MTL - A World Worth Protecting-Chapter 1395 Trial opens

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This piece of news spread to all the disciples of the three major sects was about a trial.

And this trial immediately attracted everyone's attention, and even some long-term retreats were moved after feeling and chose to leave.

Because... this is not an ordinary trial, this is... the trial of the Lord of Hearing to accept disciples!

The Master of Listening Desire will choose the first place in this trial, as a disciple, and become a personal biography. In the past, for many years, the Supreme Master of Listening Desire had only conducted three trials of accepting disciples.

Each of the three personally transmitted disciples, all in their time, paid attention to the city of listening desire. In the end, each of them chose to close life and death because of their insight into the road of listening desire. They have not been shown before, but their deeds have always been The repairs of the people in the city want to be heard in their hearts.

And to become a disciple of the Lord of Hearing Desire is the supreme glory for any monk in the three sects. Therefore, as soon as the purpose of this trial was announced, the enthusiasm of the three sects immediately rose. Anyone who thinks he is qualified to fight is all Full of fighting spirit inside.

At the same time, in this trial, although only the first place will be accepted as a disciple by the Lord of Hearing Desire, the second and third have amazing rewards, and the follow-up rankings are also like this. It can be said that as long as the top ten, The gains gained are more than ten times greater than the gains from self-retreat.

In this way, even those monks who are not qualified to fight for the first place are naturally full of expectations.

But just as this announcement spread throughout the three cases, when countless monks were crazy about it, Wang Baole, who was meditating in the cave, opened his eyes and looked down at the jade slip in his hand. The content of the announcement echoed in his mind. After a while, his eyes There was a faint flash.

If it hadn’t been informed by the Lord of Seven Emotions, Wang Baole would have to admit that this time he couldn’t see too many clues from this trial, but now it’s different. With the words of the Lord Xi, Wang Baole seems to have it. He had the qualifications to peel away the fog, and saw the cruelty hidden behind this layer of trial fog.

"Becoming the number one, and being accepted as a disciple by the master of hearing desires, but in fact... was taken away by him."

"Looking at it this way, the first three disciples that the Lord of Listening has opened during these many years should be the same. Therefore, the first three direct disciples all used retreat to cover up the things that did not show up. In fact... These three have become the three clones of the Master of Listening Desire, which is now the sect master of the three major sects.

Wang Baole shook his head slightly, but his heart slowly rose to war.

Unlike what others want, he wants not only the number one, but also... the law of hearing desires of 30%!

What he wants is the moment when he listens to the main Yinludao clone and seizes himself, reverses everything, plunders the other party's all, and makes it his own super supplement.

"Once I do... then I'm still inferior to the Master of Desire in terms of the Law of Desire, but even if the Master of Desire makes a shot in person, she can't do anything about me!"

"Because the gap between us in the law of hearing desire... is not that big anymore!"

Wanting this, Wang Baole's eyes seemed to have flames burning, and this flame had a name and ambition.

In this raging ambition, Wang Baole closed his eyes and continued to feel his own notes, silently waiting for the passage of time. According to the announcement, the trial will officially begin in half a month.

At the same time, Yue Lingzi in the chord sect, the beautiful, she also has waves in her heart at this moment. In this trial, she does not have full confidence that she can defeat everyone and become the number one.

"My opponent, apart from those elder monks who have been in retreat for many years and do not know what level they have reached, the most important thing... is Yinludao's Yinxi!"

There are two great ways in Yinludao, one named Zonghengzi and the other named Yinxi. The former is obsessed with music and has a good reputation, while the latter is extremely mysterious and low-key. Outsiders only know the name and rarely meet in person. By.

For Yue Lingzi, the other two Daozi, including Shi Lingzi of her own sect, she is sure to defeat, but this is Yin Xi... So in silence, Yue Lingzi gently took out a broken piece. There is a hint of hesitation in his score.

At the same time, Shi Lingzi was also preparing for the trial, but compared to Yue Lingzi's desire to become the number one obsession, what supported Shi Lingzi's hard work was that he felt that perhaps this was a chance to find an enemy.

According to his memories of that enemy, he felt that this guy himself was very strong and qualified to compete for the top ten. Unless the opponent held back this time, he would definitely be able to find it.

"If I find you bastard, I will definitely make you regret the humiliation to me!" Shi Lingzi snorted coldly, but he also understood that it is highly possible that he could not see him this time.

And if the other party really resists not participating in the trial, then he will be very happy here, because he is clearly qualified for the trial, but cannot participate because of himself, then this loss is itself the source of happiness for Shi Lingzi.

Also in preparation, there are two other Daozi. Whether it is the two handsome men of Hengqin Dao or Zong Hengzi, who is obsessed with music, they will use all means to improve themselves in the time after this.

In addition, the elder monks from the three retreats are like this, grind their fists, seem to be in this trial, if you don't speak, they are a blockbuster.

In this way, time passed slowly, and half a month passed in a flash.

When the trial day came, there was a bell ringing, and it echoed in the Sanzong Mountain Gate at the same time. At the same time, the identity tokens of each of the three sects were shining brightly at this moment.

In this light, the meaning of transmission is even more pervasive. All the disciples who want to participate in the trial do not need to sign up. They only need to send their divine consciousness into the jade slip at this moment, and they will be teleported to the trial place.

And the form of this trial was unknown before the trialists entered. In the past three trials of accepting disciples, some entered the secret realm, and some were evaluated by layers, but no one knew what it was like this time.

But for Wang Baole, these are not important. He glanced at the jade slip in his hand, and felt the notes in his body that had been superimposed to nearly 100,000, and these days, he finally created a complete ancient song. There was a flash of light in the eyes, and the spirit was directly integrated into the jade slip, and the figure suddenly disappeared in the next instant.

At the same time, among the three volcanoes in the dark night, the deep part of the volcano representing Yinludao sits cross-legged in the black flame.

The figure's breath is very weak, the expression is painful, the whole body is full of cracks and decay, and it is on the verge of collapse, as if it is trying to maintain it, so that it is not torn apart.

As he lingered, the figure opened his eyes. There was no black in his eyes, and they were all covered by a layer of white paste. It seemed that even the action of opening the eyes made this figure extremely painful.

But the figure still tried to open it, looking forward.