MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 613 Why are you here?

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Lin Wu was on a special plane, and she was the only passenger in the huge cabin.

After going up, Lin Wu asked the staff for a blanket to cover himself with to catch up on his sleep.

 At about three o'clock in the morning, the plane landed and parked at a secluded affiliated airport of an international organization.

Lin Wu woke up soon. He went to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water before getting off the plane.

With all the searchlights on, Lin Wu could clearly see a group of people not far away, led by Bai Jing. She strode closer.

I haven’t seen him for a while. Bai Jing probably hasn’t had much rest. He looks tired to the naked eye and even has dark circles under his eyes.

Lin Wu stopped and said, "You can sleep peacefully when you get back."

Bai Jing looked at her in silence.

Lin Wu laughed and said, "Look at what I'm doing, I don't know you just now."

"But today I feel that I really understand you." Bai Jing said in a deep voice, and also asked: "You came alone, and you plan to go alone. You don't even want to take me with you, do you?"

Lin Wu calmed his expression: "The matter in Beijing is not over yet. If you help me look after it, I can feel more at ease. Besides, the channels at sea also need you. If No. 49 really wants to die, I think there is something to do." In the aftermath plan, only you can accurately mobilize the customs side."

Bai Jing said: "There are still old things."

Lin Wu said: "Master Baihai has helped me enough, so don't bother him anymore."

Bai Jing stared at her.

Lin Wu calmly let her look at him like that.

After a long time, Bai Jing closed his eyes, took out a palm-sized porcelain bottle from his pocket and handed it to Lin Wu.

 “What you want is inside.”

"I will send you to Haikou. After you leave, I will go back to rest and then go to China."

Seeing that Lin Wu wanted to refuse, Bai Jing said forcefully: "If you don't let me take you on this last journey, then you can't even think about leaving, and I won't help you."

Lin Wu paused for a moment, then finally nodded and took the porcelain bottle.

Bai Jing turned around and led the way. There was a jeep parked at the airport exit in the distance.

Lin Wu looked at the car model and license plate, something was wrong, "Is this a car belonging to an international organization?"


Lin Wu looked at her.

Bai Jing opened the rear door and said, "Bai Ning gave it to me for temporary use. Don't worry, I didn't say hello to them tonight. I only mentioned to Guan Chen to use their airport near Haikou. He I didn’t even ask what it was for.”

Lin Wu just went up.

As the car drove by, Lin Wu looked at the tired Bai Jing and said, "It takes more than an hour to get to Haikou. You should get some sleep."

"Then you knocked me out while I was asleep, got me out of the car, and drove away?" Bai Jing answered.

Lin Wu sighed: "You, really, how can you think of people so badly?"

Bai Jing asked: "Don't you know how to do this?"


Lin Wu said honestly.

The two looked at each other. Bai Jing laughed angrily, snorted and looked out the car window.

Lin Wu smiled and shook his head, and also looked at the rapidly retreating scenery outside.

"I said, do you still count what you promised me before?" Bai Jing asked suddenly.


 “Come with me and go see the old thing together.”

Bai Jing said, "If you don't come back, I won't see you anymore. It's up to you. I will tell him the same thing."

"This is boring for you. What are you doing to drag me into the matter between you and your daughter?" Lin Wu said.

Bai Jing looked back at her: "Then will you come back?"

Lin Wu was speechless.

 After a long while, she said: "I'll try my best."

Bai Jing nodded, as if he just wanted to get this sentence, and then closed his eyes to rest and said nothing more.

Lin Wu still looked outside, unconsciously dazed.

 The car became quiet.

Time seemed to pass extremely fast. Lin Wu felt that before he could regain his senses, they arrived at the seaport. There was a ship parked at the pier. In the distance, the line between sea and sky was deep and dark in the night. The car stopped, but it was still quiet inside. In the end, Lin Wu opened the door first and got out.

Bai Jing followed suit.

"Okay, just send it here." Lin Wu looked at Bai Jing on the other side of the car and said, "You should go back quickly."

Bai Jing said: "I'll watch you go up."

Lin Wu remained silent without any objection, turned around, picked up the bag and walked towards the dock.

There was a subordinate on the shore. When he saw Lin Wu, he greeted him respectfully. When Lin Wu got on the boat, he untied the rope and went aboard.

 It was quiet on the boat.

Lin Wu stopped in front of the deck railing and waved to Bai Jing, signaling her to go back.

Bai Jing did not move.

 The hull of the ship gradually moved away from the shore, and its speed became faster and faster.

Soon after, Lin Wu could no longer see Bai Jing’s figure, and the dock became a black dot in his sight.

 A subordinate came to ask Lin Wu’s destination.

Lin Wu reported the locations where Bo Yuting and Chi Yangzhi had appeared, and asked them to sail there first.

The fact that Boyuting and the others can appear there means that it should be one of the must-pass points to the underground city.

 The time she spent on the way was used to draw the map in her tattoo. After determining the specific route, she changed the route according to the actual situation and headed straight.

Having made plans, Lin Wu clenched the porcelain bottle and turned around to enter the cabin.

The lights had not been turned on in the cabin, so it was dark. Lin Wu asked someone to turn on the lights while going down the stairs.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in Lin Wu's sight, and a punch hit him.

This was too sudden and too fast. Lin Wu could only see the silhouette of the person. She couldn't see clearly who it was in the darkness. She reflexively stepped back and avoided it, grabbing the person's wrist.

For a moment, Lin Wu's face turned stern and gloomy. He wondered if there was someone else in the Huo family who had slipped through the net and got information about her whereabouts from somewhere.

She used all her strength to pull the person toward her, bent her knees and pushed her head up hard, as if she wanted to **** him at once, and at the same time, she shouted loudly.

 A familiar voice of exclamation suddenly rang out.

 “Holy shit, are you going to kill me?!”

Lin Wu’s face changed slightly.

At the critical moment, she had no time to stop, so she could only lean back suddenly and use the inertia to release the force of the fall.

The people who came staggered towards her.

Lin Wu caught her accurately, and they both fell onto the stairs and rolled down several steps.

 The sound of messy footsteps approached, and someone clicked the switch, causing the stairwell to light up.

Lin Wu also saw clearly the person she was protecting in her arms.

 —It’s really Ren Ke!

 “Why are you? No, why the **** are you here?!”

Lin Wu was firmly used as a cushion, and her lower back and even the back of her head hit the corner of the steps. The pain made her hiss and gasp.

Ren Ke was still crying out in pain, and when he heard Lin Wu's voice, he got up.

Lin Wu held back his anger and stood up.

Unexpectedly, Ren Ke knocked her down again and sat on her waist. He held her down and punched her, but the fist landed on her shoulder.

 “You still have the nerve to say it?!”

“Lin Wu, are you addicted to seeking death alone? Want to go to the dungeon alone??”

“Last time in the ice prison, you asked me to send you to die. This time, don’t **** want to die yourself!”

“You were so cruel just now, my injuries haven’t even healed yet! Let me tell you, I’m really angry this time!”

Lin Wu was feeling dizzy, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of some people standing a few meters away.

 Somewhat familiar.

Taking a closer look, Lin Wu was incredulous.

 “Why are you...why are you here?!”

The ones who saw were Miyano, Gu Shiqing, Gu Siyin, Lu Guichi, Guan Chen, and Bo Qi!

Looking beyond them, Lin Wu even saw Mo Lang and Chongjun!