MTL - Accompanying the Phoenix-Chapter 45

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In the heavens, the clouds are overflowing, and Tianjun Temple is shaking his head and sighing. The threshold is squeaky, and the waiter outside whispers: "The emperor, the gods are coming."

"Please come soon." The Emperor got up and greeted him. When he walked in, he held a fist and worshipped him. "God has left for a few days."

After a light smile, I returned to the ceremony: "I heard the emperor’s long sigh outside the door, and the emperor can have troubles?"

The Emperor smiled: "The heavens are calm and comfortable, and only the things that you have come back to the lower bounds can make people a little more alert, and there is something else to do." The Emperor led the way to the house, pointing to the table full. The jade piece, said: "I sigh like this today, but I saw a jade cup in Tianyuan Xianjun a few days ago. I am very happy. I want to find a cup and change it with Tianyuanjun. But Tianyuanjun is also very loved. The cup, refused to let me." The Emperor sighed and seemed to be bungee jumping.

However, I heard a slight smile and no words. Compared with the devil world, the days of heaven are really comfortable.

"Don't do anything good, only love one thing in jade. Now I can't ask for it. It's really regrettable. If you force Tianyuan to give me, and you lose your king's style, it is really distressing."

"If you don't deserve it, you should let go, the emperor, but you still don't want to be paranoid." This is to comfort the words of the Emperor, but the voice fell, but let him stop his eyebrows and inadvertently pull on his lips. There was an inexplicable arc, three points of coolness, and seven points of self-deprecation. "Don't control it."

The Emperor of Heaven also shook his head and smiled: "When you have lived for so long, you always tell yourself that you are pure-hearted, but you haven't met anything you like. If you encounter it, you can't make it. Usually a heart is thrown in. Take it. I can’t live in a loss of scale.

"Yeah." The way to stop the slight loss of God, "I know that I shouldn't pick it up, but I can't let it go. I finally broke my heart, but I was unwilling." The more clean, the more obsessive..." He shook his head and laughed. "The mood of the emperor is about to know."

The Emperor looked at the trip and said, "This...the **** is in the lower bound, but what did you meet and ask for?" The quiet smile, the Emperor said, "This can be awkward. If God has this, Thought, that is the disaster of the Three Realms!"

Hanging coveted: "The emperor is more worried."

The Emperor of Heaven has let go of his heart. "It is reasonable for me to think about it. The gods have been cleansed since ancient times, but it is how the immortals are no match."

I smiled and changed the subject: "I came to find the emperor, but I have something to tell." The singer told the Emperor of Heaven in the devil's work, and the Emperor listened to his face, and immediately ordered him to find Rong Jun. When he knew that he was not easy to stay, he left his voice. The Emperor of Heaven said: "The flower banquet will not be held any day. If the gods are going back to heaven, it is better to live in the Nine Heavens."

After a while, I nodded and said: "Alright, I have not seen my old friends for a long time."

Rong Rongjun was fined.

In the long steps in front of the Tianjun Temple, nine days and nine nights, the cold jade in front of the Tianjun Temple was cold and cold, and the perennial fairy lingering, watching it was beautiful, but it was not a good thing to squat on it. Jun Yi got fainted and woke up, and went up a few times. He admits that he is dumb. In the end, his parents and his brothers went to plead for him. Tianjun only slightly dissipated and let him go back to his house. . Since then, Rong Rongjun has written down this vengeance, but the gap is there. How can he retaliate, he can only hate it.

This side of his body has not yet been raised, Rong Rongjun heard the news, know that the demon king of the demon world will come to the flower banquet for the devil, the Emperor holds the same idea as the demon, and arranges the glaze into his yard. In the end, the intention is to let the two men run their hearts. What else do they have to work together! Thank you for your ruin when he didn’t want to smash him.

With such a thought, Rong Rongjun couldn’t be stunned at night, and he always sighed and sighed, so that the people around him could not be happy.

However, however, how sad the heart of Rong Rongjun, Shen Li finally came.

She didn't bring anyone. When she arrived at Nantianmen, the goalkeeper knew that Bi Cang Wang had arrived. Only then did someone rush to inform the Emperor of Heaven, let Shen Li wait for a while, and the angels of Heaven would lead the way and lead the glass. When I met the Emperor of Heaven, I took a few words from the idlers and asked about the situation of the Devil. He took the glass to the Grace House.

Shenli has never been to the heavens. Although he has heard the beauty of the heavens, he did not expect that there is still a place in this world that is so beautiful. There are smog everywhere, and there are always auspicious cranes passing by. At the corner, there is a scent of flowers, and the glaze follows the path of the angels through the heavens. They rub their shoulders with the fairies who are accompanied by them. The windless dances on their faces are gently stroked on the face of the glass, and the fragrance hits people until the line Before the Rongjun House, Shen Li did not say a word, and thought of the devil in the heart of the people, the color in the eyelids was slightly heavy.

"Welcome to the prince." The people on the Rongjun government immediately came out to greet them. "Wang Ye forgive me, my master is not long ago... Hey, he was punished, and when he came in, he couldn't personally come to meet the prince."

It’s a stop. Shen did not think about the cause and effect, she nodded: "No matter, let Rong Jun do a good rest." Can not come, save him to see him to make his mood worse.

Xiao Yan saw that Shen Li was so good to talk, boldly looked up and looked at the glass. He thought it would be a fierce female man. I didn’t expect it to be a girl dressed like a man. He squinted and squinted for a while. Then, the glass will be led to the house: "Wang Ye first enters the government, and your residence and the person you are serving have been arranged for you."

The glass nodded, and as the young man entered the house, the person who arranged for the service to be served was a gimmick. The big eyes were very pleasing. Can be a glaze is a person who has experienced countless times on the battlefield. He has a keen sense of the hostility from others. No matter how the little girl hides her eyes, Shen Li still notices the unwillingness of her body.

But Shen Li didn't put it in her heart. Since she hit the heavens, the guards of Nantianmen saw her. The eyes she received were not quite right, or jealous, or disdainful, or disdainful. Glass knows that these are not for her, but for the Mozu. She is even more fortunate. Fortunately, it is her, not the demon, who is coming to the banquet. It is just that the demon will be treated like this in the heavens, and the anger and injustice that cannot be said in the heart of the glass.

Shenli is only like this girl who is waiting for her. Like other immortals, she is only malicious to the Mozu, but she never thought that she would taste the poison in the food that night.

At the right time, the big-eyed **** was waiting around, and Shen ate a bite, swallowed it into the stomach, and then ate a bite if nothing happened: "Does the sky also sell fake medicine?" She chewed something in her mouth, and her tone was dull. "It should be looking for This person lost money."

The big eyes stunned, and the face brushed white, and turned to run outside. But the foot has not yet stepped out of the threshold. A silver light "唰" shot from the front, only listening to the "squeaky" sound, the suffocating silver gun was inserted in front of the hoe, she was so cold that she was cold and her legs were soft. I fell straight and sat on the ground.

"The person who poisons the king has only this guts." Shen Li is still eating the food leisurely. "The heavens really raise fools."

The big-eyed **** is heard, and the sinful look back is sloppy: "What do you rely on! How can your despicable demon be worthy of the sinister!"

This is really a big drop of the appetite of the glass. She put down the chopsticks and laughed. She smiled for a long time and felt that she could refute too much. Instead of knowing where to refute it, she finally said: "If you like it so much. Jun, let’s go to the Emperor’s side together and make things clear, so that the Emperor of Heaven can give you a marriage worthy of being worthy of Jun Rongjun.”

The big-eyed girl was shocked. Seeing that Shen Li actually got up and walked toward her. When she repeatedly pumped her breath, she suddenly felt the smell of the fragrance drifting from the nose and the head was dizzy. The glaze naturally smelled this smell. Originally, this poison did not hurt her, but the medicine that she had only eaten in the body was in the body, and the effect was on the head for a moment. The limbs are slightly off force.

At this moment, the frown of the glass frowned, his eyes turned, and the needle was pinched, and a poison needle was pinched by her finger. The other side also heard the sound of light and empty, and the glass also reached out to catch it. But the fingertips were a pain, but the poison in the body interfered with her senses and let her catch it.

At this time, a poisonous needle was tied at the fingertips of the glass, and the venom spread to the whole body from the fingertips, which was numb. At the same time, the other two women appeared in the house, one of them raised the big-eyed hoe, and the three of them glared at the glazed glaze, the same as the enemy: "Yu Rongjun has never been a person like you." of."

At the corner of the mouth of the glass, the silver needle of the fingertip was pulled out, and the forehead was so painful.

This... these celestial films in the heavens are really under-taught. She walked into the sleeves and walked to the trio. The three men were scared to lose their color: "There is so much poison! It is impossible!" Shen Li smiled coldly: "It was so long that Yu Rongjun was poisoned." Today, the king will let you see what a real man is."

At night, the screaming cry of the woman on the Graceful House awakened most of the heavens. Yan Rongjun was also awakened from his sleep, and took the bed and said: "What is the name! This is a female ghost!" The servant outside the door rushed in and pushed in: "Xianjun, this seems to be from Bi The movement that came out of the courtyard of Cangwang."

When Rong Rong was stunned, he immediately took himself to the door of Shenliyuan. I saw that the courtyard door was open. Three fairy priests were **** and dropped on the beam. The brazier under their feet burned and burned three times. People cry and keep on shouting. Sitting quietly, sitting side by side, holding her silver gun from time to time to dial the firewood in the pot, let the fire burn more vigorously: "Cry, wait for the tears to pour out the brazier and the king will stop."

Rong Rongjun has always been a man who has pity and cherished jade. Seeing this scene is furious: "Sinking! You are doing it!"

The slanting glass slanted and glanced at Rong Rongjun. "The three of them are Xianjun, you are coming to die, and the king is fulfilling them."

"Xianjun! Xianjun saves me!" The three people cried, and Rongjun’s knees were so painful that they couldn’t stand, and they slammed the servant’s head and said: “I’m still doing it! Give this fairy to save. people!"

"Who dares to save." The glazed eyes condensed, the red scorpion gun was on the ground, the bricks and stones were split, and the long shot of silver and the flash of light accompanied the slightest sound of the glass directly shocked everyone's heart. "First fight with the king." She is faint The people who swept the outside of the hospital glanced at the eyes, and the eyes of the yin test stunned everyone. You look at me and I look at you, no one dares to go forward.

Xu is the three fairies crying too much, and there are many fairy-tale boys outside the graceful monarch. Everyone came to ask the truth. Finally, it was the Tiandi who came to the house and entered the house of Rong Rongjun. This farce, screaming, the glass was extinguished, the rope was broken, and the three were put down.

She said to the Emperor of Heaven in the middle of the night: "Shen Liu remembers that when Rong Rongjun and his detours are in the devil world, although the devil is not allowed to go to the top of the country, but it is also a ritual, and now the only time to come to the sun, the poison The food is still on the table, the air is thrown with a fragrant smell, and the silver needle and the glass are still kept. Only this night, I receive a three-point ceremony, dare to ask the Emperor, and Heaven is so hospitality?"

The Emperor of Heaven was shocked and immediately went to see it. Hearing the truth, the Emperor of Heaven was so angry that he looked pale and pointed at the words of Rong Rongjun. The last sigh, on the glazed glazed: "I don't think about it, and the King of the Kings has been unhappy. The three fairies have been confined for 100 years."

Shen Lidao: "Thank you for the emperor to preside over the fairness of the glaze, but the glaze still has to stay in the heavens for a while, and Rong Rongjun is here... Shen Li is afraid of another incident." These girls do not hurt the essence of the glaze, but Who knows how many women or men have been provoked by Grace, and according to the three times of the night, she has to collapse without dying. These words have not been said, but the emperor should be able to think that she is worthy of worship. The emperor found another quiet place for the glaze."

The Emperor of Heaven was slightly indulged. At the right time, the waiter around the Emperor whispered a few words to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor nodded and said: "There is a quiet small courtyard in Tianjie West, but the position is slightly biased, and the interior layout is slightly simple. I don't know Bi. Can Cang Wang be disgusted?"

The people who are in the sky are afraid of the road, and the "simple" of the heavens will not be worse for Shen Li. She should even respond: "As long as it is quiet, it will be moved to the place tomorrow."

The Emperor nodded: "Well, yeah, God, you have already met in the Devil before, and the two will not be jealous."

This heaven... can be called the **** of the people, about the only one. He didn't talk about it when he lived there with you! Shen Li opened his mouth and wanted to refuse but it was already late.

They are living together at the meeting... It will be very embarrassing!