MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 21

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When Matsuda Jinhei and Amuro Toru found Tsujimoto Shito, the silver-haired young man was sitting on a bench by the side of the road with a melancholy expression on his face.

Although he didn't really want to attract attention, his current appearance is as if he had just been demolished by Erha, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

Fortunately, the coat has not been completely torn, and can barely be worn, otherwise it would be difficult for him to explain to others why his shirt was torn in a large piece.

"...Do you need to explain to us? Tsujimoto is involved?"

Looking at the miserable appearance of the other party, Matsuda Jinping couldn't even lose his temper.

"There's nothing to explain." Tsujimoto lowered his eyes.

"It's my fault, take me back."

I didn't fight or resist, I just went back so obediently.

He's in a bad mood right now, everyone can see that.

"Who did you meet? Why do you look so depressed?"

Noticing that Tsujimoto Shito was almost as frustrated as being beaten by an eggplant, Matsuda Jinhei couldn't help but ask a question.

"I met Yuma." Tsujimoto replied very directly.

"Your brother?"

Amuro Toru, who was driving, suddenly turned his gaze,

"Did he tell you something?"

It seems that this incident is really related to the Black Organization. Unfortunately, Toru Amuro did not participate in this case.

"It's not what he said to me, it's what I said to him." Tsujimoto shook his head,

"I wanted him to come back, but it was rejected."


For a while, Amuro wanted to shove his head out of the window to wake up.

That's a member of the Black Organization! You actually want to use mouth cannons to let people wash their whites directly on the spot? ? Do you think you are a teenage manga hero? ?

But... if the other party is his younger brother, maybe Officer Tsujimoto will still have some naive thoughts? Although it is not clear how much Officer Tsujimoto knows, he must have noticed that his younger brother's identity is not simple.

It's a pity that he can't participate in the mission this time, otherwise he can help a little.


Matsuda Jinhei didn't know what to say for a while, so he stretched out his hand and patted Tsujimoto's shoulder.

"Go back first. You've been missing for so long, and everyone is worried about you."

There are quite a few reporters at the place where the original crime took place, and they all want to interview the person involved in the incident, Tsujimoto. However, considering that Tsujimoto's current state is not good, I am afraid that he does not really want to contact these reporters. Matsuda Jinping still asked Hagihara Kenji to find a way to refuse first.

When the car slowly stopped at the door of Toto Tsujimoto's house, Toru Amuro approached, he took the initiative to hold Toto Tsujimoto's hand, and saw the scratch on his arm at a glance.

"Is it his hand?"

"No." Tsujimoto pulled down the tattered sleeve, trying to cover the wound,

"It's someone else, Yuma didn't hurt me. The wound on the person who attacked me was many times worse than mine."

Some people are still lying in the hospital, and the injuries are a little bit tragic... But probably there won't be any sequelae, right?


Seeing that the other party was a little resistant to his actions, Toru Amuro also withdrew his hand,

"Although the wound is not deep, it will become inflamed if it has been left untreated."

"I'll come back and ask you about other things later. Before that, you'd better deal with the wound first."

Tsujimoto didn't resist the mandatory request of the two, although he didn't think the wound on his body was a big deal, but since both of his colleagues had to bandage with their own hands, he was not unable to give in.

Originally, Tsujimoto was planning to go to the hospital to see the children, but due to some reasons, many reporters squatted at the hospital waiting for interviews. The Furuya Police Department called and reluctantly asked Matsuda Jinping to send Tsujimoto to the hospital first. Go home and talk about other things the next day.

"Yuzhen's injuries are much deeper than mine."

Just when Toru Amuro came back with the medicine box, he heard Tsujimoto talking nonchalantly.

"I was worried about him, but I couldn't do anything."

The silver-haired man lowered his head. He stared at the lines on his palm, and complex emotions were precipitated in his eyes.

"What should I do…"

The guy couldn't take care of himself well and wouldn't say anything.

I guess it will be a little bit more obedient if you catch it in a cage and tie it with a chain.

"Why do you think so much? Go back to bandage first! Leave the rest to me later!"

Looking at the other party's sluggish aura, Matsuda Jinhei burst out with a nameless fire from nowhere—not for Tsujimoto's involvement, but for that **** named Tsujimoto Yuzhen,

"Since you're angry! Just punch him next time we meet! Aren't you very good at talking? Take him directly to the interrogation room, and you can say whatever you want! If you can't do it, let me punch him! Do it until you are satisfied!"

"Pfft, you don't have to be so ruthless." Tsujimoto smiled.

"However, thank you Xiao Zhenping."

"Don't learn Hagi speech..." Matsuda Jinhei muttered.

"By the way, my medicine box is in the bedroom. Can Amuro-kun take it for me?" Tsujimoto asked, turning his head.


The original medicine box was in Tsujimoto's bedroom, but it was strange that when Amuro Toru wanted to open the door, he found that Tsujimoto's bedroom was locked.

"Is the room locked?"

When he noticed something was wrong, Tsujimoto Shiren's heart suddenly rang out. He quickly got up and came to the bedroom, but accidentally caught a glimpse of blood left on the ground.

A certain possibility also slowly floated in his heart.

"Forget it, I still have a spare medicine box, you can use that first." Tsujimoto Shitoo casually released his hand, his expression was the same.

"Is there anyone inside?" Amuro Toru's eyes seemed to flicker.

"Yes, it's my friend." Tsujimoto said briefly.

"He lives with me temporarily, and his work and rest are quite chaotic because of work. But don't worry, he will be leaving soon, so don't disturb him for the time being."

"Is that so..."

Probably because Tsujimoto's expression was so calm, and Toru Amuro didn't find anything wrong.

The process of applying medicine and cleaning the wound is very simple. Most of them are marks of scratches from knives and glass. The wound looks scary, but it is not that serious. Some wounds have even begun to scab.

It still hurts a little bit.

After the wound was healed, Tsujimoto noticed a layer of cold sweat on his forehead. He took a short breath and quickly changed into another looser long-sleeved shirt.

"Thank you for taking care of me so much." Tsujimoto thanked him seriously.

"Oh, I really want to thank you, it's a good thing if you can give me some peace of mind." Matsuda Jinping looked at him indifferently.

"I don't want to get hurt either, but... if I don't go, those kids really won't be able to come back." Tsujimoto looked away,

"I don't want innocent people to die in front of me. Would it be the same with Matsuda-kun and Mr. Amuro?"

This operation really has a beginning and an end, at least no one else can find any Miao Duan.

It's not strange that a just police officer starts to investigate alone after seeing the kidnapped child as soon as possible, right?

And this time his red square value directly soared to 65%. It seems that the barrage really likes the character of this kind of lonely hero.

"Okay, then you are really good this time."

Matsuda Jinping's hand was caught off guard on the other side's soft hairline. Before Tsujimoto's face was stunned, he heard the other side's extremely awkward voice.

"Don't you want me to praise you? You have praised you, you have to cheer me up?"

He still remembered what he said casually at that time.

"Matsuda-kun??" Tsujimoto was completely shocked.

"You are so frank, did you take the wrong medicine??"

"It's rare to be nice to you because you took the wrong medicine, right?!" Matsuda Jinping frowned.


It was rare to see Matsuda Jinping collapsed, and Amuro finally couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing out loud.

"Then Mr. Matsuda, let's leave first. I think Officer Tsujimoto may need a little private space."

"Okay, okay! Anyway, this guy escaped from under the eyes of people not once or twice..."

Finally, after ruffling the soft ends of Tsujimoto's hair, the two said goodbye and left Tsujimoto's house.

The originally lively room also instantly became quiet, the curvature of Tsujimoto's mouth was smoothed a little, and the gentle smile in his eyes finally completely dissipated.

It's time to do something else.

He turned around and walked towards the room. Just as he was about to knock on the door, the closed door also happened to open a gap.

The man with black hair and blue eyes met his gaze, and the air fell into silence.



Both of them tried to speak, but at the moment when they spoke, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Speak slowly, and I will decide what to do based on what you say."

Tsujimoto Shitoo noticed the blood stained on the other's hand against the door, and seemed to understand something in his heart.

"I'm sorry." Zhu Fu Jingguang apologized immediately,

"Because I can't go back, I can only come to you to hide."

He never thought that Tsujimoto Shito would come back so soon. Although it was better than being discovered by Amuro Toru, things also became troublesome.

"And then? Why do you have the keys to my house?"

Tsujimoto was leaning on the side of the door, waiting patiently for his explanation.

"It's the key you gave me."

Probably realizing that he couldn't hide much anymore, Zhu Fu Jingguang gritted his teeth and confessed.

"I can tell you, but..."

"I can't tell Yuma, can I?"

Tsujimoto sighed, he probably knew what was going on,

"Okay, I won't tell him. Let me go in and see his injury first, and I'll talk about other things later."

Because of the serious injury and falling into a coma, Tsujimoto Yuma of course couldn't use his skills to return to the room. Of course he could choose to stay there and be taken away by the gin, but it was Zhu Fu Jingguang who came.

If he is left there alone, A doesn't know when it will appear. Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't stay here for too long, he could only find a way to escape first.

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who didn't know where the safe house was, couldn't take a seriously injured person to the hospital. After all, Tsujimoto Yuzhen's real face must not be seen by anyone.

He could only take Tsujimoto Yuma back to Tsujimoto's house, because Tsujimoto gave him the key to his house.

But he really didn't expect Tsujimoto to come back so soon.

When his contemporaries tried to open the door, Zhu Fu Jingguang's heartbeat almost reached a terrifying speed.

Grenz Wine had warned him that he must not tell anyone about him, or he would take a shot at the valley.

Tsujimoto Yuzhen was weak and leaned on the corner. As long as Zhu Fu Jingguang made a little effort, the man could easily die by his own hands.

If Grenz dies, everyone will be safe and he will be free.

But Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't do it.

When Tsujimoto entered the room, he only saw blood smeared from the curtains to the floor. The whole room was almost like the scene of the murder.

But compared to the changes in the surrounding environment, the man curled up in the corner was the most serious.

"He doesn't want me to get close." Zhu Fu Jingguang was a little uneasy,

"Although he fell into a semi-conscious state, he would subconsciously resist every time he was bandaged... His injuries are too serious, but I can't take him to the hospital."

Zhu Fu Jingguang subconsciously concealed the Black Organization.

He felt that even if he really wanted to expose it, at least he would have to wait until Grenz woke up and talked to Tsujimoto.

"You have a good temper too." Tsujimoto sighed.

"Just tie it up and wrap it up? Don't you have a rope?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang: "Huh?"

"When bathing a cat, you have to put a cat bag on it. Isn't it common sense to tie your hands and feet before bandaging? Otherwise, people will die if they go on like this. The wounds have not been bandaged." The hemp rope was thrown directly to Zhu Fu Jingguang,

"Avoid the wound, tie up your hands and feet, and I'll teach you how to do it."

Tsujimoto Shiren clicked on his own system kryptonite file, intending to find any one-time-use skills that could be replaced.

Tsujimoto Yuma was seriously injured, and it could be seen that A almost killed him in order to kill him. He detonated the bomb in the room and wanted to kill Tsujimoto Yuma along with the whole room.

A turned his obsession with him into real hatred for Tsujimoto Yu... Maybe there are other feelings mixed in? It's not going to be a good feeling anyway.

But Tsujimoto Yuma survived.

【Are you using the skill replacement system? 】

The system alert sounded.

【Yes. 】

[Solemnly remind that this replacement system can only be used once, and the skill card can only be used on other people. The rewards will be recovered from you in stages, please consider carefully. 】

【Yes. 】

[You have replaced the one-time skill card [Archangel's Breath], please use it carefully. 】

【confirm. 】

"Officer Tsujimoto, I'm already tied up." Zhu Fu Jingguang got up.

"What should I do next?"

"Just leave it to me. You go and help me get a new dress from the closet, preferably looser."

"I understand."

When Zhufu Jingguang went out, Tsujimoto Shiren quickly clicked the one-time skill [Archangel's Breath] and used it on Tsujimoto Yuma.

The wound on Tsujimoto Yuma's body also started to improve significantly with the use of the skill card. Although his face was still pale, his condition was obviously much better.


Seemingly aware that someone was approaching him, Tsujimoto Yuma subconsciously frowned, but unexpectedly did not resist.

He seems to have a lot of confidence in himself.

Large-scale burns, fractures, ruptured internal organs... These more serious injuries are almost healed, and he left a little skin trauma that has not been completely healed, otherwise he would not know how to explain this bizarre thing to Zhu Fu Jingguang.

"I've already wrapped it up, and when I'll change his clothes, you can drive my car back." When Zhufu Jingguang returned, Tsujimoto Shiren threw his car keys to him,

"My car is a Volkswagen model. Remember to change the license plate number before driving. The replaced license plate number is in the trunk, so that no one will find out that it is my car."

"Officer Tsujimoto..."

"After you've dealt with Yuma, remember to come back and explain to me about you. I won't ask Yuma, but you and I must." Tsujimoto looked at him quietly,

"Such a request shouldn't be excessive, right?"

As for A, he had to think about it.

Originally thought that the wild dog would be able to teach him a lesson with just two shots, but he didn't expect it to be so bad that it even endangered Yuzhen's life.

It just doesn't feel right to do anything.

But he really didn't plan to ask about Tsujimoto Yuma. Yuzhen's mind is too sensitive, he would rather fall into A's hands than show him his vulnerable side.

Since he didn't want to know, Tsujimoto would just pretend he didn't know.

Who made him a brother?

After disposing of the blood-stained clothes and tidying up the room, Tsujimoto Shibuto carried the disposed garbage and prepared to throw it away.

However, he suddenly discovered that there was an extra letter in the mailbox at the door of his house.

...If I remember correctly, he didn't see a letter coming when he came here just now?

Tsujimoto Shitoto threw away the garbage first. He reached out and took off the letter. After skillfully opening it, the thin letter was quickly exposed to his eyes—

[Dear officer involved:

I have always admired you very much. Maybe you don't know who I am, but I have always wanted to have a chance to confront you.

Don't be nervous, I don't plan to do it now, this is just a notice letter, you can tell it to the Metropolitan Police Department, or you can leave it alone.

It's just... the rising star of the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely be destroyed by me.


Wow, actually came to the door by yourself? ?