MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 1202 1203: Nature is like the international police

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Guo Rong came to the villa and saw Xu Cheng talking about something with Ye Xiu in the hall. It may not be in the past, but now he is somewhat restrained in front of Xu Cheng, walked to the sofa and greeted Xu Cheng with a polite nod. : "City brother."

Xu Cheng saw him coming in, nodded with him, and said casually: "Sit down."

After Guo Rong nodded, he gently entered the seat.

Xu Cheng said to Ye Xiu: "Does the family let you withdraw all your duties?"

Ye Xiu nodded: "Isn't it, my hard-working ranks and achievements in the military camp all let the old man give it away. My dad directly let my mother pack the luggage and drive out the house. Brother, you are the errand." How do you feel so mysterious?"

Xu Cheng smiled and said: "If it is not clean, I will not ask you to do this work."

He picked up the teacup and drunk the tea in the cup. Guo Rong saw the bottom. He quickly took the teacup and said, "City, I will go down to you. My grandfather just let me take Dahongpao." Come to you."

"Yes? That's just right, go to the club." Xu Cheng smiled and went by Guo Rong.

Guo Rong used to make tea, and he could clearly hear the two people talking about it.

He said that he was very upset.

Ye Xiu curiously continued to ask Xu Cheng: "Brother, do you have to give me a job, do you have to make me so clean? What makes you different from the net body."

"Ye Yeye is smarter than anyone else. He is very optimistic about the future of the foreign trade unions. Otherwise, he will not let you go out for your future development." Xu Chengdao: "The future foreign trade unions will have their own Institutional system, which belongs to an independent institution and does not belong to any country. The personnel who come to work are very competitive. It can be said that it will replace the United Nations in the future! And in terms of rights, it will not be so ribbed like the United Nations, it will even be completely Not afraid of the danger of the five major countries being overhead, it will be like a knife, and truly capable of adjudicating all international disputes!"

Guo Rong’s pupils contracted.

Ye Xiu is a bit strange: "Brother? I am like this, do you still have a mood to make fun of it? Replace the United Nations? You won't find me happy? I am stupid, and I know why the five major countries are flying over the country. That is the top five." The organization that facilitates the exercise of their rights in the country, do you think that the union of the foreigners can not be overhead, what is it?"

Guo Rong soaked the tea and placed it on the Xucheng table: "Give, city brother."

Xu Cheng took the tea and blew it. For Ye Xiu, he did not believe that he just grinned.

“Do you know how many people are sending resumes to us globally?” Xu Cheng asked Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu looked at him blankly: "A lot?"

Guo Rong coughed: "I have already voted for one."

Ye Xiuyan looked at Guo Rong: "Hold the grass, are you serious?"

Guo Rong is still clear about the situation than Ye Xiu. He is naturally serious, but he is also clear that he will definitely not be elected.

Xu Cheng looked at Ye Xiudao: "So far, the Foreign Trade Union has received more than two million intents from all over the world!"

"Two million copies? Brother, is this organization very rich? How many jobs are you open?" Ye Xiu asked curiously.

"It's still a bit of money." Xu Cheng nodded: "The cost of vaccine promotion, you let all countries earn? We are big!"

Ye Xiu: "Is the welfare treatment very good? How many annual salary can I get in?"

Xu Cheng: "The annual salary is not, the welfare is there."

Ye Xiu wants to die: "The two million resumes of yours must be fake. Who will work for you without an annual salary? If you are not my brother, I have already turned around. You still told me simply and clearly. Say, what will I do afterwards?"

Xu Cheng is simple and clear: "Maintaining world peace."


Ye Xiu took a sip of tea directly.

Guo Rong gave him a look: "Old leaves, you are so bad about my grandfather's inventory, I am desperate with you."

"Sorry." Ye Xiu quickly wiped his mouth, and occasionally coughed a few times, and some looked at Xu Cheng again and asked: "Brother, you are really humorous, what path are you still not clear? You Still want me to maintain world peace?"

He knows that Xu Cheng is a good friend who has been killed from the mercenary. Is such a person still talking about world peace? It’s not bad if you don’t make war.

Xu Cheng took a sip of tea and continued: "There is a department in the foreign trade union that is already in preparation for the establishment of the international security advisory department. I need you to be the first minister."

Guo Rong’s pupils shrank a little, and watching Ye Xiu’s eyes became very hot, there was a kind of sourness and embarrassment that could not be said.

"What is the difference between you and those security companies?" Ye Xiu did not rush to promise, curiously asked. If it is the type of death squad security company, he is not interested, because he is better to stay in China than to make money.

"I know what you are thinking. The International Security Advisory Organization of the Foreign Trade Union is not a messy personal safety company. In short, it is the international police. Do you understand?" Xu Chengdao.

"National ... Interpol?" Ye Xiuzui jumped a bit: "Brother... The United States has claimed to be an international policeman for so many years, but no one has ever admitted it. Oh, do you think it is reliable? Where do you put the United Nations?"

Xu Cheng said one word at a time: "No one needs to admit it. We admit it. If the country refuses to accept it, we can pick out the most elite special forces from their country. I will let our Interpol fight with them. I dare say, In the next 50 years! In front of our police, there is nothing in the national police in the world!"

Very arrogant.

Xu Cheng has already arranged for orphans from around the world to prepare for cultivation and to make them a warrior of the aliens to maintain the safety of future unions.

After the global time from the time when the vaccine completely reformed the human gene to the popularization of those genetic capabilities, the time will almost take decades to digest. During this period, the police of the foreign union will be the strongest criminal police.

They are not dead, but a group of orphans with flesh and blood. They are also the first beneficiaries of the ability to create the genetics of the future world. In the eyes of the people, Xu Cheng can't find anyone in any country. He can only collect some orphans from the global orphans. In the future, they will retire, and there will be other countries asking them to work at a high price. At that time, genetic capabilities are no secret, and when the global countries’ genetic capabilities reach a certain level of strength and level, their Interpol fighters have already Belong to a more advanced warrior.

To create a new world, we need to be cautious. Xucheng needs to establish an absolute law enforcement army first, not to rule, but to supervise first.