MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 573 Hello, you are so **** disgusting

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Hearing this, Ren Ke’s mind went blank.

 “The clothes, it turned out to be that clothes...”

 Ren Ke closed his eyes forcefully. She thought of many reasons, but she didn't expect it to be the strange dress...

 “Ren Ke?” Lin Wu frowned and called her.

 Ren Ke took a deep breath and opened his eyes to look at her.

 The forest mist in front of her suddenly blurred. She subconsciously opened her mouth and only choked out. Only then did she realize that tears were welling up in her eyes again.

Lin Wu sensed something was wrong, stepped up the steps, and asked, "What's wrong?" She was very keen: "What's wrong with that dress?"

 At this moment, many pictures flashed through Ren Ke's mind, making her feel a little dazed.

 When the devastated island came into view, Ren Ke was startled.

A few seconds later, Ren Ke wiped his face clean with relief, and dragged Lin Wu away to the car not far away.

"It's nothing." Ren Ke's voice returned to normal, "After today, it will be a brand new day. Go, go, hurry up, finish the rest of your things, I am going to find a good place to take a vacation and recuperate. !”

Lin Wu was also startled for a moment, then turned around and glanced at the entrance of the castle on the steps.

She was deep in thought and did not ask any more questions. She just said, "With any luck, everything will be over by this time tomorrow."

 “What if you have bad luck?”

 “Then die. The city lord’s trouble has not been solved yet.”


Ren Ke said speechlessly: "I knew I would have to risk my life to follow you. Let me tell you, you owe me a favor this time. You have to do me a favor later and erase my name from international organizations."

Lin Wu raised his eyebrows: "Don't you mind this?"

Ren Ke said confidently: "I want to live an ordinary life from now on, can't I?"


Lin Wu slipped one hand into his coat pocket, pressed his abdomen gently, walked forward with a normal expression, and said, "Go back to Guan Chen, he will take care of it."

 The smell of blood in the air lingers for a long time, all the result of tonight's turmoil.

No one found anything.

Ren Ke looked at Lin Wu in trance, and suddenly said: "Lin Wu, if I had to do it again, I would still choose you. Becoming friends with you is the thing I will least regret doing in these years."

Lin Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said coldly: "You are so **** stupid. Did I fake your death once and take away your brain?"

 “Get out of here.” Ren Ke’s face turned dark.

Lin Wu nodded: "Well, this is you."

 Ren Ke twitched the corner of his mouth, turned away and snorted softly.

The two of them walked to the car. Ling Xiu, Zheng and others were waiting for them.

Seeing them, the two of them were considerate and did not ask any questions. Zheng Lianhui reported: "Master, I left a few people here to watch, and sent the rest to other places to help patrol and place the wounded in case of emergencies. Condition."

 Lin Wu hummed, and a few people got in the car, and Zheng Lian drove to the Third Pier.

 When we arrived, we saw a lot of people waiting on the pier.

The leader is You Yuan!

 The car stopped and the four people got out.

You Yuan strode over and stopped in front of Lin Wu, looking around her with concern, "How are you doing here?"

“Second brother, I’m here, everything must have been resolved.” Lin Wu explained the previous matter clearly in a few words.

You Yuan focused on asking: "Are you injured?"

Lin Wu shook his head.

You Yuan frowned: "Then why do you smell of blood?"

"Hey, people are bound to die. If there are too many, they will be involved. They all have them." Lin Wu pointed at the three people around him.

 You Yuan glanced at it.

Ren Ke was still a little worried about You Yuan because he almost died in Lingnan before, so he blurted out: "I took people to respond in time. Under my nose, Lin Wu was not injured! As for the previous injury..."

 “Somewhat serious…”

Zheng Lian said subconsciously, his face full of worry.

Ling Xiu couldn't help but think of what she saw last night and wanted to speak.

Lin Wu calmly interrupted them and said: "The previous injury was okay. Fan needed me and treated it carefully. I also nursed it for a long time and it didn't hinder my movement. Otherwise, I would have collapsed in pain if I had been tossing for so long. Do you think I have anything to do now?" Several people looked at her.

Lin Wu looked like there was nothing wrong except for the white spots on his face.

You Yuan was still not at ease, so he turned around and asked his subordinates to go to the boat parked at the dock and ask the accompanying doctor to come down.

“Second brother, no need.” Lin Wu stopped You Yuan.

You Yuan was about to say something disapproving, but was distracted by what she said next.

"Time is running out, second brother. I have to go to the Ice Prison. There is nothing to do on the island now. You can stay and watch for me. Zheng Lian will follow you."

Lin Wu reached out to Ling Xiu and asked her to give her the City Lord's Order and the Nine Tokens, and then gave them to You Yuan.

“If the remaining people in Killer City are dissatisfied with you, use this. Zheng Lian also knows how to deal with it.”

You Yuan understood the importance and responded, saying: "The third child will be guarding the entrance to the ice prison. After you pass, let him go in with you. Be careful, pay attention to safety, don't be brave, let him come in if you have something to do."

Zheng Lian hesitated for a moment, "Master, I want to follow you. As for the second master, I can give him my trusted aide."

Lin Wu looked at him and said: "You have been injured a lot from the torture, and you have been struggling for so long. Stay and have a good rest. Besides, you can't really help much by following me. When everything is over tomorrow, you can leave. Find Zheng Qi and go with him to pick up Zheng Yuan."

Zheng Lian thought that he really couldn't help much, so he had no choice but to nod.

Ren Ke took advantage of the opportunity and said: "Let's go, Lin Wu. The doctor is not on the boat. Hurry up and let him take a look at you. You look so ugly."

You Yuan also urged: "Go quickly and take a rest on the boat."

Lin Wu hummed and left with Ren Ke.

Lingxiu was about to follow when suddenly You Yuan stopped her and said, "In half a minute, I want to say something to you."

Ling Xiu was stunned.

Lin Wu and Ren Ke looked at each other and got on the boat first.

You Yuan turned around and walked towards the car not far away. Zheng Lian and his subordinates all turned their backs.

Ling Xiu was silent for a while, but finally followed.

 Looking at You Yuan's back, Ling Xiu felt very complicated.

 They have known each other for a long time and have been close friends since childhood. If nothing else happened, the relationship between the two families might have gotten closer, but it was a pity that her family suffered a disaster later...

“…I’m sorry.” You Yuan heard the footsteps approaching, turned around and looked at Ling Xiu and said, “If I hadn’t been from my family, your family wouldn’t have…”

"It's all over." Ling Xiu said calmly, "If I still blamed you, I wouldn't have asked you to help you a few years ago. I know that Lin Wu wanted to help me leave Killer City together, and it was because of you. I have seen everything you have done over the years. You and I have known each other for a long time."

You Yuan's usually indifferent face was a little dazed. After a moment of silence, he said: "Then what are your plans after today? I have helped you get back most of your family's property, which is in Northern Europe. You can go there."

Ling Xiu was surprised: "When did you become so good at business?"

You Yuan did not hide anything: "Chu Zhongwu helped me."

Ling Xiu had a strange expression on his face: "I've heard of him. He has always been self-interested and unwilling to suffer losses. Why would he do this thankless task for you?"

You Yuanyan was concise and to the point: "My first mission as a killer was with him, but I didn't succeed. Then we got to know each other. Later, when I was looking for clues about your family, I was tricked by someone, and he saved me. Then we made a deal and entered his house. The Fourth District helps him.”

  Lingxiu: "You have been by his side since then?"

 You Yuan nodded.

Ling Xiu thought for a moment: "Isn't that enough? With his temperament, if he swallows up the Nordic industrial chain and spits out my family's, the loss is not small. He only wants you to enter the Fourth Special Zone and doesn't ask you to do anything else?"

You Yuan said calmly: "He wanted me for ten years."


“…Freedom, ten years of freedom.” You Yuan quickly realized that there was an ambiguity in what he said, and added: “He said he would stay with me when the time comes.”

Ling Xiu looked at him strangely, "That's it?"

You Yuan was puzzled: "What else?"

Ling Xiu hesitated, and finally said: "I really gave up. In fact, my current financial resources are enough to live the rest of my life, so I don't want and can't have those in Northern Europe. I'm afraid that when I see them, I will think of them. Once upon a time.”

 She took a step forward, raised her hand and patted You Yuan on the shoulder.

"You return them to Chu Zhongwu, and the deal you exchanged will be void."

"You Yuan, as an old friend, I suggest you think carefully about whether to stay or stay."

 After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the dock.

You Yuanwei looked at her back in shock.