MTL - Ace of the Dragon Division-Chapter 39 039: Since the ancient masters out of the folk

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Interpol anti-drug brigade. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM

The addict who was intercepted by Xu Cheng at the intersection of the day was detained in the interrogation room. In front of him was a calm and beautiful but serious and calm.

"The things you **** in your body have been seriously marked. Let's cooperate with us honestly. Where does the source come from? You are the owner of the East Gate. Isn't port cargo also suspected of smuggling drug trafficking? If you honestly confess, you can do it. Passed."

The opposite addict smirked and smiled: "Hey police officer, don't scare me. I read the book. I am at most sucking things into the drug rehab, not taking in others or drug trafficking. It is difficult for you to sentence me to death." Don't be like this, I know you have been staring at me for a long time, but I am not that stupid."

Quietly watching him have no fear, the powder boxing screamed on the table.

"Do you believe that I will take care of you forever?"

The addict snorted: "Do you scare me? I have a lawyer. At most, I have to quit for a year and a half. I don't care."

After that, the addict stood up and walked out of the interrogation room.

Quietly biting his teeth and sitting there, not long after, the deputy came over and said: "The current underworld knows the law, this person is not easy to flick."

Quietly speaking, don't talk.

At this time, her boss walked in and patted his shoulder and said: "Come on, don't worry, turn you over and don't let you rush down the big fish in the East Gate. This fish will not provoke Trouble, take a step and a step."

Quietly nodded and immediately said to the deputy: "The man can't put it, avoiding him ventilating and beating the snake. He can only stay here before the smuggling case in the East Gate."

Deputy: "Yes."

Quietly asked again: "Yes, the scene of the arresting people rescued the pupils who stopped the car. You said that you are a colleague from other departments. Do you know who it is?"

"It seems to be a police comrade at the riverside police station, called Xu Cheng."

"Is he?" Quietly glimpsed.

Deputy: "Hey, do you know him?"

I don’t know, I live with him.

Quietly whispering in my heart.

"I have a little impression."

"Hey, let's watch the video we sent out on the spot?" said the deputy, who was interested in the quiet.

"What's so good?" Quietly said.

"The other colleagues in the video are more and more surprised." The deputy sighed.

“Is it different?” Quietly blinked, curiously said: “Go, take me to see.”

The deputy came to the office with a quiet, and then said to a colleague: "Open the weird video to the team to see."

A few of the people who were getting the information immediately opened a file video and played it.

Quietly looked at the surveillance video at the crossroads, the car of the addict’s car slammed into a crowd of students walking on the sidewalk, and then Xu Cheng pushed the motorcycle and then flew to the two to be hit by the vehicle. student.

After reading it, Jing Jing did not feel any strange.

"Is this not normal?" asked quietly.

The policeman holding the mouse played the video and then pressed the pause before everything was in conflict. He analyzed: "Hey, this place, you look closely, the car hits the car is 1o meters away from the primary school students, and the policeman is 2o meters away from the student, almost double the distance. In general, the vehicle suddenly turns to This degree, how many people can have this reaction? Even if there are, how many people can catch up with this car in advance to fall back to the students? The policeman is at a distance of 2o meters."

Having said that, the criminal police played the whole video again with the video parsing processor, and he almost started playing from the high/tide section.

"This is the case where we slow down the video 2o times, and you will see it again."

Quietly looked at the video, the analysis of the criminal police throughout the audience pointed to Xu Cheng’s personal picture: “When you look at his feet, it is reasonable to say that in the case of slowing down 2o times, in general, any quick action will be visible to the naked eye. See clearly, but you can see the picture that I paused at 2o times slower. You see, the clear track resolution of all the road people including the wheel walking can be seen clearly, only you see this policeman. Both feet, regardless of whether I pause the capture at any time, can only capture that his feet are in a fuzzy state."

Quietly blinked: "Why is this?"

Interpol analysis: "It can only be said that 2o times slower can't capture his swift pace, that is, in a second, he can quickly step at least 7 to 9 steps."

Quiet: "Is this possible?"

The criminal police said: "There is nothing impossible. We went to the scene and were simulated by our other colleagues according to his degree. There was no way to rush to save people in two seconds. Follow the car for at least three seconds. Can hit people, but the police only took two seconds to rush to grab the first person before the car hit people, this video is very fearful, so we can only say very strange, some people often say that since ancient times from the folk We, the small policemen in Shangcheng, are still hidden."

Quietly watching the video lost.

At home, Xu Cheng did not sleep well.

Because Shen Yao has nothing to do, he will come knocking on his door. Finally, Xu Cheng completely woke up and opened the door. He looked at the Shen Yao who was outside the door and asked: "Are you finished?"

Shen Yao laughed and said: "Tell me how you managed to achieve 18 consecutive victories last night. I don't need you to be 2 million."

Xu Cheng said straightforwardly: "How can I do it? Luck."

"Hey, who believes." Shen Yao looked like I was not a three-year-old child. I looked at Xu Cheng and said: "You must be a veteran of the casino."

Xu Cheng looked at her and asked: "Do you not know if the answer is not good?"

"I am a person who is more curious about anything. Once I don't give me the answer, I want to know." Shen Yao said with a certainty, the meaning is very clear, you don't tell me not to sleep.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath and then said to Shen Yao with a serious look: "Yes, in fact, I am gambling, my ears can hear your heartbeat, my eyes can see your heart from the window of your eyes. ""

Shen Yao is not calm: "I am talking to you very seriously."

"I also told you very seriously that in the past three seconds, your heartbeat has jumped five times." Xu Chengdao.

Shen Yao stunned, and hesitated to look at Xu Cheng. It’s not like a gambling master. It’s like a **** stick: “Oh, is it true? Then what do you see in my eyes?”

Xu Cheng looked at Shen Yao with a deep face, and the two of them fixed their gaze at each other for ten seconds. Xu Cheng said: "There are eyes."

"Go to death!" Shen Yao fiddled on his arm. When she was about to turn around, Xu Cheng turned her back to her: "In the 1o second of my two pairs of views, your heartbeat increased and jumped. 25 times, that is, you were just nervous."

"Crap you." Shen Yao's face was blushing at Xu Cheng's face. She did not return to the next sentence: "The frequency of a woman's heartbeat is normal and faster than a man. The man who can make the sister close to the heartbeat has not yet been born, hehe."

Then she escaped and walked away.

(End of this chapter)