MTL - After Binding the Barrage, My Friend and I Wore Red and Black-Chapter 3

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"As for the case of dismembering the man-made lake this time, the second department will transfer it to the first department for completion. The Tsujimoto Police Department will make up for it, and I will ask you this time."

Sure enough, just as the system had arranged, this thorny case was handed over to Tsujimoto Shiren right away.

The information given by the Gugu Police Department is fairly comprehensive, but there are too many blank spaces.

The person involved in Tsujimoto sat at the desk and looked up the relevant information of the case, and got a general idea of ​​the process of the case.

The deceased who was dismembered was called Tianchun Emiko, an ordinary white-collar office worker. She disappeared suddenly on a working day, and because she could not be contacted for a long time, Emiko's colleague also reported the case as soon as possible.

The result, of course, is that there is no audio.

Until one day, a fishing enthusiast accidentally caught the stump of a corpse during the fishing process, and then he panicked and called the police.

The first and second departments of the search department quickly dispatched a team to investigate, but the results were unexpected.

Except for a small police officer who narrowly escaped, everyone else was missing.

Their figures sank into the sea, and they were silent.

"Even if you are serious about handling the case, don't forget to eat, Tsujimoto Police Department, who loves her work, adds—"

Matsuda Jinping's dissatisfied voice sounded, and at the same time a white plastic bag also fell on his hand. Tsujimoto Shito put down the information in his hand, with a grateful look in his eyes,

"Thank you Matsuda, please bring me food."

The aroma of the five-eye fried rice wafted through the nostrils, and Tsujimoto realized that he was hungry.

"I brought it for you by the way when I went to dinner, I didn't bring it specifically for you." Matsuda Jinping added dully.

"If it's inconvenient, don't run too much. The lunch break is very short. It would be bad if I interfered with your rest." Tsujimoto said.

An impatient cross popped out of Matsuda Jinping's forehead: "...I want to buy it! Just eat your meal!"

"Ah, that's fine."

Tsujimoto, who was inexplicably beaten, gave him a bewildered look, and quickly went to the cafeteria to eat with his lunch box in his arms.

[Pfft, I didn't expect Matsuda to be choked at some point. 】

【How do you say that? The straight ball is arrogant, hahahaha! 】

[The police officer involved is obviously a natural attribute of being too serious! 】

[The face of Shirenjiang is too deceptive. When he is not smiling, he looks really difficult to get along with, but when he smiles, it is really super-close to people! 】

[It's obviously a supplement from the police department, but there's no pretense at all, strong ability and good looks, the most important thing is to look good, and it looks really good! 】

[Hahaha, the sisters above don't have to be so excited to say a sentence three times, right? But Shiren is really good-looking, Baimao Saigao! 】

[I watched the preview of the next episode, and it seems that the Black Organization has also been involved in this case. Could it be that that person is also related to the person involved? 】

【I think it is possible...】

[Some people have speculated before that the disappearance of Sherenjiang's younger brother or brother is related to the Black Organization, so the connection between Sheren Jiang and the Black Organization is basically a certainty! 】

[Sure enough, I am still very worried about the safety of Shirenjiang. 】

[The trailer is enough to catch people's appetite! I really want to fast forward to the next episode! Totally can't wait! 】

Today's barrage is as terrifying as ever.

Tsujimoto thought about it for a while, and decided to go to the hospital to ask about the situation of the second-tier policeman, Tagani, who was lucky enough to survive.

After all, he was the only survivor, and he should have seen the murderer with his own eyes.

"I... I saw the murderer..." Tian Gu wanted to tremble, his face pale.

"I remember his appearance. He has long silver hair and blue eyes. His eyes are as cold as sharp knives. As long as he is staring at him, it is like a prey staring at a poisonous snake..."

"They were all killed by him! If they hadn't tried so hard to protect me...they wouldn't have died..."

"You've done a good job, leave it to me next."

Tsujimoto patted the other person on the shoulder and comforted softly.

Tagani's spirit is almost on the verge of collapse, and no one knows what he has experienced.

Looking at the other party's appearance, I'm afraid I can't ask for too long, but Tsujimoto said goodbye quickly.

Silver hair, blue eyes, long hair...

Isn't that Tsujimoto Yuma? ? How could he possibly attack the police? ? Are you sure this guy made a mistake? ?

Although Tsujimoto felt that the murderer could not be Tsujimoto Yuma, he still planned to ask his friends.


After listening to Tsujimoto Shiren's narration, Tsujimoto Yuma made an unbelievably long voice,

"Just kidding, how could it be me? I'm a civilian in the Black Organization, and I never do anything like murder. Although I went out that day, I just passed by by accident. I guess it's a misunderstanding, right?"

"Or, would you rather trust an unknown policeman than me?"

"Of course I believe Yujin."

Tsujimoto was silent for a while, then continued,

"But I still want your itinerary that day. I remember that Gu Ling was also injured that day. This series of things should be connected."

"Mr. Sheren, you are still too kind."

The other side was silent for a while, then suddenly chuckled,

"Don't believe too much what you see, and don't have too much kindness toward others. Most people in this world don't deserve your kindness."

"I see, so do you know what kind of clues you have?" Tsujimoto said he understood.

"Emiko Tenharu is an undercover agent from the CIA and a member of the Black Organization. This time, I was also ordered by the organization to investigate the cause of her death." sorry expression,

"What a pity, Emiko Tenharu. Even with a pretty face, I hate seeing pretty flowers wither."

Tsujimoto Yuma knew how many undercover agents were in the organization, but he was too lazy to report.

Civilians only need to write reports, why should he help Gin.

"In other words, the murderer is most likely a member of the Black Organization? He wants to use unexpected means to kill the undercover agent he suspects?" Tsujimoto pondered.

"Perhaps? After all, Toru Amuro is also injured. It's hard to say such a thing." Tsujimoto Yuma yawned,

"I'll send you the possible murderer later, don't get hurt for a few idiots like last time."

"Is it inevitable that you will get hurt when you are a police officer?" Tsujimoto was puzzled.

"Also, don't be angry with Hagi and Matsuda all the time. They didn't do it on purpose."

"If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have lost almost all of your hearing." Tsujimoto Yuma's voice suddenly cooled down.

"It's not all lost, just a little weak in hearing."

"Whatever, I don't care, hang up."

The other party simply hung up the phone neatly.

Tsujimoto Shito put down the phone pretending to be making a call, and after thinking about it, he still didn't make a call.

Well, let's coax him next time you need him.

"Who are you calling?"

Matsuda Jinping, who had just walked in the door, asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's my friend's cat. It's a bit bad. He's asking about my tame skills." Tsujimoto said calmly.

"You actually raised a cat."

"I raised it, and then the cat thought that the cat food was too unpalatable and ran away from home." Tsujimoto was helpless.

"I saw it at Didan High School later, and it has been fed into pigs by female high school students."

"Ah this..."

After the greeting, Tsujimoto held back his smile and fell into thought again.

Yuzhen really still remembers that incident.

It's been a long time since the bombing that happened a few years ago, and it's still as thrilling as what happened yesterday when I think about it now.

He happened to be on vacation that day, but after accidentally triggering the demolition incident, he chose to assist the demolition team as soon as possible.

It was also at that time that Tsujimoto Shito met Hagihara Kenji for the first time, and he reprimanded the other party severely for not wearing explosion-proof clothing. He has never been soft-hearted in the face of such principled issues, and Hagihara Kenji has also changed into explosion-proof clothing because of this guilt.

But surprises followed.

The smooth bomb disposal was soon interrupted by another accident, when the normal bomb was about to explode six seconds later.

In an emergency, Tsujimoto directly pressed the R2 key to activate the skill [Paradox Simulation], and time stopped.

How can the bomb crisis be solved without the entire crew unscathed?

Tsujimoto started thinking in the gray world of Shima.

Six seconds is still too short.

Instead, you can use the accelerator bonus to remove the bomb and throw it out the window. However, after the action simulation, Tsujimoto found that if he followed the plan he thought, I am afraid that the only one who did not wear explosion-proof suits would suffer a great impact, and he was likely to die from excessive blood loss.

There is no other way.

Tsujimoto checked his skills, and among them was a [Damage Decomposition], which could dilute the damage of the bomb and spread it evenly to every corner of the body.

According to calculations, these injuries can be fully recovered within a month, and there is only a five percent chance of leaving sequelae.

Don't use it at this time!

Tsujimoto used this skill decisively, and threw the bomb out of the window in the fastest time in the simulation - he was still a bowler before crossing, and the skill was a bit crucial.

The final result was much better than expected.

Tsujimoto was injured the most, but fortunately they were all non-life-threatening injuries.

The other members of the explosion-proof team were also injured more or less. However, they were all wearing explosion-proof suits, so the injuries were not very serious.

At least no one was killed, the only pity was that the bomber escaped.

Tsujimoto, however, won the prize.

It's still the five percent prize.

Due to the close contact with the explosion, his hearing system was severely damaged, and I am afraid that he will have to live with hearing aids for the rest of his life.

However, after he crosses back, he can still return to a normal life, and the problem is not very big.

The only thing that needs to be solved is the issue of employment, and it is impossible for Tsujimoto to give up his career as a police officer for the next plan.

So on the first day of being discharged from the hospital, Tsujimoto, who was still wearing a bandage on his head, broke into the Metropolitan Police Department and burst into tears at the Furuya Police Department, hoping that he would not have to leave due to injury.

The Gu Gu Police Department was at a loss for a long time, and finally patted the other party on the shoulder, indicating that he would not be fired.

All in all, this matter can only be said that Tsujimoto is out of luck.

Besides, even if he didn't rush out that day, the explosion would definitely implicate him.


The phone rang suddenly, and Tsujimoto, who had just packed up the materials, took out his mobile phone, only to find that there was a text message on the phone interface.

The number of the sender of the text message, which he had never seen before, should be a stranger.

Anxiety gradually surfaced, the young police officer frowned, and still clicked on the text message with his finger.

However, the picture of the MMS that appeared in him the next second made him slightly stunned.

The blood-red picture just popped in front of his eyes, and the handwriting mixed with filthy bloodstains made people unable to ignore it.

【I look forward to your arrival more than anyone else, Mr. Tsujimoto. 】

"What is this, a threat letter?" Matsuda Jinhei's hand stretched out from behind Tsujimoto Shiren and quickly snatched the other party's mobile phone, his face changed dramatically,

"You were threatened???"

Tsujimoto involved people: "...Matsuda-kun, all kindergarten children know not to grab other people's things casually."

"The murderer obviously wants to attack you, right?" Matsuda Jinping got angry.

"Why do you still put on an expression of indifference, don't you know that last time-"


Before the other party could finish speaking, Tsujimoto Toto suddenly grabbed his wrist. The latter did not react, but was directly pressed against the wall by Tsujimoto Totoro.

The sudden pressure made the whole room quiet. Matsuda Jinping stared blankly at the approaching face of the other party, and for a moment did not understand what the other party wanted to do.

"Shh, be quiet."

Tsujimoto's fingers pressed against the other's lips, his blue eyes stared at him quietly, his voice gradually lowered,

"Anyway, Matsuda-kun, don't tell anyone about this for the time being."

"I suspect that there is a ghost in the Metropolitan Police Department."