MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 545 I want to contact you personally

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 After getting on the boat, someone took Lin Wu and Ren Ke to the room that had been arranged in advance.

The ship was heavily guarded, with people on duty almost every two meters, far more than they thought.

 After Ren Ke noticed it, his expression became more obscure.

 The person leading the way stopped, opened the door of a room, and said in a calm tone: "Master Ren Ke, please rest well here. If there is anything important, just send someone to inform Master Lingxiu."

  When Lin Wu defected from Killer City a few years ago, Killer City lost an important camp, and even the Nanyang shipping route rebelled, losing dozens of killers who had worked hard to train Killer City. It was a huge loss.

 At that time, the person responsible for docking the Nanyang route was the Seventeen Rakshasa. After that, the city lord investigated, and the Seventeen Rakshasa disappeared from everyone's sight forever. Later, the deputy city lord Fan promoted Ren Ke to fill the position of Seventeen Rakshasa.

 Nowadays, Ren Ke and Ling Xiu have about the same status.

 Ren Ke can completely refuse Ling Xiu's arrangement.

But the person who was supposed to come to meet them this time was not Ling Xiu. Ling Xiu suddenly came to catch her off guard, and it was under the order of the city lord. Apparently, what Lin Wu said on the plane reached the city lord's ears after all, making the city lord pay attention to it. The deputy city lord was dissatisfied.

At this time, she could not have any objections, lest the city lord also "remember" her.

Ren Ke thought again about the people he had brought with him who had sneaked into the city lord at some point. He finally calmed down and stepped in without saying anything.

However, at this time the person leading the way continued to move forward, and Lin Wu also followed.

Ren Ke stopped immediately: "Wait a minute! Where are you taking her? Isn't she coming with me?"

Lin Wu stopped.

The person leading the way also stopped and said businesslikely: "Master Lingxiu still has something to ask Ansheng. This is the order of the city lord."

 Ren Ke was startled and turned to Lin Wu.

Lin Wu looked back at her and said calmly: "Don't worry, I won't betray Fan."

The words Ren Ke wanted to say were stuck in his throat, as if he was furious: "Fuck you! Are you crazy when you go out? You just talk nonsense! When I get back, I will definitely find a ghost doctor to check on you first. brain!"

 After saying that, she went directly into the room and closed the door.

Lin Wu's expression remained as usual. He turned around and met several probing eyes.

 “What are you still doing? Let’s go.”

The man glanced at her, turned around and continued to lead the way, taking Lin Wu to a room at the end of the second floor below, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and a man in black appeared at the door and nodded to the man. Then he waved his hand inward, and three people in a row walked out and stood at the door. The person who brought Lin Wu also stepped aside and had no intention of going in.

 Lin Wu entered the room calmly.

 There was a "bang" sound, and the people outside closed the door.

Lin Wu glanced out of the corner of his eye, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked back at the woman standing by the window not far away with her hands behind her hands.

Lingxiu looked at the calm but turbulent sea outside, not knowing what she was thinking.

 “You shouldn’t have come back.”

“If you don’t want to come back, even though you are still under the control of Killer City, Killer City will not touch you.”

 Old God Lin Wu sat down on the sofa comfortably, poured himself a cup of hot water, blew on it and took a sip. This rare warmth made her frozen whole body warm up.

She held the cup and said casually: "What a coincidence, I don't like to be controlled by others. Who knows whether this bomb will explode one day? It's better to solve it as soon as possible to avoid future troubles."

After hearing this, Lingxiu finally turned back to look at her, with a more complicated look on her face.

 “Then do you already have a way to solve the control of Killer City?”

Lin Wu shook his head: "I went to the place you mentioned back then to find out what happened. But that time I had an accident and almost died. I rested for a long time. When I finally came back, I found Killer City People have been secretly guarded there, and I can’t go explore without alerting Killer City.”

"To this day, I don't know what is hidden there. I have sent people intermittently to search for the secrets behind the ice wall, but it is a naturally dangerous place. All my people have gone and never come back."        So. You don’t have any confidence at all when you come back this time?!”

Ling Xiu couldn't hide his astonishment, turned around and walked in front of Lin Wu, saying, "Then why are you coming back? Do you know that neither the city lord nor the deputy city lord will let you go this time! If you do anything strange again, , the city lord will really control you! Unless you have a way to solve this control, you will..."

Lin Wu was not surprised.

As the saying goes, do it again and again and again and again. What she had done before was to push Killer City to the ground as a provocation. It was normal for the city lord to lose patience and want to take action.

But Lin Wu didn’t panic.

She looked up at Ling Xiu and said: "I am passive now because I cannot figure out the secret of control. But in the final analysis, it is also because I am outside and unable to catch it. Since it can't be done outside, then I can figure it out when I come back. Enough?"

Ling Xiu understood in an instant: "Only the city lord of this huge killer city has a clear grasp of this method of control. Do you want the city lord to really attack you, experience what is going on personally, and then follow the clues to investigate?"

Lin Wu nodded.

"No!" Ling Xiu objected, "You have no idea how terrifying that kind of control is. Once you experience it, you will never be able to get rid of the shadow of Killer City in this life, nor will you be rebellious. You will be assimilated here. ! You will be finished by then, why bother to follow the clues to find out?!"

Lin Wu calmly asked back: "But I don't even know what it is, what its situation is, its approximate location, and how the city lord used it on us, so how can I check it?"

"In addition, the people I have sent there in the past few years have all failed to produce results, which shows that outsiders' investigations are useless. So I have to contact and understand personally, and then think of a solution."

 She believes in herself.

No matter what, Killer City cannot be her master!

Ling Xiu was silent and said after a moment: "So on the way back, you deliberately told that you and the deputy city lord teamed up to bring down the former deputy city lord, so as to attract the city lord's attention and want to see you?"

Lin Wu nodded.

Ling Xiu was puzzled: "But how do you know that the city lord has placed people beside the deputy city lord?"

 She only found out about this today!

 In Killer City, the city lord and deputy city lord have always been in harmony. The most important thing is that the deputy city lord was raised by the city lord! The love between the two is far beyond their imagination! It is said that the city lord also has high hopes for the deputy city lord and prefers the deputy city lord to take his place.

The city lord trusts the deputy city lord so much, how could he insert someone into the other side without anyone noticing? ? Could it be that because the deputy city lord reused Lin Wu before, but caused serious losses to Killer City, the city lord really had a deep grudge?

Lin Wu twitched his lips slightly and asked, "Do you know what grudges Fan has against the former deputy city lord?"

 Ling Xiu shook his head.

Lin Wu said: "I discovered this accidentally. There is a very hidden dark room in the residence of the former deputy city lord, and there is a woman's skeleton hidden in it. That is Fan's biological mother."

Ling Xiu was slightly shocked: "Isn't this... deputy city lord an orphan?"

Lin Wu shook his head: "His mother was also a killer trained by Killer City. She had been with a member of the same team day and night, experienced life and death together, and had a mutual affection for each other. But the former deputy city lord fell in love with Fan's mother and insisted on keeping her by his side. . When he found out that she already belonged to someone, he was so angry that he killed the man and even took her by force."

“Later she found out that she had Fan, but the former deputy city lord did a lot of harm to her, and she committed suicide in despair.”

Ling Xiu took a breath: "The former deputy city lord is actually his biological father?!"

Lin Wu nodded: "But the former deputy city lord suspected that he was the child of the dead man, and he was angry with his mother. He hated him so much that he didn't want to take a look. Fan was thrown into a ghost camp to fend for himself since he was a child. It was the city lord's control. He survived if people took care of him."

"Later he found out about his life experience and hated the former deputy city lord, so he wanted to kill him and replace him. After I accidentally discovered it, I took advantage of this and cooperated with him."

  Sometimes hatred can prompt a person to make mistakes, giving others more opportunities to take advantage of them. It turns out that this is not the case.

Ling Xiu was puzzled: "What does this have to do with the city lord placing people beside him?"

Lin Wu calmly spoke out the shocking words.

“Because it was the city lord who secretly tricked Fan into knowing his life experience.”

“It’s also because the city lord and the former deputy city lord had long since separated from each other and only made peace with each other.”