MTL - After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger-Chapter 50 Fu Chen has recovered~

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Position, now a person is lying on his side, and the place he touched with his hand before was the man's hard pectoral muscles.

Ye Jin looked at the man lying on his side on the haystack, looked at the man with a tangled expression, and found that he was quite good-looking, better than the images he had searched on the star website. The information is more imposing and more beautiful. At this moment, due to the discomfort of the body, the sharp sword eyebrows are tightly wrinkled, and even the thin lips are slightly pursed. This kind of expression is combined with the cold sweat and pale expression on the forehead, which seems to be a man. The sharp and tough facial features, on the contrary, reveal a sickly beauty in the strong and sharp.

Ye Jin looked down slowly along the man's face, what caught his eye was the man's strong and beautiful chest muscles, as well as the beautiful and smooth waist and abdomen muscles, Ye Jin looked at the man's strong and powerful lines Beautiful muscles, I can't be envious in my heart, he will never be able to develop such beautiful eight-pack abs and chest muscles by himself.

Ye Jin took his eyes away from the naked upper body of the man, turned his eyes and glanced down inadvertently just to see the naked lower body of the man, Ye Jin hurriedly retracted his gaze and his cheeks and ears became red .

Thinking of this, Ye Jin still found her own clothes from the space to cover the man.

After Ye Jin did all this, he saw the cold sweat on the man's forehead, and then he remembered that he was sweating on his forehead and had a fever. Wet the water in the kiln with the clothes to cool the man.

Ye Jin kept busy until it was bright outside before the man's body temperature dropped. After Ye Jin reconfirmed that the man's body was not hot, he sighed in great relief and sat on the side to rest, unconsciously falling asleep past.

After Ye Jin fell asleep, the man he took care of all night woke up after the fever subsided. He slowly sat up and saw Ye Jin and Gai Yu who were lying on the side and fell asleep. The clothes on his body turned into a light brown pupil after he changed back to a human being, and then he calmed down. After putting on Ye Jin's much smaller clothes, he stared at his sleeping face without blinking.

It wasn't until Ye Jin woke up because he was worried about the man's body that the gentle eyes of the man staring at Ye Jin's face subsided, and the moment Ye Jin opened his eyes, he saw the man's expression When he sat softly beside him and stared at himself, he immediately sat up and said with a tangled face: "Bai, General Fu, are you feeling better now? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Fu Chen was a little happy when he saw Ye Jin woke up, but after hearing Ye Jin's unfamiliar name for himself, he frowned and felt a little uncomfortable, but when he saw Ye Jin After Jin's tangled expression, he calmed down and said, "Xiao Jin, you can continue to call me Bai Bai or Fu Chen. You don't have to be so unfamiliar with me. We are family, aren't we?"

When Ye Jin heard Fu Chen's voice, he felt a little strange when he saw Fu Chen in human form, but he was blown away in an instant and only the familiar feeling was left, just seeing Fu Chen Ye Jin didn't even know why his face was a little hot.

Ye Jin's eyes fluttered from Fu Chen's face to look at the bright sky outside, nodding casually: "Well, okay, I see. It's almost noon now, I'll make some food for you, just eat some meat to replenish your vitality when you are sick, and there just happens to be a lot of snake meat." Ye Jin hurriedly got up to prepare the ingredients.

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin, who was running away in a hurry, and didn't stop him, just stared at his red ears and cheeks with a soft smile, and he also Get up and help.

Ye Jin, who was handling the rest of the snake meat, heard the footsteps of Fu Chen, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Still seriously skewering meat, but his ears couldn't help but pay attention to the footsteps of the people behind him.

When Fu Chen came to Ye Jin and squatted down, he picked up the snake meat and glanced at it thoughtfully, and also began to help skewer it on the simple grill made by Ye Jin. While doing it, he asked, "Xiao Jin, did you feel any discomfort after eating this snake meat yesterday?"

Ye Jin was nervous when Fu Chen approached, but she was stunned when she heard Fu Chen's question, then turned to look at Fu Chen worriedly and said, "I'm fine, why? Yes? This snake meat was tested yesterday and it's not poisonous, right? By the way, your sudden return to body heat is not related to this snake meat?" Ye Jin said, looking down at the snake meat that was half marinated and skewered in his hand yesterday.

Fortunately, I recovered so quickly. But I fell into a deep sleep after eating this snake meat yesterday, and now my body is fully recovered. Maybe it is really related to this snake meat, but I am not very sure about it. We won't know until after testing." Fu Chen couldn't help frowning when he thought of the environment they were in now.

Ye Jin frowned when he heard Fu Chen's words, looked at the python in his hand and said, "We can't contact anyone outside here at all, there is no way to check, and this snake meat According to the current weather, it will not last long at all, and it will easily break."

Fu Chen was thinking about this at first, but seeing Ye Jin's frowning face, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and comforted: "It's okay, Xiao Jin, now my body has recovered. Now, you don't need to work so hard, I will protect you. And I think the people from the military will find here soon."

Ye Jin heard Fu Chen's words that he would protect him, the worries and fears that had been suppressed in his heart for the past few days suddenly found an outlet, and tears could not help overflowing from his eyes. Drops of drops fell on the back of Ye Jin's own hand.

Don't look at how strong Ye Jin has been since he woke up, in fact, only he himself knows how scared and worried he is, when he suddenly came from the earth he was familiar with to the strange interstellar age , Ye Jin has been using live broadcasts for half a year to make himself less lonely and afraid, but after all, this is not his hometown, no matter how hard he hides Ye Jin, he can't deceive his heart, he is still lonely and afraid, but he has been lonely for a long time. Well concealed.

This time, she suddenly encountered an accident and fell to a desolate and uninhabited primitive planet. Later, she encountered various dangers, which made the string that was already tensed in Ye Jin's heart tightened even more.

And now, in this desolate place, someone suddenly told him that he would protect him, and this person was a relative he had always been a family member, which made Ye Jin's heartstrings tense. It was disconnected at once, and tears became the only way to express emotions.

Fu Chen had been paying attention to Ye Jin, and saw that he suddenly lowered his head and remained silent, put down the snake meat in his hands and squatted in front of Ye Jin, only to realize that He actually cried, and he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Fu Chen looked at the tears Ye Jin smashed on his hands and on the ground, and also knew that he had been worried about the hardships these days, so he could not help but hold Ye Jin in his arms and said, "It's alright. , I will never let you encounter these dangers in the future. Just cry when you feel uncomfortable. It's not ashamed for a boy to speak out. What's more, our little Jin has been very strong and excellent these days. If it was someone else who was like this It's better than what you can do in this environment." Fu Chen said as he stretched out his hand and patted Ye Jin's back.

Ye Jin came out of Fu Chen's arms embarrassedly, her ears and cheeks were a touch of pink, and her tone was a little embarrassed: "I, I'm fine, I don't have you to say It's so good, if it were you, I would have done better than me, and I did it only for the people I care about and myself to be able to live, I don't have any family or friends in this world, I just want to protect the only one I have s things."

Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin's firm and bright eyes and pink cheeks, his heart softened as if it had become a ball of cotton, and the eyes he looked at Ye Jin were also gentle and doting. "You are also the person I care about, will I protect you in the future?"

When Ye Jin heard Fu Chen's similar confession, he looked up at him in surprise, just bumped into Fu Chen's light brown pupils, and couldn't help but look a little crazy, Ye Jin seemed to be in these eyes He sees the whole world, and he is the center of the world.

After a moment of infatuation, Ye Jin forced himself to come back to his senses. Looking at Fu Chen with a serious look, Ye Jin felt that confession and the like should be his own illusions, even if the interstellar era can already marry men and men , but how could he, an ordinary person, attract an admiral of an empire? It should be the affection between relatives who have been together for a long time. Fu Chen should treat him as a family just like him.

Thinking like this, Ye Jin nodded with a relaxed and happy expression, not at all feeling that something was wrong with her thoughts.

Do normal friends and relatives see things like confessions when they see obsession?

Even seeing people's bodies blushing, Ye Jin deliberately or confusedly dreamed that Xizhou ignored the past.

Ye Jin will ignore it, but Fu Chen will not ignore every abnormality of Ye Jin, so seeing Ye Jin's heartless appearance, Fu Chen doesn't point it out, anyway, he has recovered. Well, as for the future, there is no rush at this moment.

While Ye Jin and Fu Chen started to improve gradually, the empire was in a state of tranquility and wind.

The author has something to say:

I finally wrote that the admiral turned into a human, the emotional line is really difficult.

Read Logging 10,000 Years into the Future