MTL - After 10 Years of Chopping Wood, I Am Invincible-Chapter 499 , the barbarians withdraw

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

, 10 years after chopping wood, I am invincible

"Fight to the death! Fight to the death!" In Da Qin's army, countless soldiers roared, imposing like a dragon.

"Fight to the death! Fight to the death!"

Louder than louder!

Countless soldiers in Daqin were boiling with enthusiasm, and their hearts were filled with an aura of death.

The head can be cut off, the blood can be spilled, and the enemy will never retreat.

This is the belief of countless soldiers.

"Morensala, I know that you are a first-rank powerhouse and you are very fast, but do you know that the sword in my hand is a divine sword? It is also very fast! It can kill yours before you kill me. Barbarian King Mengerlei!" Meng Xing said slowly.

"My cultivation is not as good as your barbarian king, he is a third-rank powerhouse, but he can still fall into my hands, because there are many third-rank powerhouses who died in my hands, just like your generals. "

"It's not a pity for you to kill me, but your barbarians lack a barbarian king, but you lack a king who is good at managing your tribe, and a strong man who protects your barbarians. Your barbarian king died at my hands, died in In the hands of my Daqin people, it is also a humiliation."

"Whether it is to die or stay, it will be decided by you, the national teacher! Morensala, you have to think about it carefully. Is it to make the soldiers and people of the barbarian tribe feel chilled, and let me kill the barbarian king or quit Kuizhou City?"

Morensara's face was ugly, Meng Xing's words were very provocative, and when Kang's passionate remarks were turned over, the barbarian soldiers were shocked and a little distracted.

It would be very easy to kill Meng Xing desperately, but Meng Xing's death blow would definitely kill Meng Er Lei.

In this way, he has killed the barbarian king, and the barbarian soldiers and people will definitely be dissatisfied, and have complaints against him as a national teacher, which will affect the reputation of his national teacher.

"If I quit Kuizhou City, you will release Monelley?" Moren Sala said.

"You must also sign an armistice agreement and make an oath that within ten years, the territory of Daqin will not be violated. After signing, I will let him go." Meng Xing said.

Morensala stared at Meng Xing with a gloomy face, and said, "But the nine-color lotus seeds must be returned to me before I can sign a truce."

"No! I have already swallowed the nine-color lotus seeds, and I can't take it anymore." Meng Xing said. He is naturally fooling the other party, lest the other party be entangled in the nine-color lotus seeds.

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"'re a waste of money!" Moren Sala was so angry that she trembled a little, she almost couldn't control it, and went to shoot this kid to death.

"These nine-color lotus seeds have only a little effect on me, which has improved my vitality, but it cannot make me break through to the fourth-grade realm at once, there is no magical effect at all, and I don't know why you want this kind of thing. "Meng Xing said.

Moren Sala was so distressed that she couldn't breathe, her eyes became a little red, and the anger on her body was about to burst out, on the verge of eruption.

"Morensala, are you willing to retreat?" Meng Xing's divine sword was placed on Mengerley's neck, and he pushed it forward a little, already piercing a little of Mengerley's skin.

"National teacher, it is not a pity for me, Mengerlei, to die. You lead the army and step on the Daqin! I, Mengerlei, are willing to throw my head and shed blood for my barbarian people!" Mengerlei raised his arms and shouted.

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

"Tsk tsk! Such a barbarian king who loves his people, it's even more a pity to die. Mengerley, then I'll fulfill you!" With that, Meng Xing raised his sword, intending to kill the opponent.

"Wait a minute!" Morensala said.

"Morensala, have you considered it?" Meng Xing said.

"I've thought about it, I'll kill you first!" Before speaking, Moren Sala had already smashed with a punch, as fast as thunder, and her body was approaching very quickly, as if it were a flash of lightning.

Moren Sala has been looking for opportunities, and this moment is naturally the best opportunity.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Three array disks flew out from Meng Xing's hand, activated instantly, blocked in front of him, roared, ten thousand stars emanated, Morensara's fist directly blasted the Tiangang ten thousand star array, and continued to blast at Meng Xing come to kill.

But he won a chance for Meng Xing. Nine array disks continued to fly out of his hands, flying in nine directions, and instantly activated. The Heaven and Earth Profound Gate array immediately enveloped Meng Xing, Zhou Jingyun, Meng Er Lei and others. .


The remaining power of Morensara's fist bombarded the formation, but it did not break the Heaven and Earth Profound Gate formation. Instead, there were gates of light flashing on the formation, swallowing up his power and counterattacking him.

But for him, such a counterattack could not hurt himself at all. The strength of a Rank 1 powerhouse has reached an unimaginable level. The body is strong, the repairing power is amazing, and the life span is long, almost immortal.

"Hey! This is the formation that made the thunder python stunned and killed? It's really powerful!" Morensara said in surprise. He naturally listened to the guard saying that the formation can flash the door of light.

No wonder Lei Python couldn't crack the formation even if he tried to crack it. It was really powerful.

Another reason for Morensara's failure to break through with one punch is because the Heaven and Earth Profound Gate Array has become stronger after Meng Xing's transformation.

Even before it was reformed, it would take some time for Xue Luo, the former leader of the Gorefiend Sect, to crack this formation.

"Morensala, how dare you do something to us, regardless of your barbarian king's life? That's good! I'll cut off your barbarian king's arm and warn you!" Meng Xing said in a deep voice.

Outside the formation, Fu Wen became a transparent shape, showing the figures of Meng Xing, Meng Er Lei and others.

Meng Xing waved his sword-wielding hand, and with a puff, Menger Lei's arm was broken.

"Ah!" Mengerley screamed, his face pale. His cultivation base was sealed, and he couldn't seal the wound with his vitality. He could only stop the bleeding through the body's self-healing ability.

"This is a warning to your national teacher! Mengerlei, if your national teacher doesn't take your life to heart, then you will have to die today in the territory of my Daqin!" Meng Xing's voice was far away When it spreads out, even people who are more than ten miles away can hear it.

The barbarian soldiers naturally changed their faces one by one, showing extremely angry expressions.

Morensara's face was ugly. It seemed that this guy really dared to kill Monterrey, and he still had the formation protection.

As a Rank 1 powerhouse, this was the first time he encountered such a suffocating thing, and he really couldn't swallow this breath.

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【Ten years after chopping wood, I am invincible in the world】【】

But if he continues to shoot, Mengerley will really die, which means that he indirectly killed the opponent. UU reading

"I said yes! But, you have to get his arm and let him get his arm back," Morensala said.

"Okay." Meng Xing said, picked up his severed arm from the ground and connected it to the fractured arm. Zhou Jingyun and Xu Linfeng immediately took out strips of cloth and wooden sticks, fixed his severed arm and simply wrapped it up.

With the powerful recovery ability of the third-grade powerhouse, it can heal and recover within a few days.

Morensara glanced at it and ordered many soldiers to retreat, exit Kuizhou City, and return to the barbarian tribe.

Soon, countless barbarian soldiers retreated like a tide, and the demon soldiers also retreated on their own, leaving Morensara alone.

When many Daqin soldiers saw this scene, they were immediately very excited. The enemy finally retreated, and finally there was no need for war.

At this moment, many people couldn't help shedding tears. In order to resist the enemy, they all endured too much hardship and pain.

And this time, nearly half of the soldiers from Daqin have died, and many people have no hope of winning, not only because the soldiers of the barbarians and the monsters are extremely powerful, but also because the barbarians have a rank of strong, and they can beat them. Even Cai Han was seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, it has turned a corner, and the barbarians and monsters have finally withdrawn their troops.

"We won! The barbarians finally had to retreat!"

"Kuizhou City is going to return to our hands again. I really didn't expect that the barbarians would retreat like this."

"However, it is very difficult to make the first-rank strongmen of the barbarians willing to retreat. If Master Meng hadn't reacted quickly just now, it might not have ended like this!"

"Yes! Yes! It was really dangerous just now."

Many soldiers were talking about it.