wine" we promised to send to Akai Shuichi is gone, which is somewhat embarrassing!

Shu Yunwen murmured in his heart, shook his head vigorously, got rid of distracting thoughts, then took out his mobile phone, and sent a text message to Akai Shuichi with a "da da da", explaining the situation, and then looked at the man who was still in Belmode Miyano Akemi, who was grabbing anesthetics in the car, said:

"Miss Mingmei, don't be too busy. Come back quickly, we should go to the Metropolitan Police Department!~"

"Okay, Master Yunwen." Miyano Akemi floated back into the Chevrolet and reminded, "By the way, didn't Officer Shiratori ask you to bring a lawyer? Master Yunwen, have you looked for it yet?"

"I just told Yuanzi by the way, and asked him to find Secretary Xiye to arrange it." Shu Yunwen replied.

"That's fine."

Abandoned container area at the port of Tokyo Bay.

Judy parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and got out of the car, and then saw Shuichi Akai busy in the dark, as if carrying something.

"Xiuichi, I'm here, you are..." Judy approached slowly, and finally saw what Akai Shuichi was doing, couldn't help but let out an "ah", and took two steps back—

Akai Hideichi is fighting over corpses!

A corpse that had been blown into several pieces!

"Judy, you're here..."

Akai Shuichi said hello, and Judy recalled what Akai Shuichi said on the phone before, and couldn't help asking: "Akai Shuichi, is this... the unexpected harvest you mentioned?"

"That's right. It was an unexpected harvest, but it's gone now."

Akai Shuichi looked indifferent, and introduced to Judy: "This person is called Calvados, a sniper trained in the organization. Although he can't compare with me, he is also a very difficult person. You probably don't know it yet, Bell Maude knew your plan in advance, lured our people away, and let him lie in ambush here..."

"...Her purpose can be imagined."

"What? This..."

Hearing Shuichi Akai's words, Judy broke out in a pile of cold sweat on her forehead, then walked forward, held Shuichi Akai's hand and said, "Xiuichi, it's really thanks to you..."

"Although I did find him first, it wasn't me who caught him, but someone else..."

Akai Hideichi withdrew his hand without a trace, Judy's expression darkened slightly, and then asked: "Then... who is the person who saved me?"

Faced with this question, Akai Shuichi did not answer, but changed the subject, and continued: "He handed over Calvados to me, and I shot and broke both of his legs, and handcuffed him. He confiscated all his firearms, and thought he was safe, but unexpectedly he hid a grenade in his crotch..."

"Huh? The crotch..."

Judy looked down at the corpse, and saw that the two legs of the corpse were separate, the thighs disappeared, and the buttocks and abdomen were also empty, and they were not put together at all.

Looking at this scene, Judy instantly thought of the location where the grenade exploded, and her sphincter tightened: "...he is really strong enough..."

"Yeah! What a man with an **** fissure..."

This frankly Chrysanthemum area has been torn apart! ~

Akai Hideichi complained inwardly: "...It's just a pity, once this guy dies, we will lose a harvest. Fortunately, that person said, he has prepared another gift..."

"What? Another gift?" Judy was a little curious.

"That's right, that's..." Hideo Akai didn't finish his sentence when suddenly the text message alert sounded.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, clicked on the text message, and the corner of his mouth twitched twice, and he directly deleted the text message.

At this time, Judy asked curiously again: "So, Xiuyi? What is the other gift?"

Akai Hideichi groaned for a while, and then said quietly: "You heard it wrong, it was just a hallucination."


Judy had a black face with a question mark, just thinking that Akai Shuichi didn't want to say anything, she rolled her eyes, and then asked, "Have you talked to Mr. James about the situation here?"

"As I said just now, he said he would send someone over immediately." Akai Shuichi replied—

Before, he only let Judy, who was the closest, come to pick him up, because the one he was going to take away was a living person, and there were no big traces around.

Now Calvados, who has **** fissure, has blown himself to pieces, surrounded by minced meat, bone stubble and internal organs. If he doesn't clean it up quickly, it will be hard to explain if he is discovered by the Japanese police!

He really didn't want to go to the Metropolitan Police Department...

At ten o'clock in the evening, vodka fell into the waters of the water.

On the black inflatable lifeboat, Vodka watched the speedboat approaching not far away, and waved happily: "Brother! Brother! I'm here."

When Gin saw the vodka, the fast-moving speedboat stopped abruptly on one side, causing some waves, and then the waves slapped against the wind, hitting Gin's cool face with a "pop", and the silver-gray hair that was flying with the sea breeze Ruth just blurred his eyes.

"Uh... big brother..."

Vodka saw that his elder brother failed to pretend again, and weakly didn't know what to say.

The corner of Gin Jiu's mouth twitched, and he stretched out his left hand to brush away the hair stuck to his eyes, and wiped off the excess seawater on his face, before he said, "Okay, Vodka, come up quickly, let's go!"

"Okay, big brother." Vodka smiled honestly, then jumped on the speedboat, naturally put his arms around Gin's waist, and stuck his whole body on it.

Gin froze and couldn't help asking: "Vodka! What are you doing holding me?!"

"Uh...Brother, the wind and waves on the sea are very strong. If I don't hold you tight, I will fall if I'm not careful..." Vodka replied weakly.

"...uh..." Gin was also a little silent when he heard the words, but he also knew that Vodka was right.

The sea wind was very strong at night, not to mention vodka, even if he didn't hold on to it, he would be thrown down if he was not careful.

Seeing the silence of Gin, Vodka suggested at the right time: "Brother, why don't I drive the speedboat and you hug me?"

Gin was taken aback when he heard the words, and then a picture of himself holding vodka from behind appeared in his mind...

what! ~

Gin shivered for a while, stopped talking nonsense, and started the speedboat directly—

Forget it, anyway, it will take about fifty minutes to drive back to the shore from here, and it will be over soon...

"Vodka, let's go!"

"Okay, brother." Vodka responded, and then asked again: "Brother, do you really not need me to drive the speedboat?"

"Vodka, shut up!~"

"Okay, brother."

At ten o'clock in the evening, in a dark alley.

Belmode was still leaning against the wall, breathing evenly but weakly.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps "thump, thump, thump" sounded in the alley.

The corners of Belmode's eyes twitched slightly, and he opened his eyes. His left and right hands each held a glass shard that had been dug out of the trash can, staring at the direction of the footsteps like a wolf.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, Belmode was about to violently hurt people, only to hear the footsteps stop, and then a beautiful female voice came:

"... I really didn't expect that Belmode, who is well-known in the organization, would have this time..."

Hearing this voice, Belmod heaved a sigh of relief, let go of the shards of glass in both hands, his fierce eyes disappeared, and a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, saying: "No matter how lucky people are, there will be bad luck." At that time, you and I were nothing more than two ants in the torrent of time, how could it be possible to remain glamorous forever and not be ashamed?"

After Belmode finished speaking, the woman took two steps forward, threw a black windbreaker over, and asked casually:

"Then... You still look bright and beautiful ant, can you tell me this ant, why did you make it like this?"

"Of course not." Belmode stood up against the wall, put on a black windbreaker, put a finger on his mouth, and said with a chuckle: "Asecretmakeawomenwomen."

"Okay, mystic." The woman smiled indifferently, and walked out of the alley slowly, revealing a delicate and beautiful face.

She wore a black peaked cap on her head, and her low ponytail was thrown behind her back. She turned her head to look at Belmode who was following behind her. Her cat-like blue eyes seemed to be able to speak: "Get in the car, Belmode."

Belmode chuckled again, tightened his hands on the black cloak and said:

"Okay, Keel."

At 10:30 in the evening, outside the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Shu Yunwen, Tsukamoto Sumi, and Luo Liai thanked Ren Saburo Shiratori together and said, "Officer Shiratori, thank you so much for today, I have caused you trouble."

"Master Yunwen, you are polite." Shiratori Ren Sanlang waved his hand, "These are just trivial matters. It is my honor to help you. But after this time, please discipline Huiyuan-student so that she will Bringing those contraband—especially the pistol—if it wasn’t for the pistol, it wouldn’t be like this…”

You know, Japan's ban on guns is very powerful.

Although it is not as good as a nearby giant dragon, it is still at the forefront in the world.

Among other things, Japan occasionally cooperates with associations in "severe sweeps". Generally, associations will deliberately let the police find a few guns, which is considered a great credit!

The severity is evident from this.

"Uh...Okay, I see." Shu Yunwen nodded, and Luo Liai whispered beside him: "...that pistol is not mine! Mine is a desert with ivory inlaid with gold..."

"Shut up! ~ Haibara!"

Shu Yunwen rubbed Huiyuan Mao's head, rolled his eyes—

In other words, the pistol confiscated by the police this time was indeed not Huiyuan's, but Belmode brought it.

As for Haibara, she does have two of her own guns, one is a solid gold Desert Eagle, and the other is a children's version of the Desert Eagle with ivory inlaid with gold, both given by Sumiyoshi.

In addition, Sumiyoshikai seems to have customized a pure gold and diamond-encrusted children's AK for her in Russia. It looks small, and its power is comparable to that of the official AK. Its shape can also dazzle the enemy. The luxury version of dog eyes...


Luo Liai rolled her eyes at Shu Yunwen, and Shu Yunwen thanked Shiratori Ren Sanlang again: "In short, thank you very much this time."

After a few more polite words with Shiratori Ren Sanlang, Shu Yunwen walked to the parking lot together.

Opening the car door, everyone saw a sleeping Conan.

Luo Liai's eyelids twitched twice, and then she asked, "Has this famous detective's medicine gone yet?"

After Luoli's sad words fell, Shu Yunwen let out an "uh" and said, "I woke up once before, and I turned him numb again."

"Well, well done!~" Luo Liai gave Shu Yunwen a thumbs up, and then said: "...By the way, please send me back to the laboratory, I still have some important research Not done."

"Ah? Do you still have to go to the lab so late? Be careful not to wear yourself out." Miyano Akemi immediately dissuaded her, and waved in front of Luo Liai, "Besides, you have encountered so many things tonight, you should go home go to bed..."

"Actually, it's okay. I didn't really encounter any danger. Besides, thanks to the help of a famous detective, I got a good night's sleep. Now I'm full of energy and full of energy!"

When Luo Liai said this, her tone paused slightly, she pointed to Conan next to her and said:

"Also, if no one wants this thing, I'll take it back and play with it..."

Luoli said sadly, and poked Conan's face with her fingers, Shu Yunwen, Cheng Shi, and Mingmei all said "uh", the corners of their mouths twitched, and they looked at Conan with sympathy—

Ok! No wonder Luo Liai said that she is full of energy now, and she is ready to use this energy on Conan!

Was taken to the laboratory by the furious Luo Liai...

May you live till tomorrow morning, amen! ~

Shu Yunwen prayed to Conan for a second, and then told Chengshi: "Chengshi, please drive Huiyuan to the laboratory first!"

"Okay, Lord Yunwen." Cheng Shi responded, and started the car steadily.

Soon, the car arrived at Luo Liai's biological research laboratory.

With the help of Shu Yunwen, Luo Liai and Conan happily entered the sterile laboratory together (?), and then Shu Yunwen told Huiyuan to be careful, contact him immediately if something happened, and then returned to the car.

Looking at the soft girl who seemed to be waiting for something at home, Shu Yunwen first ordered Chengshi to drive to Suumi's house, then grabbed Tsukamoto Suumi's hand, and said softly:

"The things about those people, because they may be dangerous, and I seldom interact with them, so I haven't told you all the time..."

"...but since Sumi-chan wants to know, I'll tell you!"


Read Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability