MTL - A Sorcerer’s Journey-v32 Chapter 2029 Abyss Battlefield (34)

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During the meeting, the people in the hall were in a state of top secret, and all outside contacts were forbidden.

It took seven days to go from the right to vote to the responsibility system, from the post-war distribution to the abyss confrontation area, all aspects of negotiation and compromise. In the end, the parties gradually began to compromise from sharp contradictions, everything is in the positive direction. Development, including the wizarding family, has slowly settled down in the initial fierce contradictions, and has used its erudition and wisdom to fight for the finest interests.

If there is no accident, the meeting should gradually come to an end in the boring, and at this moment there is basically no matter what the leader of the ethnic group is. Some of the little guys are arguing.

In such a leisure time, the king of the second generation of wizards first observed the strong among the various tribes in a boring manner, and got the most detailed data information in the case of not infringing on each other’s protection, and started to the hall. The internal Jagged River was observed for various devices designed for confidentiality of meetings.

The research of the Jagged River family in the field of science and technology also has its own unique field of expertise, especially the device of personal auxiliary performance, which is also the strong dependence of the existence of the dominant level, which is unmatched by Vantage Quantum Technology.

From the material science of this conference hall, it may be possible to get some knowledge that promotes the exploration of the truth of the mechanical wizard.

With such thoughts, the face of the second generation of the wizard's king, the face of the truth, kept watching the details of the hall.

The floor is a composite material that appears to be a ceramic of clay, but it incorporates some layers of high-energy elements that are isolated from energy, as if it were the lightest and thinner AT field protection cover, ensuring that any external perceptual exploration is Barrier.

The seat material is a kind of solid energy, has amazing endurance, and is very malleable, otherwise it can't bear the random pats of the starry sky gods, but this energy control is really not attractive to the wizard.

The tea cup in the hand is very interesting!

This is an incredibly thin and light material. It feels like the face of truth. It is only eighty-seventh more than hydrogen. It can be said that it is completely an air material, but it has amazing toughness and is colored. In order to prevent dripping, this material has gone beyond the research of the wizard and Vantage Quantum Technology in many fields. If you can analyze the mystery, it will inevitably lead to great progress in many fields of the wizard.

The lamp on the top of the head is not a purely attributed energy source, nor is it a metaphysical energy block like Vantage Quantum Technology. It is something close to bioenergy. It shines slightly brighter in the hall, close to the blood color. The blood color, like a star-like arrangement, is not neat, but it is patchy. If you have to force a metaphor, these lights are like biological nets that are scattered on the ceiling of the hall.

As for the ceiling of the hall, the material is...


Suddenly, with the help of the truth, the insight and the immersive observation, the king of the second generation of wizards, from the head of the thirty-two thousand and seven hundred and twenty-two lights, noticed that the spectral frequency of one of the lamps was A change of three hundred and thirty-two to three hundred and thirty-five spectral Hertz occurred in one-twelfth of the time!

This change is no accident!

The creepy thoughts appeared in the heart of the second generation of wizards and made a correct reflection in the first place.

"Who? Come out!"

The roar of the king of the second generation of wizards interrupted the discourse of the descendants of the descendants of the tribes, and the hall became quiet and silent. The leaders of other tribes also knew through the external appearance of the truth, the king of the wizard must be Insight into the field of perception has extraordinary capabilities,

Therefore, they are also on the alert for the first time, and they are fully aware of the anomalies in the hall.

Regrettably, except for the king of the second generation wizards, no one noticed the anomaly in the conference hall.

At this moment, the second generation of the wizard king can do only to detect the abnormality of the lantern, and quickly analyze the possibilities, even after seeing that many of the masters did not notice the abnormality, it seems that it is difficult. The pressure of the description seems to be overwhelming, and a short period of self-doubt.

Since I suspect that it only lasted for a short time, it was opened up by the second generation of wizards.

The witch's cognition is based on the real existence. As an ancient wizard who has survived to this day, the belief has run through life. How can it be a mistake?

With this in mind, the king of the second generation of sorcerers stared at the fascinating creature's iron lampshade: "All things in the world have their special attributes. It is a beam of light that analyzes from different angles and has many attributes, so there is never real in theory. Concealed, there is only the level of perception. Yes, although you rely on the unknown ability to infiltrate bioenergy pollution as a point of contact, you have deceived people at the place, even including me, but faced the king of the early wizards. The face of the truth left is still showing signs, don’t deceive yourself any more!"

The king of the second generation of wizards is full of confidence, and the three-color scorpion firmly locks the unusual lampshade.

"Complete blockade, first level alert!"

At the same time, the 13th generation of the **** Queen shouted. At the same time, the special iron-blood team that had been practiced hundreds of times began emergency operations, and some energy devices in the hall obviously changed structurally.

at last.

"Evil evil, evil spirits!"

Unscrupulous and sinister laughter echoed in the hall, like a deflated balloon, and the raging magic gas emerged from the lampshade locked by Wang Shuguang, the second generation of the sorcerer of the second generation, and overflowed around, and then the hall energy device was built. Resistance is constrained to a narrow range.

Suddenly, a huge eye appeared in the tumbling magic.

Mori's eyelids turned at high speed, and finally stabilized, focusing on the truth of the king of the early wizards.

"I can actually feel my existence. It seems that your wizard has given birth to a good guy, leaving behind such a wizard. When I was in the world of wizards in ancient times, no one knew about my existence."

At this time, the starry sky **** leaps up and shouts high: "If you are here, don't leave, leave it! Starfield!"

Numerous starlights are centered on the starry sky gods, and they are not only covered by the planet in a flash, but also covered with a few small stars and the void area around Hundred evils to avoid. ”

Jin Mang loudly, a giant hand appeared from below, easily smashed the magical force to bind the energy barrier, and shattered the sacred magic eye, but the one that came was empty.

“There is no time and space fluctuations!?”

Starry Sky looks at the empty hall and is difficult to channel.

"Where the wizard, where is the devil?"

The ancestors of Van Gogh asked inexhaustible.

The king of the second generation of wizards is in the midst of indifference. After a short silence, he said: "It exists by polluting life energy. This is just a trivial awareness."

The imperceptible devil head disturbed the atmosphere of the hall, but did not get the slightest clue. The optimism of the various tribes in the hall against the abyss battle gradually became a shadow, and they all knew that they were only joining the abyss. One of the more than ten battlefields of the Mozu, and how many powers of the Devils are still there, still not known!