MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 601 Lu Guiyan: Where do you want to go if you don’t want to go home?

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After talking for a while, Lu Guichi and Gu Siyin each went back to their rooms.

Lin Wu stood in front of the large floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the bustling night scene outside.

 The colorful neon lights complement each other, reflecting the cold light.

After a long time, Lin Wu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to an unknown number.

  【Teacher, let’s meet. 】


 The next day.

Lin Wu woke up after not sleeping for a few hours.

Zheng Qi scheduled a flight back to Beijing at 8:30. They had to leave after packing in a hurry and had breakfast on the plane.

"Master, should you go directly to the Ghost Street after you return? Or go back to Xijin Mansion to rest?" Zheng Qi looked at the itinerary and added: "In addition, Zheng Shaodong's family and Mr. Cheng Man have contacted me and hope to meet you. There are also a few people with No. 49.”

Lin Wu washed his face with cold water to wake up, looked up at his cold self in the mirror, and said, "No, let's go to the ghost street."

Zheng Qi paused and said, "Where is Fourth Master Bo? Bo Wu seems to be in an emergency and left overnight last night. Fourth Master Bo learned about your whereabouts from him. He called his subordinates, but they haven't responded yet."

Lin Wu pinched his fingertips and said, "I'll see you at lunch."

 She was about to ask Bo Qingsheng something.

Zheng Qi nodded and took out his cell phone to reply.

At this time, there was suddenly some vague noise outside.

Lin Wu thought Miyano and the others were ready to leave, so he put on his coat and went out with Zheng Qi.

As soon as he opened the door, Miyano, Gu Siyin and Lu Guichi were indeed outside, but there was an unexpected person.

 —Gu Chengbai.

He was dusty and looked very tired, as if he had been running around for several days without even taking a moment to rest.

At this time, Gu Chengbai was staring blankly at Lu Guichi, who was standing behind Gu Siyin, feeling a little uncomfortable.

“Siyin told us about you last night.” Gu Chengbai’s eyes were bloodshot, filled with indescribable complex emotions. He raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch Lu Guichi, but in the end he was stagnant in the air, and only said in a hoarse voice: "I was sorry before."

 Lu Guichi is also not used to it.

In the past, he was quite acquainted with Gu Chengbai because of Lu Guiyan, and he sometimes manipulated him, but after all, they were not close, and he was a little afraid of Gu Chengbai.

 It feels weird to suddenly become family members.

He said quietly: "Don't mention the past."

Gu Chengbai hummed in a low voice. At this moment, he caught a glimpse of Lin Wu coming out of the corner of his eye. His dark eyes were slightly bright, and he immediately stepped forward: "Wu Wu!"

Lin Wu didn't have time to speak before he was hugged by Gu Chengbai.

"You scared me to death, brother! Why did you run to the Polar Killer City without saying a word? Do you know that we have been on tenterhooks for several days!" Gu Chengbai quickly let go again, nervously inspected Lin Wu's body, and asked: "Really?" Are you not injured? Are you still fine?"

Since they knew that Lin Wu was coming back, Gu Tangzhang, Gu Chengbai, Gu Shiqing and Gu Siyin couldn't wait and couldn't wait to see Lin Wu.

 But the Gu family is still at the cusp of the storm. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at the Gu family, and it is hard for them to leave Beijing again. Gu Siyin was really worried and secretly came to the Magic City with Bai Jing and others to pick up Lin Wu.

Of course, this was quickly discovered. Gu Tangzhang and his son tried their best to suppress the dissatisfaction of some people, and then Gu Chengbai, who had the cleanest background and had not been involved with No. 49, took the opportunity to come to Shanghai.

Gu Chengbai learned too many things in one night, and everyone on the way here was in a daze. It took him a long time to digest and accept it.

Lin Wu's expression softened a little and said, "Brother, I'm fine."

Gu Chengbai was stunned: "Wuwu, what did you call me?"

Lin Wu looked at him: "Brother."

 Gu Chengbai's heart felt sour and he choked up a little. He raised his hand and touched Lin Wu's head and said, "Well, let's go home. Dad and Shiqing are still waiting for us. Let's go."

Lin Wu said: "I won't go back for the time being. After I return to Beijing, I'm going to visit the ghost streets. I think my teacher Er Tanji may be there and did not leave the country with my mother. I want to ask the **** thing clearly."

 “Xiaosi, then I’ll go with you.” Miyano said immediately.

Gu Siyin also said: "Wuwu, I'm coming with you too."

Lin Wu shook his head, "Zheng Qi, just follow me, and you say goodbye. There are too many people, it's not convenient, and they will be discovered. Even if my teacher is here, he won't show up then."

Looking at the worried Gu Chengbai and Gu Siyin, Lin Wu said, "I'll look back home in the afternoon." She paused, "I won't leave tonight."

Gu Chengbai and Gu Siyin suddenly became happy.

When he was happy, Gu Chengbai also invited Miyano: "Master Gong San, you are Wuwu's friend. If you have nowhere to go for the time being, why not stay at Gu's house temporarily?"

Miyano looked at Lin Wu, smiled and refused: "No need, I have a place to live in Beijing."

 It’s really not possible to go to the hotel.

 It was rare for Xiaosi to get together with his family, so he didn’t bother him.

Hearing this, Gu Chengbai did not force himself.

 It was almost time, and several people went downstairs to leave.

Gu Chengbai stood side by side with Lin Wu and asked her with concern how she was doing in Killer City. Gu Siyin also came over to listen.

Lu Guichi stood a few steps behind and looked at them, lowering his head in a somewhat lonely manner.

Lin Wu noticed Lu Guichi's gaze and said, "Brother, Lu Guichi is with us. Is there any room available at the Gu family's house? If not, he can live with me in the Xijin Mansion."

 Lu Guichi immediately raised his head. Gu Siyin immediately said: "Where are you staying in Xijin Mansion? Of course you all went home to live there!"

Gu Chengbai said: "Wuwu, Lu...well, cousin, he is not with us. He has his own place to go."

Lin Wu frowned, "Where does he have..."

Lu Guichi from behind pursed his lips and interrupted: "Wuwu, I won't go to the Gu family anymore. In fact, I still have a private property in Beijing. It's okay for me to live there myself, it's convenient..."

While talking, they approached the main hall door on the first floor. The door had a sensor system and opened automatically.

 A cold and stern male voice suddenly sounded.

 “What are you doing living there?”

 “I’ve only been out for a few months, and my heart has gone wild. Now I don’t even want to go home?!”

Lu Guichi stopped suddenly, raised his head, and looked past several people toward the door.

Several cars were parked at the other end of the red carpet. In front of one of the cars, there was a young man in a formal suit.

 Tall and thin, slender and well-proportioned.

Junyi's face is cold and white, his eyebrows are as dark as ink, and he feels extremely oppressive.

 Suddenly it is Lu Guiyan!

 A few people were stunned.

 Lu Guichi also stayed where he was.

Lu Guiyan looked no better than Gu Chengbai, with visible fatigue on his brows, it was obvious that he had not been living a good life during this period.

 He took a deep breath, took out his long legs, and walked closer step by step.

Lin Wu turned to look at Gu Chengbai, and when he saw him giving her a look, he immediately understood.

"You guys go first, I have to take care of some housework." Lu Guiyan stopped in front of them and said.

Lin Wu glanced at his watch and said, "Fifteen minutes, if it's too long, you'll miss your flight."

 After saying that, he got out of the way and walked towards the car not far away.

 Zheng Qi followed behind her.

Gu Siyin and Miyano looked at each other and followed suit with a wink.

When Gu Chengbai passed by Lu Guiyan, he raised his hand and patted his shoulder and said, "It's different now, he is my biological brother."

 Lu Guiyan glared at him.

Gu Chengbai said: "Just for my sake, beat me lightly. Otherwise, if my dad finds out later, he won't be able to spare me."


 Lu Guiyan only gave him one word.

Gu Chengbaima slipped away.

Lu Guichi, who had not yet come to his senses, watched helplessly as Lin Wu and the others drove away decisively.

 At this time, a shadow fell in front of him, and Lu Guiyan stopped in front of him.

Lu Guichi's mind went blank. He just stared in vain. He didn't know how to react, and he didn't dare to look directly at the other person.

 He was panicking and thinking about what to do.

 He never thought that he would see Lu Guiyan at this time!

 What is the other party doing?

 Is it a case of blaming someone for something that happened before?


Suddenly, Lu Guichi caught a glimpse of the man in front of him and raised his hand.

Lu Guichi thought that the other party was really going to beat him, so he reflexively shrank his neck and hid back.

The next moment, someone suddenly grabbed his arm, and a strong force pulled him forward, and he fell into the arms of an unfamiliar person.

 For a while, Lu Guichi was stunned.

 Lu Guiyan hugged Lu Guichi tightly, and his cold voice was a little choked: "What are you hiding from? You have a biological brother, and you don't recognize your brother? Why didn't you know before that you are so heartless?!"

 The sourness in his chest instantly flooded Lu Guichi like a tide.

He was in disbelief and sadness, and his emotions, which he had nowhere to vent, eventually turned into uncontrollable crying.


 “I thought you didn’t want me anymore, brother…”

Lu Guiyan rubbed his head, patted his back, let go of him, wiped his face with his sleeve, and said: "Nothing. How old is he to still cry like this."

"Brother..." Lu Guichi looked at him with tears in his eyes, and opened his hands to hug him.

Unexpectedly, the next moment I was suddenly slapped in the face, and I was stunned.

Lu Guiyan sneered and settled the score: "Where did you say you were going just now?"

“If I don’t come, you won’t go home, right?”

“You’ve made a mess at home, been investigated by No. 49, and caused such a big mess for your brother and parents, and you still want to hide somewhere else?”

“I tell you, don’t think that if you cry back, you don’t have to kneel down in the ancestral hall to admit your mistake!”

Lu Guichi held his head, but he didn't feel any pain at this moment. He rushed forward and hugged Lu Guiyan, ignoring the other person's dislike, and covered the other person's body with tears and snot, and said: "I was wrong, brother! I will kneel in the ancestral hall for as long as I want!"

Read The Duke's Passion