MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 591 Will Lin Wu become like him?

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Miyano stopped covering his clothes and suddenly looked up at Lu Guichi.

 Ling Xiu and Ren Ke were stunned for a moment, then stood up.

 “You have a way? What way? Are you kidding??”

Lu Guichi looked down at Lin Wu in his arms and said in a trembling voice: "The Chi family has been cursed and will not have a good death. After death, their souls will be imprisoned forever until their souls fly away and disappear completely."

 “But this is on the premise of petrification.”

"Wuwu has not been petrified. I thought she sacrificed her blood to the blood spirit and her soul is no longer there. In this way, her tattoos will disappear after death."

"Her tattoo is still there, which means that she still has a residual soul that has not completely dissipated. If she becomes a foreigner at this time, she may be able to survive due to the strong self-healing ability and vitality of the foreigner, and the power of the foreign body will also support her. She lives."

When Miyano heard this, he said: "Then what are you still waiting for? Hurry up!"

Ren Ke also urged anxiously.

Ling Xiu had more on his mind. He pulled the two of them and asked cautiously: "You mean, you want Lin Wu to change from a normal person to someone like you...I heard that your real body is quite..."

 Miyano and Ren Ke were stunned for a moment.

 Lu Guichi nodded blankly.

 The three of them were silent for a while.

Miyano quickly regained his composure and said resolutely: "Survival is the most important thing, it doesn't matter so much!"

Ren Ke took a deep breath and asked: "Is this difficult? What should we do? Do you need us to help you? Just ask."

"And what about the foreign object power you mentioned? Where can we find it? Lin Wu has solved all the extraterrestrial objects here!" Ling Xiu continued.

Ren Ke said: "Foreign objects are nothing. They are found in the Lingnan and northwest regions of China, and even in the Danmaya region of China... Forget it, it has collapsed over there. Let's take Lin Wu back to China now..."

“No need, I can do it myself. You go out.”

 Lu Guichi calmed down and said.

Miyano was so worried that he refused to leave: "No, I want to see Xiao Si wake up with my own eyes..."

"Let's go! No one is allowed at the entrance. Stay as far away as possible. If you come back in half an hour, you are not allowed to look back!" Lu Guichi interrupted, his voice hoarse as if soaked in blood.

Ling Xiu pulled Miyano down and shook his head at her.

Seeing that Ren Ke was staring at Lin Wu and refusing to leave, he also pulled her.

None of the three of them said another word. After a moment of silence, they finally stood up and staggered toward the entrance, dragging their heavy and limp bodies.

The subordinates who followed were still there. Seeing them coming, they turned around and left consciously.

Out of the cave, Ren Ke couldn't hold it back and turned around in the end.

With just one glance, she let out a low voice.

Miyano and Lingxiu also turned back subconsciously, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

The young man holding Lin Wu has changed his appearance. He can't be considered a human at all, he just barely has the shape of a human!

It was also wearing Lu Guichi's clothes, but its exposed skin was bluish white, smooth, and covered with a layer of sticky mucus. The head was pointed, with fish fins on both sides, and was squirming in and out. The hand holding Lin Wu was long and thin, with thin membranes between the fingers.

From their angle, what they could see was the profile of its face. Even though they couldn’t see it clearly from a distance, they could still roughly make out its deformed appearance, which was extremely terrifying!

 The three of them seemed to have stopped breathing at this moment, staying where they were.

At this time, the other party seemed to be aware of it and turned his head.

 The three of them turned around and ran away reflexively.

 It wasn’t until they ran nearly a hundred meters and reached another ice cave that the three of them finally stopped, their chests heaving violently.

" a human...?" Ren Ke's mind was blank, and he said in confusion: "Lin Wu, will he also that?"

 Miyano and Lingxiu didn't know what to say at all.

For a long time, Miyano closed his eyes and murmured: "If you survive, you will succeed. If you survive, you will succeed..."

 Ling Xiu patted Ren Ke's shoulder and let out a long sigh.

Ren Ke managed to calm down and looked around: "Where are Mo Lang and Chongjun? Why didn't I see them?"

Ling Xiu thought for a while and said, "Maybe he went to find the city lord."


 Inside the ice cave on the other side. Lu Guichi stared blankly at Lin Wu in his arms, and then whispered: "Wuwu, I'm sorry. I hope you won't blame me for doing this when you wake up..."

 He had no other option.

 He could only think of this way to save him.

Lu Guichi took a deep breath and his eyes became determined.

Raising his hand suddenly, Lu Guichi inserted his sharp fingers into his heart.

He immediately groaned in pain, dark red blood with a faint black air spewed from his heart, and most of it fell on Lin Wu's body.

Lu Guichi was trembling with pain, and he suppressed the rapid chanting of the incantation. He used the pinching technique with his other hand, and instantly touched his heart.

 The hand that was not in it was slowly withdrawn at this moment.

 A **** light gradually appeared and condensed at his heart, and several air currents appeared out of thin air around Lu Guichi, rotating around them and quickly forming a vortex.

The blood flowing out of Lu Guichi mixed with black mist and floated into the air, blended into the vortex, wrapped them up, and formed a barrier that could isolate accidents and prying eyes from the outside world. It also caused the smell of foreign objects to begin to appear in the barrier, and even Get close to Lin Wu and try to pour in from the wounds on her body!

This made the tattoos on Lin Wu's body become more and more active!

Lu Guichi took out the hand that was not on his heart. There was a dark red light ball in his palm, which was the source of his foreign body power. The foreign body aura contained in it was powerful, rich, and full of vitality.

Stripped of his origins, Lu Guichi's face turned pale.

More and more blood poured out from his wounds, and most of it fell on Lin Wu.

If outsiders are present, they will see a magical scene. Lin Wu's wounds begin to heal and his body temperature gradually rises.

 But because the smell of foreign matter in this small world was too strong, the tattoos on Lin Wu's body seemed to sense the threat of being invaded, and began to come to life, surging on Lin Wu's shoulders.

Lu Guichi stared at the tattoo closely and muttered the spell, forcing it to rush towards Lin Wu's heart.

The moment the lifelike phoenix head occupied Lin Wu's heart, Lu Guichi thrust his sharp fingers straight in with lightning speed.

At the moment when the fatal blood stains of the two people merged, Lu Guichi also forced his own original power in.

He didn't dare to waste a second. He immediately lifted Lin Wu up with his other hand and hit her on the back with his backhand. He used a spell to guide the foreign body's power to take root in her body, especially her silent and motionless heart.

The tattoo began to struggle violently, and it was so hot that Lin Wu's body temperature recovered faster, and it was also repelling the power of the foreign body.

This rejection was too much. Suddenly, Lin Wu moved! She coughed up a mouthful of black blood and struggled slightly!

 Lu Guichi was pleasantly surprised.

 This method really works!

Lu Guichi didn't dare to act too hastily, and he was also afraid that if the blood power of the Kongtong Seal in Lin Wu's body and the power of the foreign object would fight too hard, Lin Wu would explode and die. He carefully controlled it, allowing the foreign body's power to be suppressed by the tattoo, honestly surrendering to his heart, and then quietly dissipating into the meridians of his limbs and bones.

 The pain officially begins at this time.

 When the power of foreign bodies fills the whole body, it is also devouring and damaging the soul body.

 Once fully integrated, they become aliens.

As expected, although Lin Wu was unconscious, she had an uncontrollable reaction. Her face was twisted in pain, her body trembled a few times, she struggled fiercely like never before, and even attacked Lu Guichi!

Lu Guichi tried his best to hold Lin Wu down, and also used the blood of his own kin to appease Lin Wu to prevent her tattoo from resisting too much again and leading to failure.

 “Be patient…”

 “Wuxu, you’ll be fine soon...”



Miyano and the other three felt that they were idle, so they went to find the city lord, Chongjun, and Mo Lang, and strictly prohibited their subordinates from approaching the entrance to the eighteenth floor.

While looking for it, suddenly there was a loud bang coming from the direction of the entrance on the 18th floor.

The three of them looked at each other and realized that the secret was not good, so they rushed back immediately.

When they returned to the entrance, they found a large number of cracks on the ground in the ice cave, and the depths were also collapsing, rapidly spreading toward the entrance!

Not far away, two men with weak breaths were lying.

It was Lu Guichi who had recovered his body, and Lin Wu who didn't look too strange!

 There was blood under and around them!

"This place is going to collapse, we have to take them away as soon as possible!" The three of them rushed in without thinking too much.

Read The Duke's Passion