MTL - A Woman Disguises Herself As a Man and Enters the Men’s Dormitory To Be the Pet of the Villains-Chapter 342 self at the end of the road

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Hearing this voice, both Gu Lan and Hua Yin couldn't help but look at the place where the sound came from, the smile on Gu Lan's face widened, "Hua Yin, you're here too."

This dark place really matched Huayin's gloomy voice.

The end of Hua Yin's laughter seemed to have a small hook, and the end sound rose slightly, like a joyful voice revealing fatal danger, "Yeah, if I don't come, how do I know what you are doing here?"

"It's dark, but it's very suitable for doing bad things, right, Gu Lan?"

The tone was sour, as if he had drunk too much Shanxi vinegar, but Gu Lan was not surprised by Hua Yin's yin and yang aura long ago, and he was used to hearing it, so he didn't find it strange. scoop it up.

Yun Zhe blocked Gu Lan's hand, "Master, he is by my side."

Hua Yin stretched out his hand and took the initiative to grab Gu Lan's wrist. Hua Yin naturally discovered Yun Zhe's "abnormality", but he didn't care. He just wanted to know what Gu Lan was doing here...

Gu Lan is also very curious about what Hua Yin is doing here.

"Hua Yin, how did you get here from the police station?"

Hua Yin hooked his lips, his bright red lips bloomed in the darkness like roses hidden in the darkness, he said with a low smile.

"No. 001 called me. He asked me to persuade you to leave. But he also knew that you would mess around, so he probably wanted me to stop you, or... I'm too lazy to think about it. Anyway, he doesn't talk. At worst, I'll cut him off. "

Gu Lan hasn't given much thought to the question of who is the strongest and who is the weakest in the dormitory. It turns out that Yan Xiao is the strongest, and Yun Zhe or Xu Huanwen are the weakest. Now it seems that this ranking is not necessarily correct.

Gu Lan was thinking, Hua Yin walked to her side, and the cold breath reached Gu Lan's ears, as long as Hua Yin laughed, it was obvious that the other person was "alive", and his laughter didn't look like a living person.

"Why, are you reluctant?"

Hua Yin's smile was very dangerous, and he knew that Jing Yunkui was not a good person.

After Jing Yunkui came out of the mental hospital, he turned into a thief?

Gu Lan thought about Hua Yin's topic seriously, and she replied honestly, "It's all cut, leave your brain for me to study?"

Hua Yin raised the corners of her lips, "This is more or less..."

Yun Zhe interjected cautiously, "If the master wants to study the brain, I can do it together with the master. I am very good at the study of the brain, and there are many good things in my database."

Hua Yin bit the corner of his lips lightly, "Oh? Yun Zhe has grown up. Now that the database is so big when he grows up, there is no need to talk in a sticky way, right? This seems to be called talking with your throat in your mouth? "

Yun Zhe replied with a sincere tone.

"I came with the system. It is also the system that analyzes the master's favorite tone."

Hua Yin laughed angrily when he heard Yun Zhe's "honest" tone, "Analyze? Can you analyze what Gu Lan likes? Even if Gu Lan's brain is sliced, you can't understand what she is thinking?"

Speaking of this, Yun Zhe suddenly felt a sense of "superiority" and "happiness". He knew that he had some things to say, but he couldn't help it.

Yun Zhe said, "I know the master very well, I know the most real master, a master who is not yet in this world."

Hua Yin sneered, "Oh? I..."

Gu Lan interrupted Hua Yin and put forward her own small opinion.

"These things are not important, let's talk about them when we're done."

Gu Lan heard one of them saying that it sounded like they were going to fight here. Gu Lan didn't understand what was so noisy about it. She didn't know what she liked. Could the two of them argue because of this?

It is better to send them to participate in the international debate if they are so good at arguing, let them win glory for the country, and don't delay the children.

Hua Yin heard this, yin and yang said strangely, "Sure enough, you interrupt what I say, and you don't want to interrupt what Yun Zhe says. Sure enough, you think Yun Zhe is cuter, don't you? Yun Zhe's face is cute? Or is his voice cute? , otherwise, which one is cuter, the arms and legs?"

Gu Lan: ...

This aura of unloading arms and legs at every turn is worthy of Hua Yin.

Gu Lan didn't want to answer Hua Yin's question, but Hua Yin understood.

"They're all cute, right? I get it."

Gu Lan has a big head, she thinks she should be quite abnormal, why is Hua Yin even more abnormal than her?

Gu Lan said seriously, "Why don't I understand what you understand? Forget it, or when I die, I will slice my brain and give each person a slice."

Hua Yin smiled, seemingly quite happy, "I'll do the surgery. I want the biggest piece."

Yun Zhe blinked, "I don't want Master to die. If Master dies, I will preserve Master's body so that your brain can survive. With me, Master, you can live forever in terms of consciousness—"

When the word "eternal life" was mentioned, Yun Zhe's voice suddenly disappeared.

Gu Lan realized something, she was about to continue communicating with Yun Zhe, when a trembling voice came from not far in front of her.

"I... the emperor's engine is still ringing, I should have come in time..."

Xi Haisheng was still weighing the pros and cons, but he didn't expect to hear the monster's "family catching **** scene" here. It seems that this monster brought his mistress, that is, a man with a bit of a milky talk, to have an affair...

Then the main room heard the gloomy voice, and the main room followed and wanted to kill Xiaosan, but the monster kept defending...

The problem is, listening to the voice, all three are men.

This is also happening among men. It is said on the Internet that the GAY circle is very chaotic. Is it true?

Hearing Xi Haisheng's voice, Gu Lan realized from Hua Yin's interruption what they were waiting for here, not to cut her brains but to send that Xi Haisheng to the ghost.

Yun Zhe's violent heartbeat sounded like an "emperor's engine" at this moment, it can be seen that Yun Zhe was serious and excited when he said "hide the master's body".

Xi Haisheng joined the team, Gu Lan expressed her warm welcome, and she clapped her hands.

"It came just in time. If we were later, we would have gone from chatting about cutting brains to actually cutting brains. By the way, have you brought the hostages you want to take?"

Xi Haisheng nodded and said, "I brought it, I brought it, especially the pregnant woman. I brought all of them. There are seventeen people in total. You count them."

How do you count the blind Gu Lan?

Yun Zhe could see everything, and before he could speak, Xi Haisheng began to flatter him.

"I know there are so many people here and it's inconvenient to count, so I asked them to count. Come, come, count. From the beginning, I called one, and the people behind me called two."

After Xi Haisheng finished speaking, a man behind him shouted timidly, "Second..."

Behind is an angry woman, "Three! %¥¥#&@# You bastard, I must kill you, kill your whole family! Kill the two men on both sides of you!"

The woman's voice was full of anger and viciousness, but there was a magnetic but even more eerie voice in the darkness.

"You mean I'm her family? I have good eyes. I'll dig out your eyes and soak them in formalin. I appreciate such smart eyes."

Hua Yin was in a very happy mood, and he praised from the bottom of his heart.

The woman was startled, her teeth chattered up and down, suddenly she didn't know what to say, and dared not speak again.

Solitaire continues.

Three, four, five... seventeen, eighteen...

Counting and counting, there is one more person.

It's normal that there are fewer people in this ghost place, but there is one more...

Xi Haisheng listened to the voice of counting, and the cold sweat on his forehead suddenly flowed down uncontrollably. He still knew this group of people very well, that is, all seventeen people were forced by him, and the others would not know it at all. Come.

Who are the extra people?

Is it a person or a ghost?

Xi Haisheng's lips trembled, and he wanted to ask everyone to count again, "Come again, the number is wrong."

Some people in the team also thought of the same situation as Xi Haisheng, none of them dared to speak out, and they couldn't be sure what was hiding beside them, who knew whether the person standing behind them was a human or a ghost?

Yun Zhe was able to see everything clearly, he whispered in Gu Lan's ear.

"There are five ghosts."

This means that among the seventeen people who came, four escaped, or were four eaten?

According to Gu Lan's understanding, the "dead" here don't eat people. Gu Lan is not sure what the "ghost" here is, whether it is the ghost of Jingyunkui Hospital or the ghost of the "God".

Xi Haisheng trembled all over, Gu Lan didn't understand why just a few ghosts are so scary, really, they are still too young, a few ghosts can scare people very much.

Gu Lan clapped her hands to attract the attention of the group.

"Our time is limited, now, follow me."

She didn't bother to explain anything.

Yun Zhe kindly added on Gu Lan's side, "Don't lose me. It's very dark here, and if you lose it, you will die."

Hua Yin didn't want to talk, so he smiled beside him to set off the atmosphere.

On the spot, two people collapsed in fright and wanted to run away even more. They collapsed and screamed and fled. Originally, they were born to be forced to follow Xi Hai, but now they can run away naturally.

Hearing this "collapse" laughter, Gu Lan couldn't understand it.

"I didn't say anything, did I?"

Xi Haisheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, thinking to himself—

You really have no self-knowledge.

But Xi Haisheng said, "They are cowardly, and they are all very weak, or I will go and catch them?"

Gu Lan shook her head, "We can't waste too much time. Our team has also grown, let's go, don't waste time."

There was obviously a monster coming in at the end of the second floor in the corridor, Gu Lan didn't bother to care about it, she whispered something to Yun Zhe and Hua Yin, Hua Yin walked to Xi Haisheng, Hua Yin said with a dark smile.

"I'm here to stare at you, don't run away. But your body and soul are emitting a stench. If you throw this thing into the sea, no animal will dare to eat it."

Yun Zhe walked to the side of the pregnant woman, he observed various data of the pregnant woman, and after confirming that there was no trend of having a baby, he whispered.

"I'll take care of you. For the sake of the child in your womb, you have to be careful not to anger my master."

Listening to the sounds around him, the man with big arms and round waist tightly pursed his lips. After a while, when Gu Lan led them to other places, he couldn't help asking.

"Where is my child! Do you know where my child is? Please return him to me! He can't take care of himself alone!"

Gu Lan pursed her lips, turned around and said.

"The child is ahead, follow me."

Gu Lan is not sure whether there are children or something in that hospital, but there is something there that keeps attracting her, telling her that she will regret it if she doesn't go.

Together, people walked slowly up the stairs, into the darkness shrouded in darkness.

There seemed to be a monster chasing after him, but it didn't stop Gu Lan. When he reached the stairs separated from the psychiatric hospital building, someone uttered an exclamation——

"There is light! There is light!"

There is a long closed corridor between the outpatient building and the psychiatric inpatient building. There are glass windows beside the corridor, and blood-red light shines in from the glass window. into this look.

Gu Lan raised her head and looked towards the end of the corridor...

Vaguely, she seemed to see a wolf-tailed "boy" who looked exactly like her with one hand in his pocket, looking at her with a grumpy face. When Gu Lan looked over, the corner of his mouth raised and he waved at her.

The other party said softly, "Gu Lan, Gu Lan... ah..."

The voice came to Gu Lan's ear through the wind, and the voice sounded so familiar.