MTL - After Helping the Protagonist Escape From the Lunatic, I Was Targeted-Chapter 36

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Shen Luyang's eyes darkened.

The heart was already too full, but was gently pushed down by the person pouring the wine, the blood swayed and poured down, hitting the chest, beating wildly aimlessly...

He slowly raised his foot and walked towards the only way to the outside.

The air was poured into the thick ink in an instant, and every movement was exhausted.

The moment they passed by, Shen Luyang suddenly stood still, turned his head and sniffed with the tip of his nose.

Licking his dry lips, his hoarse voice contained irritability that could not be hidden, he stepped forward and looked directly at those scarlet and quiet eyes: "You will be out of control during the susceptible period."

"It can still be controlled." The curvature of Xie Weihan's lips was hidden in half a shadow. The jawline and the collarbone formed a clear and seductive line. The temperament of restraint and caution melted away because of the red on the wrist, and gradually solidified into desire. Wrapped shape.

Shen Luyang believed his own judgment, but was swayed by Xie Weihan's words. He blankly looked outside the door, which was brighter than the study room, with wisps of light.

The study is like another space abandoned by time, the darkness has weight, pressing on the chest, as if to stop the uncontrolled breathing, more like to condone the more and more uncontrollable heartbeat.

Shen Luyang's lips parted slightly, the temperature between his breath scorched his skin, he didn't have much time to think, and his instinct had already overshadowed everything.

He raised his arms and put his arms around Xie Weihan's shoulders, burying himself in the ocean of red wine, rubbing the tip of his nose eagerly and ignorantly, greedily and simply sniffing the lost treasure: "No."

The situation seemed to be reversed, as if it were just a game for predators to please their mates.

Shen Luyang's thirsty throat prompted him to open his mouth again and again, and the tip of his teeth gently touched Xie Weihan's collarbone and the side of his neck, trying to rub a little flesh and lick the blood with the highest concentration of pheromones, without wanting to hurt the other party.

Instinct tore, an unintelligible groan came out of his throat, anxious and eager.

The soft and warm lips moved randomly on the cold and white neck. Because of the silence of the other party, Shen Luyang's movements became slow and hesitant, leaving only a wet kiss before shifting his position.

Shen Luyang didn't look up.

Xie Weihan couldn't see the Adam's apple sliding because of these tiny touches that were negligible.

He even breathed quickly for a moment, the corners of his lips curled into a happy arc, and he closed his eyes gently, as if he was holding on to his sins, deceiving innocent people with a pure and flawless illusion.

Xie Weihan raised his neck to make it easier for the puppy in front of him to rub harder. His fingers traced the waistline of Shen Luyang's T-shirt to the bulging shoulder blades, and the fingers circled in ambiguous circles. , After the other party shrugged his shoulders again and again as if to meet or reject, he gradually squeezed the hard bone.

Shen Luyang was like an animal with a weak point held down. He was caught off guard by the pain and opened his mouth. His blood-thirsty fangs clenched **** the white collarbone that had been thirsty for a long time, leaving emotional tooth marks.

The faint smell of blood permeated the air, and with red wine, a feast of scarlet desires of blood and wine kicked off.

The pain in the collarbone was fine and sticky, like the barbed tongue of a mammal, and seemed to realize that something was wrong. The fine breath sprayed on it stopped for a moment, then became heavier, and fell on the cold skin like a hot tear. , or a Mars.

Dye the icy marble skin with living anger, or, living emotions.

Shen Luyang let go of his mouth at a loss, a bright red tinge on his lips, the opposite of the dazed expression.

Like a piece of dirt that has been wiped badly.

"I'm sorry," Shen Luyang reached out and touched the wound, "I accidentally—"

Xie Weihan grabbed his hand, put it to his lips, looked at him with connivance, and dropped a cold kiss on his wrist, testing the precarious rationality that was tormenting Shen Luyang.

The tip of the tooth pressed down, leaving a red mark on the pulse, and the voice was hoarse: "Really not going?"

Shen Luyang's entire right hand was numb, and the electric current squeezed into the limbs along the wrist artery. He nodded: "I'll help you through the susceptible period."

"Knowing that I'm in danger now?"

"You are not in danger."

A chuckle, spread out from the throat in a low voice, like the tenderness before sacrifice, covering up the naked desire.

Shen Luyang watched Xie Weihan casually leaning on the leather office chair with red eyes. His wide shoulders, long legs, and a perfectly proportioned figure supported the warm white home clothes, which were like small details treasured by gentlemen. The teeth of a certain big dog were clenched, and the exposed collarbone was covered with dazzling red marks, mottled and interlaced.

It shows the indulgence of the owner and the love of the hound.

Shen Luyang's Adam's apple rolled violently, and walked to Xie Weihan as if bewitched.

He tried hard to make his voice sound less hoarse, but to no avail: "Mr. Xie, I'll take a look at the wound, how did I—" After biting so many times.

The arm resting on the side suddenly lifted and landed on Shen Luyang. The drowning prey had no defense and didn't want to.

The arm that hugged him was extraordinarily powerful, contrary to his warm and elegant appearance, and strongly suppressed his weak resistance.

Short of breath, the fog of **** overflowing from his eyes, Shen Luyang spread his legs apart, and sat across Xie Weihan's legs, because the other party suddenly straightened his upper body, he subconsciously retreated, his waist resting on the desk.

In a too intimate posture, separated by the thin cloth, each other's body temperature and heartbeat could not be hidden, Shen Luyang propped his arm back on the table indiscriminately, and accidentally pushed down a glassware that could not be seen clearly.

The liquid flowed from the mouth of the cup, and along the desk, a dark red meandered, dripping onto his white T-shirt.

Dark red smeared on clean cloth, smearing pure white.

There is no going back.

Shen Luyang turned his head and wanted to pick up the fallen thing, even though it was soaked through.

There was a sudden slight pain in the waist, and Shen Luyang's movements were stopped by a low-pitched "Yang Yang".

Due to the movement of the legs hanging on both sides, only the toes can touch the ground, and the whole person's weight is placed on Xie Weihan's legs, as if deliberately. There is a delicate distance between the other's knees and the desk. To stick to the front, so as not to fall off.

"Why are you so careless?"

Xie Weihan grabbed one of his hands, put it on his lap, clasped his fingers tightly, and picked up the red wine glass that rolled down to the table with the other hand. The fingertips were stained with a little red, and slipped down the white fingers to the palm of his hand. .

He shook it lightly, and then casually put the empty wine glass against Shen Luyang's lips, and chuckled softly: "I'm very happy because you stayed."

"I'm sure, I'll stay." Shen Luyang pressed the wine glass to his lips, and when he spoke, it was as if he was being forced to drink alcohol. The tip of his tongue was forced to lick the mouth of the cold glass, and the leftover red wine stained his mouth. Rolling with help, swallowed the rest of the wine.

The swallowing action was too unfamiliar, and the few drops that could not be swallowed slipped from the corner of the mouth, down the lower jaw, and landed on the clavicle of the Adam's apple.

A dangerous streak of water.

Xie Weihan's dark eyes gradually thickened, and his other hand stroked Shen Luyang's cloth wet with wine, moving finely and gently, as if he was carefully measuring the wet land with his hands.

The crisp tapping sound briefly recalled reason.

The wine glass was placed in a delicate place, as if Shen Luyang moved back an inch, it would fall over again.

The slender fingers changed directions, and when they retracted it, there was a book with a complicated hard cover in the palm of its hand.

The pages of the book were opened, Shen Luyang was attracted by the delicate paper and looked down subconsciously.

The next second, Xie Weihan flipped his fingers and tore off the page without a trace of nostalgia.

The beautiful paper vanished into the master's hands, and the broken and mutilated pages became wrinkled, crumpled at the fingertips, and crumpled like a broken toy.

"Why tear—" Before Shen Luyang could finish his words, the piece of paper that had just been torn off was pressed on one side of his ribs. His hand with clear knuckles pressed the paper surface slightly, and his fingertips that were out of range rubbed against the soaked wet paper. T-shirts and hot skin.

Shen Luyang's eyes had to move on Xie Weihan's elegant gentleman's face and the hand pressing wantonly on his side. The former made him intoxicated and fascinated, while the latter made him gasp out of control, his elbows resting on the edge of the table unconsciously. , his body stretched into a precarious slope, but he did not dare to step back an inch.

Imprisoned in the devil's territory by a small wine glass.

The meaning of the expensive and cherished pages at this moment is to force yourself to drink the red wine juice, and then overwhelmed, become wrinkled, soft, broken... Still clinging to the cruel fingertips.

Xie Weihan mercilessly discarded the paper that was full of water and fell to the ground, making a barely audible sound.

Shen Luyang tried his best to control his breathing, but his chest heaved violently in disobedience.

Because of the posture of the two, Shen Luyang was slightly higher than Xie Weihan, and they couldn't look at each other. He could only bow his head in embarrassment.

Seemingly aware of his thoughts, Xie Weihan raised his eyes thoughtfully, his eyes crossed, and a gentle smile appeared: "Is it cold?"

Shen Luyang was stunned by his deep face, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the wine stains on his Adam's apple rolled up and down passively: "It's not cold."

The book in his hand became shabby, the shredded paper on the ground spread into an ambiguous ocean, and the liquor on Shen Luyang's body was absorbed cleanly, but the taste remained, like Xie Weihan's pheromone, which was tightly attached to every room. skin.

His knees lifted slightly, Shen Luyang slid down, his shoulders hit Xie Weihan's chin, and he was gently pulled apart, branded with a soothing and intimate wet kiss.

Shen Luyang put his feet up hard, the tip of his nose was against Xie Weihan's hair, his hands were removed from the table, one left and one right rested on the back of the chair, his legs had to be placed between his thighs in order to support his weight.

the closest touch.

There was a chuckle on his chest, and a fine tremor spread to his chest. Xie Weihan used both hands to measure the tight muscles around his waist, while chatting casually: "Yang Yang, is the trouble resolved?"

Shen Luyang took out a ray of consciousness from the steaming enthusiasm, and reluctantly replied in a hoarse voice: "It's solved..."

The system crashes, it is solved.

"Come to find me because of it?" The question was straightforward, but there was no trace of guilt in his tone. Instead, he was full of tolerance, as if no matter what his answer was, he would be comforted by a soft wet kiss.

Shen Luyang closed his eyes and frowned slightly because of the gnawing on his collarbone. He tightened his arms, opened his lips slightly, and explained in a short breath, "No, I'm here to find you, I'm afraid that something will happen to you."

The wet and icy cold touch moved to the Adam's apple, and the tiny airflow brought by the breath was wrapped in coolness and sprinkled on the chin.

"Why are you afraid?"

The question goes in a soft and sweet circle, pointing to the most essential places.

The hand pinched at the waist moved to the bulge of the spine, and the index finger circled every now and then, Shen Luyang grabbed the knuckles of the fingers on the back of the chair with force until they turned white, and clenched his teeth: "I can't let you, something happens, I want to... protect you. "

After a slight pause, Xie Weihan hugged the person in his arms, his right leg was folded over his left leg to form a downward arc, and his arms were forced, allowing the two to stick together completely and tightly.

The magnetic low voice is like a cursed whisper, hovering by the side of the ear, evoking the most essential desire: "I don't understand, Yang Yang."

Because of these words, Shen Luyang's mind was blank, forcibly became somewhat awake, and his body felt clearer. He let out a low pant, and rummaged for answers that he didn't even know.

He said hard: "I want to be with you...I don't want to be able to touch you..."

The other party was not satisfied, he dropped a kiss on his earlobe and bit gently: "This is not an answer."

The hot cocoa diffused uncontrollably from the back of the neck glands, stained with red wine, like a silently intoxicating boozy chocolate.

The fragrance of red wine pushed it away restrainedly, and surrounded it, as if she had to wait for a satisfactory answer before giving joy.

"...I don't know, Teacher Xie, I don't know." He eagerly shouted the word "Teacher", his hoarse voice indulged in giving in to his deepest desires, cutting himself apart and showing every inch in front of the other party, "I feel bad, I want to see you, I want to... hug you, I want to kiss you..."

The back of his neck sank, Shen Luyang was forced to lower his head, his teeth-marked lips were kissed with pity, pheromone was restrained on his neck like a reward, and the red wine with too high concentration made Recoco unable to resist, shivering and retreating. But he still leaned in with his chest out, his drunk eyes blurred, the liquor overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and he had to continue swallowing.

The arm swept across, the wine glass fell to the ground, and the sound of shattering pierced the darkness.

The world turned, and the bookshelf in front of Shen Luyang turned into a roof. He was lying on a large desk full of wine, and subconsciously wanted to sit up with his arms up, but fell back because of drunkenness.

The air temperature was so high that it was about to burn, Shen Luyang's mouth was dry, and he looked ignorantly with anticipation.

The other party was suddenly in a hurry, rubbing the wine on the table with his fingertips, and looked down at him.

When Shen Luyang wanted to speak out, he suddenly smiled and picked up the red wine bottle.

In the next second, the wine in the bottle was like a red galaxy, pouring from top to bottom on the hot body.

Xie Weihan brushed his fingertips across his wine-stained chin, put it on his red lips, and was kissed away gently.

The last sentence Shen Luyang heard before he lost his mind was Xie Weihan whispering in his ear: "Don't waste it."

Immediately following, the whole person was carried into his arms and sat in a chair.


The slightly hot water hit the top of his head, Shen Luyang was fascinated by the water, wiped his face indiscriminately, and his ears were still red.

The second time he used this bathroom, he skillfully found the shampoo and rubbed the foam on the top of his head vigorously.

Under the transpiration of high-temperature water vapor, the red wine on his body gradually merged with the water mist, and viscous wrapped around his naked body.

The crazy and presumptuous memories came back into the cage, Shen Luyang swallowed dryly, and his head was very good at focusing on memories.

It turns out that books can still be used this way, it turns out that red wine can still be used this way, it turns out that wine glasses can still be used this way, it turns out that the tongue can still be used like this...


Shen Luyang hated the iron and looked at Xiao Xiao Shen with serious criticism.

When is it time to respond, do you have some basic moral standards?

He tentatively called the system again, but the answer in his mind was still the same.

【System repairing...】

There is no susceptibility period until now. It seems that when the system is repaired, it is completely unable to control his host.

In the process of rinsing the foam, he was finally able to pick up the scattered thoughts and put them together.

He just, recklessly and without any external objects, appeased the S-level Alpha whose darkness value was rising and was in the susceptible period. The price...

He tilted his head, the mirror was infested with water mist, vaguely revealing the young man's body with broad shoulders and broad back, his chest, waist and abdomen covered with beautiful muscles. The dark color is dense in the collarbone, along the undulating chest of the muscles, spreading all the way...

Shen Luyang rolled his throat uncontrollably and rubbed his hair thoughtfully.

The price is... pretty... cool.

Fang Yi's words are not unreasonable. Xie Weihan can really see through others easily, at least... he can see through him everywhere.

"Ah..." Shen Luyang picked up the water and splashed it on his face. As his shoulders shrugged, the hickey on the back of his neck became more and more obvious, but it was clean without half a tooth mark. He sighed, "Mr. Xie is really, really great."

Shen Luyang is a very extroverted person. In today's words, he has a bit of social bullshit, but he rarely gets to know people on an equal footing in a short period of time. The attitude of the elders, to guide.

Because "help" and "goodwill" are two different things.

But this time, in Fang Yi's words, "How long have you two known each other?", but Shen Luyang has already thought about where he and Xie Weihan are going to travel together.

It's incredible, there is such a person in the world, you don't do anything, next to him in a daze, you don't even want to move a single strand of hair, the aroma of red wine is the most effective sedative, he knows all your emotions, and also Understand the secrets you can't tell—

Xie Weihan knew the existence of the system, or knew what was controlling it, and even guessed the rules of the system's operation.

But he didn't ask anything other than "Come to find me, because of him?" He gently and gentlemanly tolerated Shen Luyang's secret.

This made Shen Luyang, who was running around the world in the book for the task, to have a small, secret, and deep-rooted sense of belonging.

This is a feeling Shen Luyang has never felt outside of the book.

Because he didn't have the concept of "home", wherever he went, the old place became a new place.

The world is nothing but a bigger orphanage.

After wiping the water off his body, Shen Luyang picked up Xie Weihan's pajamas and put them on randomly, covering up the unreal marks on his body, and optimistically defined the relationship.

They are beyond ordinary friends, can help each other, don't feel embarrassed, very very good, the closest...friends.

Not quite right either...

Shen Luyang picked up a new towel and rubbed it on his head.

He likes to be with Xie Weihan, and Xie Weihan should also be willing to stay with him, and maintain this kind of too close relationship... Two very unhealthy and unrighteous words that cannot be looked at directly appeared in front of him.

friends with benefits.

Lying, slot.

Shen Luyang can't bear it, the identity he can bring to Teacher Xie is actually a gun friend!

It's too embarrassing.

He took a step back.

That's still a good friend, a little pure.

Shen Luyang opened the door and looked in the mirror before going out. His lips were a little swollen. He didn't know if it was because of the aftertaste just now, or because the bathroom was too hot, and his ears were still red.

He may not be able to look directly at the leather chair for a short time.

He looked down and began to doubt himself.

The legs are also quite long, why can't they reach the ground, so they can only passively stay, like riding a roller coaster...

The light in the living room was on, Xie Weihan sat on the sofa and read a book like last time. Shen Luyang couldn't look directly at the book. The book that was used as a tissue was very expensive. don't feel hard...

Seeing him, Xie Weihan put down the book and tapped his fingers beside him.

His eyes fell on him rightly, and his voice was low and lazy afterwards: "Come here."

Shen Luyang touched his still wet hair, and his tangled thoughts in the bathroom all took off when he saw Xie Weihan.


Uppercase bold.


People are right in front of him, thinking so much.

Shen Luyang was wearing pajamas one size larger, strode over to sit beside him, and stretched lazily.

Xie Weihan's lips curved indistinctly.

The two tacitly did not mention anything related to the system.

Shen Luyang wanted to lean for two seconds, then moved his body forward, leaning on the sofa as if he was boneless.

"Teacher Xie." He shouted casually, with no special meaning, he just wanted to shout.

Xie Weihan put the book aside without reluctance and extended his hand to him.

Although he was leaning on the sofa like Shen Luyang, in terms of temperament, one was a big dog who had been playing all day paralyzed on the sofa and panting, and the other was a lazy and comfortable gentleman.

Shen Luyang looked at the hand, then moved to lean on Xie Weihan's side, looking at the long overlapping legs, the corners of his mouth were tense, but he still missed a sly smile, his waist loosened, Aiming at the long legs and lying down.

The last time he was dizzy in the car, what he remembered most was that his legs were very easy to lie down.

He didn't seem to have thought that he would be so simple and direct. He retracted his outstretched hand and supported the head that hit his knee, avoiding a small accident.

Then he flattened his legs and carefully helped him adjust his posture. His fingertips landed on the pockets of his collarbone and pressed: "Sleepy?"

"A little," Shen Luyang closed his eyes and took a deep breath, the aroma of red wine flowing in the air, "Go to sleep later, Teacher Xie, your legs are very comfortable."

As if he knew that he liked it, Xie Weihan didn't control it deliberately, and let the S-level Alpha pheromone flow in every part of the room in a semi-out-of-control state.

"Really?" Xie Weihan's eyes curled into a clear smile, "Then do you want to lie here and sleep?"

"Can you?" Shen Luyang's eyes lit up, looking up at him, "Your sofa is also bigger than mine."

After he finished speaking, he denied it himself: "No, my head is quite heavy, and I will have an accident overnight."

Xie Weihan quietly watched him talk to himself, his eyebrows stretched comfortably.

It has always been dark and quiet to a room like no one, injected with fresh and warm sunlight, the darkness in the space is shrinking and evaporating, and the temperature after burning is ironing the fingertips, which is the body temperature of "normal people".

Shen Luyang closed his eyes, drowsiness swept through the room, and hummed a vague tune.

“'CaeIwannatouchyoubaby, AndIwannafeelyoutoo…”