MTL - A War Between Spies-Chapter 16 procrastination

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Yang Yi ran to the building, but when he was about to enter the surveillance range of the camera, he suddenly slowed down, and then at the moment the camera could photograph him, he began to walk into the building at normal pace.

In the mind of the crazy operation, Yang Yi must come up with a suitable way to retain Wien Rushford, but until now, he has not yet a way to ensure that it is feasible.

Yang Yi saw Wien Rushford, who was standing in front of the elevator. The number on the elevator had reached three. In a few seconds, the elevator door would open.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Yi suddenly said loudly: "Mr. Rushford!"

Wien Rushford turned to look at Yang Yi, Yang Yi's face with a surprised expression, loudly: "Nani Nichi, Mr. Rushford, I did not expect to meet you here, it is really clever. ”

Wien Rushford looked inexplicably, but he nodded politely, and Yang Yi was delighted to walk to Wien Rushford, but stood behind Wien. The two men were in the first two steps, blocking Yang Yi’s way.

The face was slightly unhappy, Yang Yi stood up, and then a little reluctant smile at Wien Rushford: "It seems you don't remember me, Mr. Rushford."

The elevator door was already open. Wien Rushford looked at the open elevator and looked at Yang Yi, who looked a little unhappy on the face. He finally did not walk into the elevator, but was confused by Yang Yi. Road: "I am very sorry, are you?"

Yang Yi spread his hand and smiled and said: "On the day before yesterday, Hannover, Germany, at the welcome reception of the International Machine Tool Show, there were too many people at the time, you may not remember me."

Wien Rushford immediately made a very apologetic expression, then he grew up and said: "Oh, people were too many people at the time, I am sorry, I did not recognize you. ”

Yang Yi’s face immediately showed a smile. He confronted Wien Rushford and smiled. “My name is Nakamura, and I am the general manager of Komatsu Seiki Co., Ltd. and the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association. Deputy Director, I am so lucky to meet Mr. Rushford here."

Wien Rushford was a little surprised. He was anxious to go back to the office, but looking at Yang Yi, he didn't turn and went into the elevator.

Wien extended his hand and held it with Yang Yi, then he smiled: "I am very happy to meet you here."

Wien Rushford wanted to go away with a sigh of relief, but did not expect Yang Yi to look serious: "Mr. Rushford, I have a plan to visit you on this trip, but I still I didn't have time to make a meeting request for you. I didn't expect to meet here. This is really my hard work."

Wien Rushford looked at the watch subconsciously, then he made a gesture of asking, then smiled: "My office is on top, let's talk about it."

Yang Yi looked at the door of the building, and then he looked embarrassed: "I am sorry, Mr. Rushford, my companion has not come yet, if I leave here they will not find me, then it is better to ask you Take a step ahead, I will come to visit you after I am accompanied."

Yang Yi was worried that Wien turned and left, and Wien really wanted to turn around and leave, but Wien finally smiled and said: "So, what do you find for me?"

The heart sighed and then smiled at Wien: "Yes, Mr. Rushford, I am looking for you to have an acquisition plan to talk to you."

Thanks to John Jones for his prudence. Thanks to Kate for his rigor and care. Although Yang Yi is wearing a T-shirt and jeans, she doesn't see a little business, but his face looks thirty-year-old.

It seems that the age is a lot bigger, because Yang Yi is making up, that is, Jenny gives him makeup. Before going out every day, makeup is a must-have preparation.

Yang Yi was thinking about how to proceed in the elevator, instead of refusing to ask him to go upstairs to enter the office.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Yi finally whispered: "Mr. Rushford, this time coming to the UK, because we want to find a suitable partner to complete a commercial acquisition plan, if you are interested, can you Please set a time, let's talk in detail. As you can see, it is really inconvenient for me to officially call you today."

Yang Yi groaned again, then he shook his t-shirt with his hand and apologized: "It’s rude, I hope you forgive me for taking the liberty."

Wien is really a bit puzzled, but he really wants to know what business Yang Yi has to talk to.

"Mr. Nakamura, I have time now. If you have something to talk to me, you can do it now, um, my office is on it."

Yang Yi’s face was distressed: “Sorry, Mr. Rushford, this time it’s a matter of the Japan Machine Tool Industry Association. It’s a major business activity. I’m not going to meet you alone, but I just didn’t want to see it. You didn't hold back and say hello to you."

Although Wien Rushford is very surprised, he is more and more curious to know what will happen, because many times in business wars, just a few minutes ahead of others to get a message, you may decide the success or failure of a commercial war.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Nakamura, I am looking forward to your visit, but I can ask you and your companion to find me what to talk about?"

Yang Yi slightly hesitated for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "It is about the acquisition of a German machine tool company, Mr. Rushford, do you know the German Sith machine?"

Wien Rushford thought a little and said: "Yes, I know, this company is on the verge of bankruptcy."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "We want to acquire the Sith machine."

Wien’s eyes widened, and he was surprised: “Do you want to buy a Sith machine?”

Yang Yi seems to regret some of the words he just said, but he also hesitated a little and finally smiled: "In fact, it is not our company to acquire, but our machine tool industry association to acquire."

Wien spread his hands and made a very incomprehensible gesture, then looked at Yang Yi with a confused look.

As long as he can delay the time, Yang Yi can't say anything, so he seems to be a little bit annoyed again: "Well, this is not a big secret. I can tell you that we don't really want to acquire the Sis Machine Tool Company. But to prevent the Chinese from acquiring the Sith company, you know that the Chinese machine tool industry has progressed very fast in recent years. Although it has not caused too much threat to us for the time being, if the Chinese people get the technology of the Sith company, this Not what we want to see."

Wien made a look of ignorance, and then he nodded and said: "Understand, understand."

Yang Yi continued: "We are willing to invest in the acquisition of the Chinese people, but we do not need to acquire the Sith company. In short, as long as it is not for the Chinese people to get the Sith company."

Wien Rushford made a listening gesture, but Yang Yi felt that time was almost enough, as if there was no need to delay the time.

Just as Yang Yi decided to find a word to end the conversation, he listened to Kate later: "Yes, I have already come in, what, you have to come to me? Well, I am waiting for you below, how long do you need? Can it be down in five minutes?"

Kate’s voice grew smaller and bigger, and then it became bigger and smaller. Yang Yi’s eyes saw Kate go over him from behind.

This is Kate reminding him that he needs to delay for another five minutes.

Yang Yi sighed softly. After he bowed his head and made a thoughtful expression, he raised his head and looked at Wien. "Mr. Rushford."

Subconsciously looked back, as if afraid of being seen by anyone, then Yang Yi pressed down the voice: "Are you interested in our acquisition plan?"

Wien laughed: "I don't usually do this kind of thing when I'm doomed to a failed acquisition plan, but everything has a reasonable reward, isn't it?"

Yang Yi smiled and nodded, then he immediately whispered: "I have a friend, he said I can find you."

Wien's eyebrows pick one, saying: "Your friend is?"

Yang Yi smiled, and then he continued to whisper: "Although it is not a formal and very suitable occasion, I think this is a good time, so do you want to know the upper limit of our offer?"

Wien’s eyebrows once again picked up and then he looked at the gods and said: "Of course."

Yang Yi whispered: "So how much can I get?"

"10%, I think this is very reasonable, what do you think?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment, then he quickly said: "This is a reasonable number, then Mr. Rushford, tomorrow, our association will send you a meeting request, and then quoted a price of 5 million euros, and our The ceiling is 10 million euros, and I will try my best to make this deal with your company."

Wien Rushford also lowered his voice and smiled: "Then you have a profit of 500,000 euros."

Yang Yi’s face showed a satisfactory smile, and then he whispered: “Mr. Rushford, we have not seen it today.”

"Of course, we have never seen it alone."

Yang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, then he whispered: "So, I look forward to meeting you, I am leaving."

Shaking hands with Wien, Yang Yi turned and walked outside the building, and Wien’s bodyguards pressed the elevator again and walked in.

After waiting for his two bodyguards to enter the elevator, Wien's mouth was pumped and whispered: "It's awkward guy."

Yang Yi walked out of the building, and then his heart began to jump wildly. The sweat drove out like a control, and wet his T-shirt.

Yang Yi walked back to her car, and then he immediately couldn’t wait: "How? Speak, don't type!"

Daniel whispered: "Everything is done."

At this moment, Kate also returned to the car, the first thing after she got on the bus was also anxious: "How, clear the traces? Speak, don't type!"

"Get it done."