MTL - After Being Kicked Out of a Wealthy Family, She Became a Fake Daughter and Shocked the World-Chapter 651 No. 2

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Chapter 651 Chapter 651. Extra 2

 Knowing that Lin Wu comes back, Mo Chuan will end his retreat.

 But he did not leave to the outside world. Instead, he left Ling Palace and found the old temple under the cliff.

The master still lives here and is cleaning the small yard.

 It snowed heavily not long ago, and there was a lot of snow in the yard, making it difficult to walk.

The master was still invisible and was slowly sweeping away the snow.

Mochuan stopped at the door, silent.

 After a long time, it was the master who spoke first to break the silence. He joked: "Since the ridge master is here, why don't you come in? I thought the ridge master would take the initiative to clean for me because I can't see him."

Mo Chuan then spoke up: "You just can't see, not that you can't move, but you don't need my ridge master to help you."

The master sighed, "We haven't seen each other for thirteen years, but Lingzhu's mouth is still so kind."

Mochuan acted as if he didn't hear anything and went in to the table in the corner of the courtyard, brushed off the snow and sat down by himself.

 Then a big hand was wiped across the table, and a chess game appeared.

 He looked at his master and said, "I'll accompany you to the next game."

The master spread his hands and said, "I really can't see."

"I didn't say you were lying." Mo Chuan said calmly, "I know that Xuanniao often comes to you to play chess and chat, and you have learned how to play blindly."

 “But there is snow in this courtyard...”

“The master of this ridge will sweep it for you later.”

 “Thank you, Lord of the Ridge.”

The master put down the broom, walked over, lifted up his robe and sat down, groping for the jade-carved chess pieces.

However, when the move was about to be made, the master paused, then put it back, and said helplessly: "Ling Master, it seems that you are really bored. You already have the solution to this game, so why bother to waste time asking me again. Lao Na What you give will only be what you have in mind.”

Mochuan was startled.

 After a long time, he also put the chess piece back.

The master said nothing and patiently sat with Mo Chuan.

 Finally, Mo Chuan said in a low voice with resignation, "I lost."

The master showed no surprise at all. He just bowed to Mochuan with his hands folded and said, "Congratulations to the Lord of the Ridge, you are about to ascend successfully."

Mo Chuan said in a daze: "I originally thought she was here for me. Only now do I know that she is here for others. But why..."

The master said: "What Ling Master studies is cause and effect. Didn't Ling Master know the answer from the beginning?"

Mochuan closed his eyes.

 Yes, he forced it from the beginning.

 Even this cause and effect was forced by him.

 They had no chance.

He clearly knows this...

“The three-life stone actually only has three lives, three chances…”

Mochuan’s hands on the table tightened little by little.

The master sighed silently.

Suddenly, Mochuan felt a throbbing pain in his heart, and he almost bent his back in pain.

The master called out softly: "Master of the Ridge?"

Mochuan was sweating coldly and endured it. He looked up as if feeling something and said, "She's here. My heart is here..."

The master was slightly startled.

 Until his ears moved, he heard footsteps.

The master was moved: "Is the Lord of the Ridge..."

Mo Chuan was silent for a few seconds, then stood up and walked towards the temple above, leaving behind a hoarse word.

“Since we have no chance, there is no need to see each other again.”

The master sighed and shook his head.

After a while, footsteps approached, and a familiar voice sounded from outside.

 “Senior, I’m back!”


Lin Wu was worried about Mo Chuan's magical artifact, so after almost finishing his work in Beijing, he immediately brought Bo Yuting to the snowy area to find Mo Chuan.

On the way, Bo Yuting listened to Lin Wu talk in detail about what happened after she returned to the past.

Bo Yuting originally had no interest in Lin Wu's master, but was only grateful to him for helping Lin Wu. But after listening to Lin Wu's words, his mood took a turn for the worse, and he asked in a subtle tone.

“Thirteen years ago, did he really want you to stay with him?”

Lin Wu nodded, "That's what my master said at the time."

Bo Yuting suddenly became jealous, "He came down the mountain just to find you, and he didn't even hesitate to be punished by thunder and had to sleep in seclusion in Lingnan for so many years?"

Lin Wu was stunned.

She knew this, but she didn't think about it carefully and didn't think it was anything. Coming from Bo Yuting's mouth, it seemed that something was wrong.

 Looking at the man, she understood immediately.

   “Are you jealous?”     “No.”

Bo Yuting turned away stiffly.

Lin Wu looked at him funny, "You are overthinking, he is my master. Besides, if it were you, I would borrow your most important magic weapon, which is made from the heart, and never return it." , are you not in a hurry? It is normal for my master to come down the mountain to find me."

Bo Yuting pinched her cheek helplessly and said, "My boyfriend doesn't think too much at all, it's you who thinks too little."

Feeling unable to do so again, the man immediately changed his mind: "Forget it, you'd better want less."

Lin Wu took his hand and corrected him: "Master is different from others. Don't offend him by being jealous."

“The little girl kisses her boyfriend, and he won’t be jealous anymore.” Bo Yuting hugged her and acted coquettishly.

Lin Wu looked very familiar when he saw him like this, and couldn't help but ask: "You...really don't remember the time I met you thirteen years ago?"

 The man paused slightly.

Lin Wu looked at him: "I remember when we met on the train, I asked you who you were, and you told me that you were a doctor, with good medical skills."

 It’s not about who your last name is, it’s about saying that you’re a doctor.

I didn’t think so before, but if I think about’s very suspicious!

Bo Yuting was silent for a moment, but when Lin Wu shook his arm, he could no longer pretend. He chuckled and said: "I really don't remember. But when I left the ghost street thirteen years ago, I heard Bo Wu asking me about the person I wanted to see. And that ring... I never had it before. I asked someone to check it. Yes, it was originally in the hands of a merchant, but a girl won it."

“Later, I asked someone to find out who the girl was, but they couldn’t find her out. She seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.”

"I also started studying medicine and cooking. This was something I would never do before. I couldn't help but think about it. I didn't want to study at first, but the night I decided to give up, I did A dream, in which there seemed to be a little girl whose back could not be seen clearly. This dream kept me going."

 To say it, he even thought it was outrageous.

In that dream, even though the person he was dreaming about couldn't see clearly, his heart was still moved and he persistently wanted to find the other person.

 After searching for it to no avail, he began to wonder if he had just imagined it.

Until he returned from abroad a few months ago and saw Lin Wu on the train, Bo Yuting thought that his dream seemed to have come true.

In less than half a second, Bo Yuting decided that he must get this little girl—she could only be his.

Bo Yuting lowered his head and kissed Lin Wu, and said, "Why do you ask this suddenly? Does the little girl prefer her boyfriend from thirteen years ago? Why? Does she like to hear her boyfriend call her sister?"

Lin Wu was agitated and denied it.

Bo Yuting called her that again and again, deliberately drawling.

Lin Wu covered his ears and pretended not to hear.

Hurrying to the vicinity of the old temple, Bo Yuting finally let Lin Wu go. The two of them carefully went down from one side. When they reached the door, they saw the master sitting inside.

"Long time no see, kind guest." The master greeted with a smile.

Lin Wu looked into his dull eyes and said guiltily: "Senior, I'm sorry."

The master asked the two of them to sit down and smiled casually: "This has nothing to do with you, it's my responsibility. I wonder why the good guest is here now?"

Lin Wu said: "Senior, this is my boyfriend, Bo Yuting."

Bo Yuting then put his hands together and nodded, saying hello politely.

Lin Wu continued: "I borrowed a magic weapon from my master before, and it was used on him. But the soul of my master's magic weapon that I gave birth to was integrated into his body, so he came with me and wanted to ask someone. There is no way to take out the magic weapon. But I still don’t know how to get to my master’s Ling Palace, so I came to ask my senior for advice.”

The master raised his head slightly and faced somewhere. He raised his hand to calculate a few times, and then said: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you this time. Your fate with the Lord of the Eleventh Ridge has ended."

 Lin Wu and Bo Yuting both looked shocked.

 “But he is my master…”

 “It’s fate.”

The way of the guru.

Bo Yuting asked aloud: "What about the magical weapon? Senior, is there any way to take it out?"

 The master faced the direction of Lin Wu.

“Shan Ke, when the remnant soul returns to your body, the ridge master’s magic weapon will also return to your body.”

“God is good at making a living, and this is the opportunity given to you to protect your long life.”

Hearing this, Bo Yuting couldn't hide his excitement: "Really? She can live more than half of her life??"

 He already knew the consequences of Lin Wu becoming a stranger.

Although he didn't say it in his mouth, he actually cared about it. He secretly asked Chi Yangzhi several times in private if there was anything he could do, and he kept looking for it.

He was even prepared. If Lin Wu really...he would go with him.

 The master nodded.

This unexpected surprise made Lin Wu a little confused.

Bo Yuting was also overjoyed and couldn't help hugging Lin Wu and kissing her. She reluctantly let go after considering that her master was there.

The master said: "The fate between you two and the Thirteen Ridges has ended here, so you can leave. However, I invite you two to come again fifty years later."

"Again? Why did it take so long?" The two were puzzled.

The master smiled and said nothing.

The two of them stood up and left without any reluctance.

After the people left, Mo Chuan came out to the courtyard.

The master faced him and reminded him: "Master of the Ridge, you cannot ascend without the life stone. If you miss the opportunity to ascend, you will be punished by heaven. When the life stone returns to your body, the punishment from heaven will stop."

Mochuan looked outside and said for a long time: "It doesn't matter if God punishes you for a hundred years."

As long as she dies and dies, that's enough.

Read The Duke's Passion