MTL - Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!-v5 Chapter 2865 Means of tolerance (1)

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Chu clothing and blue Xiaoyun dumbfounded.

The focus of this Emperor Xiaoyun... Is it wrong?

"Emperor Xiaoyun," Chu Yiyi was anxious. "You give me an accurate answer. When will I go back with us? If I go back later... I might not be able to catch up with Linger's wedding."

Wen Yan, Emperor Xiaoyun snorted: "I have nothing to worry about, I did not go back, Wang Xiong and Wang Hao will not give a wedding to Xiao Linger, and now, the body of Ye Family and Ye Jiaxuan are both Not very good, let's go after they recover."

Chu Yiyi suddenly speechless, she was silent for a while: "You can bring him back to the demon world, the demon world so many alchemy divisions, a small illness only, there will be no problem, and again, even if not go to the demon world And send them to the Holy Land."

"No," Emperor Xiaoyun stopped. "I have written to tell my nephew. She will bring me to pick me up soon. If I go back now, what should I do if I miss my nephew?"

This is quite true.

If Bai Yan is on the way, it will not be a problem for a few days.

"Xiaoyun, about these days, the people of our holy land have come, but it is not the three masters who are here, but another elder who will not be alchemy. I know that I should let Zheng Starting the elders, so he can certainly cure the illness of Ye Jia’s father."

Chu clothing sighed, no one thought, the emperor Xiaoyun and the national teacher are really in this day imperial empire, they are only guessing at first, if you know the things happening in the Tianyu Empire, you will definitely let The three elders personally brought in.

"Which is the Holy Land?" The emperor Xiaoyun turned a few times and flashed a sly light.

"It is a witch elder."

Witch elders?

Emperor Xiaoyun slammed his head and sighed for a long time. She had no impression of the elder of the witch.

After all, there are so many people in the Holy Land, she can't be familiar to everyone...

"Clothing clothes, you will do me a favor when you get there."

Emperor Xiaoyun’s lips evoked a smile, and the smile took a sinister arc, which made the temperature of the whole room cool.

"What busy?"

Looking at the smile of Emperor Xiaoyun's sinister smile, Chu Yiyi feels full of cold, always feels... It seems that some people's days are not so good.

Emperor Xiaoyun picked up his beautiful eyes and silently sneered: "The dog emperor is so snobbish, then I will let him fall from heaven to hell, I want him to regret his life, let him understand, give up my The tolerance is the biggest mistake he has ever made!"

She has not only wanted to subvert the Imperial Empire, but she also wants the dog emperor to step into heaven and fall down again.

He fell and broke his bones, and he never recovered!


Royal Palace.

In a luxurious courtyard, Hu Xia holds a pot of fine wine in his hand, holding a beautiful woman in his hands. On such a day, he has a good time.

"What happened to Ye Jia’s old things recently?"

Hu Xia’s light, he looked at the person beside him and asked.

The old ash gunman next to him was in the first two steps, respectfully said: "Hu Xia, I heard that the Queen’s maiden went to Ye’s house and made a spurt, vomiting blood from Ye’s old things, and I don’t know how to die. No."

"Ha ha ha!"

Hu Xia haha ​​laughed twice, with a sly smile on his lips: "Ye's old things are really stupid. Good days, but you have to go to life, and I only need to be accompanied by beautiful women in the palace. Still can force him."