MTL - Absolute Deal-Chapter 594 white night world

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It is not difficult for Bai Ye to deal with the black light crisis.

It took a few days for the crisis, which caught the world's attention, to dissipate quickly.

The rest are all kinds of conspiracy theories and post-disaster work.

These things have nothing to do with the night.

He was lying on the reclining chair on the rooftop, staring directly at the dazzling sun, squinting slightly.

Slowly, he aimed at the sun in the sky and stretched out his right hand.

Open your fingers and slowly close them.

Bai Ye's movement was very slow, as if there was some strong resistance.

As he moved in, the surrounding space slowly distorted, and the sun in the sky gradually turned into a black void.

Leaving the Alex brothers and sisters alone, of course, does not mean that Bai Ye is completely trapped in this illusory world.

Experiencing so many unreal worlds.

If you still can't find a little "Evil Dao Customs Clearance Method", then Bai Ye is considered a waste.

Black void, distorted space around it.

Let the whole world become flickering, the surrounding scenery, the crowds on the street, the traffic flow.

Like a bad hologram, constantly flashing.

Bai Ye's body was suspended and flew towards the black hole in the sky that was turned from the sun.

Black holes are certainly not really black holes.

Instead, it formed a door that allowed Bai Ye to successfully escape from Alex's illusory world.

After leaving, the place where Bai Ye appeared was a void.

Not the void outside the big tree that I saw.

But inside, in the black void, there are a lot of flickering light spots, like stars.

Those were people who had been absorbed into the "Dream Tree (what Bai Ye randomly named and were in an illusory world.

Behind Bai Ye, there is such a group of light.

It was Alex who was trapped.

But if you dispel these lights, you will find that there are people wrapped in one by one, like prey in a spider web.

When the white night appeared, a force came.

In the void, there appeared a huge and obvious but not dazzling light ball like the sun.

This ball of light is the core of the Dream Tree.

Fragments of the Staff of Power and Wealth combined with the remnants of an enemy of civilization.

Some are somewhere between the dead and the living.

It has no master and no independent self-consciousness.

All actions follow the instinct of survival and expansion.

The image of the big tree is just an appearance.

The core is the whole of it, whether it is a big tree, a river or a mountain, there is no difference.

When Bai Ye appeared, the core light quickly converged and condensed into a palm-sized light spot.

The emitted light completely engulfed the surrounding void.

In the beginning, Bai Ye, as an unruly outsider, was not obediently swallowed by the "Dream Tree".

Has been constantly "hunted" by the tree of dreams.

Now they are actually playing the "evil road clearance" and other behaviors.

Undoubtedly, the identity of the prey has been transformed into a "matched" opponent.

The original hunting suddenly became a life-and-death battle.

The engulfed light spots around, and the creatures wrapped in them, like confetti thrown into the flames, turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

As nutrients, they completely absorbed everything in a short period of time.

The light shrouded the position of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye stretched out his hand and used Quan Caiquan without hesitation.

The scepter appeared in front of the palm, following the will of the white night, as the rod of Moses divided the sea.

Separate the shrouded "light".

The power belonging to the order surged, forming a safe place to protect him and Alex, who was still in a dream and did not wake up.

The spread of light did not stop because of the actions of the white night.

Rather more intense.

In the tree of dreams, all the creatures that fell into the dream state suddenly woke up from their beautiful dreams at this moment.

Back to reality, the dream turned into a nightmare.

Before they could recover from the nightmare of reality, they were swallowed by the tree of dreams.

became its power.

If you look outside at this time.

You will see that the planet where the huge white "banyan tree" took root has turned to ashes.

The huge banyan tree itself also has a large number of "fallen leaves" and "branches" falling, which are also shattered.

Soon only a bare trunk remained.

The trunk is also shrinking, and there is a bright spot and a human figure looming in it.

The core that unites all power.

The dazzling light disappeared.

Having crossed time and space, it is not so much that it flew in front of Bai Ye, but rather, in an unspeakable and strange gesture.

"Crashing into" the rod of power and wealth, taking it with him, and "appearing" in Bai Ye's mind.

Bai Ye is the master of the Rod of Power and Wealth.

The Rod of Power and Wealth is his "life weapon".

To the tree of dreams, the two are one.

It wants to pull this powerful and delicious "adversary" into the illusory world.

Be its food and digest slowly.

It has a feeling, and after eating this food, it will become very powerful, to an unprecedented degree.

The strong "evolutionary instinct" urges it to break through the protection of the white night desperately and carry out the most dangerous fight.

In such a fight, there will be no blood and no gunpowder smoke.

But the loser will lose everything, not even the chance to "surrender".

Bai Ye himself did not expect that the core would make such a "radical" move.

After all, there is an element of the enemy of civilization at the core, and the chaotic and crazy side is undoubtedly revealed.

This time, Bai Ye has also truly entered into the illusory world that truly belongs to him.

Not an outsider, not a passer-by, but a protagonist, a "returner".

The trunk shattered.

Bai Ye and Alex are suspended in this void.

The vines on Alex's body turned into powder and disappeared.

He opened his eyes and looked around with some doubts, the confusion in his eyes quickly disappeared, and it turned into a cold color.

When the core harvests all the "leeks".

Alex was protected by Bai Ye, and now the core is fighting with Bai Ye with all his strength.

Naturally, there is no time to take into account the standard slippery fish of Alex.

That's how he woke up from his dream.

Alex looked at floating in the void, closed his eyes tightly, as if in a sleeping white night, frowned and opened the door of time and space.

Without the Tree of Dreams, this is a very ordinary, lifeless world.

For an agent of Alex's level, it is a very simple matter to enter and exit this world.

Going back to the trading floor is, of course, extremely easy.

"came back?"

"What happened to the pavilion?"

"Fell asleep?"

Back in the trading pavilion, a group of bosses and agents surrounded the two of them.

Song Yin also stretched out Bai Nen's fingers and poked Bai Ye's face several times, feeling contented in her heart.

"...I don't know very well, the boss seems to want me to keep dreaming in the end." Alex said, "But when I woke up, he was in a deep sleep, is it the same as me?"

"Three days."

Xuan Xiao said, "It has been three days since the pavilion master went to find you."

"...I've lived in a dream world for over forty years," Alex said.

The passage of time in the illusory world is obviously different from the normal world.

The moment Bai Ye entered Alex's illusory world, it was also when Alex suddenly sensed something "coming".

But when White Night really came to Alex's unreal world.

But it is already "a year later" in this world.

The coming of the white night is the reason why Alex left his original life and eloped with his sister.

Bai Ye left, until Alex "woke up", and Alex spent another few decades in the unreal world.

Duo is longer than Alex's real life experience.

Losing in a dream of being drunk is not a mere joke.

We discussed and discussed some things.

Leaving Song Yin and the others to take care of Bai Ye, they went back to their respective duties.

Bai Ye is usually deliberate - no, it's not right to be old-fashioned.

It's the advantage of being a hands-off shopkeeper who is prepared for a rainy day, which is vividly reflected at this moment.

Everyone is used to not doing business in the day and night, or even doing things.

Bai Ye fell into a deep sleep, which did not affect the normal operation of the Trading Pavilion at all.

Everyone just needs to do their own thing before waking up in the white night.

The power of trading will not disappear or stop because of the sleep in the white night.

It's just like going to other worlds in the white night, what a big deal?



Bai Ye opened his eyes, "It's actually overcast. Well, where is this place?"

He found that the place where he was was not some black void, nor was it in the trading cabinet.

It was a small, closed room, filled with a smell similar to disinfectant.

The room looked like a ward, and a bit like a prison.

There are no windows, just a dim glow from the circular ceiling lamps on the ceiling.

At the top of the wall near the ceiling, there is an exhaust fan.

Dark yellow, dilapidated, and in disrepair.

Bai Ye didn't see the switch, and he didn't know if it could still be used.

In fact, even the overhead lights, Bai Ye did not find any switches.

The entrance to the outside world is an iron door, and there are two "small doors" above and below the iron door.

Bai Ye stood up and observed.

The iron door below is a horizontal rectangle, with a width of three fingers and up, and a length of about 30 centimeters. It looks about the same length as most 87-key keyboards.

It can be easily "opened" from bottom to top.

Like some kind of small door for pets to come in and out, or to deliver meals.

The small door above is From Baiye's side, there are small railings erected to prevent people from reaching out.

If outside the room, you should see a bump that can be pushed open in one direction, like a small sliding door.

It is convenient to observe the inside from the outside.

"A ward? Or a prison cell?"

Bai Ye was a little puzzled, "This script is going the wrong way, why is the illusory world of others the beautiful world expected by the heart."

"My illusory world is such a broken place as soon as it comes out."

"It feels like a mentally ill prisoner."

"Do I subconsciously think that I am mentally ill?"

Thinking like this is enough to see that this product is really not going anywhere.