MTL - After Entering a Book, He Just Wants to be a Flower Vase-Chapter 85 Or Teacher Chu is more powerful

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When standing in the military posture for fifty minutes, Yi Bailu went down to sit on the sidelines under the pretext of being dizzy.

Soon, the one-hour countdown ended, and all members of the uniformed star class did 20 push-ups with additional penalties, finally ushering in the rest time.

This morning's training list only included military posture, but seeing that only one hour had passed in the morning, everyone already felt uncomfortable, and didn't know how to spend the next two hours.

Unexpectedly, on the other side of the recruit team, a group of ten people was suddenly stopped by their instructors for training, and they brought them to the star class, expressing that they would have an entertainment challenge.

Everyone suddenly became interested: "Wow! Is this the entertainment competition?"

The instructor introduced: "This is the pacesetter class of our first battalion of recruits, and they have accepted the first challenge you issued."

Hearing this, Jiang Dao was amused: "The challenge we issued? We don't even know what the challenge is. Is the program group cheating us?"

Cheng Zhiyi immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, why don't we know the content of the challenge?"

At this time, the instructor of the star class took out an envelope from his pocket, opened it, turned to the camera, and read: "Army posture and military appearance challenge-each side sends a pacesetter for one-on-one PK, standing in a military posture in the field, and the rest of the team members Find a way to make the opponent’s pacesetter laugh. If the pacesetter laughs, he will fail, and the next pacesetter will play in a relay. Each pacesetter will stay on the field for a maximum of three minutes. If all the pacesetters fail, they will be judged as losers, and they will be punished by standing in a military posture for 30 minutes.”

Hearing this rule, Wu Rui spread her hands: "That's over, they are the pacesetters, they are all trained, how can they laugh under normal circumstances?"

Jiang Qiulin agreed: "That's right, and we don't have comedians here either."

Zhang Xiaoyuan was giggling: "Sister Bailu, you should have invited brother Lu Yun, his talk show is so funny!"

On the other side, a little soldier who looked like a ghost suddenly blinked at Chu Yinlong: "Hey, you must hold on for a while!"

Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows: "Are you so sure you can win?"

The little soldier looked proud: "We are all professionally trained, and we will never laugh when we stand on guard! So come on!"

Chu Yinlong smiled and asked, "Why are you cheering on the enemy?"

The little soldier said: "Isn't it? After the entertainment challenge, we have to go back to training! If we can delay for thirty minutes, our rest time will be long..."

Cheng Zhiyi said, "You don't like training either?"

The little soldier glanced in the direction of their squad leader and lowered his voice: "Who can love training? Really! Uh, don't tell our squad leader that..."

Cheng Zhiyi pointed to the microphone stuck in his collar, and asked, "Then do you know what this is?" Then he pointed to the elder brother who was carrying the video camera next to him, "Do you know what he's doing?"

The little soldier choked, as if he had been hit by something, and silently retreated to his team.

Soon, the program team formed a circle with red ropes on the ground, and each team entered the field in order of height to accept the challenge. Chu Yinlong was the first in the star class, and the fighters in the pacesetter class were all the same height, so they simply lined up in order, and the first to go on stage was their squad leader.

When the timer started, Cheng Zhiyi stepped forward to make faces at the leader of the pacesetters without the burden of being an idol, and Jiang Dao followed closely behind. Immediately afterwards, Yuwen Feiyang began to sing in a weird way... On the other hand, the little soldiers became even more unscrupulous. There is no burden or no burden. Now it is hard to play around according to the order, so naturally I will do my best.

But Chu Yinlong was used to putting on airs after all, and actually stood there all the time with a straight face, showing no sign of laughing.

In the end, it turned out to be an upset. The squad leader of the pacesetter listened to Yuwen Feiyang's song and became more and more tense. Finally, his face flushed and he laughed out loud.

Just now, the ghostly little soldier let out an "hey": "Squad leader, you can't do it!"

The squad leader of the pacesetters became furious: "You do what you want!"

Little soldier: "I don't, I'm the finale!"

The deputy squad leader of the pacesetter squad rubbed his face, stepped into the rope circle, and began to stand in a military posture.

Fortunately, this time he had kept Chu Yinlong on for enough time, and Jiang Qiulin took Chu Yinlong's place in three minutes.

However, he had just stood there for less than ten seconds when he was amused by two little soldiers in the pacesetter class who were talking cross talk and forgot their words.

"Hey, Brother Jiang, you're wrong! Do you want to be lazy and don't want to stand in a military posture!" Cheng Zhiyi, who took the next shot, went crazy, "You're putting me under so much pressure!"

As he said that, he walked forward slowly, trying to delay the time, but in the next second, he was pushed into the circle by the ghostly little soldier next to him.

"Don't try to play tricks!" The little soldier grinned and made a face at Cheng Zhiyi.

Cheng Zhiyi curled his lips and tried to hold back a smile, standing in a military posture with his head held high - he raised his head to look up at the sky, not at the group of live treasures in front of him.

As a result, he managed to keep the deputy monitor on the opposite side until the full three minutes, and the next second, he was immediately amused by a little soldier's joke and was forced to leave the field.

One second, Jiang Dao was still making funny faces at the third person in the pacesetter squad, and the next second, he stepped into the rope circle, the smile on his face suddenly subsided, his face was calm, and he stood upright.

"Hey? He looks so beautiful in his military posture!" The spooky little soldier leaned into their squad leader's ear and whispered, "The size is also suitable. If it is left in our battalion, it may be able to enter the pacesetter squad."

The pacesetter squad leader: "Oh, yes, if he comes in, which crane tail do you think will be squeezed out?"

The little soldier choked up suddenly, and immediately changed his words: "He is so good-looking, it's a pity to be a soldier, he should be a star, that's right!"

There was still no expression change on Jiang Dao's face.

His eyes fell on the face of that spooky little soldier, and there seemed to be a figure of memory gradually overlapping with it in front of his eyes - that was his former comrade-in-arms, with the same personality as the little soldier in front of him, and about the same age, I like to call him "captain" one by one.

These soldiers are actually ordinary people. Putting on military uniforms, they become soldiers guarding the territory. Taking off the military uniforms, they are just a group of children under the age of twenty.

"Three minutes, change." The instructor pinched his watch and reminded.

"Hey, why don't you smile at all!" The ghostly little soldier frowned and looked at Jiang Dao, "I think you were quite fond of laughing when you were teasing our comrades over there just now!"

Jiang Dao stepped out of the rope circle and smiled at him: "What's your name?"

The little soldier was on guard immediately: "Why? Ask for my name, are you going to sue?"

"No, I just think you are very similar to someone I knew before." Jiang Dao shook his head.

"...You're talking too much like hitting on a conversation." The little soldier took an exaggerated step back and said with a smile.

Afterwards, the battle turned into a stalemate—although the fighters in the pacesetter class had been trained and generally couldn’t laugh, they couldn’t stand up to a group of entertainers who showed their strengths, and two or three were quickly eliminated in a row; Although Yuwen Feiyang was also quickly eliminated, when the female artists came on stage, the little fighters suddenly couldn't let go.

In the end, the finale pacesetters on both sides actually played almost at the same time.

The ghostly little soldier stood in the circle, and suddenly he seemed to be a different person, with a solemn face and a straight military posture. And Sun Qi in the star class didn't like to laugh at all, no matter how the people below teased her, she still had her usual world-weary look, as if she wasn't the one who said the cold joke with a slumped face just now.

In the final result of the competition, the star class actually won by a slight advantage of a few seconds.

Upon hearing the news, the spooky little soldier was immediately dejected: "Huh? Lost?! It's over in less than 20 minutes, so we'll have to punish him for half an hour after training in the morning... oh, oh, oh, It's a big loss this time!"

The star class was full of joy—there was no need for additional punishment, which was the best reward for them.

"Military Uniform Star Class" is just a variety show after all, and the rhythm is naturally different from serious military training. After practicing military posture and playing small games in the morning, I immediately began to conduct password training such as turning and resting.

After the lunch break, on the schedule, the training program in the afternoon has reached the queue training stage of running and walking.

However, before the training started, the guests of the uniformed star class were first taken to watch the queue performance of the recruits. In front of the camera, he was naturally exaggerated and amazed.

The queue training in the afternoon was actually not difficult, and it was not as boring as standing in a military posture. After two hours of training, another recruit class came over there, saying that they would accept the challenge of the uniform star class.

"Are you really not delaying training like this?" Chu Yinlong asked the instructor with a smile.

"They are fighting with each other, it doesn't matter." The instructor answered as a matter of course.

The entertainment competition in the afternoon is the anti-command queue training. If you say turn left, you must turn right, if you say stand still, you must turn backward, if you say rest, you must straddle... Those who make wrong actions will be eliminated. In the end, Whoever knocks out all the opponents wins. The loser bracket is punished with twenty push-ups.

Although the rules are simple, it is difficult for people to overcome the already formed reflection habits, and a series of interesting reactions will inevitably occur in the middle.

After ten rounds of anti-password training, sure enough, many teams on both sides were eliminated, and more than half of them were from the recruit fighter class.

At this time, it coincided with the intermission of the surrounding recruit training, and a group of cute little soldiers came to watch the game, gloating beside them.

"Oh, who said that our pacesetter class is not good this morning? How did you get eliminated so quickly?"

"What's the matter with you, are you going to lose again?"

"Instructor, can we choose our class for the next competition? Our class is united and we will never lose!"

Just as they were talking, two more members of the recruit class were eliminated, leaving only one single Miao Miao in the team.

The little fighter who was eliminated immediately made amends for himself: "We just trained too well, and we obeyed the order when we heard the command! Instructor, next time we find a disobedient class to compete, maybe we can win!"

In the end, without accident, the star class won again.

In the queue, Zhang Xiaoyuan raised his hand to invite Jiang Dao and Yu Wenfei to give him a high-five.

The soldiers in the recruit class had no choice but to accept their punishment. After finishing their push-ups, they were ruthlessly pulled back to continue training.

Until dinner time, the soldiers sitting at the table next to the star class were no longer shy, and finally dared to talk to them, and two more people came to ask Wu Rui and Chu Yinlong to sign, and finally they were picked up by their squad leader with fresh autographs Go back to education.

"I found these soldiers to be quite cute." Wu Rui laughed, "They're quite childish in private."

"They were not very old at first." Chu Yinlong said, "They are all about the age of going to college, and of course they are also mischievous and playful."

After dinner, the star class arranged some one-person interviews for later editing into the program.

At the same time, the guests who were not interviewed were free to move around—from this, it can be seen that their itinerary and military training are completely different. As long as the cameras are not turned on, they can do whatever they want within a limited range without disturbing the recruits Our normal lives are fine.

Seeing the soldiers starting evening training from a distance, Jiang Dao approached the instructor and asked, "Can I go to the playground and run with them at night?"

The instructor was surprised: "Ah? Didn't you take the camera back already?"

Jiang Dao laughed: "I don't exercise for the camera. If I can't go to the playground, I can only run around the basketball court."

The instructor thought for a moment, and said, "How many of you are running? Say hello, and I will take you there in a while."

Five minutes later, after Jiang Dao and Chu Yinlong came outside the camp, the instructor glanced at them, said nothing, got up and told them to follow, and headed to the playground.

After running the five kilometers of evening training with the team, the instructor looked at Jiang Dao, who was out of breath, and smiled: "You still have to practice, you can see that Chu Yinlong is much better than you... well, but you actors don't need it." You have to train like a soldier, it’s pretty good that you can still come to the evening training after a day of training in the queue.”

On the way back to the camp, a group of people met the staff of the program team and saw that they were pulling a bunch of things to the highland west of the barracks. Jiang Dao looked at it curiously, and guessed that this was probably to install the venue props for tomorrow's entertainment competition.

"There is a rifle range over there. It is very close to the tactical field, which happens to be a large open space." The instructor smiled and said, "Tomorrow you will learn tactical moves, and entertainment competitions are also related. This time our recruits will never lose again. Get ready."

The next day, the morning running training of the star class was changed to three kilometers.

Hurry up and finish the run, just in time to keep up with the soldiers for breakfast, this time I finally don't need to make do with pickles and steamed buns.

Then, the day's training began, and the uniform star class was pulled to the tactical action training field. The instructor gave each of them an assault rifle without magazines.

As soon as they touched the gun, several male artists became excited.

Cheng Zhiyi couldn't let go of this cold metal lump in his arms, and said with a smile, "I never thought I could touch a real gun in my life!"

On the other side, Lin Chu and Yuwen Feiyang got along well, and smiled and raised his gun to pretend to hit him, but Jiang Dao quickly grabbed the belt of the gun and snatched the gun away.

"What are you doing!" Jiang Dao snatched Lin Chu's gun, and his face suddenly turned ugly. "Is there anyone who snatches something like this?"

"Did you point a gun at your comrade like this?" Jiang Dao choked back.

"Brother-in-arms?" Lin Chu snatched the gun back, "Aren't you too into the show, Jiang Dao? Besides, there is no bullet in this gun, so what if you didn't point the gun at someone when you were filming the movie?"

"Can props be the same as real guns?" Jiang Dao was speechless.

"What's the difference, isn't there no bullets?" Lin Chu didn't give in.

At this time, Chu Yinlong stepped between the two quickly: "Okay, it's training, don't make trouble."

Yuwen Feiyang also quickly smoothed things over: "It's okay, it's just a joke, I don't care, Jiang Dao, don't be angry."

Jiang Dao let out a short breath, laughing at himself.

It was also his conditioned reflex, he subconsciously took it seriously with a heavy real gun in his hand, and when he saw someone pointing a gun at his own, his first reaction was to stop it. At this time, I calmed down, but felt that I had indeed overreacted just now.

But he also didn't want to apologize to Lin Chu, he had his own insistence, and he didn't want to compromise on some things.

"Jiang Dao is right." The instructor interrupted suddenly, with a serious tone, "Regardless of whether there are bullets in the gun, whether it is for fun or practice, our guns must not be pointed at comrades in arms. This is not only for Lin Chu, but also for you. Remember, if anyone commits a crime again, he will be punished."

After speaking, he glanced at Jiang Dao approvingly, and then said: "Okay, now line up, and the tactical instructor will demonstrate the tactical moves to be learned next."

Chu Yinlong patted Jiang Dao's shoulder lightly, then turned and returned to the head of the team.

With his mouth curled and his gun in hand, Lin Chu returned to his position next to Jiang Dao and stood in line, still looking unhappy.

The tactical instructor acted as if he hadn't seen anything, and taught the essentials of holding the gun, retracting the gun, lying down, and standing up several times, and asked the students to follow suit.

As a result, after a few times of holding and closing the gun, the female guests couldn’t bear it anymore—even without bullets, the real rifle still weighs more than three kilograms, and it doesn’t feel heavy when you just carry it. After the movements are repeated, those who don't usually practice strength will inevitably feel sore hands.

The instructor saw that the female guests couldn't bear it, so he called a stop at the right time and arranged a rest.

Finding a gap, the tactical instructor quietly asked: "What's going on? Are you so soft-hearted today?"

The instructor glanced at the camera, saw that the camera was not looking at him, and said in a low voice, "The program crew came here last night, and that Yibailu's manager had a good idea. Doesn't the morning exercise also reduce the intensity?"

The tactical instructor smiled: "If you want me to say, it's better to take him directly to the military training base."

The instructor shook his head: "Where can there be so many projects in the military training base, and it's not such a big place. Forget it, it's just a group of starlets, and we don't expect them to really go to the battlefield in the future."

"Hey, you can't say that." The tactical instructor said, "I think there are still a few good ones, at least with a serious attitude. That Chu Yinlong, Jiang Dao, and Cheng Zhiyi are all good, and Wu Rui, although she is a woman, but she is very serious. At least I'm following seriously."

"These guys are all actors. They probably came here to experience the military camp. They might be used for filming or something in the future." The instructor twitched the corner of his mouth, "The other guys are just... well, posing for a few shots, and we're done. son."

After resting for more than ten minutes, the instructor glanced at his watch and called everyone to get up and continue training.

After holding the gun and retracting the gun, the project immediately proceeded to lying down, standing up and crawling forward with the gun. After the tactical instructor demonstrated the movements, he patiently guided the guests on various essentials.

Although the guests are not serious soldiers, they are either actors, or they can sing and dance, and their ability to imitate movements is not bad. They can do decently after repeating a few times, but the speed of crawling forward and the training tolerance are not enough .

However, it was precisely because the crawling speed was not improved, that day, when the entertainment competition started, the warrior class who came to challenge knew that they were sure to win.

Today's entertainment game is held at the shooting range.

On the open space in the middle of the shooting range, many small wooden stakes were erected at this time. The wooden stakes were interlaced with iron wires to form a huge net. The height of the net was the same as that of the low-profile crawling training facilities. color balloons, twenty of each color.

The rules of this game are—each member wears a helmet with a plastic needle on the top of his head, crawls into the net, and pops the balloons of his team's color as soon as possible. The team that pops all the balloons first wins.

"Good guy, can you just admit defeat?" Cheng Zhiyi joked, "Looking at their eyes, I'm a little scared!"

The recruits and fighters lost two games to the star class yesterday. The news spread quickly, and the team participating in the entertainment competition was teased a lot. Therefore, the class that was selected to participate in the competition today ignited a raging fighting spirit and was about to Bring back a round for the boot camp.

The program team quickly issued special helmets, and everyone quickly put them on. Then the instructor gave an order, and the contestants standing around the field quickly crawled into the arena and began to compete.

The final result, of course, was not surprising—the recruits took the lead all the way with a huge advantage and won the game effortlessly.

Jiang Dao crawled out from under the net, regardless of the dirt on his body, and said with a helpless smile: "It's not wrong to lose, the soldiers in this class practiced crawling with a low profile really well."

Zhang Xiaoyuan echoed: "Yes, yes, it feels like they can climb faster than geckos!"

Chu Yinlong raised his eyebrows at Jiang Dao: "I think you've done a good job of crawling. Just now, you've tied five balloons in a row. You're definitely the MVP here."

Jiang Dao immediately humbled: "No, no, Mr. Chu is more powerful. Just now, he knocked away a soldier and assisted the MVP."

Cheng Zhiyi couldn't take it anymore, and said with a smile: "I said you two should stop bragging about each other, okay? We lost, but we both have to do push-ups!"

Everyone is used to recording variety shows, and they don’t really care much about winning or losing on the show. At least this time it’s not the script that arranged for them to lose. Finish.

In the afternoon, as usual, we first observed the obstacle course performance performed by the warrior class, and then the star class began the tactical training of the obstacle course.

As a result, when he practiced to climb the 2.5-meter-high wall, Yi Bailu climbed up to the top of the wall, sat on it and refused to jump down, with a trembling expression on his face: "This is so high, I'm afraid! Teacher Chu, why don't you take over from below?" Shall I give it a go?"

This request was a little too much, and all the guests knew it well, and they all looked at Chu Yinlong who was standing farthest from the barrier wall.

Chu Yinlong frowned suddenly: "Dance by yourself! This is training. Do you really think that participating in this show is for you to have fun? Zhang Xiaoyuan, Sun Qi, and Wu Rui can all do it, and Sun Qi is still insisting on scratching his arm. What are you being coquettish about?"

Yi Bailu's expression froze immediately.

When his temper grew, Chu Yinlong's tone became more and more severe: "This is a national defense propaganda program, and it was originally for you to experience the hardships of the military camp! Now it's good, not only dare to sue the manager, but also put pressure on the instructor to reduce the training intensity , and even became squeamish on the training ground... knowing that I can't bear hardships, why did you come to record this program?"

Jiang Dao gave a low laugh and looked at Chu Yinlong.

This was the bad temper he was familiar with. In just two days, Yi Bailu was so angry that he couldn't help but exploded.