MTL - After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit My Family Business-Chapter 18 blood bond

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Wu Rong suddenly felt the yin energy that was pressing down on his body leave, and screams of fear sounded from the entrance of the cave, and then three grinning faces, with snot and tears all over their faces, were thrown in front of Wu Rong like a pile of sacks.

These are... Bad Seeds?

Wu Rong recognized what they were wearing, and his eyes sharpened when he saw the guns in the strong man's hands.

When the snipe and the clam fight each other, the fisherman benefits. What is there to understand.

"Don't kill me, don't, don't kill me!"

The cries of begging for mercy are piercing, Chinese is mixed with Hmong, and the spirit has been revived for a hundred years, but the human fear of ghosts is still deeply rooted. These Evil Miao people, who call themselves hunters, never thought that one day, they would cry and beg for mercy like those 'prey' who were hunted.

People who kill people will always kill them.

The big ghost has no emotions, it kills people like crushing a bug, and before Wu Rong could react, the invisible hand turned the heads of the three of them. The headless Qiangzi knelt down on the ground, facing the direction of the mural carving, as if he wanted to make amends to the Miao people who were slaughtered by the evil Miao people. The blood splattered all over the rock wall on the ground, and the flickering Gu species moved like a police light, and there was a blank space where the blood was sprinkled.

While the big ghost in red didn't move, Wu Rong grabbed the Gu seeds back. Like a wanderer returning home, the egg rushed into Wu Rong's body along the wound. Wu Rong whispered the old Miao words taught by the witch, and guided the Gu species all the way to his heart to settle down. Since then, the Gu seed has become his natal Gu, and will stay here to be fed by blood essence and obey Wu Rong's orders.

Wu Rong felt a faint, almost inaudible little heartbeat, nestled next to his heart, and raised his eyebrows strangely and subtly.

This feeling is really a bit strange.

At the same time, Wu Rong could clearly feel the emotions conveyed by the Gu species, intimacy and fear co-existed, the Gu species kept crying, his heart was on the left side of his chest, and it was too close to Wu Rong's left arm where the big ghost was.

‘Afraid, afraid, afraid, afraid! mom! save! help save save! '

Who's the mother? ?

But now Wu Rong has no time to appease the Gu species. The big ghost he just killed came over full of hostility, and a ball of cold air directly wrapped Wu Rong, not the pure cold when he first appeared, full of violent killing intent, Like a desperate and violent beast, full of madness. At the same time, the extremely cold breath touched Wu Rong's left chest.

The Gu species didn't dare to cry immediately, trembling and carefully moved from the left atrium to the right ventricle, as far away from the left side as possible, and then immediately stopped moving as if he was in suspended animation, pretending that he didn't exist. The air-conditioning still hovered over Wu Rong's heart suspiciously and aggressively looking for traces of the Gu species. The air-conditioning was as sharp as a knife, and Wu Rong had no doubt that it could easily tear open his chest and dig out his heart.


Wu Rong patted the cloud of air-conditioning, but his wrist was 'grabbed'. To some extent, he successfully diverted the big ghost's attention. The air-conditioning caressed the wound on the wrist, because the wound burst when he struggled just now, and bleeding came out again.

Like a tyrant who cannot resist, the air-conditioning slowly licked away Wu Rong's blood. The dark red ghost pattern on the left arm gradually turned dark red, and the originally blurred outline became clear.

This ghost took the initiative to form a blood contract with Wu Rong.

There are many kinds of contracts for ghost raisers, such as master and servant, worshippers, and partners, and blood contracts are undoubtedly the most primitive and brutal among them. Most of them are the first batch of ghost raisers who mistakenly hit and regained ghosts in the early stage of spiritual recovery. People figured it out. Only evil ghosts who are full of resentment and malice, without any reason, and driven entirely by instinct, will make blood contracts with people.

Feeding evil spirits with blood is extremely easy to backfire. In today's modern society that advocates scientific ghost raising, ghost raisers who sign blood contracts are undoubtedly labeled as high-risk.

It's just that signing the contract now is a kind of guarantee for Wu Rong. Up to now, Wu Rong is still not sure about the origin of this ghost. The scene of crushing the thunder and lightning in the Qingwuya battlefield gave him a long-lasting shock that he will never forget. Such a powerful ghost, Wu Rong, is hard to resist, not to mention the blood contract, even if it directly hugs itself as a drink, Wu Rong has no strength to fight back.

No matter what the contract is, at least it can give people a buffer period.

The big ghost was still licking blood, and the cold air made Wu Rong's wrists itch. With the signing of the blood contract, its figure gradually appeared before Wu Rong's eyes. Wu Rong still remembered the astonishment of seeing the big ghost in red with black hair and covered in blood that day. But the big ghost now has only a vague outline, and its body is translucent, as if it will disappear at any time. Just like the fog in the sun, it is fragile and thin, and it will dissipate when the wind blows.

Wu Rong shook his head to dispel the thoughts in his mind.

If you were really weak, how could you kill the three bad seedlings with one move?

"Can you understand me?"

Wu Rong tried to communicate with him: "Don't drink too much blood, I will die."

The big ghost didn't react at all, it was extremely indifferent. Wu Rong tried several times, but finally gave up on communicating, accepting her fate to be pressed by a ghost and licking her blood, while not forgetting to observe. The big ghost's appearance was a mess, and the scars all over his body could not be seen clearly. His existence was indeed very weak, if Wu Rong hadn't signed a blood contract with him, he would have felt a chill.

Looking carefully, Wu Rong frowned. The big ghost's eyes were closed tightly, and thin lines of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes and flowed across his pale cheeks. His lips are beautiful, pale and indifferent, but they are sewn up with gold thread and soaked in blood, so you can't find it unless you look carefully. At the same time, his ears were also pierced with gold needles. Before he died, he must have lost all five senses, and he had suffered so much torture before he died.

It may indeed not be able to hear itself speak.

Even so, Wu Rong still felt beautiful. He usually has no feeling for what ordinary people call good-looking. In his eyes, people in the world are the same regardless of beauty or ugliness. The only people who make Wu Rong feel different are Fu Qing and Da Gui.

Fu Qing is that kind of stern and elegant good-looking, like a snow lotus growing on an ancient ice peak, indifferent and aloof, like a white crane that is difficult to get close to, born with the appearance of being a leader. But the beauty of the big ghost is extremely aggressive, thick and colorful, aggressive, like a ball of red blood that burns wantonly, it will never be extinguished.

The two are completely different, but equally thrilling.

Unconsciously, Wu Rong's heart beat faster and faster, no, it wasn't him, it was the Gu species that trembled more and more, it was too frightened, the trembling trembled in Wu Rong's heart, and even Wu Rong's heart beat faster. The accelerated heartbeat made Wu Rong feel weak due to excessive blood loss. He bled so much to wake up the Gu seeds, ordinary people should have fainted by now, and immediately formed a blood contract with the big ghost.

The dizziness from blood loss made Wu Rong's nerves unknowingly relaxed, and he fell into a drowsy state. The crisis vigilance brought by the big ghost in a trance was gradually replaced by another more instinctive and primitive desire.

This ghost is really fragrant.

Wu Rong discovered very early on that she had a weird hunger that could be caused by ghosts. From seeing ghost boys for the first time, to those lonely wild ghosts in the mountains of Miaojiang, and the ghosts cultivated by evil seedlings.

But he had never seen such a pure and delicious ingredient like a big ghost. If those ghosts are rotten chicken wings and sour ribs, then the big ghost is like a properly stewed Buddha Jumping Wall.

It's all my ghost.

I'll just eat a little and not overdo it.

Wu Rong lost his mind and analyzed.

Anyway, I have raised them, so I will try it.

The big ghost pressed too tightly, and the air-conditioned ghost covered his head and face, an unbearable temptation. Wu Rong grinded his teeth hard, felt dizzy, and was finally driven by hunger, so he gnawed tentatively.

Not counting ghost boys and ghost mosquitoes, this was the first time he ate ghosts on his own initiative. I have no experience, like a child who has just teethed, struggling for a long time to gnaw down a single hair. But just this little crumb instantly dissipated Wu Rong's emptiness and hunger that could not be filled no matter how much he ate. Not only full, but also a little overwhelmed. At the same time, there is a never-ending greedy desire in the depths of his soul.

It was as if there was a voice tempting and urging in my ear.

Eat, and eat more.

If you eat it, you will have unprecedented power, invincible, and then...

Before the voice could continue to seduce, Wu Rong was awakened by a piercing pain.

The Gu species was so frightened that tears were about to fall, it was still an egg, just an unborn child, unable to bear the oppression of the big ghost, struggling to remind Wu Rong desperately through the contract.

Recovering the Gu species is not the end, he still has to choose a slave Gu. Cong Gu can be driven by Wu Rong before the Gu seed hatches, and it can also form a wonderful symbiotic relationship with the Gu seed, so that the Gu seed can grow and hatch healthily.

In the past, the ancestor of the witch clan had a Gu species and four subordinate Gu, each with different uses, and all had the strength of a Gu king. If Wu Rong wanted to choose, he would also choose from the offspring of the four primitive slave Gu.

The big ghost disappeared at some point and returned to Wu Rong's left arm. He picked up the knife that had fallen on the ground, and walked around the side of the road where the bad seedlings were coming. These four primordial subordinate Gu are White Jade Toad, Double Hooked Golden Scorpion, Black Rock Tarantula and Peach Blossom Gecko. It stands to reason that after recovering the Gu species, these subordinate Gus would be inspired to appear in front of him, but Wu Rong walked back and forth in the cave twice, but he didn't see any Gu insects.

boom! bang bang bang!

The cave trembled, and the Qingling Gu guarding the entrance of the cave violently tapped the rock with its snake tail to urge it. The time is running out, the exit will open when the first **** crow sounds, Wu Rong must leave in time, otherwise he will have to wait for the next sacrifice.

The green spirit Gu was so powerful that it crashed into the broken rocks on the ceiling of the cave, and Wu Rong was in the Huaxiang Corridor. He wanted to take in an aggressive scorpion Gu or spider Gu. Seeing the gravel falling like hail, he clung to the rock wall to avoid it. At this moment, a strand dangled from the ceiling of the cave, and fell in front of Wu Rong's face with great effort.


The little spider, struggling to escape from its cocoon, patted its forelimbs affectionately and greeted Wu Rong.

Wu Rong has never seen such a small spider, not much bigger than a sesame seed, it seems that it has just hatched, the shell is still translucent, and the eyes are round and bright, as if a few dots have been dotted with an ink pen. It's just Wu Rong's breath that blows it around, like it's on a swing.


The little spider jumped up a section, like something in a cave trying to hook it back in a hurry. But the speed at which it hooked the silk was not as fast as the little spider's desperately releasing the silk, and it returned to Wu Rong's face.


Forget it, let it be.

Seeing that the cave was shaking more and more violently, Wu Rong bit her finger and stretched it out in front of the little spider. The drops of blood were even bigger than it, and the little spider's belly was round after drinking, and a little childish thought of joy spread to the bottom of Wu Rong's heart.

It, it wants to live in clay pots with patterns, the kind that are lined with hay!


Wu Rong agreed, the little spider was so happy that it spun silk, and it hid itself between Wu Rong's nails without a teacher, and fixed itself with the silk. Under the increasingly violent impact of the green spirit Gu, Wu Rong left Lao Miao Cave, and was brought back to reality by the green spirit Gu.

"They're out!"

After guarding the fire pond all night, everyone in the village looked tired, but when Wu Rong returned, all the tiredness was washed away by joy!

"Wu Rong recovered the Gu seed, he succeeded!"

The sky is not yet clear, the fire pit is still burning, and there is an atmosphere of joy everywhere. The melodious singing sounded, like a lark fluttering its wings and taking off. Gu seeds are hope for the village, a pious belief derived from the blood, and it is unparalleled good news for a village that is besieged by evil seedlings and is on the verge of extinction!

Ai Qiao brought him blood-enriching herbs with a smile on his face, and many young Miao men and women danced and saluted Wu Rong from the bottom of their hearts. Old Zhai laughed loudly, smoking a pipe with joy on his face, his eyes almost narrowed when he laughed. With the help of Bai Gu, the witch walked to Wu Rong's side and looked at it carefully.

"It's still a boy."

The witch's tone was as usual, but her frown was relaxed.

"If I become a girl, Cui Cui will have to tear my old woman apart."

"A Rong has the blood of the Wu family, so he must be auspicious."

Zhai Lao laughed and joked: "Are you right, Bai Gu, Wu Rong is not auspicious."

"Bai Gu? Why don't you speak?"

Bai Gu stared at Wu Rong's back, his pupils trembling.

Did he read it wrong.

Why would there be fifty tattered, cowering ghosts with strange and miserable deaths following behind Wu Rong!

The author has something to say: Bai Gu: I underestimated, Wu Rong is so terrifying!

Wu Rong: It's really fragrant, ah, it's really fragrant