MTL - After I Became a Zombie, My Face Is Paralyzed-Chapter 61 the dog is mushy

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Ni Youqing returned to the city despite the wind and snow, accompanied by all the people who were stranded in the oasis.

This year's winter is extraordinarily cold. According to Ni Youqing, even the deep pool of spring water in the oasis is frozen.

Worrying that the precious instruments would be frozen, Ni Youqing had to drag the carriage full of instruments and return to Daxing before the road was completely closed by the heavy snow.

The lack of fuel resources almost cut off the central heating in Daxing. Only some districts will be warmed at night, but it can only last for three or five hours.

Fortunately, there is a small household boiler in the warehouse of Rong Yun's house, which is enough for them to survive the winter.

It's just that the refugees in the outer city suffered a disaster. As soon as the wind and snow came, some people began to freeze to death at night, or suffered from severe typhoid fever, and they couldn't take medicine, so they could only wait to die.

In this regard, Daxing is also helpless.

Municipal resources are barely used to pay employees, let alone to provide relief to refugees in large numbers.

Seeing that the weather is getting worse day by day, and we have to beware of the attack of zombies, Daxing City can't help but feel bleak and chilling.

It's just that these seem to have little effect on Xiao Shenwei and Rong Yun.

At this time, Xiao Shenwei had a baby bottle hanging from his neck, holding Xiao Ping'an in one hand and a few cards in the other, playing cards with Tang Qiu and Heping Hanhai.

"It's a little bit like this today..."

Tang Qiu blew the note hanging on his forehead with a "poof", threw the card in his hand to the middle, pulled out a candy jar from his pocket with a pouting mouth, and buckled two out: "Take it. take away..."

The city is closed by heavy snow, and the Daxing people of Maodong have nothing to do. Playing cards and playing mahjong has become a daily routine, and these are no exception.

In order to save resources, Tang Qiu and Heping Hanhai simply moved into Rong Yun's small apartment.

Tang Qiu & Ping Hanhai: Rong Yun's cooking skills are not important, the main thing is that it is warm here.

When the knock on the door rang, Rong Yunzheng came out of the kitchen with thick white fish soup, followed by Hanamaki who raised his head and meowed begging for food at his feet.

Hearing the sound, Rong Yun put the things in his hand on the coffee table, wiped his hands and went to open the door.

It was snowing outside, and the huge snow flakes were wrapped in the wind knife, which hurt people's faces.

Ni Youqing was wrapped up like a bear, covered in snow flakes, standing outside the door with a whole body air-conditioned, holding a medicine box in his hand.

"Yo, what about fish?"

Ni Youqing sighed at the fingertips of the frozen gloves, probed the probe inside, and saw the steaming soup on the coffee table.

"Come in, I'll get you a bowl."

Rong Yun turned sideways to let the passer-by close the door, Ni Youqing took off his coat and shook the snow, then he smiled and leaned towards the table.

She currently lives in the headquarters of the medical station not far from here, and all living resources are allocated by the municipality.

As for the laboratory, the municipal government has already found a place and manpower. Ni Youqing's research can continue, but the living zombies cannot be brought into the city.

For these medical and scientific research talents, the municipal government has never been stingy.

"The syringe and medicine are in the box, you give him Zaha yourself."

Ni Youqing waved his hand, took the bowl to his mouth and took a sip, squinting his eyes in satisfaction.

The fish was freshwater fish caught from the lake in the oasis before leaving.

Tang Qiu used his chopsticks to poke his mouth wide open, revealing a fish head full of fangs, and poked Ping Hanhai with his elbow: "Ah, if you take a bite from this thing, you'll be missing a couple of ounces of meat, right?"

Ping Hanhai turned his head and smiled at him, his two tiger teeth gleaming: "I don't know what will happen if you are bitten by it, but if you want to know what will happen if you are bitten by me, I can satisfy you."

Tang Qiu: "...Garlic. Big brother eats fish, eats fish, hehehehe..."

On the other end, Xiao Shenwei followed Rong Yun back to the bedroom to get acupuncture.

This is his last dose of medicine. After this time, he can stop the medicine.

It was because the needle was stuck for a long time, and there were a few red marks on the neck when it came out.

Xiao Shenwei blushed and went back to the coffee table to sit down and drink the soup. He raised his head and looked at Rong Yun, who was facing him. His ears were hot, and a mouthful of soup choked in his throat.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Xiao Shenwei put down the soup bowl and wanted to wipe his mouth. When he raised his hand, the shirt was crooked, revealing a circle of red bite marks on his collarbone.

The atmosphere in the house became quiet.

Xiao Shenwei's head exploded with two dull hairs, a little confused: "? What's wrong?"

"You can choke even when you are so grown up even when you drink soup?"

Rong Yun took Xiao Shenwei in his arms, pulled up his clothes without a trace, and wiped off the remaining fish soup at the corner of his mouth.

Tang Qiu: "...cough, eat vegetables, eat vegetables."

Ping Hanhai: "Well... the soup tastes good."

Ni Youqing: "...then what, the weather is good today, hehe."

Hanamaki squatted in front of the window, looked at Feixue outside the window melancholy, and twitched her tail and let out a meow.

The fire was burning in the fireplace, and the whole house was warm.

The water vapor on the window glass formed ice, and through the window, the lights of the thousands of houses outside were blurred into hazy light and shadow.

Charcoal was lying on his belly by the fireplace, sleeping like a dead pig.

"...what's mushy?"

Ni Youqing sniffled.

Tang Qiu looked at Rong Yun.

Rong Yunzheng was holding the bottle to feed Xiao Ping'an: "There's nothing cooking in the kitchen."

Ping Hanhai raised his hands to show his innocence: "Don't look at me, I don't smoke."

In the end, Xiao Shenwei stretched out his hand and pointed: "...don't look for it, the dog is mushy."

The dog who was lying on the fireplace raised his head, with smoke coming from his forehead: "Ow?"

I saw that the snow-white hair on the top of the head had been scorched yellow, and the center was even roasted black, with red and bright stars.

Several people:………

…May I just laugh or go through the program?

Ni Youqing: "...Why are you standing still? Put out the fire!"

Tang Qiu: "Okay."

Immediately, a basin of water was poured on it.

The dog jumped up with a scream and knocked over the coffee table: "Ow!!"

Ping Hanhai: "...that's boiling water!!"

Xiao Shenwei carried the diaper that was going to be sterilized by scalding it with hot water, looked at the chaos around him, and looked at Rong Yun, who was obviously bewildered holding the child: "...Or, let's burn another pot. hot water?"

Charcoal was eventually shaved and bald.

It still has a fear of the basin, so that when passing by the basin, it has to take a detour.

But these are the aftermath.

The people who lived in the apartment at this time were driving their cars through the snow.

Half an hour ago, the municipal government received a distress signal from the Kyoto Guard. Those people were trapped in Zhouquan Post by a group of zombies on their way to Daxing. They also carried important research materials from several research institutes in Kyoto.

Due to the heavy snow closing the city, it is difficult for ordinary vehicles to travel in the half-person thick snow. The municipal government can only entrust it to Rongyun, and the fuel consumption, food and weapons are all provided by the municipal government.

The Zhouquan Post is located at the Zhouquan County Ruins 40 kilometers east of Daxing City. It is a seven-story brick tower and is now abandoned.

At this time, a cart driven by Ping Hanhai was driving the road, followed by several large off-road vehicles, heading towards Zhouquan County on the snowfield.

The long motorcade left an abrupt snow ditch on the snowfield, extending towards the east.

Without the anti-low temperature protection of the zombie virus, Xiao Shenwei honestly put on a thick jacket, held a thermos cup with his cold fingers, and squatted on the side to drink hot water with red dates and wolfberries.

As a logistics medical staff, Xiao Shenwei doesn't need to get out of the car to fight when it is not necessary.

But this did not prevent him from taking precautions to maintain the RPG gun barrel in his arms.

As we all know, small-caliber bullets are of no use to zombies unless they can smash the glands behind the zombies’ brains with one shot.

Those guys who don't feel pain, even if their legs are cut off and half of their faces collapsed, they can still hug your legs and take a bite.

Forty kilometers is not far, but the poor road conditions and weather still slowed down the speed of the team.

When they arrived, a bunch of zombies had already climbed densely on the outer wall of the tower, and they were trying to climb to the roof of the top floor along the wall.

The people they were trying to save were trapped on the roof.

The sound of the car engine has caught the attention of the zombies.

"How to do?"

Tang Qiu frowned as he looked at the zombies pouring out of the window.

"Run over."

Ping Hanhai clenched the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.


Thick black smoke billowed from the exhaust, and the engine let out a deafening roar.

The car crashed straight into the zombie group like a giant beast.

The cracking sound of broken bones was muffled into the thick snow, and Ping Hanhai drove the car and rampaged through the zombies with his thick skin.

Xiao Shenwei put the RPG on the window and fired a cannon at the dense zombies, watching the zombies explode into fireworks with the lifted snow.

As for the others behind the car, they used the cover of the cart to get out of the car with their knives in hand, and the strong fishy smell spread out and was covered by the wind and snow.

Cleaning up these low-level zombies is a simple but unappetizing thing, especially when the stumps of these ugly things are mixed with gray-green and smelly blood on the windows.

Xiao Shenwei held his breath and carried the RPG to the outside and fired a cannon, then quickly closed the window, leaned back against the wall of the car and let out a breath.

Like a sharp sword, the convoy tore a huge hole in the zombies gathered under the tower, and soon approached the roof.

Rong Yun took over Ping Hanhai's position, calculated the firing angle, and aimed the gun muzzle at the wall on the edge of the roof.



There was a crisp sound, sparks splashed everywhere, and the long and thick iron chain was dragged by the launched claw hook and firmly fastened to the wall, and an overpass was built between the roof and the car.

The stopped car was besieged by zombies, they were crowded on the body and roared.

A violent odor, as if visible to the naked eye, poured in through the half-opened window for the convenience of firing guns.

Xiao Shenwei touched the console with red eyes (hot), and pulled down a red joystick beside Rong Yun: "Get down from Lao Tzu's house!"

"Zizzizi... crackling crackling crackling..."

The high-voltage current was instantly released, and even a shiny blue-violet arc was formed outside the body.

A strong burning smell accompanied the stench of corpses, and the sound of crackling electric arcs swept over.

Pieces of charred zombie corpses were peeled off from the outside of the carriage.

Xiao Shenwei stroked his hair, which was blown up by the electric current, and glanced out the window.

Xiao Shenwei: ...Forget it, I don't want to eat barbecue for the time being.

Twenty minutes later, under the cover of everyone, the 37 people trapped on the rooftop were successfully rescued through claw chains, entered the carriage, and turned around along the way they came.

As soon as the team stepped on the accelerator in front, they ran desperately, and a large group of zombies chased after them desperately.

The people from Kyoto who came in were all slumped on the ground, as if they couldn't help themselves, and stared blankly at the group of zombies that were chasing after eating exhaust gas through the car window.

"All seated-"

There was a low shout from Ping Hanhai from the front.

Rong Yun subconsciously supported the only handrail beside him, and Xiao Shenwei supported Rong Yun.

Tang Qiu turned around and silently hugged the back of the driver's seat.

The engine roared.

A violent dizziness came, and the people who were not seated in the carriage were instantly thrown to the left side of the carriage by a force, crowding into a pile.

The huge car body drew a beautiful arc in the snow field, and the **** of the car smashed the small strands of zombies that were biting behind it.

Then the dragon flicked its tail again, and the drift suddenly accelerated twice, leaving the zombies far behind.

The Kyoto people in the carriage slammed the window, half-opened their mouths and looked at the zombies that were gradually disappearing until they could no longer be seen. They turned their heads and gave a thumbs up: "Brother, you are driving, where did you get your driver's license?"

Ping Hanhai lit a cigarette and exhaled a smoke ring, his eyes were a little blurred: "Forbidden City Driving School, have you heard of it?"


Once upon a time, an author bought a ticket to go home in the early morning of the 13th, so she went to the station in the afternoon of the 13th, and finally stayed up until 11:59 in the evening.

Then she watched helplessly as the date mercilessly changed to the 14th at 0:00.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

That's right, that idiot writer is me.

Sorry for being late.

I planned to update it when I went home after the exam, but I had no choice but to fall ill as soon as I got home, and it took five days before I was discharged from the hospital.

Finally not in the hospital New Years.

I am so hard.

Recently, the virus in Wuhan is a bit serious and it is spreading. Everyone must wear a mask when going out. Don’t go out if you can’t go out. Pay attention to ventilation at home.