MTL - Adorable Twins: A Hunter’s Wife Has Space-Chapter 186 boarded a pirate ship

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  He Qingyao and He Qingmu entered the room, and said to Zhou Yu in a milky voice, "Grandma Zhou is good."

  Zhou Yu was still a little dazed, she nodded: "Okay, you guys play by yourself!"

  Seeing that they had all entered the house, He Wenda looked out to make sure that no one had noticed them, and quickly closed the courtyard door.

  Zhou Yu pointed to Ling Yiran who was lying on the wooden board, and said stammeringly: "This..."

  She looked at the person lying on the wooden board, which was not normal. The person's face was bloodless, and it seemed that he was injured.

   Besides, the two people in the courtyard looked unfamiliar, so they were definitely not from the village.

  Especially the one with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes, you can tell that he is not a good person just by his face.

  Yao Laizi didn't know that he had been labeled as "not a good person!" Although he was not a good person himself, he was now a good person, and he could be regarded as a good person.

   "Son, who are they? Why hasn't mother seen them before?" Zhou Yu asked.

  Her son has always been sensible and has never worried them too much. How did he meet such a person now?

  Zhou Yu was a little scared, after all, a child had already gone astray, and she was afraid that He Wenda would follow his brother's old path.

  Thinking of those people who came to ask for debts before, Zhou Yu's eyelids began to twitch. The woman's intuition told her that something was going to happen, and she didn't want to go through those things again.

  He Wenda said to Zhou Yu: "Mother's matter is urgent, I will explain to you later."

"Hey..." Zhou Yu still wanted to ask, but He Wenda hurriedly asked Yao Laizi and Cheng Yu to carry him into the house: "The east room is where I live, and there is a place where people can hide, you all quickly put him in the house." People are allowed to enter the east room."

  Yao Laizi and Cheng Yu nodded to Zhou Yu, then obeyed He Wenda's command, and directly carried him into the east room.

  Zhou Yu hurriedly grabbed He Wenda and asked, "Son! What do these people do? You should explain it to your mother first!"

   People who don't understand can't take it home, in case something happens, they can fix it.

He Wenda saw that Zhou Yu's face was full of worry, and explained: "Mother, don't worry, these people are my friends, they have saved my life before, this time I will take them to my home to escape for a while. avoid."


   Zhou Yu's eyelids twitched even more when he heard this. Could it be that the man in the east room is the fugitive that those officials want to arrest?

  Zhou Yu's face turned pale with fright: "The officer who came to catch the fugitives just left, why did you take those people home, send them out quickly! Mother is very panicked!"

  Her man accompanied the officials to catch the fugitive, but her son was lucky enough to drag the fugitive home!

  He Wenda said: "Mother, there are no fugitives here, only my savior, don't have any burdens in your heart, you should just help your son pay off the debt, without them I would have died long ago!"

  He always remembered He Yufeng's kindness in his heart, but it was a pity that he never had a chance to repay his kindness. This time he finally met him, how could he stand by and watch!

  Zhou Yu frowned, and reluctantly said: "That's not how favors are paid, maybe our family will be involved."

  If you want money, you can talk about it when you come to the house. The matter of harboring a fugitive is not a trivial matter. If it is discovered, the whole family will be beheaded!

  He Wenda saw Zhou Yu's thoughts and said, "Mother, is your son's life so worthless in your eyes? He saved me, and now my benefactor is in trouble. Shouldn't I help him?"

   "How do you and dad usually teach me? You call me to know how to repay you. To be a man, you must know how to be grateful, and you must not be ungrateful."

  Zhou Yu was speechless, and she still wanted to try to win over: "But..."

  He Wenda patted her on the shoulder and said: "Mum, no, but, if someone comes, remember to cover us! Your son and my life are on your body!"

  Zhou Yu sighed and said, "I really owe you in my previous life!"

  His own son is involved in it, what can she do, she can only bite the bullet.

  As soon as He Wenda heard this, he knew that Zhou Yu agreed, and he said with a playful smile: "I knew that my mother was the best person in the world to me. What would I do without you."

  Zhou Yu nodded his head: "You, you are still as spoiled as you were when you were a child, and you will never grow up."

  He Wenda said: "That's because I will always be a child in my mother's eyes."

  Zhou Yu walked over and took a look at the latch. After confirming that the latch was secure, she breathed a sigh of relief. She asked, "Did you meet anyone along the way?"

  He Wenda shook his head: "No, there is no one in the village, and I didn't even meet a fly when I walked to the door."

   This time they were able to return home so smoothly, thanks to those officials, they brought everyone to Su Li, no matter how old or young they went to watch the fun, this gave them a lot of opportunities.

  Zhou Yu put his heart into his stomach: "That's good, I'm afraid some gossips will talk nonsense, you go in first and settle them down, and I'll go out and take a look around."

  He Wenda nodded and said, "Good!"

  Yao Laizi and Cheng Yu put Ling Yiran on the bed carefully, and Cheng Yu took off Ling Yiran's clothes. His clothes were already stained with blood, which may be caused by the bumps just now.

  Yao Laizi glanced at it and asked, "Is he not going to die?"

  Before going out, Su Li made it clear to him, saying that this person is their God of Wealth, so he must protect him well, so that those fake officers and soldiers must not find out.

  When Yao Laizi said this, Cheng Yu gave him a hard look: "Can you speak? If you can't speak, shut your mouth!"

  If it wasn't for the sake of Yao Laizi's helping to carry the man just now, he would give him a big mouth now.

  Yao Laizi muttered innocently: "It's the way it is, you can see that he doesn't move, and people think he is dead. It's not my fault!"

  Cheng Yu glared at him again: "Shut up, you, believe it or not, I'll sew your mouth shut."

  Yao Laizi curled his lips: "All right, all right, I'll sew your mouth shut right now."

  This person is really meaningless, he even got angry after saying a few words.

  Cheng Yu quickly helped Ling Yiran deal with it, so as to prevent the place where he stitched the needle from cracking and causing secondary damage.

  Zhou Yu went around the village and found that there was really no one in the village, so he turned and went home.

  As soon as she closed the door, she heard a knock on the door. She immediately became vigilant. How could someone knock on the door at this time! ?

   "Who is it?" Zhou Yudai asked behind the door.

  Su Li said: "Auntie is me."

   "Xiao Su?" Zhou Yu confirmed again.

  Hearing Zhou Yu's vigilant voice, Su Li raised the corners of her lips. She knew that Zhou Yu was now in their camp.