MTL - After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed-Chapter 59 are you a zombie

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When Xiao Shenwei finally saw Daxing standing completely on the horizon, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Along the naturally formed road that was crushed by vehicles all the year round, the car approached Daxing City all the way.

However, in the season when the beasts are fat and the fruits are ripe in the oasis, the extraordinary Daxing City, which is supposed to be bustling with cars, is slightly depressed at this time.

The vehicles passing by are almost gone, but the guards at the front of the city are several times more guarding.

This made Xiao Shenwei feel a little uneasy.

It was not until they slowly approached the city that they saw the guards under the city who were cleaning up the bodies and gathering them to burn.

A large area of ​​corpses near the city walls have been removed, but it is not difficult to imagine what happened here.

Daxing, has just experienced a battle.

The bones scattered on the ground that have not had time to clean up are rotting in the high temperature of autumn tigers, flies are buzzing, and carrion birds are circling and chirping in the sky.

When a few black ugly birds fell down to pick up the corpses, they were not driven away.

For the guards who are cleaning up the battlefield, it is also a good choice for these corpses, which are easy to cause the epidemic, to enter the stomach of the scavenger bird instead of concentrating on burning and disinfection.

The roar of the engine quickly attracted the attention of the city guards.

The familiar body caused a burst of surprise cheers from the people in the city.

The return of a hero is always heartening.

What's more, they also brought a lot of food, including rare vegetables and fruits.

So Xiao Shenwei and his companions (with the food) were welcomed by the people of Daxing.

Xiao Shenwei noticed that the buildings in Daxing City were intact, and although there was still some confusion on the streets, there were no bloodstains or corpses.

People's faces were still filled with some remnants of fear after the disaster, but more joy and happiness in successfully defending their homeland.

It seems that the previous defense battle has achieved pretty good results.

In addition to the medical camp under the inner city that is still busy for the heroes who fought yesterday, Daxing City is restoring order at an extremely fast speed.

After the catastrophe last year, the people of Daxing City have an amazing cohesion.

In other words, this city has a soul that many other cities do not have.

"Are there enough medicines?"

Xiao Shenwei asked while wearing a red cross cuff on his sleeve and wearing gloves to sew up the wound on a wounded soldier's arm.

"Anti-inflammatory drugs are not enough, and anti-toxic serum is enough. So far, no one has been infected."

A nurse from the medical team held a tray as an assistant for Xiao Shenwei and answered.

"Go to my car, I brought anti-inflammatories."


The nurse responded.

Xiao Shenwei put down the arm that had just been stitched in his hand, and picked up the next leg that was torn apart by the beast.

The smell of blood made him uncomfortable.

He hates the smell.

This always reminded him of his brief but extremely terrifying experience when he was surrounded by a group of zombies.

The wound on the leg in front of him looked extremely tragic. Even though hemostatic needles had been given and a thorough disinfection had been done, the torn muscle tissue was still slowly seeping blood.

"Will my brother's leg break?"

The little girl with two pigtails tied with a red headband huddled in the young man's arms, with tears in her big eyes, she timidly tugged at the corner of Xiao Shenwei's clothes.

Xiao Shenwei, who was sterilizing the suture needle in his hand, paused.

He raised his head and smiled gently at the child: "Good, no. Trust me, and trust your brother, okay?"

"it is good."

Xiao Shenwei lowered his head, the needle tip in his hand flashed a cold light.

"Where are you from?"

Xiao Shenwei did not rush to start.


"How long have you been here?"

"...About three months. My hometown has fallen, and I have escaped with my fellow villagers... sigh!"

"How old is your sister?"

"...Eight... years old..."

The boy's voice trembled a little, and beads of sweat the size of beans ooze out from his head, and blue veins burst out, but he didn't forget to put his sister in his arms and cover her eyes.

"Take it easy, being so tight will affect the suture... How old are you this year?" Xiao Shenwei quickly sutured the wound while talking to the young man to divert his attention.

There is no anesthetic, so the wounds of the wounded here are all raw seams.

"...Ten...Seventeen years old." The young man shook his body and almost squeezed these words out of his teeth.

He looked at Xiao Shenwei for a while, and then said, "I know you."

Xiao Shenwei's movements didn't stop, he just raised his chin slightly: "Huh?"

"The sculpture in the small square of the city gate, oh...every...every citizen is happy to tell us outsiders stories about that sculpture."


Xiao Shenwei was silent for a while, only to feel a strange feeling in his heart.

But it's not a bad feeling.

"Daxing is a good place." The young man smiled hard with a pale face, but his eyes were shining: "I like it here."

"I would also like."

Xiao Shenwei stopped.

I like it very much.

"Okay." Xiao Shenwei clapped his hands and took off his gloves: "Don't touch the wound in the past few days, go to the nurse station to get some anti-inflammatory medicine and apply it."


Xiao Shenwei nodded, and there were several arms and legs behind him waiting for him to sew.

"Brother, wait!"

Suddenly, a pair of small hands grabbed the hand hanging beside his leg.

It seemed that this was not good, so the little girl suddenly withdrew her little hand, twisted the corner of her clothes, and looked up at him: "Brother, are you a zombie?"


Xiao Shenwei was silent for a while.

He squatted down, touched the child's head, and smiled: "It won't be so soon."

The child blinked, not seeming to understand what it meant.

She lowered her head and groped for a long time in the worn but clean clothes, and finally took a small cloth flower pin from her chest: "...Thank you for saving my brother."

She seemed a little embarrassed, but she still sent her little hand forward: "...I have nothing else for you. I only have the little red flower that the teacher rewarded me."

"Hey, I'll reward you."

The flowers are small, the red fabric has faded a little, but nothing is damaged, it seems that the little girl cherishes it.

Xiao Shenwei looked at the small red flowers held by the pair of white and tender hands, and his eyes were inexplicably warm.

"Okay. I'll take it."

"Then I'll put it on for you." The little girl rolled her eyes and smiled, stood on tiptoe, and pinned the flower to Xiao Shenwei's collar awkwardly: "Don't take it off."

"it is good."

Xiao Shenwei rubbed the little girl's hair: "Take care of your brother."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I'm going to take care of others who don't have a sister to take care of."

"Okay, I'll take good care of my brother."


Xiao Shenwei turned around to prepare for the next person's suture, and heard the conversation between the two brothers and sisters not far away.

"Big brother, is big brother a zombie?"

"...Daxing people said yes."

"Then, aren't zombies very cold?"

"...Yeah. I heard that Xueluo won't melt on his body."

"But the big brother's hand was hot just now."


The siblings staggered away.

Xiao Shenwei touched the little red flower on his chest, and his eyes were bent.

"Next person."


I ordered takeout at noon, and my brother called and asked to pick it up.

Then I took a guy who was waiting for his girlfriend downstairs in the dormitory as a delivery guy.

I was wearing my pajamas, wrapped in an old padded jacket, kicked my slippers, and said to the young man, "Is it duck leg rice?"

Boy: "??????"

Then the delivery boy came: "Is that a ****? Your duck leg rice."

Me: "...Sorry, sorry to bother you."

The young man and his girlfriend who had just stepped downstairs: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Me: …【Social Death.jpg.】

(So ​​why didn't I wear a mask when I went downstairs?)

Exam week is coming ah ah ah I wish you all good grades and I don't fail the class! !

I wish the postgraduates a smooth landing! !