MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 1087 Really valuable news

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The pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

For a moment, Mussard couldn’t even move.

Finally, he still walked to the floor to ceiling window.

He remembers very clearly that when Xu Youning was still at the top of the mountain, he liked to stand here and look into the distance.

At that time, he did not know what Xu Youning was thinking, and he did not know how much she was suffering alone.

When he returned to God, it was too late, and Xu Youning had left.

The New Year’s Day has not passed, the whole city is still immersed in the joy of the New Year, and countless fireworks bloom in the air, forming a beautiful picture.

For the first time, Mussault had the pleasure of watching the fireworks, looked up and stared at the night sky.

At this time, Xu Youning is in the old house of Kangjia.

If she happens to raise her head, is the sight seen like him?

After the night, the lively fireworks gradually disappeared and the sky returned to silence.

Mussault sat on the sofa and the wound on his arm was aching.

He poured himself a cup of tea, held it in his hand, didn't drink it, his face was deep and unclear, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Mussou did not know how long he had been sitting, and the door knocking suddenly sounded. He subconsciously looked at the monitor screen, which showed the face of Ah Guang.

Muske opened the door with a remote control, and Aguang smiled and walked in -

"Seven brothers, I know you didn't sleep!" Ah Guang poured all his enthusiasm and invited, "Would you like to drink with me?"

Only Aguang himself knows that he is "the meaning of drunkenness is not in wine."

Mussou asked to live in this small villa, because it has the same memories of him and Xu Youning.

However, Xu Youning is no longer here.

Muske saw the familiar scene, and the memories of the past rushed to his heart. He will be sad, and he will regret it if he is not good.

Ah Guang felt that Muss was too pitiful, so he thought about drinking this idea and wanted to help Mussin to sorrow.

At this time, Ah Guang did not remember that there was a saying that it would be more embarrassing to use alcohol.

Mussin raised his eyes and looked at Aguang.

He knows the purpose of Aguang, but at this time, alcohol can't change anything.

Even if he drunk himself, Xu Youning could not come back.

Ah Guang saw that Mussaud did not nod his sign, and the bottom of his breath suddenly leaked half. He was not sure about Mussaud: "Seven brother, do you want to drink?"

Mussek coldly looked at A Guang: "I have something tomorrow, do you want to drink?"

A light thought about it and decided to play it first.

He suddenly extended his hands behind him and said, "Seven brothers, I am ready!"

He holds the wine in one hand and the two glasses in the other.

It is indeed everything is ready.

A light raised the hand holding the wine and said with a smile: "Seven brothers, we will have a drink!"


The Aguang, whom Mussault knew, never indulged in wine, which is why he appreciates and reuses Aguang.

Ah Guang’s persistent desire to drink today should be just for him.

Mussou took the glass: "Go downstairs to the living room."

Aguang is too aware of Mussau’s mood today, with a first-class spirit.

He opened the bottle cap and smiled at Muske: "Seven brother, I know your drink is the best, I think we can kill this bottle!"

According to the usual amount of Muss, and a bottle of wine to solve the problem, it is true.

Mussore did not have any precautions. He looked up and drank the wine, and his throat suddenly burned like a fire.

Three glasses of wine, he found that the reality is very skinny - he actually began to faint, and even some can not tell the truth.

Mussell responded very quickly. He looked at Aguang for the first time, and his eyes were as cold as a knife: "Aguang, what did you put in the wine?"

Aguang put down the wine glass and said calmly: "The sleeping pills. Seven brothers, as you said, we have very important things tomorrow. You will have a good rest this evening."

Muske's dizziness was even more serious. He held the armrest of the sofa and looked at Aguang incredulously: "You..."

Aguang helped Musijue to go upstairs to the room and said, "Seven brothers, I know that this is too much. I wake up tomorrow, you can punish me, I just hope that you can sleep well." ”

He put Mussek on the bed and watched Mussek close his eyes before leaving the room with peace of mind.

Other brothers don't know, but Aguang is very clear -

Since Xu Youning left, Muss has barely slept a good night.

For the first time, Musquis could only rely on sleeping pills.

However, it was not long before Muss gave up the sleeping pills, and his reasons were wonderful.

If you don't take sleeping pills, Xu Youning is at least willing to enter Aa into his dreams.

He is eager for the satisfaction of Xu Youning in his dreams.

However, this is also a price to pay.

After dreaming of Xu Youning, Mussou often wakes up early and can no longer sleep.

The reason for the lack of sleep, Muske's face has been pale since this time, Zhou Wei looked distressed.

Today, returning to this place where Xu Youning lived together, Muske's mood should fluctuate even more.

However, they still have important things.

Ah Guang only hopes that Mussaud can take a good sleep and raise enough energy to cope with the next thing.

The long night passed quickly, and the next day's sunshine spread over the top of the mountain. The white snow gradually melted away, adding a touch of chill to the top of the mountain.

When Mussaud woke up, he saw the morning light in the room, warm and bright.

He sat up without any headaches or discomfort.

He hasn't been so comfortable for a long time to wake up.

For the sake of lack of consciousness, he woke up in the past, he always had a headache, or he was as heavy as a mountain.

Today may be enough for sleep, he only feels refreshed.

Next, yesterday's things before going to bed floated on Mussell's mind.

A light dared to give him a black hand.

Mussier squinted his eyes slightly, and after all, there was no murder.

He got up and washed, changed into a casual and easy-to-wear clothes, and went downstairs.

Ah Guang did not know when he was awake, and respectfully stood on the stairs of the first floor, slightly lowering his head and motionless.

Musquieu went down and asked Aguang: "What are you doing?"

"Amount... In the words of the ancients, I am calling for sin." Aguang always lowered his head, and his voice was so earnest that people could not bear to blame. "Seven brothers, last night, I didn't mean it."

Mussuke certainly knows that Aguang is not intentional.

Otherwise, when he opened his eyes early, Ah Guang had already tasted the consequences of his black hand.

He is very clear that Ah Guang is only for him.

Despite this, Mussaud’s look was still cold and scary, warning: “This time, forget it!”


Ah Guang was ready to be punished. He heard a sigh of relief and thought about it - Mussaud means... let him go first?

Hey, he said, his seventh brother is still very kind and generous!

A light raised his head and made a dogleg expression, nodding his head again and again: "Seven brother, I remember!"

After breakfast, Mussie got on the bus and went out to work.

After last night's incident, Aguang greatly increased the number of Mustle's personal bodyguards, and a small team of fully armed men seemed to be quite mighty.

Ah Guang also followed the bus and told the driver: "Come on." After handing over an ipad to Muss, "Seven brother, this is the email received last night, you handle it."

Mussou looked at the mail in a row and asked, "Is there any news on Akin?"

Aguang shook his head and paused, and then went on to say: "We... don't need Ajin's news too much. Kangrui City's action failed. He told us at most that Kangrui City is very angry. Kim said, we also know that Kangrui City is very angry!"


Muss gave a deep look at Aguang and said nothing.

He told Aguang not long ago that Akin was their undercover.

Now, he has some doubts about his decision.

A Guangde detailed the look of Muss, and reacted slyly. He continued to say: "Of course, if Ajin has the news of You Ning, he should contact us! For us, the message of You Ning is the most The news of value!"

Muske finally said: "A light, you learn to observe the words."

Ah Guang did not react so quickly.

"Fortunately, okay." A Guanggan smiled and said, "Mainly because of the recent year, the seven brothers, your expression looks a lot, I have to enrich a lot, of course I have to keep up. Your steps are good."

A Guang has a lot of courage to dare to say this sentence, of course, there is a meaning of ridicule.

What he did not expect was that Mussaud did not marry him.

Mussard just looked at him very calmly, and the tone sounded quite interesting.

He asked: "When did it start?"

A light stunned and responded to what Mussaud asked.

He pondered for a moment and gave Mussek a very precise answer: "From You Ning sister to the bottom of your side!"

Ah Guang said Xu Youning.

It is no longer the same as before, the people under Mussaud can already mention the name of Xu Youning.

They no longer have to worry about Mussaud’s temper.

As for the reason...

Probably because Mussaud has already faced his own heart, and he is willing to admit that he loves Xu Youning.

Occasionally, the people who met him talked about him and Xu Youning. If Mussaud was in a good mood, he would insert a sentence.

Others did not know the true purpose of Xu Youning's return to Kangrui City. He only knew that Mussaud was trying to get Xu Ning back, so it was not surprising.

This time I heard that Aguang said that Muss was not angry at all, but instead thought of Aguang’s words.

He suddenly found out that Ah Guang said it was right.

His life has indeed become less boring since Xu Youning appeared.

In this case, Xu Youning...he must be.