MTL - After Rebirth, I Became the Scum Gong’s Uncle’s Destined Omega-Chapter 65

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"Master Su Liang's classification is very special, his level can be said to be the highest level in Omega, and from the current situation, his level may even exceed yours..." The medical officer licked his lips and explained dryly, "High-level suppression plus a very high degree of fit, at present, there is a great possibility that it is because of this reason that the person who developed pheromone dependence does not seem to be Master Su Liang. ."

Here, the medical officer's voice became quieter.

"The one who developed pheromone dependence is you, Lord Snake."

The older Beta has worked in the Snake Cave for many years, and even Lu Taipan can be said to have grown up with him.

In the past, he could always face this indifferent and unapproachable Lord of the Snake Cave with a normal heart. Until today, for the first time, he felt a little bit of difficulty.

After hearing the medical officer's words, the indifferent man's face instantly flashed shock and stiffness, but soon his apparent emotions were suppressed by him again.

"I'm still confused about this result." Lu Taipan said word by word, his eyes were extremely sharp, "I don't think I have pheromone dependence on Xiaoliang. There's bound to be emotional cognitive confusion, but one thing I'm sure of is that, throughout, my feelings for him were natural—"

"Ah, don't worry about that."

The medical officer said quickly.

"Lord Snake, your mental power is at double S level. When you suffered from pheromone disorder before, we have already tested your mental strength. It can be said that there is no one in this world. A hormone or mental means that can cause cognitive confusion or unnatural emotional changes in you. And Alpha's pheromone dependence on Omega is completely different from the traditional pheromone dependence in everyone's cognition on the contrary."

The medical officer pointed at the instrument in front of him as he spoke. The floating screen popped up, and on the translucent screen were the only cases where A had pheromone dependence on O.

"The AO pheromone dependence that we can find is basically under special conditions, the low-level Alpha produces the high-level Omega. It is precisely because of this that we can basically It is definitely the special physique of Young Master Su Liang that caused the current situation."

I entered the professional field, and the nervousness of the medical officer gradually disappeared.

"You don't have an unnatural emotional dependence on Master Su Liang, you just...cough, you will change your pheromone."

After speaking, the medical officer glanced at Lu Taipan unconsciously.

"I don't know if Master Su Liang mentioned this to you, but I checked the medical records during this period and before, and your pheromone composition is completely different from before. Before this, we always thought that pheromone disorder caused this change, but combined with the latest test results, it is clear that this is not a pheromone disorder, but a change made by your body. You will be based on Su Liang Young master instinctively likes and constantly adjusts the breath of pheromones... In other words, you will try your best to use your body to tempt Young Master Su Liang."

When I heard this. Lu Taipan narrowed his eyes.

"Every Alpha does this when it comes to the Omega he likes."

He spoke very calmly and professionally.

“Show your strengths and attract attention…”

The medical officer coughed.

"Cough, this is of course, indeed, every Alpha should show his best side when facing the person he likes, but most people can only change their own Speech and words and deeds, and pheromones are stable most of the time."

Unless, that person suffers from A to O pheromone dependence.

The voice fell, and Lu Taipan fell into a long silence.

The medical officer tried his best to hold his expression, he said as calmly as possible: "The good news is this AO pheromone dependence. In terms of performance, it is far better than the one we know. Much milder and without the side effects of that sickening cognitive distortion. It's more of a courtship technique that evolved naturally under natural selection when Alphas couldn't otherwise keep a stronger mate ."

Of course, most people can’t imagine in their dreams that an Alpha who is already a double S level will one day suffer from this very special disease.

"Sir Snake Lord, next, you should only have some slight emotional changes, for example, um, your jealousy will become more intense than before, and your personality will change. Increased sensitivity, paranoia, and increased need for Omega companionship. Especially considering that your most recent susceptibility period overlapped with this one's pheromone dependence, you may have a little Some hardships. But I believe that you should be able to resist your urges, Lord Snake. After all, your situation was so bad before, but you still performed perfectly."

"Master Su Liang's development needs your pheromone, and your body also needs Master Su Liang to stabilize your emotions. However, considering that you are a powerful Alpha, you have crushed Su Liang in terms of force. Young Master Liang, and Young Master Su Liang is a special Omega that has not yet fully developed... In the next contact between the two of you, I strongly recommend that you continue to wear the bite arrester and strengthen the strength of the restraint device. In other words, the two of you We need to be together as much as possible, but we must not go to the last step."

"You can't mark each other until Master Su Liang matures, absolutely not!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the medical officer completely ignored the dignity of the Lord of the Snake Cave, and said it decisively and severely.

Lu Taipan's frozen expression showed a thin crack.

"I'll be careful."

He said dryly.

"Considering that you have indeed developed pheromone dependence, based on medical regulations, I will notify Master Su Liang directly in the future, and let him be more vigilant about you. Don't worry, if he wants to. , I will also collect his pheromones as raw materials to make a soothing spray for you, which will make you feel a lot better when you can't stand it."

The medical officer said.

"Wait—I, I'll tell him myself."

Lu Taipan took a deep breath, then said carefully with a hint of frustration.

Beta raised his head and fixedly glanced at his snake master. As a medical officer, he has always respected and trusted his own leader. However, for some unknown reason, the medical officer began to worry inexplicably when he thought of the other party's Alpha identity and the various characteristics displayed on the instrument.

"Okay. I'm sure you'll make it clear to the other person. But remember, you can't be impulsive—"

The elder medical officer has been working in the Snake Cave for many years, and occasionally he will unconsciously show Lu Taipan some kind of ramble and worry that is unique to his son and nephew.

In the past, the owner of the snake cave didn't think it was anything, but this time when he left the medical area, he felt the same embarrassment and subtle embarrassment as Su Liang.

Out of the metal door, Lu Taipan let out a sigh of relief.

In the empty corridor, he suddenly stopped, raised his hand, and pressed his lips lightly.

For a period of time, Lu Taipan's marking teeth have been unable to fully retract, and every night's dreams are also full of sweet, hot and wet scenes - which led to the use of the bathroom in his bedroom The frequency goes straight up.

Extremely sensitive emotions, I want to hug the boy, I want to leave my mark on that person.

Before Lu Taipan always thought that it was just because of the susceptible period, at this moment, all the special changes in the body have got a clear answer.

It’s not just the susceptible period, it’s because…

"Pheromone dependent?"

Lu Taipan muttered to himself.

He remembered the cases he saw with the medical officer, in which almost all Alphas would feel ashamed and unacceptable that they should have such a dependence on Omega.

However, when Lu Taipan learned that he was the one with pheromone dependence, he found that his feelings were completely different from those of normal Alphas.

It could even be said that he felt a secret pleasure.

…It was as if he had suddenly received formal permission to be alone with that person.

Of course, this secret and subtle thought only flashed in the back of Lu Taipan's mind.

With a hint of expectation that even Lu Taipan himself had not noticed, the master of the snake cave clicked on the communicator.

Different from what the medical officer was worried about, he had no intention of hiding the news from Su Liang, but when he looked at the name of the person on the communicator, he hesitated again a bit.



He called.

"I'm here, do you have any orders? Master."

"Where is Xiao Liang now?"

Lu Taipan asked.

"This..." The butler who was supposed to give the answer immediately became a little hesitant at this time. "My system has just detected that the medical officer has uploaded your body data. As your artificial intelligence, I sincerely recommend you to take a break and let you know the shock after digesting the shock of this news. Master Su Liang, what do you think?"

Accompanying the housekeeper's nonsense, Lu Taipan's eyes gradually sharpened.

"Set me as Su Liang's cabin coordinates right now."

Lu Taipan ordered coldly.

Deep in the Snake Cave spaceship, in the special medical room for accused persons with monitoring facilities, Su Liang was standing next to the curved treatment cabin, looking fixedly at the man in the cabin.

Lu Zhizhao's whole body was covered with translucent medical gel, and it was almost impossible to see his figure clearly through the treatment cabin. Within that mass of gel, there was only a faint, pale shadow. If it wasn't for the display on the cabin door revealing Lu Zhizhao's identity, Su Liang wouldn't even recognize him.

The medical room was supposed to be quiet, save for the soft humming of the life-sustaining equipment and the treatment cabin. But at this moment, the chatter of a baby-faced poisonous snake beside Su Liang broke the silence.

"I really don't understand." Xue Yinhuan muttered with a dull expression, "You come to see what the unlucky thing is doing. What's so good about him? He can still live after doing such a thing, he has already It's his life."

Xue Yinhuan sneered.

"Will his life be in danger?"

Su Liang asked suddenly.

Xue Yinhuan was startled, then thought about it.

"It's not life-threatening, but our boss was really ruthless at the time. Lu Zhizhao suffered a comminuted fracture. Even if he was sent back to the Lu family's old house for a new biological bone replacement, it would probably be very difficult. It's hard to recover from the previous physical condition. Of course, this kind of skin injury is nothing. When this thing attacked you before, the boss was really furious, and when he beat someone, he directly used his mental power to pierce. This young master The spiritual sea itself is already on the verge of collapse. If you do this again, your mental power is completely collapsed. Even if you send it back for mental power repair, it will be a B-level at most. Hey, I really want to know. That old guy Lu Zhengen accepted it. What will his **** son look like after..."

Xue Yinhuan looked at the human figure in the treatment cabin and pouted, her eyes couldn't contain the disdain.

"But I really don't know why the boss still wants to save his life, according to the law, his attack on you is equivalent to attacking the snake cave personnel, we can completely kill him on the spot, let alone Saying that he, as a high-level Alpha, is directly targeting an Omega that has not yet fully developed and trying to forcibly mark it, superimposing the Alliance Omega Rights Protection Law, this kind of **** will have to be shot at least twice—”

While speaking, Xue Yinhuan suddenly frowned. He turned to look at Su Liang, who was extraordinarily taciturn, and his expression changed.

"Xiao Liang, what's your expression? You'd better tell me this is my illusion, why do I think you seemed relieved when you found out that this thing was still alive? "


Hearing Xue Yinhuan's question, Su Liang came back to her senses and looked stunned.

He was about to explain when a cold voice inserted between the two of them.

"Although I didn't kill him on the spot, I have issued an injunction to Lu Zhengen as the head of the family. Although he will return to the Lu family, in fact, Lu Zhizhao has been completely expelled from the Lu family. , from now on, he will no longer enjoy any Lu family privileges, and at the same time, he will be imprisoned in a special area of ​​the Lu family's main house, and he will not leave for life."

The man with a cold breath came to Su Liang step by step.

He looked down at the man in the treatment cabin indifferently, his expression extremely cold.

"Mr. Si!"

Su Liang opened his eyes slightly, he looked at Lu Taipan who suddenly appeared and called softly.

"He is indeed alive, but from now on, he is no different from a dead man."

Lu Taipan didn't look at Su Liang, just stared at Lu Zhizhao and said calmly.

"Wow, boss?! When did you come? But when you explain this, boss, I feel more comfortable. This disgusting thing should be treated like this!"

Before Su Liang had time to speak, Xue Yinhuan's eyes widened, and she exclaimed in admiration.

Lu Taipan did not express any pleasure to his subordinates.

On the contrary, he glanced at Xue Yinhuan and said lightly: "You still have tasks to complete."

"Me? Mission? No, I should be on vacation today—"

Halfway through the words, Xue Yinhuan's voice suddenly got stuck because of this familiar scene.

Viper opened his task list tremblingly and held his breath painfully as he looked at the task list that was filled silently.

"Boss, if I roll now, can the task list on this be reduced a little."

Xue Yinhuan looked at Lu Taipan and said pitifully.

Lu Taipan didn't answer, just looked at him coldly.

The next second, Xue Yinhuan seemed to notice something from her silent gaze, and quickly left the treatment room with oil on the soles of her feet.

Don't forget to give Su Liang a look before leaving.

It was a look full of "you seek more happiness".

Well, even the dullest Xue Yinhuan could feel that Lu Taipan was wrong at this time, and Su Liang could naturally sense that Lu Taipan was in a bad mood.

"Actually, I just came to make sure that he is still alive, that's all." Su Liang didn't know why he was a little flustered again, he explained in a low voice.

"I know."

Lu Taipan said.

"But the reason why I will save his life is not because I am kind and tolerant," the Lord of the Snake Cave recounted without any emotional ups and downs, "I do this purely because, I think so Lu Zhizhao, living will be more painful than dying."

Before Su Liang spoke, Lu Taipan suddenly smiled faintly.

"Will you feel pity for him?

he asked.

Su Liang did not answer immediately.

The boy carefully looked at the current snake master, and only spoke after a while.

"I really don't want him dead."

Su Liang's eyes dimmed slightly at Lu Taipan, sighed, and then added.

" But I don't want him to die, not because I really have any special feelings for him, in fact, when I stand here, even I am surprised, I don't feel at all .Maybe the indifferent person is not you, but me..."

Su Liang's voice was very crisp and calm.

Although he broke up with Lu Zhizhao decisively in this life, in the last life, he also had a long past with each other.

But looking at him now, Su Liang realizes that she is really calm.

Perhaps it was because Lu Zhizhao's attack on him during the last meeting finally completely shattered his last wisp of feelings for each other.

The person that Su Liang longed for, in any case, could not be a QJ criminal who tried to forcibly mark others.

"I don't want him to die in your hands, because he is still your nephew in name. If he dies, the acting owner-"

"You can call Lu Zhengen by name."

"Well, Lu Zhengen will definitely take the opportunity to attack you, the situation between Snake Cave and the Lu family is already very delicate, and most importantly, I don't want you to do it again because of this kind of thing , caught in the whirlpool of public opinion.”

As Su Liang whispered, the darkness in Lu Taipan's eyes was gradually dissipating.

Hearing the boy's worries at this time, he let out a contemptuous sneer.

"No need to care about that."

"I know, but I will feel bad."

Lu Taipan's breathing stagnated.

“…what a pain in the ass.”

After a short pause, the man replied in a stifled voice.

Su Liang stared at the tall, cold, and powerful Alpha in front of him without blinking, raised his hand gently, and hooked the other's little finger.

"I... I didn't know the real situation of the Snake Cave before, and I didn't know what kind of person you were. When I was still in the Lu family, no, in fact, even at Xingchuan University, in private When it comes to you and the Snake Den, everyone uses bad words. The gossip and the strange legends describe you as a devil, a lunatic, a murderous executioner, or a butcher."

It was a very gentle tone, but annoyance and sadness were entwined in the sentence overflowing from the boy's lips.

"I know you don't care about anyone's gossip, and those people can never really hurt you. But, Mr. Mi, you know, no one wants to hear about yourself... yourself People you like are called devils and lunatics."

The moment the voice fell to the ground, Su Liang felt that his hand was firmly held in the palm of the man's palm.

But at least a few seconds later, Lu Taipan's voice rang in Su Liang's ears.

"So, you are for me."

A tight voice that sounds a little stiff.

"Yes, all I care about is you."

Su Liang immediately said frankly.

Lu Taipan did not speak.

Su Liang was a little nervous, he looked at Lu Taipan carefully.

Intuition tells Su Liang that Lu Taipan is quite satisfied at this time, but the man's handsome face has no expression, as if... still angry?

Su Liang had never encountered such a situation before, so he didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly leaned on Lu Taipan's side again.

Blushing, the teenager scratched Alpha's palm with his fingertips.

"Sir, don't be angry..."

It's a little bit deliberate, even a stiff soft tone.

Even acting like a baby is clumsy.

But Lu Taipan's body suddenly tensed.

—You should follow the medical officer's instructions and wear a bite stopper before seeing each other.

Rare annoyance slipped through my mind.

Once I realized that I was suffering from pheromone dependence, the sweet fragrance from the depths of Su Liang's body seemed to become more attractive and irresistible.

The Lord of the Snake Cave deliberately slowed down his breathing and did not dare to move at all.

But Lu Taipan's painstaking restraint suddenly became another meaning in Su Liang's eyes.

The clumsy and coquettish coquettish she was still trying to support instantly withdrew, Su Liang embarrassedly tried to withdraw his hand from Lu Taipan's palm.

"I know you're so angry because Lu Zhizhao offended me, and I still came to see him, which is really annoying. I'll pay attention to-"

Seeing Su Liang's face gradually darkening, Lu Taipan was shocked, and then blurted out:

"I'm not angry."

He emphasized.

"I have some problems with my body."

The Lord of the Snake Cave lowered his eyes to cover his expression and lowered his voice.

"The medical officer should talk to you about this later, you just need to know that I need you. I need you more than ever."


Su Liang looked at Lu Taipan in shock.

"I might be a little nasty afterwards."

Lu Taipan lowered his head and buried it on the side of Su Liang's neck. He took a deep breath of Su Liang's breath.

"But don't hate me. Xiao Liang, without you, I may be completely crazy and completely collapsed."

Lu Taipan's voice was hoarse.

"I'm going to be horrible."

None of the two hugging people noticed that in the treatment cabin beside them, Lu Zhizhao, who was supposed to be forced into a deep coma under the medicine, trembled under his eyelids.