MTL - Accidentally Become the Belief of the Whole World-Chapter 170 bad boy (12)

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Shi Jingge did not choose to leave the hospital.

After thinking about it, he still felt that it was most appropriate to stay here.

One is that if the thing still wants to come, they will definitely go to Shen Changdong, who has the closest relationship with him, so that once the thing appears, even if there is only a wisp of breath, they can quickly find it.

Second, something happened to Shen Changdong, and the place is in chaos, so it is convenient for them to check the news.

Third, even if Shi Jingge was discharged from the hospital, he didn't know where to go. He would probably rent a small house or stay in a hotel for a few days, but Shi Jingge didn't think it was necessary, so he didn't need to bother.

On this planet, he doesn't have any good memories, nor does he have any sense of belonging. When everything is over, he doesn't plan to stay on this planet, so he doesn't bother to make so much trouble.

Yan Zicheng walked out of the ward with a dazed expression. He didn't take two steps in the long corridor when he suddenly fell heavily on the ground.

He cried out unexpectedly, and his eyes gradually regained some light. He tried to stand up, but his feet slipped and he fell to the ground again. The pain was so great that he could only turn to the therapist for help.

When being taken away by the therapist, Yan Zicheng suddenly felt that this scene looked familiar.

Wen Xusheng was still dissatisfied with taking revenge on Yan Zicheng a little, but was soon distracted by Shi Jingge.

Shi Jingge took out the fur ball from under the quilt, "You brought this too?"

Wen Xusheng glanced at the fur ball, and admitted with some reluctance: "Yes."

"What does it belong to?" Shi Jingge poked Maoqiu's belly, and Maoqiu deliberately shrunk his stomach, trapping Shi Jingge's fingers on his fluffy belly, making Shi Jingge smile , "What does it like to eat?"

"It's my companion beast, you can call it fur ball, as for what it likes to eat," Wen Xusheng thought carefully, then hesitated, "...Seafood?"

After all, there are only various marine life on the bottom of the sea, collectively referred to as seafood.

"Oh," Shi Jingge nodded, looking at Fuqiu, "Do you like shrimp or fish?"

Maoqiu barked twice and rubbed its little head against Shijingge, it liked everything!

Shi Jingge chatted with Wen Xusheng about the fur ball. Wen Xusheng was quite happy at first, and it was great to have a conversation with the queen. Later, seeing that the topic was all about the fur ball, it was not so happy.

Then, when the topic ended, Wen Xusheng always felt as if he had forgotten something.

What did you forget?

Wen Xusheng pondered for a long time, and finally bumped into Shen Changdong head-on in the corridor.

Of course, Shen Changdong couldn't see him, he was invisible.

The moment they passed by, Shen Changdong fell to the ground again, this time on his face, his head fell, and his face was covered in blood.

Wen Xusheng finally remembered what he forgot.

He originally wanted to make up for Yan Zicheng, but when the queen opened his mouth, his soul followed him. How could he remember Yan Zicheng?

Next time - definitely next time!

Shen Changdong's injury caused another commotion, and Wen Xusheng deliberately added a little confusion, making sure that they didn't have time to harass his queen, so he left the place quickly.

From Yan Zicheng's mouth, I learned that they were going to attack Yuan Yuhan recently, and Yuan Yuhan had helped Shi Jingge, but Shi Jingge didn't want to see him in trouble, so he asked Wen Xusheng for help.

It was the first time the queen asked him to do something, if he didn't make the arrangements clearly, how could he have the face to go back to see the queen?

Although Yuan Yuhan made an agreement with his elder brother, he was not afraid of ten thousand but just in case. His elder brother was quite accurate in timing, and he would never send Yuan Yuhan out until Yuan Yuhan was about to explode.

But even so, after going back and forth, I don't know how to let the Shi family know.

The third son of the Shi family talked to Yuan Yuhan's brother, but his brother pretended to be stupid, and he finally let go when he couldn't escape, but he asked the third son of the Shi family why.

"If you don't tell me why, how can I coax that little brat in my family?"

"He ran out by himself last time and was injured. How can I control this?"

"Brother Ling was injured?!" The third child of the Shi family immediately stood up and said in shock, "Then you still let him see Shi Jingge?!"

"Is his injury related to Shi Jingge?" Yuan Yuhan's brother was quite confused.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" The youngest of the Shi family was very anxious, "This is the beginning, so it's a minor injury. If you don't care about Yuan Yuhan, you won't know what's going on in the future!"

Yuan Yuhan's brother asked coldly, but the youngest of the Shi family was silent for a while, "Original family ugliness should not be publicized, but something happened to your younger brother..."

He let out a long sigh and said, "Shijingge will bring bad luck."

"I used to be pretty healthy."

"That's all for now."

The third child of the Shi family ended the call, and Yuan Yuhan's brother thought about it for a while, and immediately looked solemn.

Doesn't the third son of the Shi family mean that Shi Jingge brought bad luck and ruined his body?

Yuan Yuhan's brother thought it was ridiculous at first, but he was older than the eldest son of the Shi family. After careful recollection, he never heard that the third son of the Shi family was sick at birth. The third body becomes very poor.

...Is it really because of Shijingge?


If it was only about himself, he would definitely think it was funny, and he wouldn't believe it, but if it was about his younger have to be more careful.

...and his brother was indeed injured.

After much thought, Yuan Yuhan's brother decided not to let Yuan Yuhan go to find Shi Jingge.

So what can Yuan Yuhan do? The last time he saw that Shi Jingge was bored alone in the hospital, he said he would come to accompany him more, but not only did he not go more, he couldn't even go now. Didn't this force him to break his word?

The two brothers of the Yuan family quarreled for two days because of this. In the end, the boss of the Yuan family couldn't bear the attack from his own brother, so he told Yuan Yuhan what the third son of the Shi family had said.

Yuan Yuhan was stunned for a long time after hearing this, "I accidentally fell and could be blamed on Shi Jingge's head?"

The boss of the Yuan family also found this logic to be inconceivable, but if he was not afraid of 10,000, he was afraid of an eventuality, so he insisted: "Why not? Can the youngest of the Shi family still deliberately speak nonsense and smear Shi Jingge?"

"Even if the third son of the Shi family can do it, can the rest of the Shi family accompany him to discredit Shi Jingge?"

"There are still many things in this world that science can't explain." He paused, and said earnestly, "It's better to believe what is there than to believe what is not."

Yuan Yuhan rolled his eyes, "Believe in the hammer, how come I will go to Shi Jingge again later? Even if you don't want me to go to Shi Jingge, don't make up such nonsense."

His brother was very wronged, what did he make up? That's what the third child of the Shi family said!

"I don't care, I'm going to find Shi Jingge now, you arrange it quickly," Yuan Yuhan didn't bother to reason with his elder brother, the favored child has the power to be willful, "We both agreed, I have several The day is gone, I must go today."

Yuan Yuhan tugged on his eldest brother's sleeve, acting coquettishly and shamelessly. His brother withstood a series of sugar-coated shells with difficulty and insisted not to let him go.

"That's fine," Yuan Yuhan sneered. "Then I'll go sneakily. If I roll down the stairs or fall out of the window, I'll blame you. You're the one who forced me to take this dangerous path!"

"You!" The Yuan family boss glared at him, "Why are you so ignorant?"

"What do my dude know?" Yuan Yuhan said confidently, "I've always been ignorant."

Seeing that her elder brother was really angry, Yuan Yuhan also lowered her head, "I understand what elder brother means, but at least you have to give me a normal reason, right? This reason is really unbelievable. If it is really the bad luck brought by Shi Jingge, then why? Is Yan Zicheng alright?"

"Yan Zicheng and Shi Jingge have been brothers for more than ten years!"

"Maybe..." The boss of the Yuan family hesitated, "Fate is hard?"

Yuan Yuhan looked at him expressionlessly, and the boss of the Yuan family also felt that this guess was unreliable, but why did the Shi family say that? Just to discredit his own brother?

"All right," the eldest of the Yuan family sighed, "You can go if you want, but I have to go too."

Yuan Yuhan's excited expression slowly froze on his face. Seeing his elder brother's irresistible appearance, he compromised: "...All right."

So the boss of the Yuan family made arrangements, and the two went out together.

Just as soon as he went out, the boss of the Yuan family had a new idea.

They lived in a villa in the suburbs. The environment was very nice and the air was very fresh. The boss of the Yuan family suddenly felt a desire to take a walk. The eldest of the Yuan family didn't get in the car, but only looked at his younger brother, "Shall we chat?"

Talking while walking, enhancing brotherhood, seeing how good my little **** is with the Shi family, how can he not be jealous as a brother?

Yuan Yuhan hesitated for a moment, and the boss of the Yuan family turned cold, "I have nothing to talk to, so I have something to talk to Shi Jingge, right?"

"Let's talk!" Yuan Yuhan said firmly, "Let's talk for a year!"

The two came out now, the car was following them, but both of them felt a bit awkward, so they asked the driver to go first and wait for them at the gate.

The car had just driven forward for a certain distance, and a car turned out beside it, and the two cars almost collided directly!

Yuan Yuhan was stunned immediately, and subconsciously grabbed his elder brother's sleeve.

In the mind of the eldest of the Yuan family, the words of the third son of the Shi family unconsciously appeared.

And at this moment, the driver in the car didn't even know what he was doing, but he reacted and successfully avoided the collision!

Although it is still unavoidable to bump.

The driver let out a breath of turbid air slowly, still a little shocked, and finally couldn't help but sigh at his ability to react just now, how did he do it? Awesome!

In the world he couldn't see, a cold man slowly let out a foul breath.

Fortunately he came in time.

Otherwise, how would you explain to the queen?

At this time, the person in that car hurriedly got out of the car to apologize and knocked on the window first. Even though he didn't get a response, the apology in his mouth didn't stop. He also bowed, and his attitude seemed very sincere.

It's just that when the two Yuan brothers appeared from behind, his pupils shrank, and he almost blurted out something, but he suppressed it again.

The invisible Wen Xusheng raised his eyebrows, what can't be said?

It's okay, he can help.

When people get along with each other, they must be straightforward, and being truthful is the best.

So, in front of the two Yuan brothers, the man blurted out, "Damn it, why aren't you two in the car?"

"We've been staring at you for so long and you're not in the car? Is there something wrong with you? The car is already out and you don't stay in the car and walk from the back? Do you know how sunny it is today?"

The author has something to say: That person: Is there something wrong with you, you have to walk if you don’t have a car? ?

That person: Fuck, how did I say that? ?

That person: I'm going, why can't I stop? ? ?

Wen Xusheng: If you can talk, talk more

Wen Xusheng: It is best to face the whole interstellar live broadcast

Wen Xusheng: Let the family members listen too!

Today all cuties have little red envelopes~