MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 5 00 What a coincidence, you live here too

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Chapter 5 005. What a coincidence, you live here too

Lin Wu arrived at Yujiadi Garden in the city center.

Although the Lin family disliked her, her grandfather had always been kind to her, and Lin Wu could not ignore her grandfather.

 So, even if something like Lin Qian hadn't happened, Lin Wu would still go back to Beicheng to see his grandfather who was hospitalized.

It was impossible for her to return to the Lin family, so she bought a villa in Yujiadi Garden in advance to live in.

Since the taxi could not enter Yujiadi Garden, Lin Wu got off at the entrance, showed his residence permit to the security guard and entered.

 The moon was already at its zenith, and the night was falling at odd hours.

Lin Wu looked up at the deserted night, then retracted his gaze and continued walking.

Not long after, Lin Wu paused slightly and heard another steady pace appearing behind him.

  Obviously a practicing practitioner.

She quickened her pace, but the footsteps behind her always followed her.

When finally approaching Villa No. 31 of Yujia Diyuan, Lin Wu’s patience ran out and he turned around, “How long do you have to follow—”

The words stopped abruptly.

Lin Wu stared at the tall and handsome man two meters away and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The other person turned out to be the man she met on the train!

If he had met on the train during the day, Lin Wu would still believe it was a coincidence, but now he would not believe it.

This man actually followed her here.

 Who sent it?

Lin Wu was quickly sifting through the people he might have trouble with recently in his mind. At this moment, he saw the man move his hand in the pocket of his long black windbreaker.

Lin Wu was alert.

But the other party just raised his head slightly and pointed to Villa No. 32 not far ahead.

His handsome eyebrows were raised slightly, and when he looked at Lin Wu, his eyes seemed to be surprised and smiling, and his low voice was hoarse: "Little girl, see clearly, it's not you and me, it's me who lives there."

Lin Wu was slightly startled.

The man continued slowly: "It's you, I've lived here in Yujiadi Garden for a year, but I've never seen you. Who is following whom?"

Lin Wu: “…”

 She checked when she bought the villa here and found that No. 32, which is next to No. 31, indeed had an owner for a long time.

 It’s actually this man?

She said nothing, still looking at the other person suspiciously.

When the man saw this, he didn't say much and walked forward unhurriedly. He only glanced at her meaningfully when he passed by Lin Wu.

Lin Wu turned around and saw the man finally stopping in front of door No. 32 and entering a few numbers on the door's smart lock. The click sound was particularly clear in the quiet night.

The man turned back to look at her from a distance, his narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, as if he guessed something, and said with a low smile: "I didn't expect him to be a neighbor. Little girl, if you need anything, just come to me, just think of it as... repaying your kindness."

 After saying that, he pushed the door open and went in.

Lin Wu stood there for a while and whispered, "Fuck."

 She is also convinced by this luck.

 Having no other choice, Lin Wu had no choice but to enter No. 31.

As soon as I closed the door, my phone rang. It was an unknown number.

Lin Wu answered the call: "Hello?"

“Brother! Where are you? How was your evening? Are you satisfied?”

A familiar male voice came, his tone full of self-confidence.

Lin Wu walked straight to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and took a can of cold beer. He sat down at the dining table, put his cell phone on the table, and clicked on the speakerphone.

She said: "Satisfied. I'm so satisfied with the next batch of business that I won't give it to you."


“!!” The man was shocked: “Why? Did my people not entertain you well?”

Lin Wu said calmly: "You, Manager Song, are very good at entertaining the Lin family."

 “Then what are you angry about?” the man asked confused.

Lin Wu's tone was slightly impatient: "If that's why you're calling, hang up and don't bother me!"

"No, no, no, no, no, I have something important, I really have something important!" The man over there said flatteringly: "Brother, I will go back to Beicheng next week. We haven't seen each other for a while. Let's see you then. chant."

 Among all Lin Wu’s friends, he is the only one who has seen Lin Wu’s true face.

 Four years ago, Lin Wu went to Beijing to do business and met him.

He is a native of Beijing, his surname is Lu, and he is the young master of the Lu family, one of the five most wealthy families in Beijing. He also has a brother, Lu Guiyan, a young man in the business world who is extremely talented.

Because Lu Guiyan was so outstanding and he was a very satisfactory heir to the Lu family, the Lu family did not have such high demands on Lu Guichi and allowed him to do whatever he wanted.

In the end, Lu Guichi was raised to have the temperament of a demon king who was not afraid of seeking death. He even carried the Lu family behind his back and entered the black market in Beijing to make a name for himself.

 One of the items he dealt with on the black market was a special spice that was of great benefit to the human body. And he directly monopolized all channels for spices, forcing perfume makers to go and talk to him in person.

Lin Wu is the perfumer.

At that time, her influence was still relatively small and inferior to that of the Lu family in Beijing. But she didn't want to suffer the consequences, so she tricked Lu Guichi, and the two parties started fucking.

 Unexpectedly, there was a third party taking advantage of them, and she and Lu Guichi almost died.

Lin Wu was good at saving Lu Guichi and dealt with him severely.

Since then, she and Lu Guichi have been inseparable, and he has become the only person who has seen her true face, and he has always wanted to recruit her into the gang.

Lin Wu finished his cold beer and said, "If you don't talk about it, I'll blacklist you."

She knew that Lu Guichi was focusing on a project abroad recently, but she didn't believe that he suddenly came back just to see her.

As expected, Lu Guichi smiled dryly and said: "Tell me, I'll be honest. It's like this. I know a person here. He is also very interested in your spices and wants to get to know you."

 “I don’t want to know you.”

 “No, just give me face!”

Lu Guichi acted coquettishly, which made Lin Wu feel cold: "If you don't speak properly, I will sew your mouth."

Lu Guichi was serious for a second: "He is very important to my project. I swear, he will be useful to you too. It won't hurt you to meet him."

Lin Wu hung up the phone, but Lu Guichi persisted in calling back.

Just when Lin Wu was really about to block him, Lu Guichi sent a message.

  【He is somewhat related to what you have been checking. 】

Lin Wu’s eyes changed slightly.

 After a long silence, she replied: "Okay. 】

 Just after I sent it, a new message popped up on the screen.

“Boss, the doctor in charge of the old man at the hospital said that the old man’s physical condition has deteriorated again, and I’m afraid there is nothing they can do.” It was Zheng Qi.

Lin Wu's eyes narrowed slightly and he replied: "Let the doctor think of another way, no matter how expensive the medicine is." He added: "I will go to the hospital to see grandpa in person tomorrow."

Zheng Qi replied instantly: "Yes, boss, I will take care of things in advance."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Wu got up and went upstairs. She planned to stay up late to finish the new spice she had recently researched, which might be useful for her grandfather's condition.

However, when he walked to the living room, Lin Wu stopped unexpectedly and looked towards the balcony.

 Next door is No. 32.

After thinking about it, Lin Wu called Zheng Qi directly: "Let the people below check the residents next door to my residence."

 After meeting twice, Lin Wu intuitively told Lin Wu that something was still not quite right.

 (End of this chapter)