MTL - A Warm Wedding and A New Bride of Young Master Lu-Chapter 749 Xu Youning, I gave you a chance (1)

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Xu Youning also knows that this is her only chance to escape.

The cold wind in the late autumn rushed to the face, like a sharp knife to cut the human skin, coupled with the soreness of the body, Xu Youning is really not comfortable.

However, she did not dare to stop, but she could only move forward regardless of her disregard, just like the hope of life ahead.

Once stopped, it was caught up by Muss, not to run away again, and she was afraid that even if she survived, it would be a problem.

However, will Musquis really come to chase her?

For Musquieu, maybe she is not that important? Maybe Mussaud will let her leave her alone?

Xu Youning suddenly fell into a strange circle - not only afraid to be taken back by Musiju, but also unwilling to let Muske miss her.

All the contradictions, in the final analysis, are because, in the subconscious, she still wants to stay with Muss.

However, she can't be so selfish, she must go back to revenge for her grandmother.

Besides, in case one day Mussek and Kangrui City face each other, she is at the side of Kangrui City, and can help Muske and Lu Boyan to the greatest extent...

Xu Youning is in contradiction, and there is a familiar low voice behind him: "Xu Youning!"

You don’t have to look back and you know, it must be Muss.

Musijue only shouted her name, but Xu Youning felt a murderous suffocation that could destroy the land and could not help but tremble.

As everyone knows, the most intolerable thing that Mussaud can't tolerate is deception and betrayal, as well as rebellion.

She fled like this, which was equivalent to all the taboos of Muss.

Xu Youning has no doubt that once he is taken back by Muss, he will patiently tear her into pieces.

Think of it, Xu Youning ran faster.

However, regardless of leg length or speed, she is not an opponent of Muss.

In less than half a minute, Mussett caught up with Xu Youning.

He grabbed Xu Youning's wrist forcefully, pulled her back, and angered a handsome face and asked, "Where are you going?"

He is giving Xu Youning an opportunity.

Even if Xu Youning casually finds an excuse to smother, he is willing to believe that she is not going to escape, not to go back to Kangrui City.

Xu Youning is not aware that this is an opportunity, just a simple thought: Since it can't run, it is good to be angry with Muss!

Thinking, she greeted the eyes of Muss, and challenged: "Can't you see it? I have to go! Where to go - in addition to returning to Kang, where do you think I can go?"

Kangrui City, Kangjia, are the taboos of Muss, and Xu Youning is stepping on it.

For a moment, Mussaud's darkness and darkness were coming, like the sky in thunderstorms in June, and the black pressure drooped down. If a silent beast could swallow Xu Youning at any time.

Xu Youning was shocked at the bottom of his heart. He had a bad feeling. He just wanted to break away from Muss, and he felt that he had increased his strength. In desperation, she could only work with Muss.

Even if she knows that she is not an opponent of Muss, she has to fight once.

In case she was lucky enough to run away? !

As it turns out, fortunately, most of the time you don't have to.

Because there are not so many lucky things in the world.

There were not a few rounds in the fight. In less than half a minute, Xu Youning was subdued by Muss, who was trapped in the arms of Muss, and could not move her strength.

Mussek stared at Xu Youning with a gloomy voice, squeezing out from the gap between the teeth: "Xu Youning, I have given you a chance."

As long as Xu Youning does not try to escape, as long as she no longer mourns Kangrui City, he may tell her the truth and treat her well.

However, she first told Shen Yuechuan that she could use her as an exchange condition to negotiate with Kangrui City.

She seems to be good for Shen Yuechuan. In fact, she just wants to use Shen Yuechuan to return to Kangrui City.

She probably did not think that Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yu would both reject her "good intentions."

Mussault thought that Xu Youning would give up on this. However, she actually tried to escape.

She is pestering him to see Xiao Yu, just to escape?

Does she think that he really has unlimited tolerance for her?

Xu Youning looked at Muske, and felt a chill from the bottom of her feet to the back.

This time, she played off and finished.

Muske took Xu Youning out, pushed her into the car, took out the handcuffs, and said nothing about her.

Xu Youning silently spit in his heart, can there be new tricks?

After waiting for her to vomit, Mussault slammed the car. She did not wear a seat belt and was pushed forward by inertia. Although she responded in time to control the body, she could not help but hit her head.

Her head had an old wound, and this collision, she only felt a whirlwind, and then the whole world was dark.

Everything became blurred and the mind couldn't think again. Xu Youning was so unbearable that he couldn't wait to end the pain with death.

Mussin looked at Xu Youning, who was stunned by the eyes, and sneered coldly: "Don't pretend. If you don't want to die, tie your seat belt."

Xu Youning reluctantly retrieved a sense of reason from chaos.

Muske thinks she is loading?

Very good, she is not sad.

Really good, save her to cover up the explanation.

Xu Youning looked up and smiled at Muske: "Sure enough, the Seven Brothers, nothing can fool your eyes."

She pulled the seat belt and tied it with one hand, but couldn’t hold back the sourness and despair that rushed out of her heart.

In this world, someone can see through another person smartly, but because he doesn't care.

When Mussault cares about her words, she will find her anomaly, not that she is pretending.

This is also good, no matter what she does in the future, she can not tangled.

Xu Youning slowly closed his eyes and leaned over his head on the door. It looked like he was closing his eyes and he was actually waiting for the pain on his head to ease.

Mussault thought she would make trouble or continue to find a chance to escape.

However, she was so quiet as to be slaughtered.

Mussault had some accidents, but did not go deep into why.

He is not not curious, but the so-called self-esteem is at work.

Xu Youning didn't want to escape from him all the time. What reason did he care about her occasional anomalies?

Going back to the villa, Muske got off the bus and un-opened the door of the vice-driver. The other end of Xu Youning’s handcuffs squatted on the door, and had to jump off the car, a beautiful movement.

She pulled the handcuffs and looked at Muss in a provocative way: "Are you going to slap me like this? I can easily run away."

Musijue’s face sank, untied his handcuffs, and instantly buckled Xu Youning’s wrist: “You dream!”

This time, he will never let Xu Youning leave his control.

Musijue took Xu Youning back to the house and walked straight to the second floor.

Auntie was preparing for lunch, seeing Mussin's face sullen, Xu Youning was stunned by him, dare not say hello to them, watching their figure disappeared on the stairs on the second floor.

Muske kicked the door and pushed Xu Youning hard. She fell on the bed.

Xu Youning thought that Musijue was doing something, was shocked, and had not returned to God, he felt a cold on his wrist, and Mussaud’s technique was to smother her hands, and the other end of the handcuff was on the bed.

She couldn't help but vomit: "Change, state!"

Musijue coldly hooked the corner of his lips and leaned down to whisper in Xu Youning's ear. "You will have a chance to know what is really aa."

The implication is that the previous moves are still only pediatrics.

Xu Youning looked at Muss, and the more he hated, the more he wanted to bite him.

Mussaud avoided it lightly and looked at Xu Youning meaningfully: "It seems that you want to experience it now?"

Xu Youning's head was so angry that the word "rolling" just came to the lips, and Muss's cell phone rang.

The name of Shen Yuechuan is displayed on the screen. Mussek went outside to connect the phone and heard Shen Yuechuan ask:

"How's it going?"

Musi’s words are concise: “Come back.”

Listening to the tone of Muss, Shen Yuechuan knew that Xu Youning did not escape his palm and smiled: "Don't be too embarrassed, after all, a girl."

“Is there anything else?” Mussaud’s tone sounded obviously consuming and patient.

Shen Yuechuan said nothing: "Nothing."

Mussaud no longer said a word, hung up the phone, and the phone rang again in the next second.

This time it was Aguang, saying that there was an urgent need for him to go out to deal with it.

"Know it." Muske's voice has been restored to a constant calm and ruthless, "I will pass."

Before going downstairs, he looked back at the room. After going out, the person downstairs looked down on Xu Youning. The captain repeatedly promised him that he would not let Xu Youning run away. He left with confidence.

Xu Youning heard the movement of Musijue downstairs and tried to struggle for a few times. The handcuffs on his hands were indifferent.

Also, this is the handcuffs used by Muske, can she be deprived by her to have ghosts?

Xu Youning thought desperately, maybe, she could only wait for Kangrui City to save her.

However, it is hard to say.

Opportunity... always everywhere, as long as she is firmly grasped, there is still the possibility of success!

Just thinking, the door knocked.

It won't be that Mussett is coming back, he will not be so gentleman.

"Come in."

Xu Youning’s voice just fell, and Auntie came up for lunch. Seeing Xu Youning’s hands on his bed, he was so surprised that he said, “Miss Xu, Mr. Mu asked me to bring you lunch.”

Xu Youning didn't get angry and screamed: "He is glaring at me like this, how can I eat?"

Auntie was awkward, but still explained: "Mr. Mu said, I can help you."

Xu Youning turned his head and wrote a hundred reluctances on his face.

Auntie advised: "Miss Xu, even if you are angry with Mr. Mu, you have to eat, how can people not eat?"

Xu Youning thinks about it too - not to eat, I am afraid that I will not have the strength to escape after discovering opportunities.

She should be saving energy for escape!

Things have developed into this, Mussie is so against her, is not the question she can return to Kangrui City, she would like to prove to Muss, she is not what he can control!

In any case, she will definitely die with Musijue!