MTL - Addicted Pampering You: The Mysterious Pampered Wife of The Military Ye (Master Fu's Mysterious Darling Wife)-Chapter 520 Xiaoqi, long time no see

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"Mom." Hearing the tender voice from the phone, Shen Qing’s tears fell instantly.

"Anan, where are you?" Shen Qing asked with a hoarse voice.

"In a very big house, there is a very strange uncle here," Anan said with a frown.

The phone was taken away, and the voice of deaf and ugly came. The look of God’s clear voice was instantaneous, and the man who did not expect to take An An turned out to be him.

"Good. I know, I will come over now." Shen Qingyu said, hanging up the phone, she looked at Fu Hengyi, Fu Hengyi hugged her up, "Well, don't worry now, Anan is fine." From the phone just now Anan’s voice can be heard, and he has nothing at all.

"Fu Hengyi, let's go." Shen Qingyi wiped the tears in her eyes and couldn't wait to say that she wanted to see her son, and now she wants to see.


At the same time, Beijing Hospital.

"Why, why is this the same thing? Why are the people who are guilty not me, An An is only three years old." Chu Yunrong just woke up from a coma, began to cry, when Shen Qingyi was taken away from her by the way This is a decade of walking, suffering from the outside, now is An An, Chu Yunrong would rather be the person who is going to be himself.

"Yun Rong, you calm down, Heng Yi and Qing Yi are looking for people outside now, you can't scare yourself. If you have another accident, what kind of head do you let Qing Yi and Heng Yi take care of?" Shen Qian comforted his wife. Chu Yunrong experienced the loss of Shen Qingyi, especially sensitive to such things. Now it is a grandson who is on the tip of his heart. She is not crazy enough.

"You make me calm, Anan is gone, my Anan is gone, he is like Qingyi, and he is gone." Chu Yunrong can't calm down, as long as he thinks that Anan is likely to encounter everything that Shen Qingyi has encountered. She felt collapsed, and if it was, she would not survive.

"Yun Rong, no, An An is a lucky child, I will definitely find it." Shen Qian softly comforted her. "Yun Rong relaxes a little, you think about Qing, you can't let Qingyi worry about Anan. Also worry about you."

Wen Yan, Chu Yunrong nodded again and again, "I’m right, I can’t let Qingyi worry about me, I want to be strong, I’m fine, I want to go home, I’m going to find An’an.” She said she would get out of bed. She can't stay here, this time she is going to help Shen Qing find someone. Thinking so, Chu Yunrong felt that his strength had recovered.

Shen Qian did not stop her and helped her with the discharge procedure.

Shen Junyi was not at home these days. He went to various TV stations, he was looking for someone to pay for it, and he had to verify the information provided by the caller and distinguish the authenticity. It was a pity that most of them were for the bounty. However, the real information is almost equal to no, even if only a few useful, Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi already know.

"Jun, you should take a break." Wen Yuyao handed him a glass of water, and Shen Junyi patted her hand. "I'm fine, but you, you have to be careful. The home has become a pot of porridge in these few days. You have to worry too much." Chu Yunrong has been lying in the hospital, the two fathers are now also a hard breath, the people who can support the family now have Wen Yuyao. These things should not be handed over to Wen Yaoyao. After all, she is pregnant now. It has not been three months. It should have been safe to raise a baby. Who knows that such a thing will happen.

"You don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself. You don't have to worry about things at home, give it to me." Wen Yanyao said softly, she has also used all the connections she can use in Beijing to find the whereabouts of Anan. .

"Yuyao, this time has worked hard." Shen Junyi said with apologetics that all his energy in the past few days was almost on Anan's body. He had no worries about Wen Yanyao's feelings. Pregnant women would have been easy to think about, if they changed someone, How can you make trouble with him?

"Don't say this, I am also a part of this family. Anan has an accident. I am also worried. It is serious to find Anan earlier. Others are not important."


Three days ago.

When Anan finished the toilet and just thought of it, he was surrounded by two men. He looked up at the two. "Uncle, I want to go out, can I let it?"

One of the men raised a smile on his face. "Children, where do you want to go, uncle sent you."

Anan frowned. He didn't like the smiles on the faces of these two men. He always felt that they were not like good people, and the mother said that he could not walk with strangers, so he shook his head. "No, my teacher is outside."

The two men looked at each other and the eyes flashed a glimmer of light. "Children, your teacher is better outside, my uncle will send you out." If he refuses to accept Anan's refusal, he will pull him forward, Anan wants to run. But he was caught in the mouth from the back, and then the eyes closed and went to sleep.

When Anan woke up, he found himself in a car, the door was locked, and there was no one in the car. He wants to call Mom and Dad, but he doesn't have a mobile phone. He has only one small bag of his own.

Anan glanced out the window. This place was very strange. He had never been there. The little heart was very scared. His eyes were red, tears slammed down, and his hand was wiped out. Mom and Dad said, boy. Can't cry, be strong.

Anan knows that he should meet the bad guys. The more he is, the more he should be calm, this is what Mom and Dad said. The chubby hand wiped his eyes, wiped away the tears, then opened the bag and took out the biscuit from the bag. He was hungry. From time to time, he looked at the window of the car. The pedestrians coming out of the window came and went. He wanted to ask the police uncle for help, but after watching it for so long, no police uncle passed by.

An An was kneeling in front of the window and prayed that there would be a police uncle passing by here, but he was not waiting for the police uncle, but a stranger.

"An An?" The man called his name, and his tone was somewhat uncertain.

Ann is stunned. "Do you know me?"

Unexpectedly, the man nodded. "Your father is Fu Hengyi, my mother is Shen Qingyi, right?"

Anan’s eyes lit up. “Uncle, do you know my mom and dad?”

The man smiled and nodded. "I know, I am a good friend with your mom and dad, but how do you be here alone, your father and mother?"

Hearing, Anan wants to cry again. "Uncle, I met the bad guy, and the bad guy brought me here."

The man listened to this, his eyes changed slightly, and looked at the car. It was really not like the car in which Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi were in the car. He suddenly understood, "An An, don't be afraid that the uncle will bring you out." Anan nodded.

The man returned to his car and took out a tool from the trunk. He gave the door open three or two times and took An An out of the car. Soon I left the place.

"Uncle, are you sending me home now?" Anan asked curiously in the car.

The man smiled. "Now take you to my house."

An An heard the frown. "Uncle, I want to go home, can you send me home?"

The man said softly, "An Anzhen, now my uncle has something to do, you go home with your uncle, and your uncle calls your mom and dad to let them pick you up, can't you?"

"Uncle, I want to call my mom and dad now." He regrets now, he does not want to go with this man, he wants to go home.

The man turned a deaf ear, An An saw it, and the tears fell again. Mom and Dad, An An once again met the bad guys, hehe...

"Don't cry, my uncle will send you home. Uncle is really not a bad person. Uncle just wants to ask you to go to my house to be a guest. Just stay for three days. After three days, my uncle will send you home."

Ann still cried, "I don't want to, I am going home now, you are a bad person, I want to go home." He began to cry, and the man was crying with him.

"Fu Yuxuan, don't cry." The man sank.

Anan’s crying stuck in his throat and looked at the man slyly. “How do you know my name?”

The man is paying, "I said it, I know your mom and dad. When you were younger, I used to hold you. Do you know your name is strange?"

"You really are not bad guys?"

"I look like a bad person?"

Anan nodded, the man was black. "I am like a bad guy, are you still following me?"

"You don't let me go home, you are a bad person." An An Zhen Zhen has a word. At first he really felt that this uncle was a good person, but he did not let him go home, this is a bad person.

"Uncle will definitely let you go home, but not yet." He wanted to bring An An to see someone.

"Uncle, you will let me go home, I will not see, Mom and Dad will be anxious. What should I do if my mother cries?" Anan pleaded softly, but no matter what he asked, the man would not send him home.

The car ran all the way, and finally stopped in front of a villa. The man got out of the car and wanted to hold Anan out. Who knows that Anan bit his foot in his hand, "Oh." The man screamed.

"An An, let go of me." The man said, but did not dare to force his hands, worried that the An's small teeth would collapse.

An An did not let go, glaring at him, the meaning in the eyes is obvious, just want the man in front of him to send him home, he wants mom and dad.

"Well, I will send you home. Now you can go in with me first. I will call your mom and dad immediately, let them pick you up?"

It was said that Anan had fixed the man for a while, and then he let go of his hand. "You have to talk or you are a puppy."

The man looked at An An with a black face. This stinky boy is really a kind of Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi. He is not as happy as his parents. He took An An into the door, and this time An An did not struggle.

"Allen, I am back, you see who I am bringing to see you." The man squatted into the room.

In the living room, a man sitting in a wheelchair, facing his back, hearing the man's words, turned around, it was a feminine face, but the expression on the face was a bit gloomy at the moment, making the man look a little scary.

"Peter, how did you bring him?" Allen frowned.

An Anwo was in Peter's arms, seeing Allen looking at him, subconsciously shrinking back, this man is terrible, he is afraid.

Peter looked innocent. "This is not something I brought with me. I am saving him." He will meet An An and tell Allen.

"Since he was abducted by traffickers, his parents must be very anxious now, and you will send him back immediately." Allen said in a deep voice, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be in the future.

Wen Yan, An An's eyes lit up, and looked at Allen's eyes were close to a few points, I did not expect this uncle to look terrible, people are quite good.

"Yes, let me go home soon, my mother will worry about me." Anan squinted at his eyes, and Allen looked at him, his eyes were really clean, like someone in memory.

Peter sat down on the sofa. "Now can't be sent back." He was specially brought to Allen, and he was bitten in order to bring this stinky boy back. As for whether Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi are in a hurry, they are not within the scope of Peter’s consideration. Really, how is Allen’s confrontation with Shen Qing? He is looking at him all the way.

Allen is a cold-hearted person. Even if he is a biological father of his own, he does not have a trace of humanity. However, he has repeatedly compromised Shen Qing, even for her many times.

The explosion two years ago made Allen’s leg injury recurring. It’s impossible to stand up again in this life, even if he didn’t have the slightest way. In the past two years, Allen has been staying in the city, because the city is the nearest city to the capital, and can know everything about Shen Qingyu in time. He silently paid attention to Shen Qingyi for two years, and even let him go to Eden several times. Inquiring into the physical condition of Shen Qingxi, he did so much in the back, but did not dare to go to the capital to see Shen Qingyi.

All this, Peter looked in his eyes, but it was not worthy for Allen. ..

"Three days, let this kid accompany you for three days. After three days, we will send him back." Peter said seriously. He felt that this request was not excessive. Shen Qingyi could not respond to Allen's feelings, so let her What happened to his son's three days with Allen, even if it is anxious, then what? Is it comparable to what Peter did for her these years?

"Give me back now, don't let me say the second time." Allen whispered.

Now Allen is not the same Allen. Peter is not afraid of him at all. He is sitting on the sofa lazily. "I won’t send it back." There was no chance before. Now with this opportunity, he is naturally If you want Ann to accompany Alan well, even if you make some compensation for his mother, isn’t it a mother’s debt?

"You liar, you are a puppy, you said you will send me back." Anan listened to Peter and did not want to send him home, immediately anxious. "You just said to send me back, you are a big liar. ”

"Yeah, I promised to send you back. You are here to accompany this uncle for three days. After three days, I will personally send you home, or let your parents pick it up."

Anan shook his head hard. "I don't want to, I want to go home, I am going home now."

"No, you can't go now." Peter squinted, but Anan was not afraid of him at all, crying.

"I will send you back," Allen said.

Anan looked at him, but did not dare to approach, "Do you send me home?"

On the pair of clear big eyes, Allen unconsciously softened his expression and slowed down the tone. "Yes, I will send you home. I will call your parents now." Allen picked up the phone and dialed. But Peter was directly unplugged from the phone line.

Allen looked at him coldly. "Peter, what are you doing?"

Peter glanced at Ann and leaned over to Allen's ear and whispered a few words. Allen looked unpredictable and looked at Anan's face in a faint manner. After a long time, he slowly nodded and immediately looked at An An. "I let this Uncle is going to call your parents. If you can contact your parents, we will send you home. If you can't contact, then you will be here with me for three days. After three days, I will send you home personally?"

An An did not want to, whispered, "I want to go home now, I want my parents." He looked grievances, the big eyes were watery, and Allen felt soft. There used to be a little girl who looked at him with such a look, like the clearest spring in the world.

"Hey, my uncle is calling your parents now." Allen gave Peter a look.

Peter had no choice but to take out a mobile phone and dialed a phone number. It was Shen Qingyi, but unfortunately he did not get through. He looked at An An. "You see, it’s not that my uncle doesn't want to send you home. We can't contact your parents."

Shen Qingyi and Fu Hengyi couldn't think of it. Just a few hours after Fu Hengyi forced Shen Qing to rest, he even missed such an important call.

"What about my dad? I know my dad's number." Anan didn't give up, Shen Qingyi taught him very early, remembering his parents' phone numbers, and if they had something to do, they could call their parents.

Peter put the phone in his pocket. "The phone is out of power and can't be played."

Anan fixed Peter for a few seconds, then ran over and hugged Allen's leg and looked up at him. "Uncle, are you sending me home? Is it good? I want to go home." His big eyes saved. Tears, but forced to let it fall.

Allen was soft-hearted. He had to call Fu Hengyi on Peter’s cell phone, but he was robbed by Peter.

When Peter looked at An An again, his face had sunk. "Fu Yixuan, I am not talking about conditions with you now, but I am telling you that you are here with us for three days. After three days, I will let your parents come in person. Pick you up home, this time promise not to lie to you."

Anan lowered his head. "My mother will worry."

Peter pointed at Allen. "Do you know who he is?"

Anan shook his head and he had never seen this man.

Peter crouched down and looked at him with An An. He looked at Anan’s eyes and asked, "I ask you, do you have a piece of jade?" He looked like a jade.

This An An impression, his little handcuffs pulled the clothes on his neck, and finally pulled a piece of jade from the thick clothes. "What are you talking about?"

Peter and Allen did not expect that Shen Qingyi would let An An carry this piece of jade with him, especially Allen. He thought that according to the degree of disgust of Shen Qingyi, this piece of jade had long been unknown where she was thrown. At this moment, his heart suddenly became soft, and his little seven is always so kind.

"Yes, this piece of jade is the gift that the uncle gave you when you were born. And his cell phone is all your photos. Do you think he will be a bad person?" Peter said, picking up and saying Allen’s cell phone, thrown aside, turned out the photo album. “Look, my uncle didn’t lie to you.”

Allen's mobile phones are all photos of Shen Qingying and An An, most of them are sneak shots.

Anan naturally recognizes his own photos. He looks up at Allen. "Do you really know my mother?"

Allen nodded. "I know."

"Do you know why this uncle stood still and didn't stand up?" Peter asked again.

An An looked at Uncle Allen. "Uncle, because your leg is hurt? My mother said that only the injured person needs to sit in this chair."

Allen smiled softly. This is the first time Peter saw Alan's face with such a warm smile. Even if he mentioned Shen Qingyi, there was no warmth. "Well, my uncle is hurt."

"Uncle, when is your injury good?" Probably knowing that Allen will not hurt himself, Anan's courage is much bigger.

Allen's eyes are dark. "It won't be good." Peter once said that his legs can stand up and he is already a lucky god, but if he is injured twice, it will be impossible to save the gods. That explosion, although he did not die, he injured his leg, so after being rescued, his legs were completely abolished, and it is impossible to stand up again in this life.

"Do you know why he can't stand up? To save your mother." Peter said seriously.

"Peter. Stop!" Allen screamed. These things shouldn't tell a three-year-old child. Peter didn't stop here. He continued. "This uncle saved your mother. But it hurts the legs. This life is all Can't stand up, you as your mother's son, should you take care of this uncle for your mother for a few days?"

Ann did not believe Peter's words. He turned to look at Allen. "Uncle, is your leg hurt because of my mother?"

Allen reached out and touched An's little face. Anan didn't hide. The child's skin was smooth and delicate, and the hand feel was very good. Allen couldn't help but touch it. "Don't listen to his nonsense, my uncle is born like this, not with your parents." Relationship, but your eyes look like your mother, and your mother is like you when you were young."

An An’s eyes widened. “Uncle, you know my mother when I was young.”

Allen smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I have seen your mother look like a child, very cute, very beautiful, just like you." He followed Anan's attention to other places, Peter looked at him. It is very helpless. Allen is too inconsistent with Shen Qingyi. According to his thoughts, it is also possible to say that it is three days, that is, one week is also possible. Let Fu Hengyi and Shen Qingyi worry about how many days.

An An’s attention was actually transferred by Allen. “Uncle, the girl is beautiful, the boy is handsome, you should praise me handsome.”

Allen chuckled. "Well, you are very handsome." If you look more like Shen Qing, it will be more handsome. Allen thought silently in his heart.

However, Anan finally promised to stay with Allen for three days. "Uncle, I will accompany you for three days, but after three days you must send me back to Mom and Dad. My mother will really worry about me."

Allen nodded, "Okay."

Seeing Ann’s willingness to stay here, Peter also breathed a sigh of relief. If An An continues to cry, Allen will definitely send An An home, then the mind he spent is in vain. Peter was also hesitating, is it appropriate to take An An? But just now, when I saw the smile on Allen’s face, he suddenly fixed his thoughts. Since Shen Qingyi could not accompany Alan, let his son accompany him for a few days, even if it was only short. Short three days. To say that he is selfish and that he is cold, it doesn't matter, he just wants Allen to be happy. As for Shen Qingyi or how Allen blamed him, he didn't care.

Anan tossed this day and was hungry. Peter let people go to Anan to eat. When there were only Peter and Allen left in the living room, Alan looked at Peter. "Now call Fu Hengyi. Let him pick up the child."

Peter Wei Wei, "Aan does not agree to stay with you for three days?"

Allen didn't talk, just staring at Peter. Peter instantly understood, "Allen, you are too concerned about Shen Qingyu. Even for such a short three days, you are not willing to worry about her, but have you ever thought about yourself?" How did you spend it yourself?"

Allen looked faint and his eyes were cold. "Isn't that what you should do?"

"Allen, my words are here too. If you really are friends, then let Anan be here for three days. Three days later, I personally called Fu Hengyi, I promise. I never asked you. What, this is the first thing I beg you."

Allen is silent. For so many years, the only person who stayed with him to accompany him is Peter. Now he has nothing but a pair of disabled legs and a stubborn life.

He once used money to keep Peter, and he threatened to induce him to cure himself. But now, Peter does not want anything, and he tries his best to heal himself and accompany himself. This deep friendship, even the cold-hearted Allen also does. Not indifferent.

"Allen, I know that you are reluctant to sink and worry, but I just want to round you a small wish. In the past two years, you have been paying attention to everything about Shen Qingyi, but not to see her, or even let it go. She knows that any of your news is nothing more than worrying that she will feel embarrassed when she sees you now. You think about her for anything. This time, live for yourself."

For a long time, Allen looked at him. "Three days later, you find someone to send him back. Don't let Shen Qing know that I am here."

"Okay, I know." Seeing Allen agree, Peter also took a sigh of relief and persuaded Allen to be too difficult.

When things were settled, Peter pushed Allen to the restaurant. Anan was sitting in a chair and eating. He didn't use chopsticks, so he used a spoon. Probably very hungry, he ate a lot of mouthfuls, but the table was clean. It can be seen that even at a young age, his table manners are very good.

“Is it delicious?” Allen asked softly.

Anan nodded. "Uncle, do you eat?"

"Uncle has already eaten, you eat, like what you say, uncle makes people do it."

Anan looked at Allen. "Uncle, have you called my mother?" Alan just promised that he would call Shen Qingyi, and then let Shen Qingyi pick him up three days later.

Allen's eyes were dim, and Peter said quickly. "After hitting, your mother said that he will pick you up in three days. Now that your mother knows where you are, you should be relieved."

Anan’s little head twisted and he didn’t look at Peter. Peter refused to let him go home and he avenged.

"Oh, a little old man still has a vengeance." Peter said, provoked a cold eye of Allen.

"Well, he is your baby, I will not say it." Peter rolled his eyes and said, this person is a typical love house and black.

When An An finished eating, Allen took him to his lap. "Tell Uncle, how can you be abducted by traffickers?"

An An told Allen the original story, Allen’s first thought was the same as Shen Qing’s guess. He was not sure whether this situation was a coincidence or a person’s instigation. He looked at Peter and Peter suddenly became aware of it. I have already checked people, and there will be news soon."

"Uncle, how did you know with my mother? Why do you have so many photos of me and my mother? And why are there photos of my father?" After eating and drinking, I know that my mother already knows her own. When I fell, An An’s heart was wide, and I was interested in chatting with Allen.

Peter heard the words, turned his eyes again, and if Allen’s cell phone had a photo of your dad, it’s strange.

In addition to his eyes and Shen Qingyi, Anan’s facial features are actually more biased towards Fu Hengyi, but he can also see the shadow of Shen Qingying. Alan stared at Anan's face and tried to find Shen Qing's past appearance from him.

"I have known you with your mother for many years. Uncles have forgotten how they met with your mother?" Allen said softly.

"Uncle, your leg is hurt, I am sitting on your lap like this, are you tired?"

After listening to this, Allen looked more and more gentle in Anan's eyes and shook his head. "Uncle is not tired. Can you tell your uncle about your affairs with your mother? Uncle has not seen your mother for several years."

"Hey, uncle, are you not a friend with my mother? Why not go to my mother?" Anan wondered.

"Uncle's legs are inconvenient and you can't go to your mother."

"Uncle, next time I let my mother drive to pick you up, how are you? You go to my house to be a guest. Our family can be big, big as your home, I let Zhao grandma give you a good meal, and Liu Grandma. His cake is delicious."

An An chatted with Allen, and Allen listened with great patience. He didn't feel annoyed at all. He also listened with gusto. From time to time, he would give Anan a fruit or boiled water.

Peter saw this scene on the side, and his heart was sour, so Allen had never seen it.

In the evening, Allen originally prepared a room for An An, but An An took the initiative to ask to sleep with him. Allen raised his eyebrow slightly. "You want to sleep with me?"

Anan’s hand was holding a pillow and nodded. “Can you be uncle?” After an afternoon of getting along, An’an became familiar with Allen. It’s terrible to look at this, but in fact, the uncle’s senses are excellent. At least it is much better than Peter. In a strange environment, having a relatively familiar person around will make Anan feel safe.

Allen moved to the side, "Come up."

Ann Anxi, climbed into the bed, lying down beside Allen, "Uncle, I sleep very awkward, do not wet the bed."

Wen Yan said, Allen chuckled. "It doesn't matter if you pee. Uncle has more sheets at home."

"Uncle, can I call my mother?" Before going to sleep, Anan made a request.

Allen’s eyes are dark. “Do you want a mother?”

Anan nodded. He had not seen his mother for a day. He wanted to go home, but he also promised that his uncle would accompany him for three days. My mother said that the man promised to do something else. So I must accompany my uncle for three days to go home.

"It's already late, your mother is already asleep, waiting for your mother to call tomorrow, okay?"

Anan nodded. "Well, that uncle, can you tell a story? Before I go to bed, my mom and dad will tell me stories."

Alan’s glimpse, this is not true.

When he looked at him, Anan understood it. "Uncle, you can't tell a story, then I will tell you."

"it is good."

In the room is the soft voice of An An, the sound gradually goes down, and finally becomes a uniform breathing sound. Allen looked down at the little guy who was lying next to him and fell asleep, and it felt a strange feeling in his heart.

He has never had such an experience, and he never imagined that one day he would have a child lying next to him, or a child who had no blood relationship with him. It should have been a face that made him feel annoyed, but he was very affectionate because of the blood flowing through the child.

He wanted to reach out and touch An An's face, but he was afraid of disturbing him. His hand was suspended in the air, and it took a long time to slowly put it back.

Xiaoqi, forgive me for being selfish.

Allen said silently in his heart, he knew that if Shen Qingyi knew that the child was in his hand, he would not let Anan stay with him.

Early the next morning, when Anan got up, he found that he had a lot of toys. Allen told people to buy them early in the morning. There were all kinds of them. When they were three years old, Anan soon immersed himself. In the ocean of toys, where to remember to call Shen Qingyi.

Three days of companionship with An An is the most relaxing three days of Allen’s life, but it is also the shortest three days. Although praying for a slower time and slower, it is three days later.

When the three days arrived, Allen asked Peter to call Shen Qingyi.

Only when Shen Qingying appeared at the door of the villa, Allen was furious, because Peter Mingming promised that he would not let Shen Qingyi know that he was here.

Peter silently nosed, and he admitted that he was deliberate. He wanted Shen Qing to know what Alan had sacrificed for her. He also wanted to give Allen a chance to see Shen Qingyi.

Allen quickly reacted and smiled and looked at Shen Qingyi. "Small seven, I haven't seen you for a long time."

------Off topic ------

Hey, the person who took the child is not Allen, Peter. You all guessed wrong. Say, do you like Allen?