MTL - After Becoming a Rich Family’s Daughter, The Boss Turned Wild-Chapter 419 carpet search

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  Chapter 419 Carpet Search

   Watching their backs leave, the director and Yu Lin were so angry that their teeth itch.

   But because Su Muxi is in their hands, no matter how angry or angry they are, they have to hold back.

   The chief had a sullen face, waved the policemen who followed to retreat, and then walked in front of Pei Xinyu.

   "Young Master Pei, what was the relationship between that person and you just now?" The director frowned, his eyes staring straight at him.

   Seeing the man's first glance, he was really taken aback.

   The two look alike too.

   He and Pei Xinyu are old acquaintances, and they all know the basic situation of the Pei family, but I have never heard that there are other young people in the Pei family besides a young master!

   "My grandfather said that he should be my uncle's grandson. However, until the DNA is verified, anything is possible." Because he was worried about Su Muxi's safety, Pei Xinyu's face was always ugly.

   Hearing the words, the director nodded clearly.

   In this era, looking alike really doesn’t mean anything.

   After all, the current plastic surgery technology is so superb that there is really no other way except DNA testing.

   Seeing that Pei Xinyu was in a bad mood, the director sighed helplessly.

   "Don't worry too much, she is so powerful, she can definitely save the day." After speaking, the director patted his shoulder with a heavy heart and left.

   With these words, is he not comforting himself?

  Su Muxi is amazing, but after all, she is only one person.

   And the other party, not only has a large number of people, but also has dangerous weapons on his body, how can people not be worried?

After leaving the office, the director said to the police standing outside with a cold expression: "There should be many of you who know the identities of Hacker S and the Poison King, right? It doesn't matter if you don't know, I'll tell you now. She is the daughter that the Su family found not long ago, and Pei Shao's fiancée. Just now, the hostage in those hands was her!"

The director looked at the shocked to solemn faces in front of him, and said solemnly: "Those people have guns in their hands, the exact number is unknown. God S is in their hands, and every minute she passes, she becomes more dangerous. We are running out of time, we must find her whereabouts immediately! It has been less than 24 hours since she disappeared, which is also a small news for us."

   "Now listen to my deployment, squad, follow orders!"

   Hearing this, a young man with seven or eight people took a step forward with a solemn expression, "Here!"

"Bring a few people with you, and be sure to get to all the traffic arteries that can leave Kyoto as quickly as possible. Especially in the airport, bus station, train station and other places, carry out a rigorous investigation, and never let any clues go. If there is not enough manpower, even if you go to other branches to dispatch manpower, I will fill in the application later. In this investigation, I would rather make a thousand mistakes than miss one. If there is a problem, all the consequences will be borne by me. "

   "Yes!" After receiving the order, a small group of people immediately got into the elevator in an orderly manner and executed it.

   After they left, the director continued: "Everyone listens!"


   "Go back to the station immediately, bring the police dog, and follow me to conduct a carpet search! Even if we dig three feet into the ground in Kyoto, we must find someone."


   After a while, everyone quickly evacuated from here under the leadership of the director.

   (end of this chapter)